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The generational strife

A reaction paper regarding the Hamas-Israeli war

A history of blood shed and hatred. Marked by decades and if not, centuries
of tension and violence over the dispute of the land that both nations claim as their
own, the Israeli-Palestine conflict has become of the most complex struggle to attain
peace in history. This continues strife among both nations has affected countless
lives, generation by generation.

Just recently, the war against Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, launched
an assault against Israel from Gaza, killing at least 1,200 people taking about 240
hostages. On the other hand, Israel responded with an air strike. 17,100 people were
killed in Gaza, as a result of the defense of Israel. Blood and flesh have become the
consequence, and yet, negotiation for peace was declined by Hamas and continued
to act victim to their own act, troubling world leaders to understand that the dispute
between Israel and Palestine will require a solution that is as complex as its
disputes. The issue to subside this history-long conflict has become a burden not
only for the participating nations but also for the whole world.

The issue and war circulating around the two nations have paved way for the
realization that, one cannot simply end a dispute that is engraved in the roots of both
culture and belief. Long term solutions will require repentance and acceptance as
deep as those roots, historically imprinted among individuals of both nations. Hence,
peace, as I’ve come to though cannot be achieved on mere talk and negations. As
complex as it is, its solution will go the same.

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