Establishing Guidelines Governing Anti-Terrorism Policies and Actions (For October 19.)

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FORUM: International law and terrorism QUESTION OF: Establishing guidelines governing anti-terrorism policies and actions SUBMITTED

BY: Germany Taking note that terrorism has taken on an ever more global dimension and governments are confronted with new challenges in their effort to contain it. Noting with concern that the aggressive use of modern technology for information management, communication and intelligence has increased the efficiency of terrorist groups. Weapons technology has become increasingly available, and the purchasing power of terrorist organizations is on the rise. Deeply disturbed by the fact that even nuclear weapons are increasingly available also to terrorist groups due to unstable governments and increased nuclear proliferation. Noting with deep concern that in particular religious extremism and nationalism are core issues that foster terrorist activities. Taking into account that there is so far no clear definition of the term terrorism and that the term has been used and abused to justify actions that would otherwise violate national and international law. Member states need to agree upon a clear definition of the term in order to avoid abuse by governments. Requesting that all member countries agree to the definition of terrorism as is defined by United States Law Code (from U.S. Code Title 22, Ch.38, Para. 2656f(d)) as premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.
1. 2.

Encourages every government to cooperate internationally to contain terrorism.

Calls upon every country in their effort to contain terrorism and to persecute terrorists to: a. uphold national laws within their own country, b. not infringe upon other countries sovereignty by becoming unilaterally active across its own borders, c. not host terrorists in their own country, d. not support terrorist activities or groups via monetary or military aid anywhere in the world; 3. Requests all Member States to form a Committee on International Terrorism in order to: a. ensure compliance with international law and international human rights, b. provide an international database to ease persecution of terrorists with access to all member states, c. provide a forum to share information of terrorist activities and the effectiveness of anti-terrorism measures, d. monitor policies that may potentially violate civil rights of citizens as a result from anti-terrorism policies, e. unilaterally impose sanctions by the member states against governments that support terrorist activities in any fashion,


build a supra-national and specialized anti terrorism force, that member states can ask for support, to: i. provide greater security for the state and the individual, ii. efficiently persecute terrorist groups on an international level with more transparency;


Encourages member countries to support international media transparency by: f. respecting the freedom of press, g. fighting misuse of media through terrorist groups using press, h. monitoring terrorist internet websites; Decides to stay actively seized on the matter.


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