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Diana Pintos González

Subject: Inglés
Teacher: Aranzazu Otero Álvarez
Criminology and Psychology
Universidad Europea de Madrid 22/2
My choice of choosing this double degree as part of my life comes from always. I have to say
that my frustrated dream will forever be capable of getting a degree in medicine and specializing
in forensic medicine. But as the grades of bachelor's did not let me enter I started to think about
what was going on with my future. So I decided to carry on my plan b, this double degree,
Criminology and Psychology. I love the idea of studying both degrees at the same time, but if
they tell me to choose I would prefer the side of Criminology. Teachers teach us the part of
Psychology as if we are going to be a clinical psychologist and the part of Criminology also in a
different way, although they could be related. I like the subjects in which they involve both sides
of the degree, like in “Taller de Criminalística I” that the teacher showed as different real cases
which have been solved using the criminal profiling. I would like to study a master in criminal
profiling to later oppose for the position of inspector in the police.

Criminology plays a fundamental role in today’s world, since it studies all components of
society, such as family, religion and economy, which makes society understand, controlling and
reducing crime and discovering and analyzing its causes. Psychology encourages, through
therapies and treatments, that human beings know themselves and live responsibly with other
people and build a more empathetic and responsible society. Both, at the same time, helps
inspectors and people who are involucrated in resolving crimes, to prevent the murderers from
killing again.

One of the advantages that can be found in this work is the fact of being able to help society put
in jail people who commit crimes causing harmful harm to other people, such as murderers or
rapists. Also the possibility of studying the relationship of the crime with the intelligence of the
subject and studying his movements could lead us to find him before committing another crime.
Another advantage is that the offender can be helped to reintegrate into society, as a new person
who has learned from his mistakes and has complied with the time with which he has been
sentenced, all this if he does not have any problems in his period in jail.

One of the disadvantages of dedicating yourself to this is that it is very difficult to get a job due
to all the competitiveness that exists in the positions due to the few positions that are offered,
although it also depends on the experience that has been obtained in this area because it is very
difficult. opt for a great position without any experience, for that they recommend volunteering.
Another of the disadvantages that arise is the fact of not being decisive and being able to work as
a team. If you are not able to pay attention to all the details and be a very observant person, you
also have a very low chance of getting the job.

Dedicating yourself to both branches at the same time can be quite stressful and can be hard to
deal with. I think you have to have a very strong personality and keep your composure in many
situations that can be difficult to face. For example, in the case where you have to interview
someone who has mistreated someone or who has sexually abused someone, it can be difficult in
the case where you can relate. In another case in which you have to talk to a serial killer who has
murdered many people and is a psychopath, the fact of seeing how he tells it does not affect him
at all and he is not at all sorry because it can be hard to see especially the first few times. That is
why I believe that for this job you have to have a lot of vocation and know what we are facing
before exercising.

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