Apotheosis Elemental Explorers Expansion

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Designed by Ian Tassin and Russell Carr

Written by Russell Carr
Editing by Ian Tassin, Russell Carr, and Jordan Utecht
Illustrations by LadyEagleArt, Dean Spencer, Jessica Tomlin, Pawel Parol, Daniel F. Walthall,
Daniel Comerci – danielcomerci.com
Some artwork © Pawel Parol Stock Art, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Book design by Ian Tassin
Playtested by Caleb Lindsay, Aidan Bean, Emmanuel Mercado, and other members of the
Apotheosis community!

Copyright © 2023 by Ian Tassin

All rights reserved. No text from this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without
written permission of the copyright owner except for the purpose of review.
For more information, email us at inquiries@apotheosisrpg.com





Thank You
Thank you for your interest in Apotheosis and for supporting its continued development! It’s
wonderful to see people playing and enjoying the game and it’s our sincere hope that the content of this
book can help to expand your adventures and create new and exciting moments in your campaigns!

Using This Book

This book is a content expansion for the Apothosis tabletop roleplaying game. This book does not
contain the core rules for gameplay which can all be found in the Apotheosis core rulebook. Instead this
book contains the following:
• 4 new playable species
• 10 new backgrounds
• 36 new abilities
• 21 new weapons
• 6 new armor sets
• 22 new spells
• 20 new magic items
• 16 new creatures
• and 4 new optional rules
All of which are ready to be integrated into your Apotheosis games!




Celestial 1 Common Magic Items and Properties 24

Planetouched 3 Uncommon Magic Items and Properties 26

Behemoth 5 Rare Magic Items and Properties 27

Goblin 6 CREATURES 28

Additional Backgrounds 7 Challenge 2 30

Strength Abilities 9 Challenge 3 31

Dexterity Abilities 10 Challenge 4 32

Constitution Abilities 11 Challenge 5 33

Intelligence Abilities 12 Challenge 6 34

Charisma Abilities 13 Challenge 7 35


Melee Weapons 14 Large Size Class Items 36

Ranged Weapons 16 OPTIONAL RULES 37

Armor 17 Armored Sleep 37

SPELLS 18 Deaths Door 37

0-Cost Spells 18 Reserving Abilities 37

1-Cost Spells 19 Realistic Aging 37

2-Cost Spells 20

3-Cost Spells 21

4-Cost Spells 22

5-Cost Spells 23

6-Cost Spells 23


Celestials are the result of either a human having offspring given to them from a divine entity, or
rarely, a human soul being infused with divine energy before they are born. These creatures are
somewhat related to bijou, however are exclusive to humans and not as fey-like. Celestials may or may
not be born with the knowledge of which entity infused them, and many tend to devote their lives to
uncovering their divine origins, or serving their deity. Celestials are mostly welcomed into more
intelligent societies as they see them as a key to get closer to the gods, while less intelligent societies
tend to shun and hunt celestials, as they don't understand what they are, or are threatened by them.
Celestials look like humans, but have monochrome features, with their eyes, hair, and skin generally all
being the same color.

As a celestial you will gain

the following initial attribute

Strength 1
Dexterity 0
Constitution 1
Intelligence 1
Charisma 1

There are 2 types of celestials, t

differentiated by the type of divine gle
energy they were given. Their unique dy
characteristics are as follows:
• Risen Celestial: +1 to Intelligence
Divine Blessing: As a major action, a risen celestial can expend 10 EP to turn their eyes pure
white, and grow large, spectral wings from their back for 1 minute. During this time, their
jump height and distance are doubled, they gain 5 feet to their unencumbered movement speed,
they have resistance to fall damage, and, when falling, they can move up to 1 foot horizontally
for every foot they fall vertically.
After this effect ends, they must make a Constitution saving throw of DC 1D20 + 10, or suffer
a level of Exhaustion. This trait cannot be used if the risen celestial’s level of Exhaustion is
above 0.
Angelic Protection: Risen celestials have resistance to psychic damage.

Healing Grasp: As a major action, a risen celestial can suffer a level of Exhaustion while
touching a creature to quickly and painlessly heal them of 1D4 wound damage.
Alignment: Risen celestials are mostly of a good alignment.

• Fallen Celestial: +1 to Charisma

Divine Curse: As a major action, a fallen celestial can expend 10 EP to turn their eyes pure
black, and grow large, spectral, spider-like appendages from their back for 1 minute. During
this time, they gain a climbing speed of 15 feet on any non-magical surface, and their Defense
increases by 2.
After this effect ends, they must make a Constitution saving throw of DC 1D20 + 10, or suffer
a level of Exhaustion. This trait cannot be used if the fallen celestial’s level of Exhaustion is
above 0.
Dark Protection: Fallen celestials have resistance to necrotic damage.
Necrotic Grasp: As a major action, a fallen celestial can attempt an unarmed strike against a
creature. On a true strike, the attack deals 1D8 + half their Strength necrotic damage to the
target. The fallen celestial then regains EP equal to the damage dealt by this attack, before
suffering a level of Exhaustion.
Alignment: Fallen celestials are mostly of a neutral or evil alignment.

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Celestials are fully mature at the age of 20, and tend to live for 100s or sometimes
1000s of years.

• Size: Celestials are generally between 6 and 7 feet tall, although there are outliers. Their size
class is Medium.

• Speed: Celestials generally have an unencumbered movement speed of 30 feet.

• Resting: Celestials need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Divine Knowledge: Celestials have expertise in Religion checks.

• Celestial Bravery: Celestials have a +3 bonus to any saving throw that would cause them to
feel fear.

• Language: Celestials can learn the written form of Pure-Runic without meeting the
Intelligence requirement for the language.

Planetouched are the result of a creatures soul being infused with
magic from one of the elemental planes before they are born. They are
generally born from elven mothers, however some humans with innate
elemental abilities have also birthed a planetouched. The way these
creature look and behave can vary, but usually have the features
of the species of their mothers, with a few key
exceptions, such as fiery red eyes, or a blueish tint
to their skin. This species is mostly accepted and
welcomed into and within human and elven
societies, but are otherwise shunned in other
cultures for having innately chaotic
elemental power.

As a planetouched you will gain

the following initial attribute

Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 2
Intelligence 1
Charisma 0

Planetouched generally contain one of four elements: Earth, Fire, Ice, or Wind. Despite
the same name, these creatures can be very different from one another. Their unique
characteristics are as follows:
• Earthtouched: +1 to Strength, +1 to Constitution
Stone Skin: Earthtouched have a +2 to their Defense while unarmored.
Rock Climber: Earthtouched are unaffected by difficult terrain made of earth and rock, such as
Earth-born: Earthtouched have resistance to poison damage.
Resting: Earthtouched need 6 hours of sleep on the ground to gain the benefits of a completed

• Firetouched: +1 to Dexterity, +1 to Intelligence.
Thermal Sight: Due to their innate bond with fire, firetouched are able to see the heat
radiating off of everything within 20 feet of them, even in darkness.
Ember: Firetouched are able to produce a small flame from their hand at will.
Born of Fire: Firetouched have resistance to fire damage.
Resting: Firetouched need 6 hours of sleep in a warm environment or 12 hours in a cold
environment to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Icetouched: +1 to Charisma, +1 to Intelligence.

Cold Touch: Icetouched can freeze up to 2 cubic feet of water around a point they touch at
Ice Walker: Icetouched are unaffected by difficult terrain made of ice or snow.
Born of Frost: Icetouched have resistance to cold damage.
Resting: Icetouched need 6 hours of sleep in a cold environment or 12 hours in a warm
environment to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Windtouched: +2 to Dexterity.
Internal Vortex: Windtouched never need to breathe. They can renew the oxygen in their
lungs at will.
Hover: Windtouched are able to hover up to 1 foot above the ground at will and can do so
while walking or running. They also have resistance to fall damage and don’t take any damage
from falling 20 feet or less.
Air-born: Windtouched have resistance to lightning damage.
Resting: Windtouched need 6 hours of sleep in a non-confined or restrained place to gain the
benefits of a long rest.

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Planetouched reach adulthood around 16 years old, and can live anywhere from 60 to
150 years, with icetouched and earthtouched generally being longer lived.

• Alignment: The planetouched, like the elemental powers they are imbued with tend to be very

• Size: Planetouched are generally around 5 feet tall, however their weight can vary
significantly; between 80 to 300 pounds, depending on their element. Their size class is

• Speed: Planetouched unencumbered movement speed is 30 feet.

• Language: Planetouched know the written and spoken forms of Lithic.

Behemoths are giant-like, humanoid creatures. They’re generally found either ruling over orc tribes
or in their own behemoth communities. Behemoth communities are mostly located in the mountains, as
they are well-suited to endure the harsh conditions. Behemoths have been know to
construct incredible towns and cities that extenuate the
beauties of the worlds peaks. Behemoth tribes are usually
isolationist on account of their inaccessible locations and
the territorial and aggressive nature of their populace.
Behemoths skin color tends to be similar to an
orcs when a behemoth is young, changing to a
more grayish-blue pigment as they age.

As a behemoth you will gain

the following initial attribute

Strength 3
Dexterity 0
Constitution 3
Intelligence 0

Charisma -1

You also gain the following species traits:
• Aging: Behemoths are fully grown around the age of 15, and can live up to a century naturally,
if they aren’t killed in battle beforehand.

• Alignment: Behemoths are warlike and aggressive in nature. They tend towards evil
alignments, although this is far from universal.

• Size: Behemoths are normally between 8 and 11 feet tall, although some can be taller. Their
size class is generally Large.

• Resting: Behemoths need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Disproportionate: Due to their relatively short legs and long arms compared to the size of
their bodies, behemoths only have an unencumbered movement speed of 25 feet.

• Powerful Physique: Behemoths can wield two-handed melee weapons with one hand, but the
weapon’s damage dice is reduced by 1 size or by 1 die in the case of some D4 based weapons
(minimum 1D4) and they only add half their Strength instead of their full Strength to damage
from a weapon being used this way.

• Natural Mountaineer: Behemoths have +3 on saves to resist the effects of asphyxiation. They
also have +3 bonus on checks made to climb.

• Language: Behemoths can learn the spoken/signed form of Leviathanian without it counting
against their number of known languages.

Goblins are distantly related to orcs and look very similar to orc children. Goblins are often enslaved
by other species, however free goblins have formed their own communities. Goblin tribes can be found
commonly in forests and caves outside of city districts and walls, usually with ambush points on
roadways leading towards the city. Goblin societies are often loosely organized and crime-ridden.
Goblins are usually hated by other species, being associated with crime. They are often exiled, jailed,
even outright killed. Unlike their distant orc cousins, goblins are very clever, and naturally excel at
stealth and thievery.

As a goblin you will gain the

following initial attribute

Strength 0
Dexterity 2
Constitution 1
Intelligence 1
Charisma 1

Pawel Parol

You also gain the following species traits:

• Aging: Goblins fully mature around 12 years of age, and typically live to about 60 to 70 years.

• Alignment: Goblins tend to lean towards neutral and evil alignments.

• Size: Goblins are generally around 3 to 3.5 feet tall. Their size class is Small.

• Resting: Goblins need 8 hours of sleep to gain the benefits of a completed rest.

• Natural Thieves: Goblins gain expertise in either Stealth or Sleight of Hand checks.

• Inherent Fury: Once per completed rest, whenever a goblin lands a critically true strike, they
can add an additional 1D4 to the wound damage dealt.

• Cowardly: Goblins have a -3 to Intimidation and to rolls against being intimidated.

• Escape Artists: Goblins can Retreat using a minor action once per completed rest and have +3
to checks and saves to resist or escape a grapple.

• Language: Goblins know the written and spoken forms of Orcish.

Once you choose from these backgrounds, you can either move on to select your alignment, stats,
and abilities or you can head to the Economic and Equipment section on page 57 of the Apotheosis core
rulebook to choose your starting gear using the money you’re given in your background.
blacksmith Lawbearer
You've spent a number of months, if not years You've spent some time either as a city guard,
practicing metallurgy. You may have specialized lawyer, judge, or politician. Regardless, you have
in the craftsmanship of a particular type of object some experience and knowledge of how law and
or been a generalist in the arts. government work.
• With the Blacksmith background, you have • With the Lawbearer background, you have a
a +1 to your Strength, +1 to your +2 to Charisma, and +1 to your choice of
Constitution, and +1 to your Intelligence. either Intelligence or Strength.
• You start with 14 gold worth of money and • You start with 20 gold worth of money and
equipment. equipment.
• You know 1 language (written and spoken) • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
of your choice. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in Comprehension • You also have expertise in any 2 of the
checks, and either Endurance checks or 1 following: Investigation, Insight, Persuasion
melee weapon category of your choice. or Intimidation checks.

drifter mariner
You’ve chosen to flee from your place of You've spent some time either working out at
origin for one reason or another, unsure of where sea or in the dockyard, gaining experience from
to go next, not staying in one place for too long. others as you went.
• With the Drifter background, you have a +1 • With the Mariner background, you have a +1
to Dexterity, +1 to Constitution, and +1 to to Strength, +1 to Constitution, and +1 to your
your choice of Strength or Intelligence. choice of Dexterity or Intelligence.
• You start with 10 gold worth of money and • You start with 12 gold worth of money and
equipment. equipment.
• You know 2 languages (written and spoken) • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
and 1 language (spoken) of your choice. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in Stealth and 2 • You also have expertise in Athletics and
Constitution checks of your choice. Awareness checks.

entertainer refugee
You've spent time entertaining audiences, You've managed to escape persecution in your
whether it be through sleight of hand tricks or homeland. You’ve faced many difficulties in the
glorious combat, you have a way with people. process and may now hold some deep seated
• With the Entertainer background, you have grudge against whatever forced you to flee,
a +2 to Charisma, and +1 to your choice of whether it be invasion from an enemy nation, a
either Strength or Dexterity. person of high authority/power, or the emergence
• You start with 18 gold worth of money and of some new political force.
equipment. • With the Refugee background, you have a +1
• You know 2 languages (written and spoken) to Constitution, +1 to Intelligence, and +1 to
of your choice. Charisma.
• You also have expertise in any 2 of the • You start with 8 gold worth of money and
following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Reflex, equipment.
Deception, Distraction, or Sleight of Hand • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
checks. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in Insight and 1
other Charisma check of your choice.

Devoted backgrounds (optional Rule)
If you were extremely devoted to a particular path you may be able to select a devoted background
with the approval of the GM. These backgrounds indicate that your character was so consumed by their
occupation that they shirked other responsibilities to pursue their goals with single minded focus.
Note: using a devoted background can result in a character who is not well-rounded. It is advised
that you do not use devoted backgrounds if you are a new player.

Devoted blacksmith Devoted lawbearer

You've spent most of your life dedicated to You've spent a lot of time as an important
the art of blacksmithing, and have even dabbled governmental figure, maybe a diplomat or
in some leather and wood working. powerful politician, and you are an expert of the
• With the Devoted Blacksmith background, ins and outs of the law.
you have a +2 to your Strength, +1 to your • With the Devoted Lawbearer background,
Constitution, +1 to your Intelligence, and -1 you have +1 to Strength, +1 to Intelligence, +2
to your Charisma. to Charisma, and -1 to Dexterity.
• You start with 15 gold worth of money and • You start with 22 gold worth of money and
equipment. equipment.
• You know 1 language (written and spoken) • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
of your choice. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in Comprehension • You also have expertise in any 2 of the
checks, and either Endurance checks or 1 following: History, Investigation, Deception,
melee weapon category of your choice. Insight, Persuasion, or Intimidation checks.

Devoted entertainer Devoted mariner

You’ve entertained people for as long as you You’ve spent many years out on the high seas
can remember. Maybe you fight to the death in a at the expense of your health. Perhaps you were a
colosseum, perform dangerous stunts, or trick captain of a mighty vessel, a valuable crewmate,
crowds of people with your talents. or even a smuggler.
• With the Devoted Entertainer background, • With the Devoted Mariner background, you
you have a +2 in Charisma, +1 to your have +1 to Strength, +1 to Dexterity, +1 to
Strength, +1 to your Dexterity, and -1 to your Intelligence, +1 to either Constitution or
choice of either Constitution or Intelligence. Charisma, and -1 to the other.
• You start with 20 gold worth of money and • You start with 14 gold worth of money and
equipment. equipment.
• You know 2 languages (written and spoken) • You know 2 languages (written and spoken)
of your choice. of your choice.
• You also have expertise in any 2 of the • You also have expertise in Athletics and
following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Reflex, Awareness checks.
Deception, Distraction, or Sleight of Hand

_________STRENGTH ABILITIES_________
Lunge brace
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4) (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5)
Once per turn, when you make a melee Once per minute, as a reaction, you can
attack, you can lunge forwards, giving you an brace yourself for the next incoming attack.
extra 5 feet of reach to the attack. The next time a true strike is made against you
Using this ability leaves you vulnerable, before the start of your next turn, the damage
however, giving you -3 to your Defense until is reduced by an amount equal to your
the start of your next turn. Strength.

Playing Dumb brawn before brains

(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 4 and an (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5)
Intelligence of at least 2) Once per completed rest, if you fail an
Three times per completed rest, when you Intelligence or Charisma saving throw, you
make a Deception or Persuasion check, you can re-roll, and instead add your Strength, as
can subtract half your Intelligence from a you fill your head with anger and rage to resist
target’s save or opposed check, as you play the the effects.
part of a musclebound simpleton to gain
sympathy, fain ignorance, or otherwise lead heavy weapon master
the conversation in a favorable direction. (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 7)
Once per completed rest, when you make
cleaving strike a true strike using a weapon with the Heavy
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5) property, you can multiply the damage roll by
Once per minute, when you wound a 1.5.
creature with a melee attack, you can make a
second melee attack roll against another Stunning Strike
creature within your reach as a minor action. (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 7)
Once per minute, when you land a true
wrestler strike using a melee weapon that does
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5) bludgeoning damage, you can force the target
Once per minute, when you have a creature to make a Constitution saving throw
creature grappled, you can make an attack roll of DC 1D20 + half your Strength. On a
to slam them against a surface as a major failure, it takes 1 unavoidable wound damage
action, dealing 1D6 bludgeoning damage on a and has its Dexterity reduced by 3 for 1 round.
true strike. This attack counts as an unarmed Additionally, if the creature fails the
strike. saving throw by 6 or more, they are dazed for
Additionally, every round the creature is 1 round.
grappled, they must succeed a DC 14
Endurance check, or lose 1D4 EP, as they are finisher
strained from being pinned by you. (Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 8 and the
Wrestler ability)
Charging Slam If you’ve had a creature of your size class
(Prerequisites: a Strength of at least 5) or smaller grappled for 3 or more rounds, you
Once per minute, when you make a true can attempt to execute them with an unarmed
strike against a creature while charging, you strike as a major action.
can attempt to Shove or Trip them as a minor
action. Additionally, when you successfully
Shove or Trip a creature using this method,
they take an additional 1D4 bludgeoning


_________DEXTERITY ABILITIES_________
know your Landing crossbow combatant
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
expertise in Acrobatics checks) Whenever you attack with a one-handed
Whenever you take fall damage, as a weapon, you can expend 2 EP to attack with a
reaction, you can make an Acrobatics check one-handed crossbow as a minor action.
with the DC equal to the amount of feet you
fell. If you succeed, you instead take no
Reflexive Striker
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5 and
expertise in Reflex checks)
lock breaker Once per minute, when you make a true
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 4 and strike against a creature with a weapon attack,
expertise in Comprehension checks) you can add a +3 bonus to your Defense until
You have a +3 bonus to Comprehension the start of your next turn.
checks made to pick a lock. Additionally,
twice per completed rest, if you fail an ability
check in this way, you can re-roll it without steady Shot
increasing the DC of the check or suffering (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5)
other negative consequences for the first Once per minute, when making a ranged
failure. attack with a weapon you have expertise in,
you can reduce your movement speed to 0 for
1 round to gain a +6 bonus to the attack roll.
battle ready Additionally, if you roll a 1 on your attack roll
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5 and while using this ability you can re-roll the
expertise in Awareness checks) attack but must use the new result.
You have a +6 bonus to initiative rolls.
Additionally, during your first turn in combat,
your movement speed is increased by ½ piercing Shot
(50%). (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6)
Once per completed rest, if you wound a
creature while using a ranged weapon that
rapid Fire deals piercing damage, you can choose to deal
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5) an extra 1D4 wound damage to the target. If
Once per minute, when you wound a they fail their death saving throw, you can
creature with a ranged attack, you can make a target an additional creature up to 15 feet
second ranged attack roll against another behind the original target with the same
creature within 10 feet of the original target attack.
as a minor action.
expeditious reload (Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 6 and the
(Prerequisites: a Dexterity of at least 5) Know Your Landing ability)
Once per minute, you can expend 5 EP to You’ve learned to look for the safest route
quickly reload a weapon. and landing when falling through the air. Your
If the weapon has a reload time of 1 major Acrobatics check DC when using the Know
action, it is reduced to 1 minor action. If its Your Landing is now equal to half the amount
reload time is 1 minor action, it becomes a of feet you fell. Additionally, on a failed Know
reaction. Otherwise, the reload time is halved. Your Landing check, you can reduce your
damage by 3D6.
This ability may not work if there is
nothing around you to cushion or slow your
fall, which may be left up to GM discretion.


resilient reduced by 1 and movement speed is
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4) halved for (1D4) rounds.
You gain a +3 to Constitution saving • The creature’s blood is filled with
throws, and gain expertise in 1 Constitution adrenaline, increasing their movement
ability of your choice. speed by 10 feet for (1D4) rounds.
• The creature’s blood is filled with oxygen
and platelets, rejuvenating them. They
walking armor
regain 10 EP and painlessly heal 1 wound.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
• You transfer some of your own arcane
You’ve become so adept with your armor vitality to the target. The target regains 1
that you can now sleep in it with little to no mana.
consequence. When sleeping in medium
If the target is unwilling, it can make a
armor, you gain the full benefits of a
Constitution saving throw of DC 1D20 + your
completed rest, and when sleeping in heavy
Intelligence to attempt to resist the effect.
armor, you gain the effects of a partial rest.
The amount of wounds you take from using
this feature is equal to the amount of rounds
Hemocraft the effect lasts if applicable.
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4 and
an Intelligence of at least 2)
(You can take this ability as many times as
(Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4 and
you want.)
expertise in Survival checks)
• You gain the Caster ability regardless of
Whenever you would make a Stealth
prerequisites. However, your magical ability
check in a wilderness area, such as a forest or
comes from the untapped mana inside of yours
desert, you can make a Survival check instead.
and others vital essence. Your mana maximum
is equal to half your Constitution (rounded up)
instead of your Intelligence. Your mana Delayed Equity
maximum remains equal to half your (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
Constitution, even if you later take the Caster Once per completed rest, when you roll a
ability through other means. saving throw, you can add +3 to the roll.
• Once you take this ability, if you cast a spell After using this ability, you must take a -3
on a target that does not have blood (such as penalty to your next saving throw.
targeting a point in space), you must take 1
wound damage in order to cast it.
• If a spell you cast deals damage, its damage satiated
type is replaced with poison damage. (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 4)
• As a minor action, you can take 1 wound It takes twice as long for your level of
damage to regain 1 mana. hunger/thirst to increase.
• As a minor action, whenever you target a
creature with a spell, you can take 1D4 wound Master of elements
damage to bolster the spell’s power. In (Prerequisites: a Constitution of at least 5 and
addition to the normal effects of the spell, a the Caster ability)
single, target creature will undergo one of the
following effects: You’ve become at one with the elements
and have some control over them. When you
• The blood rushes to the creatures brain cast a spell that deals damage, you can expend
momentarily, dazing it for (1D4) rounds. 1 additional mana or double the spell’s casting
• The creatures blood begins to thin, time, to change the spell’s damage type to
giving it +1 level of exhaustion and acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
• The creature’s heart slows and
circulation reduces, their Dexterity is


occultist natural world. After, you gain one species trait
(Prerequisites: expertise in Arcane Knowledge of an Antherian or Planetouched subspecies of
or Religion checks) your choice until the beginning of your next
(You can take this ability as many times as rest. Your appearance may also change
you want.) accordingly with your new trait; gaining
claws, stone-like skin, etc. If you use this
You gain your magical abilities through
ability again before resting, your previously
your intense study of the dark arts.
gained trait is removed when your newly
• You gain the Caster ability regardless of selected one takes effect.
• Your maximum mana is equal to half of your
Intelligence (rounded up). Your maximum astrologist
mana remains equal to half your Intelligence, (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 4)
even if you later take the Caster ability Your study of the sky and the stars have
through other means. helped you learn the patterns of the world. As
• All spells you know cost 1 additional mana long as you can see the sky, and barring
for you to cast. For example, mana cost 0 magical interference, you always know:
spells cost 1 mana for you to cast. • Your approximate location on the planet
• Whenever you cast a spell that would restore you're on, down to a 100 mile radius.
EP to a creature, it instead deals necrotic • What season it is.
damage equal to the amount of EP it would • The cardinal direction you’re facing.
normally restore. An unwilling target of the
spell may try to make a Constitution saving
throw against it with a DC 1D20 + your ranged Caster
Intelligence if the spell does not otherwise (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 4)
specify a save DC. You’ve learned to use additional energy to
• Whenever you expend 3 or more mana to reach far away targets. When you cast a spell,
cast a spell, make a Luck check with DC you can expend 1 additional mana or double
1D20 + the amount of mana expended. On a the spell’s casting time to double the range of
failed check, you are wounded for 1D6 the spell. Additionally, you can cast spells
Psychic damage. with a range of “Touch” from up to 20 feet
• When you kill a creature with a melee attack away using this method.
or spell damage, you regain 1 mana.
Dual Caster
shaman (Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5)
(Prerequisites: expertise in Nature checks) You’ve learned to divide your attention to
(You can take this ability as many times as cast multiple, lesser copies of a spell
you want.) simultaneously.
You gain your magical abilities through When you cast a spell that would target a
your connection with the world around you, single area or creature, you can expend 1
using it to embrace your own arcana. additional mana or double the spell’s casting
time to target 1 additional area or creature
• You gain the Caster ability regardless of within range. When doing so, the spell’s
prerequisites. range, duration, and damage are halved
• Your maximum mana is equal to half of your against both targets.
Intelligence (rounded up). Your maximum If the spell has the Concentration
mana remains equal to half your Intelligence, component, the concentration is linked to both
even if you later take the Caster ability instances of the spell, so if you lose
through other means. concentration on a spell cast with this ability,
• Once you take this ability, you can only cast both instances of the spell end.
spells in the Nature, Life, and Elements If the spell has Material components, you
domains. must use double the amount of material in
• You can spend 1 minute communing with the order to cast it using this ability.


eidetic Memory awareness of the area until you complete a
(Prerequisites: an Intelligence of at least 5) rest or the area changes significantly.
Your precise memory allows you to see Your almost perfect memory of areas,
things others cannot. You can cast spells including the positions of creatures and
targeting areas you cannot currently see, but objects within them, allows you to target
have seen. creatures and objects that you are abstractly
If you have seen an area or place for at aware of as though you were aware of them.
least a minute, you can maintain abstract
_________CHARISMA ABILITIES_________
Distracting Striker Silver lining
(Prerequisites: expertise in Distraction checks) (Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 5)
Once per completed rest, whenever you 3 times per completed rest, when you
make a true strike against a creature, you can fail an ability check or saving throw, you
use a minor action to make a Distraction can add your Luck to the roll.
check against them. If the creature fails their If you still fail the check or saving
saving throw, they have a -3 to attacks against throw, as a reaction, you can add your Luck
creatures other than you for the next minute. to the next non-damage roll made by a
creature within 30 feet of you anytime
Psychic before the start of your next turn.
(Prerequisites: a Charisma of at least 4 and an
Intelligence of at least 2)
(You can take this ability as many times as
you want)
• You gain the Caster ability regardless of
prerequisites. You don't necessarily generate
mana, but instead manipulate the untapped
mana inside of other creatures heads.
• Once you take this ability, your maximum
mana is equal to half your Charisma (rounded
up) instead of your Intelligence. Your
maximum mana remains equal to half your
Charisma, even if you later gain the Caster
ability through other means
• Once you take this ability, you can only learn
spells from the Fate, Guidance, and Mind
domains. If a spell you cast from those
domains does damage, its damage type is
replaced with psychic damage.
• While a creature is affected by a spell you
cast, you have +3 to all Charisma checks
against them, and they have -3 to all saving
throws made against you.
• Once per completed rest, when a creature is
affected by a spell you cast, you can expend
10 EP to regain 1 mana and deal 1D10 psychic
damage to the creature.
• If you’ve spent at least 10 minutes watching
or interacting with a creature, you can expend
a major action and 1 mana to mimic one of its
features, such as its voice or its handwriting,
for up to 1 minute.


Melee Weapons
• Breaker Blade (6 gold)
2D4 + your Strength slashing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3.
Special Target: add an extra 1D4 to damage when targeting a creature with metal armor.
• Elvish Bastard-Sword (8 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength slashing damage. One-handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Finesse: add half your Dexterity to damage instead if wielded with two hands.
• Gladius (3 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength piercing or slashing damage. One-handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 4ft.
Quick Draw: you can draw or stow this weapon as a reaction.

• Clawed Glove (2 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength slashing damage. One-handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Disguised: this weapon is designed to appear like a normal glove. A creature must succeed on a DC 14
Investigation check to realize that it's a weapon.
Freehand: equipping this weapon does not prevent you from using the hand it is equipped on to hold
or interact with other things. However, you must not be using the hand for other purposes when
attacking with this weapon. You cannot be disarmed of this weapon.
• Dueling Dagger (2 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength piercing or slashing damage. One-handed. Weight: 1 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Parry: at the beginning of your turn, while wielding this weapon, you can choose a single creature to
have a -6 to melee attacks against you. However, any other creature has a +3 to melee attacks against
you until the start of your next turn.

• Dwarven Urgrosh (10 gold)
1D10 + your Strength piercing or slashing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 7ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3
Specialized: this weapon deals +1 damage if you have expertise in this weapon specifically (not just
the polearms category) or if you have expertise in both polearms and axes.

• War Caber (2 gold)
2D6 + your Strength bludgeoning damage. Two-handed. Weight: 12 lb. Reach: 10ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 5
Slow: it takes a major and minor action to attack with this weapon unless you
have expertise with it.


• Dwarven Urgrosh (10 gold)
1D10 + your Strength piercing or slashing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Reach: 7ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3
Specialized: this weapon deals +1 damage if you have expertise in this weapon specifically (not just
the axes category) or if you have expertise in both polearms and axes.
• Head Axe (6 gold)
1D8 + your Strength piercing or slashing damage. Two handed. Weight: 5 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Special Target: add an extra 1D4 to damage when targeting anything made of leather, or when
targeting a creature with leather armor.
• Pickaxe (8 electrum)
1D8 + your Strength piercing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 7 lb. Reach: 6ft.
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 3
Special Target: add an extra 1D4 to damage when targeting anything made of metal or stone, or when
targeting a creature with metal or stone armor.

• Bladed Whip (4 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength slashing damage. One-handed. Weight: 3 lb. Reach: 10ft.
Finesse: add half your Dexterity to damage instead if wielded with two hands.
Flexible: +1 bonus to melee attack rolls against creatures using shields or behind cover.
• Boomerang (1 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One-handed. Weight: 1 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Returning: if you make a thrown untrue strike with this weapon, it will return back to your hand by
the start of your next turn, barring any environmental interference.
• Dueling Shield (4 gold)
Half your Strength (rounded up) piercing damage. One-handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Defensive: while wielding this weapon you gain a +1 bonus to your Defense.
Parry: at the beginning of your turn, while wielding this weapon, you can choose a single creature to
have a -6 to melee attacks against you, however, any other creature has a +3 to melee attacks against
you until the start of your next turn.
• Dwarven Steel Knuckles (2 gold)
1D4 + half your Strength bludgeoning damage. One-handed. Weight: 2 lb. Reach: 3ft.
Freehand: equipping this weapon does not prevent you from using the hand it is equipped on to hold
or interact with other things. However, you must not be using the hand for other purposes when
attacking with this weapon. You cannot be disarmed of this weapon.
• Garrote Wire (1 gold)
1D4 + your Strength slashing damage. Two-handed. Weight: ½ lb. Reach: 3ft.
Execute: this weapon can only be used during a surprise attack or execution.
Killer: when a creature is wounded by this weapon, it has -6 on its death save.


Ranged Weapons
Note on ranged weapon weights:
Ranged weapon weights are listed without ammunition weights. Ammunition weights have to be
accounted for separately. In general, every 10 arrows or bolts weighs 1lb.

• Greatbow (6 gold)
2D6 + your Strength piercing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 8 lb. Ranged (160ft).
Heavy: -3 on attack rolls unless your Strength is at least 4.
Long Ranged: -3 to attacks against targets within 20ft, but +3 to attacks against targets beyond 80ft.
Slow: it takes a major and minor action to attack with this weapon unless you have expertise with it.
• Tri-shot Bow (10 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength piercing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Fast: if you have expertise in this weapon, you can attack with it as a minor action.
Loading: takes 1 major and minor action to load.
Repeating: you can make up to 3 attacks with this weapon before reloading.
Specialized: this weapon deals +1 damage if you have expertise in this weapon specifically
(not just the crossbows category) or if you have expertise in both bows and crossbows.

• Dual-shot Crossbow (8 gold)
1D8 piercing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Loading: takes 1 major action to load.
Repeating: you can make up to 2 attacks with this weapon before reloading.
• Tri-shot Bow (10 gold)
1D6 + half your Strength piercing damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Ranged (80ft).
Fast: if you have expertise in this weapon, you can attack with it as a minor action.
Loading: takes 1 major and minor action to load.
Repeating: you can make up to 3 attacks with this weapon before reloading.
Specialized: this weapon deals +1 damage if you have expertise in this weapon specifically
(not just the crossbows category) or if you have expertise in both bows and crossbows.
• Wrist Crossbow (5 gold)
1D4 piercing damage. One-handed. Weight: 3 lb. Ranged (40ft).
Fast: if you have expertise in this weapon, you can attack with it as a minor action.
Freehand: equipping this weapon does not prevent you from using the hand it is equipped on to hold
or interact with other things. However, you must not be using the hand for other purposes when
attacking with this weapon. You cannot be disarmed of this weapon.
Loading: takes 1 major action to load before firing.

• Net Launcher (12 gold)
0 damage. Two-handed. Weight: 6 lb. Ranged (40ft).
Ensnaring: on a true strike, a creature of Small to Large size, targeted by a net launcher, has their
movement speed halved until they use a major action to free themselves.
Fast: if you have expertise in this weapon, you can attack with it as a minor action.
Loading: takes 1 minute to load before firing.
Special Ammunition: uses nets as ammunition.


Light Armor
• Brawling Gear (4 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 1 while worn. Weight: 10 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 2.
Padding: while wearing this armor, you have resistance against unarmed strikes.
• Light Insulated Armor (7 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 2 while worn. Weight: 12 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 1.
Warm: while wearing this armor, you have resistance to Cold damage and +3 to save/checks against
effects caused by cold temperatures.

Medium Armor
While wearing medium armor, your Dexterity bonus to your Defense cannot be more than half your
Dexterity, even if you have abilities that allow you to add more than half your Dexterity.
• Medium Insulated Armor (10 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 4 while worn. Weight: 22 lb.
Protective: while wearing this, damage against you is reduced by 1.
Warm: while wearing this armor, you have resistance to Cold damage and +3 to save/checks against
effects caused by cold temperatures.
• Medium Sturdy Armor (14 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 6 while worn. Weight: 30 lb.
Steadfast: you have +3 to saves and checks against being knocked prone.

Heavy Armor
While wearing heavy armor, you cannot add your Dexterity to your Defense. You must have a
Strength of at least 4 to use Heavy Armor. While wearing heavy armor, your movement speed is
reduced by 5ft.
• Crusaders Armor (80 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 10 while worn. Weight: 40 lb.
Cumbersome: -3 on Dexterity checks
Enduring: when you are surrounded while wearing this, you gain a +3 bonus to melee attack rolls.
• Heavy Sturdy Armor (100 gold)
Your Defense is increased by 10 while worn. Weight: 55 lb.
Cumbersome: -6 on Dexterity checks
Steadfast: you have +6 to saves and checks against being knocked prone.



_________0-COST SPELLS_________
Achoo! weapons within the affected area have -1 on
Components: Verbal. attack rolls.
Domains: Mind, Trickery. This spell cannot be cast on an area that
Type: Single-target effect. is already under the effects of this spell.
Casting time: a reaction.
Range: 20ft. Quick Step
Duration: N/A. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
You sneeze and cause a target creature Domains: Alteration, Blessings, Travel.
within range to do the same. The sneezes are Type: Single-target effect.
very disorienting, giving you both -3 to your Casting time: a major action.
next roll before the start of your next turns. Range: Touch.
Once a creature other than you is affected by
Duration: up to 1 round (6 seconds).
this spell, it is immune to its effects until it
completes a rest. You touch a creature, and their legs and
feet begin to slightly shimmer. Until the spell
ends, the creatures base movement speed is
Magnetic doubled.
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a small
piece of metal).
Domains: Telekinesis, Transmutation, Trickery
Type: Single-target effect.
Casting time: a major action
Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes.
You touch an object or surface,
magnetizing up to a 20 ft square around the
contacted point. The larger the object/surface,
the stronger the pull will be, but will generally
never be strong enough to pull a creature
wearing or holding something metal towards
All creatures wearing metal armor within
the affected area have their movement speed
reduced by 5 feet, and all creatures using metal

Spring Reflective
Components: Somatic. Components: Somatic.
Domains: Alteration, Arcana, Travel Domains: Alteration, Arcana, Trickery.
Type: Single-target effect. Type: Single-target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: Touch. Range: Touch.
Duration: N/A. Duration: 10 minutes.
One object you touch weighing no more You make up to a 5 square foot area on a
than your encumbrance capacity gets launched non-magical surface or object very shiny
up to 15ft perpendicular to a surface it was and/or reflective for the duration.
contacting. If the object hits a creature during
it’s flight, the creature must succeed a Reflex
check equal to DC 1D20 + your Intelligence, Stumble
or take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing Components: Somatic.
damage equal to half the weight of the object. Domains: Conjuration, Trickery.
The damage type is determined by the nature Type: Single-target effect.
of the object. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 30ft.
Duration: N/A.
You put your leg out, and an invisible,
ethereal leg appears in front of the target, and
attempts to trip them. That creature then must
succeed a Strength or Dexterity saving throw
against a DC equal to 1D20 + your Intelligence
or fall prone.

_________1-COST SPELLS_________
Magnetize X-Ray Vision
Components: Somatic, Concentration, Material (a Components: Verbal, Somatic.
small magnet). Domains: Alteration, Blessings, Ritual.
Domains: Conjuration, Telekinesis, Trickery Type: Single-target effect.
Type: Area-of-effect. Casting time: 1 minute.
Casting time: a major action. Range: 5ft.
Range: 30ft. Duration: 10 minutes.
Duration: up to 1 minute. You stare into the eyes of a creature for one
A giant ethereal magnet appears within minute. Once the spell completes, that creature
range. Any unrestrained, metal object within can see through any non-magical object or
30ft of it will be pulled directly to it. If a metal wall no thicker than 5ft within 20 feet of them
weapon is being carried within range, the for the duration.
wielder has -3 on attacks made with it, and Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
their speed is reduced by 1/3 (33%). If a using more mana to bolster its effects. For
creature within range is wearing metal armor, every 1 mana over 1 that you spend to cast this
their movement speed is halved, and they have spell, you can increase the duration by 10
-3 on Dexterity saving throws. minutes.
Improved Spell: If you already knew
Magnetic when you learned this spell, you can
learn an additional mana cost 0 spell. Doing so
doesn’t count against your known spells.

_________2-COST SPELLS_________
Displacement Shadow Spirit
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
Domains: Travel, Trickery. Domains: Conjuration, Death, War.
Type: Multi-target effect. Type: Single-target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: 1 round (6 seconds).
Range: 120ft. Range: 20ft.
Duration: N/A. Duration: 1 minute.
You target two creatures within range and The dark spirit of a challenge 0 or 1
they swap places with one another. If a target creature you killed previously appears within
creature is unwilling, they must succeed a range. This spirit will attack the closest
Charisma saving throw against a DC equal to creature to it that it can see other than you.
1D20 + your Intelligence. If either target This spirit is not loyal to you, and if you lose
saves, the spell fails. If a creature succeeds on concentration on this spell before it ends, the
a saving throw against this spell, they are spirit can also attack you.
immune to its effects until they complete a The spirit's position in initiative is
rest. immediately before your turn, and all of its
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast attacks damages are replaced with Necrotic
using more mana to bolster its effects. For damage.
every 1 mana over 2 that you spend to cast this Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
spell, you can target an additional pair of using more mana to bolster its effects. For
creatures. every 1 mana over 2 that you spend to cast this
spell, you can summon the shadow of a
Phase Jolt creature you’ve killed of 1 challenge rating
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Transmutation, Travel, Trickery.
Type: Single-target effect. Translocation
Casting time: a reaction. Components: Somatic, Concentration, Material (a
silver rod).
Range: Self.
Domains: Arcana, Ritual, Travel.
Duration: N/A.
Type: Multi-target effect
You touch a surface no thicker than 5ft
made of wood or stone, and are instantly Casting time: 1 minute.
transported to the other side. After you Range: Touch.
successfully cast this spell, you must succeed a Duration: up to 2 hours.
DC 14 Endurance check, or be dazed for one You and up to one other target creature in
round. range bind your souls to a silver rod. When the
spell reaches its maximum duration, or if you
lose or end Concentration on it before then,
you and any creatures you targeted with the
spell will instantly teleport to the location of
the rod.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For
every 1 mana over 2 that you spend to cast this
spell, you can target an additional creature to
be bound to the rod.

_________3-COST SPELLS_________
Detect Location Sensory Echo
Components: Verbal, Somatic. Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Guidance, Ritual, Travel. Domains: Mind, Trickery.
Type: Single-target effect. Type: Multi-target effect
Casting time: 10 minutes. Casting time: a major action.
Range: Touch. Range: 300ft.
Duration: 8 hours. Duration: 3 rounds (18 seconds).
You focus on a singular creature or object You can make up to 5 creatures within
while holding/grabbing it. Once the spell has range experience a smell, taste, physical
finished casting, you feel a strong connection feeling, sound, or sight that you have
to the target. experienced before. If a creature is unwilling,
Until the spell ends, you can use a minor they must succeed an Intelligence saving
action at any time to reveal its exact location throw of DC 1D20 + your Intelligence. The
to you for 1 round (6 seconds). effect will continue for the entire duration
unless you choose to end it early as a minor
action. You can also have the creatures
Gates of Hell experience a memory you have as if its one of
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. their own, however they may not recognize the
Domains: Elements, War. people or places within it.
Type: Area-of-effect. Note: No matter the effect chosen, it generally
Casting time: a major action. won’t be strong enough to permanently affect a
Range: 60ft. creature or their capabilities.
Duration: Up to 10 minutes.
You choose an area within range, and a Spiked Orbs
massive gate made of flame appears. The Components: Verbal, Somatic.
perimeter of the gate can be up to 20 feet long Domains: Conjuration, Trickery, War.
in a shape of your choice, and the height of the Type: Area-of-effect
gate can be up to 10 feet. The thickness of the Casting time: a major action.
flames is 1 foot.
Range: 50ft.
Any creature that attempts to walk through
Duration: 1 minute.
the gates will take 2D6 fire damage each time
they do so. Additionally, any object that enters You choose a point on a surface within
it will instantly catch fire, burning for at least 1 range, the surface is then covered with small,
round or more depending on the nature of the spiked orbs in up to a 30 foot radius around
object. that point. The orbs will attack anything that
moves quickly through the affected area.
Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
using more mana to bolster its effects. For A creature can walk through the area safely
every 1 mana over 3 that you spend to cast this as long as they do not move faster than 10 feet
spell, its duration increases by 1 minute, and per round. If a creature moves any faster
its potentially affected area, both perimeter and through the affected area, they take 1D4
height, is increased by 10 feet. piercing damage for every 5ft they move
within it.

_________4-COST SPELLS_________
Heat Wave one size class larger than you or smaller they
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. are knocked prone.
Domains: Alteration, Elements, Nature. • 80ft, the rock explodes into a harmless dust
Type: Area-of-effect. cloud, increasing the level of obscurity in the
area by 1 for 2 rounds (12 seconds).
Casting time: a major action.
Range: 60ft.
Duration: up to 5 rounds (30 seconds). Tornado
You begin to radiate incredible heat. Until Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration.
the spell ends, the area in front of you becomes Domains: Alteration, Elements, Nature.
blistering hot. If a creature begins their turn Type: Area-of-effect.
within a 60ft square directly in front of you, Casting time: a major action.
they must succeed a Constitution saving throw Range: 120ft.
of DC 1D20 + your Intelligence, or take 1D4 Duration: Up to 1 minute.
fire damage, have a -3 on attack rolls, and gain
1 level on the Hunger and Thirst table. The air within a 60ft cylinder with a 20ft
radius centered on a point you choose within
Additionally, if a creature fails 3 or more range begins to accelerate and swirl. Creatures
saving throws against this spell before it ends, within this area will have their movement
they also gain 1 level of Exhaustion for every speeds reduced by half, and have -6 to any
failed saving throw against this spell. Dexterity checks or saving throws they make.
Note: Creatures wearing armor made of Objects weighing less than 60 pounds will
metal instead take 2D4 fire damage on a failed be flung into the air and spin around inside of
save, and creatures wearing leather armor have the tornado. If a creature weighing less than 60
a -3 to saving throws against this spell. pounds is within it, they will also be flung into
the air unless they have some way to secure
Rock Slide themselves and succeed a DC 16 Strength
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. saving throw for each round they’re in the
Domains: Elements, Nature, War. affected area.
Type: Multi-target effect. Creatures in the affected area must make a
Reflex or Luck check of DC 1D20 + your
Casting time: a major action.
Intelligence each round or be hit by an object
Range: 80ft. in the tornado, assuming there are objects in
Duration: Up to 2 rounds (12 seconds). the tornado. If hit, they will take 3D6
When you cast this spell, choose 5 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage,
creatures within range. Once per round, rocks depending on the nature of the object.
will emerge from your body, and hurl Additionally, if a creature or object is being
themselves towards your targets, growing in flung by the tornado for more than 3 rounds, it
size the further they travel. Each targeted is thrown 50ft away from the edge of the
creature must succeed a Dexterity saving tornado in a random direction from a height of
throw equal to DC 1D20 + your Intelligence, 20+2D20ft in the air.
or suffer from an effect depending on how far As a major action, you can move the
away they were from you. tornado up to 10ft in any direction.
• Less than 20ft, it will deal 1D8 bludgeoning
damage to the creature.
• 20ft or more, it will deal 2D8 bludgeoning
damage and knock the creature prone if they
are your size class or smaller.
• 60ft to 80ft, it will deal 2D8 + 1D4
bludgeoning damage, with 1D4 of that damage
being unavoidable wound damage, daze the
creature for one round, and if the creature is

_________5-COST SPELLS_________
Flash Freeze Unfettered
Components: Verbal, Somatic, Concentration. Components: Somatic, Concentration.
Domains: Elements, Nature, War. Domains: Blessings, Protection, Travel.
Type: Area-of-effect. Type: Single-target effect.
Casting time: a major action. Casting time: a major action.
Range: 120ft. Range: Touch.
Duration: up to 1 minute. Duration: up to 1 minute.
A massive snowflake appears above your You touch a creature, and they begin to
head, before exploding into a freezing slightly hover and sparkle. For the duration of
shockwave. Every creature within range, other this spell, the creature is immune to being
than you, must succeed on a Constitution knocked prone and being grappled.
saving throw against DC 1D20 + your Additionally, the creatures movement speed
Intelligence, or be completely frozen in place. cannot be reduced in any way except due to
Any creatures in this state are considered over encumbrance.
subdued and have their Defense increased by 5 Flexible Casting: This spell can be cast
due to the layer of ice surrounding their body. using more mana to bolster its effects. For
At the beginning of an affected creature’s every 1 mana over 5 that you spend to cast this
turn, they can reroll their saving throw against spell, you can target one additional creature.
the spell DC, ending the spell effects on
themselves on a successful save.
Creatures with resistance or immunity to
cold damage have +6 on saving throws against
this spell.
_________6-COST SPELLS_________
Claw of Ashes
Components: Verbal, Somatic.
Domains: Death, War.
Type: Spell attack.
Casting time: a major action.
Range: Within reach.
Duration: N/A.
Large, blackened claws that radiate
necrotic energy erupt from your hand or the
end of a weapon you are holding. Make a spell
attack roll. On a true strike, the creature takes
6D6 + 6 necrotic damage with 6 of that
damage being automatic wound damage. If
this attack reduces a creature’s current EP by
half or more, they also gain 3 levels of
On an untrue strike, you regain half of the
mana you used to cast this spell.
Any creature killed by this spell is turned
to ash along with all their equipped, non-
magical items.
Improved Spell: If you already knew
Claws of Hades when you learned this spell,
you can learn an additional mana cost 3 spell. De
Doing so doesn’t count against your number of Sp
known spells. er

Common magic items are easy enough to produce that they can often be purchased at stores or found
in the possession of guards or other intelligent creatures.
potions and elixirs Armor and Accessories

Elixir of Luminessence Jesters Hat

Weight: 0.5 lb. Weight: 1 lb.
Appearance: A small vial full of a glowing yellow Appearance: A floppy red and white cloth with
elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way three ends, each of which may have a small bell
to open it. attached to it.
When the vial breaks, it releases a bright Requires attunement
yellow vapor that sticks to contacted surfaces When attuned to and wearing this item,
and brightly glows. For 1 minute, anything you can add 1D4 to any Distraction checks
within 10 feet of the point where the vial broke that you make. However, you must subtract
is brightly illuminated and 5 feet beyond that 1D4 to any Intimidation checks you make.
is dimly illuminated.

Elixir of Gust
Weight: 0.5 lb.
Appearance: A small vial full of a grayish-white Blow Staff
elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way Weight: 3 lb.
to open it. Appearance: A blowgun that has metal
When the vial breaks, it releases a strong reinforcements and a slight magical shimmer.
gust of wind, tossing around anything light and Requires attunement
extinguishing any small, non-magical flames This weapon is the enhanced combination
within 30 feet of the point where the vial of a club/staff and a blowgun. Its stats are as
broke. follows:
Ranged: 1D6 piercing damage, Two-handed,
Elixir of Ice Loading (minor action), Range: (80ft)
Weight: 0.5 lb. Melee: 1D6 piercing bludgeoning damage,
Appearance: A small vial full of a blueish-white Two-handed.
liquid that appears to be frozen. The vial is solid
glass, with no apparent way to open it.
Enlarged Weapon
When the vial breaks, it releases an Weight: Varies.
explosion of frost, instantly covering the
surface area within 15 feet of the point where Any weapon can be enchanted to be larger.
the vial broke in a thin layer of ice. A weapon with this enchantment can grow up
to ½ (50%) larger than its original size at its
users command. When a weapon enlarges, its
Elixir of Terrain damage and properties change accordingly.
Weight: 0.5 lb. For example, a 5 lb, 5 feet long Claymore
Appearance: A small vial full of a brownish-gray could grow to 7.5 feet long and weigh 7.5
elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no apparent way pounds. When a weapon is enlarged, it will
to open it. have a -3 to attacks unless the wielder has a
When the vial breaks, the ground trembles Strength of at least half the weight of the
a bit, before becoming jagged and uneven weapon (rounded up). Additionally, it gains the
within 15 feet of the point where the vial Slow property and requires two hands to
broke. The affected area is difficult to move wield, if it didn’t already. When wielding a
through and reduces the movement speed of weapon with two hands, you can add your full
creatures moving across it by 10. Strength to the damage instead of half.

Additionally, the weapons damage dice Other
increase by 1 size. For more information about
large weapon sizes, refer to page 36.
Voodoo Pepper
An Enlarged Weapon may be found in its
Weight: 0.5.
normal size or enlarged form. Generally, much
like shrinkable weapons, enlarging works by a Appearance: A red pepper.
command word or by will of the wielder, As a major action, you can speak the name
meaning that as soon as a creature picks up the and species of a creature into the pepper, and
weapon, they could activate the enchantment if then eat it. That creature must then succeed a
they know the command word. If the weapon Constitution saving throw equal to 1D20 +
is command word activated, its magic may be your Luck, or their mouth begins to burn and
trigger-able by nearby creatures, provided they go numb, making it very difficult, if not
know the command word as well. Less impossible, to speak for 1 hour.
common variants of Enlarged Weapons can
only be activated by an attuned wielder. Glo-bal
Weight: 2 lb.
Canoe Shield Appearance: A small, foggy glass orb with a
Weight: 6 lb (shield), 70 lb (canoe [empty]) compass embedded within.
Appearance: A strange, ovular shield that can Requires attunement
transform into a canoe. As a major action, say the name of a
Requires attunement location on the world that the glo-bal has been
While attuned to this item, you can use a major before, and the orb will glow, and a cardinal
action to transform it between a canoe and a direction on the compass will light up for the
shield. More information on the canoe and next 10 minutes, guiding you towards the
shield can be found on pages 63 and 59 spoken location.
respectively of the Apotheosis core rulebook. This item can only be used once per
completed rest.

Friendly Box
Weight: 12 lb (empty).
Appearance: A 3ft by 3ft wooden box with metal
Requires attunement
This box has been enchanted to obey the
commands of whoever is attuned to it.
Friendly boxes are a bit more advanced
than friendly ropes, and will obey almost any
command you give to the best of its ability. It
can attack, however not hard enough to do any
damage. It has a movement speed of 20ft, and
cannot swim, fly, or climb ledges more than
half its height. It does have a lid and can hold
items, however it moves by rolling, so fragile
items risk breaking.
Friendly boxes have an encumbrance
weight of 4 pounds. You cannot attune more
than one Friendly magic item at a time.

Potions and elixirs Elemental Necklace
Weight: 0.5 lb.
Vial of Cursed Ichor Appearance: A beautiful necklace with 5 brightly
colored jewels embedded along the front.
Weight: 0.5 lb.
Requires attunement
Appearance: A small vial full of a crimson
glowing liquid. The vial is solid glass, with no While a creature is attuned to and wearing
apparent way to open it. this item, they can use a minor action to
When the vial breaks, it releases a red mist change their next weapon or spell attack
that covers any creature within 5 feet of the damage to acid, fire, cold, lightning, or poison.
point where the vial broke. Those creatures This item holds 5 charges, one in each gem.
then suffer the effects of the Minor Hex spell. You can use as many charges as you want,
however you can only use a specific element
once until its recharged
Armor and Accessories For example, if you have 5 charges, and
you use one to change an attacks damage to
Antlers of the Wild fire damage, you can no longer change it to fire
damage until that jewel recharges
Weight: 2 lb.
This item regains 1 charge per completed
Appearance: A small pair of antlers with intricate
runes running down the sides of them.
rest, and in the order that you used them.
Requires attunement
Once attuned, these miniature antlers will Other
adjust to any creatures head, and be painlessly
attached to them. While attuned to these Deafening Bell
antlers, you learn the spoken form of
Therianthropic, and can understand and Weight: 0.5 lb.
communicate simple gestures and words to Appearance: A little gold bell with small runes
animals. running along it.
As a major action, you can shake the bell,
creating a very loud ringing noise. Any
creature other than you within 60 feet must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw equal
to DC 15 or become completely deaf for the
next minute.

Dream Catcher
Weight: 0.5 lb.
Appearance: A watercolored picture of a devil, fey
creature, and skeleton all being killed by radiant-
like energy, surrounded by a ring, from which 3
feathers hang from, very subtle runes shine
throughout the feathers.
As an major action, you can activate this
item, and instantly learn the location of any
fey-like, devil-like, or undead creatures within
120 feet of you. Any fey-like, devil-like, or
undead creatures with an evil alignment within
30 feet of this item when it is activated must
succeed an Intelligence saving throw of DC 12
or be dazed for 1D4 rounds. This item can be
activated once per completed rest.

Potions and Elixirs other

Elixir of Mana Draining Magic Clock

Weight: 0.5 lb. Weight: 0.5 lb.
Appearance: A small vial full of a orangeish- Appearance: A small, wooden, handheld clock.
brown elixir. The vial is solid glass, with no As a major action, you can turn the hands
apparent way to open it.
on the clock either forwards or backwards, and
When the vial breaks, it releases a vapor in target a creature within 60 feet of you,
a 10 foot radius. The vapor lasts in the area for excluding yourself. If that creature is
1 minute. Any creature that enters the vapor unwilling, they must succeed a Constitution
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw saving throw of DC 16 or be affected.
or lose 2 mana. This saving throw repeats each • If you spun the clock hands forwards, then
round that the creature remains in the affected the selected creature has their movement speed
area. Additionally, creatures within the affected increased by 15 feet, and can take two minor
area are unable to cast spells. actions and reactions per turn for 1 minute.
• If you spun the clock hands backwards, then
Armor and Accessories the selected creature has their movement speed
decreased by 15 feet, and cannot take any
minor actions or reactions for 1 minute.
Bracers of The Fallen This item can only be used once per
Weight: 1 lb. completed rest. Additionally, whenever this
Appearance: A pair of exoskeleton-like bracers item is used, roll 1D20. On a 5 or lower, the
that magically expand to fit on anyone’s wrists. effect is also applied to you, and the magic
Requires attunement clock is destroyed.
As a minor action, the wielder can strike
the bracers together, causing 8 spider-like legs
to protrude out of the bracers, giving the
wielder a +1 to their Defense, and a climbing
speed of 10 on any non-magical surface for the
next minute. These bracers have 3 charges, and
regain all expended charges at the end of a
completed rest.

Cape of The Risen

Weight: 1 lb.
Appearance: A pristine cape made of large, white
feathers that glisten in direct sunlight.
Requires attunement
As a minor action, the wielder can activate
the cape, causing angel like wings to protrude
out of either side of it for 1 minute, giving the
wearer an extra 5 feet to their movement
speed, resistance to fall damage, and
increasing their jump height and distance by
10 feet.
This cape has 3 charges, and it regains all
expended charges at the end of a completed


_________CHALLENGE 1_________
Goblin Skirmisher
EP: 10
Defense: 13
Str: 2 Dex: 3 Con: 1 Int: 1 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Shortsword: +3 to attack. 1D6 + 2 (5) slashing damage. Reach: 5ft.
Compound Bow: +3 to attack. 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing damage. Range: 80ft. This creature can attack with
this weapon as a minor action.
Special actions
Escape Artist: This creature can Retreat as a minor action once per completed rest, and has a +3 bonus
against being grappled.

Size class: Small.

Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Compound bow, shortsword, leather armor, 5 sliver pieces.
Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Other: -3 to saving throws against Intimidation.

Goblin Scoundrel
EP: 9
Defense: 14
Str: 1 Dex: 3 Con: 1 Int: 2 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Push Dagger: +2 to attack. 1D4 + 1 (3) slashing or piercing damage. Reach: 3ft. This creature has a +3
to checks against being disarmed with this weapon.
Composite Crossbow: +5 to attack. 2D4 + 3 (7) piercing damage. Loading: minor action. Range: 80ft.
Special actions
Escape Artist: This creature can Retreat as a minor action once per completed rest, and has a +3 bonus
against being grappled.

Size class: Small.

Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Composite crossbow, push dagger, reinforced leather armor, 1 gold piece.
Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Other: -3 to saving throws against Intimidation.

Goblin Arcanist
EP: 8
Defense: 11
Str: 0 Dex: 3 Con: 1 Int: 3 Cha: 1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Composite Crossbow: +3 to attack. 2D4 piercing damage. Loading: minor action. Range: 80ft.
Special actions
Escape Artist: This creature can Retreat as a minor action once per completed rest, and has a +3 bonus
against being grappled.
Mana: 3
Cold Beam: Mana Cost: 0. Spell attack. +3 to attack. 1D4 cold damage to each creature a true strike is
made against in a straight line within range. Range: 20ft.
Mage Shield: Mana Cost: 1. Single-target effect. As a reaction, this creature can add +2 to a target
creature’s defense until the start of its next turn. Range: 30ft.

Size class: Small.

Movement speed: 30ft.
Equipment: Robes, 8 copper pieces.
Languages: Orcish, (often Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Other: -3 to saving throws against Intimidation.

Awakened Sapling Huge Spider

EP: 24 EP: 17
Defense: 12 (bark exterior) Defense: 12
Attributes Attributes
Str: 4 Dex: -1 Con: 4 Int: -4 Cha: -3 Str: 2 Dex: 4 Con: 1 Int: -4 Cha: -2
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Scratch: +4 to attack. 1D6 + 4 (4) Bite: +3 to attack. 1D4 + 2 (4) piercing
slashing damage. Reach: 7ft. damage. If a creature is wounded by this attack
they must make a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes an
Size class: Medium. additional 1D6 poison damage. Reach: 2ft
Movement speed: 20ft
Made of Wood: Awakened saplings have Size class: Small.
resistance against all non-magical damage
except slashing. Additionally, they are Movement speed: 25ft, 25ft (climbing).
vulnerable to fire damage. Alignment: Unaligned.
Alignment: Unaligned.
Other: When it is not moving, this creature is
indistinguishable from a natural, small tree or

_________CHALLENGE 2_________

Behemoth Brute Behemoth Bowman

EP: 36 EP: 31
Defense: 14 Defense: 16
(damage reduction: 1) (damage reduction: 1)
Attributes Attributes
Str: 6 Dex: 2 Con: 4 Int: 1 Cha: -1 Str: 4 Dex: 4 Con: 3 Int: 2 Cha: -1
Attacks (1 per turn) Attacks (1 per turn)
Large Greatclub: +9 to attack. 1D12 + 6 (12) Large Longbow: +6 to attack. 2D6 + 5
bludgeoning damage. Reach: 9ft. (12) piercing damage. Range: 120ft.

Size class: Large. Size class: Large.

Movement speed: 25ft. Movement speed: 25ft.
Equipment: Large greatclub, large patchwork Equipment: Large longbow, large patchwork
armor, 2 sliver pieces. armor, 2 sliver pieces.
Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard). Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil. Alignment: Varies, generally evil.

Spore Carrier
EP: 22
Defense: 14
Str: 3 Dex: 3 Con: 2 Int: 2 Cha: -1
Attacks (1 per turn)
Bite: +5 to attack. 1D4 + 3 (5) piercing damage. If a creature is wounded by this attack they must make
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes an additional 1D6 poison damage.
Reach: 1ft.
Scratch: +5 to attack. 2D4 + 3 (7) slashing damage. Reach: 5ft.
Special actions
Noxious cloud: Once per minute, this creature can release a cloud of toxic spores out of its cap in a 15
foot cone in front of itself. Any creature caught in this cloud must succeed a Constitution saving throw of
DC 14 or take 2D6 poison damage.

Size class: Varies (generally medium).

Movement speed: 30ft.
Alignment: Unaligned or chaotic evil.
Immunities: Immunity to poison damage.
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerability to fire damage.
Infect: If a creature fails a death save against poison damage from this creature, they will return to life as a
Spore Carrier under the GM’s control 24 hours later unless the body is burned or the infection otherwise
Description: Spore carriers are creatures that have been infected by a fungoid. They generally have
mushrooms and fungus growing out of their bodies. These creatures only goal is to spread their infection as
much as possible and obey their fungoid creator.

_________CHALLENGE 3_________

Behemoth Gladiator
EP: 57
Defense: 18
(damage reduction: 1)
Str: 7 Dex: 4 Con: 7 Int: 2 Cha: 0
Attacks (2 per turn)
Large War Caber: +11 to attack. 2D8 + 7 (16)
bludgeoning damage. Reach: 13ft.
Special actions
Stunning Strike: Once per minute, when the
Behemoth Gladiator lands a true strike, the target
creature must make a Constitution saving throw of
DC 16. On a failure, the target takes 1 unavoidable
wound damage, and its Dexterity is reduced by 3
for 1 round. If the target fails by 6 or more they are
also dazed for 1 round.

Size class: Large.

Movement speed: 20ft.
Equipment: Large heavy scale armor, large war caber, 2
gold pieces.
Languages: Orcish, (sometimes Standard).
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.

Awakened Tree
EP: 51
Defense: 15 (bark exterior)
Str: 9 Dex: -1 Con: 6 Int: -2 Cha: -2
Attacks (2 per turn)
Pound: +9 to attack. 3D6 + 9 (18) bludgeoning damage. Reach: 15ft.
Special actions
Photosynthesis: Once per minute, if the awakened tree is in sunlight, it can forgo its turn to regain an
amount of EP equal to half its maximum EP.
Reproduce: Once per hour, the awakened tree can use its turn to to cause an awakened sapling to splinter
off from the awakened tree. Doing so causes the awakened tree to take 7 wound damage. The awakened
sapling is loyal to the awakened tree and will obey its will for at least the first 3 days of its life.

Size class: Giant

Movement speed: 25ft.
Made of Wood: Awakened trees have resistance against all non-magical damage except slashing.
Additionally, they are vulnerable to fire damage.
Alignment: Unaligned or chaotic evil.
Other: When it is not moving, this creature is indistinguishable from a natural tree.

_________CHALLENGE 4_________

Fungoid Elemental Champion

EP: 56 EP: 70
Defense: 16 (thick mushroom exterior) Defense: 18 (rock or ice armor)
Attributes Attributes
Str: 7 Dex: 1 Con: 8 Int: 4 Cha: 0 Str: 5 Dex: 3 Con: 10 Int: 5 Cha: 3
Attacks (2 per turn) Attacks (2 per turn)
Bite: +7 to attack. 1D10 + 7 (12) piercing Large Longsword: +8 to attack. 1D8 + 5
damage. If a creature is wounded by this attack (9) slashing damage. Reach: 5ft.
they must make a DC 14 Constitution save. On Special actions
a failed save, the target takes an addition 2D6 Champion of the elements: As a minor
poison damage. Reach: 3ft. action, this creature can change its weapon’s
Scratch: +7 to attack. 3D4 + 7 (13) slashing attack damage type to acid, cold, fire,
damage. Reach: 10ft. lightning, or poison.
Special actions Mana: 5
Noxious cloud: Once per 3 rounds (18 seconds), Spells
this creature can release a cloud of toxic spores Flaming Chakram: Mana Cost: 1. Single-
out of its cap in a cone shape 30 feet in front of target effect. See page 70 of the Apotheosis
itself. Any creature caught in this cloud must core rulebook. Range: Self.
succeed a Constitution saving throw of DC 14 or
Shape Earth: Mana Cost: 1. Single-target
take 3D8 poison damage.
effect. See page 75 of the Apotheosis core
Self-Preservation: This creature is connected to rulebook. Range: Touch.
any and all spore carriers that it or its spore
Ice Dart: Mana Cost: 1. Spell attack. +8 to
carries created. It can see and hear through them,
attack. Two shards of ice fly towards your
and command them to follow its will. Once per
targets, each dealing 1D6 cold damage on a
hour, the fungoid can command any spore
true strike. Range: 40ft.
carriers within its reach to give it energy. They
Electrical Conduit: Mana Cost: 2. Requires
will merge with the fungoid, destroying
concentration. Spell attack. +8 to attack. For
themselves in the process. The fungoid regains
up to 5 rounds, you can use a minor action
10 EP and heals 1 wound damage for each spore
to make a ranged spell attack, dealing 1D4
carrier sacrificed in this way.
lightning damage on a hit. Range: 30ft.

Size class: Giant Size class: Large.

Movement speed: 20ft. Movement speed: 30ft.
Alignment: Chaotic evil. Resistances: Resistance to acid, cold, fire,
Languages: Phrenic. lightning, poison and non-magical damage.
Immunities: Immunity to poison damage. Elemental Balance: This creature is only half
Vulnerabilities: Vulnerability to fire damage. as affected by difficult terrian caused by fire, ice,
acid, poison, or electricity.
Infect: If a creature fails a death save against poison
damage from this creature, they will return to life as Equipment: A large longsword, one of 4
a Spore Carrier under the GM’s control 24 hours elemental elixirs, found in the common magic
later unless the body is burned or the infection items lists.
otherwise destroyed. Languages: Lithic, (often Standard, and/or
Description: A fungoid is a giant mushroom or Leviathanian).
other large body of sentient fungus. Its only goal is Alignment: Varies.
to spread as much as possible, infecting anything it Description: An elemental champion is a
can. creature infused with elemental power and
generally sworn to protect some aspect of the
natural world.

_________CHALLENGE 5_________
Hydra Death Worm
EP: 82 EP: 80
Defense: 20 (natural armor) Defense: 16 (natural armor)
(damage reduction: 2) Attributes
Attributes Str: 12 Dex: 2 Con: 10 Int: -1 Cha: -2
Str: 10 Dex: 6 Con: 10 Int: -3 Cha: -1 Attacks (2 per turn)
Attacks (1 per head) Bite: +13 to hit. 1D10 + 12 (17) piercing
Bite: +10 to attack. 1D6 + 10 (13) piercing damage. Reach: 5ft.
damage. Reach: 15ft. Stinger: +13 to hit. 1D8 + 12 (16) piercing
Special actions damage. If a creature is wounded by this
Acid Spit: Once per minute, the hydra spits 1 attack they must make a DC 16 Constitution
ball of acid per head up to 60 feet at target save. On a failed save, the target takes an
points of its choice. Each ball explodes, additional 2D8 (8) poison damage.
covering everything within 5 feet of the target Reach: 10ft.
point in acid. Every creature within the Special actions
affected area must succeed a DC 16 Dexterity Tunnel: As a major action, this creature can
saving throw or take an initial 2D8 acid tunnel under the ground, during which it is
damage, and an additional 1D6 acid damage undetectable except through faint
per round until they spend a major action vibrations. An Awareness check may be
cleaning themselves off. used to approximate the creature’s location
Regrowth: Once per 5 rounds (30 seconds), in this way. When it emerges, each creature
the hydra can regrow one of its lost heads, within 10 feet must succeed a DC 16
regenerating up to 25 wound damage and Dexterity saving throw or be knocked
regaining 2 Defense in the process. prone. The death worm may also use its
Legendary resistance: Once per rest, when engulf action as a free action as it emerges
the hydra fails a saving throw, it can instead from below a creature.
choose to succeed. Engulf: Once per minute, when the death
worm lands a bite attack, the target creature
must succeed a DC 18 Strength saving
Size class: Giant. throw, or be engulfed. While engulfed, the
Movement speed: 40ft, 60ft (swimming). creature is wounded for 1D4 acid damage
per round, and is subdued. The creature
Alignment: Unaligned.
must re-roll the saving throw each round at
Three Headed: The hydra starts with three heads. the start of their turn. On a success they are
Each time one of its heads is severed, its Defense able to take a major and minor action that
is reduced by 2. Additionally, the hydra has + 20 turn. Additionally, if the death worm is
to death saves for each head it currently has. wounded for 20 or more damage by an
engulfed creature, it can no longer use this
action, and any engulfed creatures are spat

Size class: Large or Giant.

Movement speed: 40ft.
Alignment: Varies, generally evil.
Description: The death worm is a giant worm-
like creature covered in rubbery, black skin. It
has a multitude of large, sharp teeth, a tail with
a poisonous stinger, and leaves only death and
destruction in its wake

Jessica Tomlin

_________CHALLENGE 6_________

Elemental Guardian
EP: 93
Defense: 20 (rock or ice armor)
(damage reduction: 2)
Str: 9 Dex: 5 Con: 13 Int: 5 Cha: 5
Attacks (2 per turn)
Punch: +12 to hit. 1D12 + 12 (18) bludgeoning damage. Reach: 12ft.
Special actions
Guardian of the elements: Once per turn as a free action, this creature can change one of its melee or
spell attack damage types to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
Legendary resistance: Twice per rest, when an elemental guardian fails a saving throw, it can instead
choose to succeed.
Mana: 7
Flaming Chakram: Mana Cost: 1. Single-target effect. See page 70 of the Apotheosis core rulebook.
Range: Self.
Ice Dart: Mana Cost: 1. Spell attack. +8 to attack. Two shards of ice fly towards your targets, each
dealing 1D6 cold damage on a hit. Range: 40ft.
Electrical Conduit: Mana Cost: 2. Requires concentration. Spell attack. +8 to attack. For up to 5
rounds, you can use a minor action to make a ranged spell attack, dealing 1D4 lightning damage on a
hit. Range: 30ft.
Conjure Minor Elemental: Mana Cost: 1. Single-target effect. You can instantly summon a minor
elemental of your choice. It will obey basic commands and you can unsummon it as a minor action. The
stats and attributes for the elementals can be found in the in the Creatures section on page numbers 102-
103 of the Apotheosis core rulebook. Range: 10ft.
Blizzard: Mana Cost: 4. Requires concentration. Area-of-effect. For up to 2 rounds (12 seconds) all
creatures around you have their vision heavily obscured, their movement speed reduced by 10, and each
round they’re in it, they must succeed a DC 15 Endurance check or take 1D4 cold damage. Range: 30ft.
Conflagrate: Mana Cost: 4. Area-of-effect. You launch a small orb of fire at a point within range. Once
it reaches the point, it explodes, and each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw of DC 1D20 +
your Intelligence or take 6D6 fire damage, or half as much on a success. The affected area of the spell is
equal to the damage. Additionally, anything flammable catches fire. Range: 60ft.
Rock Slide: Mana Cost: 4. Multi-target effect. See page 20 for more information. Range: 80ft.
Tornado: Mana Cost: 4. Area-of-effect. You summon a tornado within range. Any creature within 60ft
of the center of the tornado have their movement speed halved and a -6 to Dexterity check and saving
throws, any object or creature weighing 60 pounds or less must succeed a DC 16 Strength saving throw
or be swirled around within it. See page 20 for more information. Range: 120ft.

Size class: Large or Giant.

Movement speed: 35ft.
Resistances: Resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison and non-magical damage.
Hover: This creature can hover above the ground, and is unaffected by the terrain below it.
Languages: Lithic, (often Standard, Leviathanian, and/or Draconic).
Alignment: Varies.
Description: An elemental guardian is a powerful entity, infused with elemental power and generally sworn
to protect something of immense power or some invaluable element of the natural world.

_________CHALLENGE 7_________
EP: 105
Defense: 22 (natural armor)
(damage reduction: 3)
Str: 10 Dex: 5 Con: 15 Int: 6 Cha: 5
Attacks (2 per turn)
Ancient Blade: +15 to attack. 2D12 + 5 (17) slashing damage. Reach: 40ft.
Special actions
Stomp: Once per 3 rounds (18 seconds), the colossus can forgo its turn to raise its leg up, and, at the
start of its next turn, slam it down. Any creature of Giant or smaller size within 20 feet of the center of
the stomp must make a Dexterity saving throw of DC 16 or take 10D10 (50) bludgeoning damage, and
be fully buried in the ground. On a success, Giant or smaller creatures take 1D10 (5) bludgeoning
damage, and fall prone.
Guardian of the realms: The colossus spends 3 rounds doing nothing else but absorbing the energy
around it, and once it completes. At the end of the 3 rounds, it gains resistance to all damage types for 1
Arcane resistance: This creature has +3 on checks and saving throws involving magic.
Legendary resistance: Three times per rest, when a colossus fails a saving throw, it can instead choose
to succeed.
Mana: 8
Spells (Can vary depending on the domains of their god. These spells for a true neutral colossus)
Read Mind: Mana Cost: 1. Requires concentration. Single-target effect. See page 73 of the Apotheosis
core rulebook. Range: 120 feet.
Detect Magic: Mana Cost: 1. Requires concentration. Single-target effect. See page 70 of the
Apotheosis core rulebook. Range: Touch.
Mage Shield: Mana Cost: 1. Single-target effect. As a reaction, the colossus can make a magical shield
appear in front of a creature, giving them a +2 to their defensive for one round. For more information,
see page 72 of the Apotheosis core rulebook. Range: 30ft.
True Translation: Mana Cost: 3. Single-target effect. The colossus can touch an Intelligent creature,
and they can understand all languages, and speak Phrenic to creatures within 50ft. For more
information, see page 84 of the Apotheosis core rulebook. Range: Touch. Duration: 2 hours.
Sensory Echo: Mana Cost: 3. The colossus can make up to any 5 creatures within range experience a
taste, smell, feeling, sight, sound, or memory that is has experienced for up to 3 rounds. Range: 300 feet.
True Sight: Mana Cost: 3. Single-target effect. The target creature can see magic auras around illusions
and other magical effects, including invisible creatures. Range: 20ft.
Anti-magic Zone: Mana Cost: 5. Requires concentration. Single-target effect. The colossus creates an
anti-magic sphere. For more information, see page 87 of the Apotheosis core rulebook. Range: 20ft.

Size class: Gargantuan

Movement speed: 45ft
Resistances: Resistance to all non-magical damage.
Magic Sight: This creature can see auras around anything magical.
Heavy: This creature has +6 against being knocked prone, however if it is, it takes its full movement to get
back up. Additionally, whenever a creature of Large size class or smaller is within 10ft of where the colossus
steps, they must succeed a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Languages: Pure Runic, (often Standard, and most other languages).
Alignment: Varies depending on which god they represent, otherwise they’re generally true neutral
Description: A massive stone-statue-like entity, said to be sent directly by the gods to enact their wills.

_________ADDITIONAL RULES_________

Large Size Class Items

Larger creatures use larger items. To account for this, if a character is of the Large size class, items
they purchase are also larger, heavier, and more expensive. In general, items for a character of Large size
class are double the price and weigh twice as much. In the case of melee weapons, their reach is also
increased by 1/3 (rounded up) and their damage dice is increased by 1 size. If the damage dice size
would increase above D12, then it instead changes to D6 and the number of dice used is doubled. The
Weapon Damages Across Sizes Table can be used as a reference/recommendation for how weapon
damage changes for Large/Small variants of weapons.
For example, if a behemoth buys a behemoth-sized odachi, it would cost 14 gold instead of 7 gold,
have a reach of 13 feet instead of 10, weigh 10 pounds instead of 5, and deal 1D12 damage instead of
1D10. Large creatures may have disadvantages imposed on them when they use weapons which are too
small, generally a -3 to attack.
At the GM’s discretion, a creature attempting to attack with/wield a weapon that’s above or below
their size class may suffer disadvantages, such as -3 to attacks using that weapon for each size class the
weapon is too small/large for the Weapon Damages Across Sizes
creature. For example, a Small
creature using a Medium weapon Medium/Normal Small Variant Large Variant
might have -3, whereas a Small Weapon Damage Damage Damage
creature using a Large weapon
would have -6, assuming they are
1D4 1D4 1D6
able to wield it at all. 2D4 1D8 2D6
For weapon variants above 3D4 1D12 3D6
Large size or below Small size,
changes to the weapon’s properties 4D4 2D8 4D6
must be decided by the GM. … … …
1D6 1D4 1D8
2D6 2D4 2D8
3D6 3D4 3D8
4D6 4D4 4D8
… … …
1D8 1D6 1D10
2D8 2D6 2D10
3D8 3D6 3D10
… … …
1D10 1D8 1D12
2D10 2D8 2D12
3D10 3D8 3D12
… … …
1D12 1D10 2D6
2D12 2D10 4D6
3D12 3D10 6D6
… … …


_________OPTIONAL RULES_________

Armored Sleep rule

If you want to add some extra challenge and increase the risk of sleeping carelessly in your game,
you could try the Armored Sleep rule. This rule makes it so you are unable to sleep in most armors
without penalty.
With this rule applied, sleeping in light armor gives little penalty, except that species that need a cool
environment to rest may need do doff it in order to get a full rest. In medium armor, a character can only
gain the benefits of a partial rest, regardless of how long that character has rested for. When you
complete a rest in heavy armor you can lower your level of exhaustion as though you completed a partial
rest, but gain no other benefits.

Death’s door rule

If you're playing with players who are new, or just want to give characters more survivability, then
you could add the Death's Door rule to your game. This rule gives your players a second chance at life,
by keeping them alive after failing their first death save.
Instead of dying outright, the first time a character fails a death saving throw, and assuming they fail
the death save by less than 10, they are injured in a way specified by the GM, and are knocked
unconscious for 1D4 hours. Additionally, you may have this rule be usable only once per day or week, if
you are concerned that it might make your players overly daring.

Reserving abilities rule

At times an ability may be reliant on multiple attributes. If a player meets some, but not all
requirements for the ability, you may allow them to “reserve” the ability, letting them take the ability
without meeting the requirements, but making them unable to use the ability until they have met all
For example, a player might want a Constitution ability requiring a Constitution of 4 and an
Intelligence of 2, but their character only has a Constitution of 4 and an Intelligence of 1. You might let
them take the ability, but not use it or gain its benefits until their Intelligence is increased to 2.

realistic aging rule

If you want to add a layer of realism to your game in regards to the effects of aging on player
characters, then you may consider using this rule. With this rule, characters gain and lose a certain
amount of attribute points depending on their age. For example: if a character is very young/adolescent,
corresponding to their species age rules, they could gain a +1 to their Dexterity or Constitution, however
would have -1 in Strength, Intelligence, or Charisma. On the other hand, if a player’s character is very
old for their species, they could gain a +1 to their Intelligence or Charisma, at the cost of -1 in Strength,
Dexterity, or Constitution.
For very long-running campaigns, you might consider allocating such changes continuously: For
every certain period of in-game time, each player rolls 1D4 and their character loses 1 in the
corresponding attribute. The attribute the character is currently training is excluded from risking loss
through this method.
For example, if the chosen period of time is 1 year, then every time a year of in-game time has
passed, your players would each roll 1D4 and their characters would lose 1 point in the attribute that
corresponds with the roll. If a character who is training Intelligence loses a point in Strength, the in-
game explanation might be that they have lost some of their muscle as they have devoted themselves to
their studies so much in the past year.


_________THANK YOU_________

Thank you for buying and supporting Apotheosis! We want to continue to expand and improve the
game, so be sure to follow us on our social media and keep an eye out for updates!
Let the adventure begin!



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