93 Bais Yaakov Girls

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REVERENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, AND RAHAMANUT ———— Essays in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung Edited by Jacob J. Schacter x JASON ARONSON INC, Northvale, New Jersey London a The Ninety-three Bais Yaakov Girls of Cracow: History or Typology? Judith Tydor Baumel and Jacob J. Schacter Jevsh maryedom during che Holocaust ea tric ad emotionally charged sue foe sayone examining Jevsh Ife under Nex ae: During the Pat seacraion, tember of arcounts ofboth physical and spiritual mavtydom hve mecanor hosed ino much more than sors of tavern the face of avert. Wich the Fasoe of time, the historia events have become symbolic parables woven ines the tapestry of Jewish heroism and have taken ther place In the hacer ary chronicles of the Jewish people- One auch episode shot of healed Iarcrdom of 9 young women, students ofthe Bis Yaakov seal fe gi ig {Cracow daring the summer of 152. Fou preci ito facts arc hnow aoce i incidents vet, within months of ts allege occurence, became pene eof exe a lauabl Jewish behavior nthe fare of Nas psec ‘The place the Cracow ghetto in western Gala. The tie summer 942 From 1941 url June 1942, the Cracow ghetto ad bs unde the authority ne al Nai administration. In early June 1942, the fit of sci of cere hich would eventually lead tothe gets iqudaion in March 1903 ity forthe ghetto of Cracow was hand ovr to the secure pos the SS the pole ofthe General Government: The wane of authory wes chook dy two phenomens: the heightened presence of Gesmans inthe ete ow ate onwaed sn he deportations trom the Csacow ghetto which begon the ‘Arce eon fh is pr ofthis ea adver by D.Tysor Bonel athe Ineratonl Confrence on Ral Li an RlgousThouge Boag aes A, Helen, June 1986 war sponser bythe Arm! and Leone Fee hence ust esac Baran Cer. 3 4 __uith Tydor Baumel and Jacob J. Schacter month.) The protagonist teachers and students in che Cracow Bas Yaskow ‘euinary forge. In 1917 the fist of asses religious vocational natutons ot Jah scaled Bais Yeakov was founded in Cracow by Sarah Scheneret (058-1935), 2 former stamatces Eight years le, she founded a teacher! seminary, aso in Cracow. Berween the evo world wath, hundreds of gs had ‘tude a the high school, seminary oF one ofthe choos extensions* With the ‘utbeakf war the young adets fom the es stung Cracow had been fff fom thee fae, bur wichin shor ties many hed managed to be ‘eunited with them in various lations throughout Poland When ll Jewish ‘hook were closed by decree ofthe Gena arn i199, the seminary was need Underground. For clove to thee Yeas, candecine lone on varias nests of Bible, Jewish lw art Jevsh thought were taught tthe tudents who had “According toro wource desctbed below, the lowing eve ook place’ On July 27, 194, the nietycheee students suding together inthe Bais ako ‘ehool in Craw were cacovered by the Nani The git renglng in age orn fourteen to enentyewo, were cansfred by thi captors to another Buln, sgpaerly within the ghewo. Lid ls own about the ysl conditions it hich the gl were held or closet ewo meek they wer Eee in dark oom ot inseveral dark rooms, roully unaware of what heft was to eld in ste for than: On the Sth of August, the gels were pert to bathe with wae water for the fist ime since ther capture. The felling day they were taken to Lge ‘udng with wel rooms and beaut beds Te pil were ordered to bathe sain the clothes were taken away and che wete given nighigowrs to wea. "Aleaban Wei nd Abaron Weis, sas ho Ke, ean Jerse, 194,335, Arye Banger eel Sle Koco Van Ved Geran, 1359), 310, iene Kk 189, 50-7 Forte infrmation stow Crna euy foe a er he het as etal see Biyamin Min and be Kase, Ser ha Zt Orne 198) 1279, 1Siesy 8861 Free boundaries seh 965k Vea con Belper “Pas hai, 3, Fee iefoaton on Seah Schenee ap thee yoo the Bat Yeahs mote’ Creo or nah Grant Rowen “aa Scene” Jeuis Lass (75-150 eb Le ang New Your, 1953), ME; mb Yad ‘Arms, 195), 2 why Yn Foedesny “Bate a See trVenee Bee ashow tefalne ttn Trch nit be Bp eb Ta Schr See Yor, 9ST Ct ‘YebetelRoceber, al Em Br Yara Sr Adan Seah Ses (ast Ba 5h Sefer a Yoel ha hl Bt Beer ho Tihen ha Sem Gare ae Mot “Bet Yaa” bei Any, 1936-96 (el Aut Ih, Tew Schaay ell lind be An Gren, 1, 2254; Aharon Sua, Te heim orn Tah ‘ita Bul Ba, 16, 40-0, Moshe Mark, “37 ae (Api 194), 2 Hanna Wri Kidda Hashem” ‘&jrhe Vn aly 2011 For tsence hous lund ego taco CCacow's Go dro this tine sx Aryeh Bauing, Lakme’ Gee Rn (Tt Av, 18G 28 bed on tinony senate Exh el “Thisdeceptn steelonttanah Wek. 119, ndshe le artenby Chaya Feliu, ced bel ‘The Ninetythree Bais Yaakov Girls of Cracow 95 Fly they were told cht on the evening of August Ith group of Gexman toler would be comingo"vist” hem. The meaning of this"vint nas not eo thes es. According! they decided thatthe tne hd come to use the pon which thei seminary heamistes had prepared head of time uni had sage tekeep with her éhroughou the ordeal. Before recuning he sul her snore of he sis, Chay Feldman, penned eer describing the pi ital heures The fro pages writen in Vide with Geman characters were addreed fo Mee Schenkolevold in New York City, seereary ofthe World Both Jona Moveneay nda menter ofthe Cental Comite of Aguduth ioe, According woo, Jew the eter was smoeled out ofthe ghetto and several week ae erect Daniel Levenstin, a exlemerchanghiving in Steal whonedcves sel known to thot wishin send infrmurinn on of soup Europe Levene ‘mediately forwarded the eter to Schenkcewnh ade artved ies Yoak ay ‘email atthe begoning of January 194) The eriinal eter ancl an Englah rslaton reads follows 1 Augase 1982 Lier Fen Herr Schenisewsky in New Yor, Ich wae niche ob deer Bee wird Sie eschen, Wen Sle noch wer ich bint Wir haben uns inden Hause vos Frau Scherer kennengeacot and ‘pater in Mavenbad wider pttofen. Wen dsr in thet Hane ere ebe ich nist mer. Mic mir sit 92 Bs Jakob macichen, Nevh cinge Seinen und ales i che mehe. Grazen Sie Hern Rosenheim ond teen Peed Gutman, teide in England. Wir haben una all in Warschey bel ens Freind sholemman getofen und sholemszon wat auch de Wie beboa fart und dats Land wo der Bef gaeht ha une gett Brot. Wir aren ver Zimern, Den 27 Jl sind wir ehole worden un nein chal Zany agrvorfen() haben nus majin, Haben) aus dem Rosch Dove slent od ‘Mur achabe. Unser Alter st von {4 bi 2, aie fungen haben Match oh laerne susmen Marima Soros rash, gad eben for hachem, ser ud su staerben auch, Vrgestern und paeser ind wi ht bade worded man fae uns gage helt nache werden kien deutche Soldnes woes Dasuchen. Wir haben gestern die chino gethansunmen so stetbon, Moe hat uns geaern in cn greses Hutt mit halle Zimern and choses Beten getendet. Deutsche wizen nicht, das Bed ie unsee tvle tay sunt ew Yoru) whch recede Reet ondeecened tt ‘hove whore are ste en! nthe eter bey Sebel, Reem, Ooadnat td Shokan) ewe come fend wry esa ft hs tent 9 tthe ‘eigpallrarbura Yosh wandaton ie whch nad, ence lew es Fcc Hannah We p chy 1-19 woul penta toner cay of Wet (gid 3-29) only tol ron oe eve kwoul have ben tps ot hes accra her very od he converte org inthe ang home ‘ej: pts ote nthe Sr "WGoreapeadence (Tor Baul with Schenkolewsl and nevew ih i. Tele hone marion (Tydoe Bruel wth Rabb De Lase Lenn an Rabi Lee Jn New rl 3 19: later Renting Janay 3,18 in Append sf they Chow Sse Bae Na Shama” The Naw Yo Fin rua ia. aun epithe ater nhs Parana da London eat NewYork, 1974), 98 Judith Tydor Baumel and Jacob J. Schacter However, he eed in several deta: he defied Chay Feldman at a teacher and ‘the city where te story took place az Warn. “Theascein The New York Tine wae no the te fst public appearance. ‘Already several days eater, on January 5, che leer had ean ead tothe pa. ‘uspant ofa Vaad ha Fatsishmetingof rthador rabbis whih hed taken ace In New York Cty Het, too, che tener were greatly shocked by the toy” ‘World eacton war son to fallow. Alea during the ently month of 193 the geld bravery wasted at clase example of Kah Hashem Two otevise er ileret groupe inthe United Sates eats athe ete almost meaty the Orthodox andthe Reconstucinisa. At closed meetings ofthe Vand Hatelah thesorofthed gel was ceeds an example ofthe daly danger to which European Jewry was exposed: In the Wilamstarg section of Brockvn, a songhold of ‘rel wd she hore of many leaders ofthe Vat ha lata thst Was ‘ortantlysepeated fom every pulp never hula shicel and bade power fd tqunatc impact on the ere community” A, moth remembers coming ome fom high schol during this period snd finding har srancnosner ving bury ove the news ofsuch a event which she had just received ine hone Yidish ester. She made her granddaoghr promise eo light» Vahroi candle sy Yithr egulcly and recite kadish on Yor Kippur for, along st the lived in remeny of thes gs Realing chat the young ps parete were el lv, she composed aspell dcament which shehadhem sgn thaceveingtatingthot they 1 her sei permiion to do #0. This woman aided by her grendrother tet or dower iy Yeats refering co these gla" hued lle ers" “The Reconstruction reaction wae stray one During the fst werk of March 1983, the Recossructonet journal published a decipion ofthe Bas "Yak seminary in Cracow during the prema period Kio publahed on English teanslaon of Hebrew poo bythe wer Hill Bal about the nin tee ils rhc had firs appeared in hz Dob. a Hebrew poper published inthe United States, om January 22, 1913. Two weeks ltr, Mew Bercha Bad Stous, who reanated he poem, sugested inter to the etr of The Reconstr hat EB: and ic urbopaph, The Fat of «Pener(Landon and Now Yo, 1580, ip. "The eaay mas repitedin Levi, mike lee ert, 196), 25-25. ee a Tee, S78 "ora dewegton of che recon to the ltr a ht ting 8 Aa 1610 Oanuay 1556 "nari (Shut) with Me, Abraham Bayer, May 9,150, "Takphone iervew Shoe) wt Me Avene Seeglr, Ape 18, 1880. er gatdthar was hs Ether Reel Scheer, it of Rak Zaina Reem Sead etree in Wilantane The ebm wih the even ct hr Semper rece ‘hsevenctabng oem September Outer 1942 Disha grande poration Aout heer lore anyone ee, praises trae deen Il bees, hs ingly elec conn abo the eat dat ofan ocuenee het ‘oakley yea eer Fla Dser 210 onary 2, 13)486. ke nas rend in Bai caesion opr ‘Ader ho Stne Geslen, 195) 67-88 Ser The Resnanctnle Sash 8 ana ‘The Ninety-three Bais Yaakow Girls of Cracow 99 ie be read aloud prior to add during memos vervices for vit of the Holocaust Ocher American Jewish publeation alo fetured his soy ine: ent ways a the subject of an edtrial a Congres Wee, published by the Amer Jean Jewish Congres a poe in The Jui Frm; and short story based upon ‘8 Opinion, a monty ete by Stephen S. Wie all wishin the fs half 143. otal dears eaused the tert arrive in Esets Vive onl n mid Febry 1948, There too ts contents touched off wave of reactions which encompanct the ene plies spectrum, Tmmedatly following the les ara, sles eating wich the cent began to appear inthe local pres. The fits eat wa the slt-Orhodox (Edah Hares) Kal Vera, whith sommariced the lets ‘contents. A week late the same paper psinted a description ofthe inde snd stated that i took place in Wartgw. The autor wis apparently basing he Usformanon upon the ersncon ofthe ler a appeared a The Neo Yok Tine. Mention was slo mace of «fie practi tp taken to cominerorste the tag episode Kern ha Torah charitable orgnieavon connected with Agel Ina, stated thatthe 26ch of Adar, Sarah Schenicrt eighth yhtety haber designated a day of commemoration in all Bis Yaakov schol fo the sch whe ‘od ied marty’ deaths On March 25,193, acti and impree ralaion fhe eter appeared in Kol Vinal with the ersoneous comment that the tes hed been sent to Rabbi De. laa Lewin and not to Mitt Scherkolewi Along wi the leer two shoe stories, “The Jr of Poon” and “Stars in the Nahe were voted othe gl final moments * ‘Additional slerworthodox reactions appeared in the newspaper hiDerth ‘which printed che sme incorrect information tothe cy in which tc cuca took ‘ace, oily appeering in Kel Yao, Her for the fst times reves ternal ‘ome information about the Cracow seminary daring the war yee One article n Particular, writen by Moshe Mark, sited several prcinene questions which later would be discussed by isorians: How wait posible forthe Nast catch group thas laren Cracow at atime when Jews made anelfert vo avoid cogrepasngcvea ‘nr much smaller group? Where dd the girls obtain the poson! Mase meets, ‘bow did they manage to smugsle Chaya Feldman eter out ofthe ptt tthe fice worl? In response, Mack sed that the seminary continued to fonceoa slandecnely Ging the war yeaes and chat the ere student body was cooghe daring one ofthe lessons. As for che other quesionn, che author noe chasse Years of underground woek, neat» the gsapo cents in Cracows was excellent "ining fr smugling” This may support Hannah Wess’ chim ha the heads ‘se had biden the poison on hee body, ar did members ofthe underground Tnaddition tthe aforementioned arcs, sores about he 9 ie speared tn various newspapers~ha-Toneh of the Mirai pasty, Dear of the Laber pasty, “ie Rca 3Mach 1, 198991928, See Ging Westy L0Sanuary 2, 19K, Ar Abelson, “The Nine. These ‘Monen Martin? Tie Jat noe 28:hay 18h; Eugene Webra, “The Nesey ‘Thugs? Opn 13.8une Ihe "Ska Ya eeaey 12,183 1 brary 18,190) 1 ‘bid rch 25,183), 12, ha lth Fey 3,1), 3(Apal 1983, 100 Judith Tydor Baumel and Jacob J. Schacter ‘Masi of the Revisions and Hed Yeushalayin* The articles pated a seces. commemorative guterags. Ac the st ofthese which rook plein Tel Aviv on February 17,19 under he auspices ofthe chi rabis ofthat, use suggested thar all women should ight an extra Shabbat candle nemcry of chew pits and that heroism.” A second memorial meeting for women only took place in Te ‘Aviv om February 24." On Match 5's eating of Agedath Tract women a nounced the esablshiment ofa special lttuon in memory ofthe 9 in which ‘esd gids would be educated: Additional memecal mectogy wete allo eld In Sefer, Haile and Peta Tikva Tn May 198, a spcl parphlr in memory of the 93" was published bythe "Comite to Delnd the Honor ofthe Dauphters of las” The pane ated ‘he practical measure hat had been taken eo commemocte the ils mara. For tsample, he Peas Tikva municipality decided ro nae one set “The 9 anda ect in he Hafers Hr dict of Te Aviv at given the same name ‘The booklet ended wich che prayer “EI Male Rehamin” in meme ofthe young "Nofurcher mention wat made abou the incident ntl the end ofthe Second ‘Worl War-In 985 the pore Yehudah Les Baler wrote almentaton entiled Eh Ein which he refed tothe martjedom ofthe 93 gla, This Iamenecon was publhed bythe Chief Rabbinne and the Council of Polsh Commies tn 1848. n 196, book about the heron of Jewish women chrough the ges Wt published in Tel Aviv which included the story of the 9. According to the venion [ofthe try presented there, the incident ook place in Wate andthe ice were ‘rough oan ary brothel" Furthermore, the inedene was qucted in January [fe ssuecf Of Der Fra newspaper publahed by survivor in berated Germany, ‘Theale was pind atthe requ of che Bis Yanko cener in Bergen Bele which Began inctoning shonly afer che Ubeaton inthe spring of 1945." "Tif any 18, 19) Dar ebay 7 1833: Ma Pay 25, 198), 2 Hed Yeon Upmcy 1, 19854, Se ala he ewspapes Gund in the unghie, 9: lelher Tin eSalsh Meow eT Shay Loma Ben eden Lat Her leKaln Tel Asi, 93). ‘See Dona March 1,13), 395 ab, 21-25, Shao ibn 2518943 Se the len of he ish Telefe Ay, Mate 7,11, 493. 30 For ‘ee ineenaton about ts sd edhe spec rae lang ote Helor ee Be Trdor Baumels essing book, Kal Belg eShch seh Tela Sees te commen by K even Kat hovered at Ch Ra of Ph Tike, Seat Rees eer, 102), 15457. Thy were ete nwt of 1, ‘SYehedah Led Baer, ENE; Ahr Yn rele 187 4. aMhough wine 195 ewan plac nak ut 95 sepa by Year Yate, Noe Bak HT! Avi 193}, 500-04 Se a the pom by Yehuda Ka "a Tihsn ‘elas Sr Dene (Tet A, 1985, 1 Smo Aes, Nee Vina Gaon (Te Ai, 14), 15-55. Sesto es, ehh Apldntha Yah el Av 1953), 5, do Gb Vin Tel A 186) 28-5 eave Gl dy ase Gah Use 1945), 31 "hander car seo Marks Ba Yano, eran Bee, Lage, Bick (wy dere conaing scopy ofChaye Ps ler an pai by thal The Ninetythree Bais Yaakov Girls of Cracow _ 101 ‘Alt, eer ween in New York on May 10, 1946, ab Leo Jung india that a Bais Yaskoy building in shen Paleine war "to be dedicated to the rineny-thtee martes who gored Jewith history i our Out day Several years were eo pase untl-the sor of ihe 93" would again rceve formal or insttional expression, Although appeared in poems sch that by and Shimoni ened “Phe 9," i was fst given lerpealexpreseion a act of the Yom Kippur Mutat sevice in che High Helay prayerbook edited by Rat Ben Zion Bolue in 1950." Ie was estured at wel the onder of High Holiday series edited by Rabbi Jules Harlow in 12 In both prayerbooks che cients lection ilven as Wats and both reproduce Hill Bal’ pot about the event vee in ansey 1943 ced are ™ "None ofthe sour ted unt is pint, with the exception of the acc by Moshe Mark mentioned above, rset my sub about ihe hstorcy of the incidene, However i the eal 1980s questions rgurding the Incident wee raed inhiroral cc. The fre historian co question publicly che epiode’s veracity wat Joeph Wola Jewah researcher fom Cracow, who stated that t war aot abcation ‘Wal caimed thatthe conditions nthe Cracow ghet wosld not have prrited such an incident so occur Furthermore, te fc tha there wee mo wtneees othe ‘eno fersp hee wn ht thee young women be seemed The cir mas sepoduced in Eas God Oe BA Hy late, 171, 19657. seer eh) ‘bed November 25,199. Bases of Awe fone wade of Sst chen, ‘ve da he Ea fe sry rh is the ena Bergen Bee ere (Chas Feldars eer ade un enorme impenscn opeldgerho)” “eo fng, The Foo Pence) 2 Dani Shimon te Shales Hal Shd Masih Ce Avi, 1952), 5 seregedinS Athena, Gers Yara, pt (30,2 Se oe Avra Ben ‘eTihin ve Saloon me Adon le Ado erin, 19), 3 Mone Tabla Fe fig Arona Sefer Stn (Fl Ac 1955, 186.35 en Bon Bose Th High Holy Per Bas Now Yo 195), $436, Bole teocmtsly dats the eter on Rosh Hoth Ea, 0 Inf, was mete oo 28 A im ‘les Hao, Maker Rok Honch and Yon Kippur Ne York, 170,560 2MRocotherereneca he stary ne Aen Surah oo By see Sere he sae thatthe leter reporting tense a seed by abi bans Lon ‘Anon Runs, Kan Ath Tel Avi, 16,186, Dov Rote, Shon Val ae ne Engh by LO Jeri, 1972), 52428 "HA aot Wale are appease wot by Dr. Jog Kermsh Deco of the Yol Vite Archiver,t2 De Jac arn, Soper Yo, 075 Fe eer It Inte in an unnumbered ae conainngcnvpoence sous “he 8 nthe ad Van Archiv ‘lea ino srl writen athe nd of September 145, Yih Rivkin spy sce hae the ery wars ged ands pred osprey en ae ‘Crwiouly tested Yo oa 0 undccte he menos pemaen lice pom ‘ned by Jesh women tought he ge He des no expla howsey hye id oe sce the wry ao having srr ince. See Rind “Rid Henn Foye Kal Hasan eb 5 ig NewYork 198) 03 He conlson wa ed [yee op lho tl ade aus ahourthe hol vray of sary ‘ncideoe smog che Cracow survivors mailtated agin the incident ever having taken place. Another wel known hioran, Philp Friedman, supported Wot ‘contention and wrote the fllowing. ‘Theres anexensiv iterate onthe sublet ofthe 93 pups Bet Yataco, butalche thors involved have based thse desrpions on oncleter nbc ‘as tecsved bya Jews instation abroad during the war. The eter sd that the Gemans had eed to fore 93 gil of Bt Yalan int slden? brothel, but the gis had all prefered each and had commited sade ‘fore the Germans were able fo cary out thee pla Later rseateh and ‘examination revealed thatthe lets was a complete forgery athe te cont Iewithout any foundation. chs compilation of sources pertaining toeious Le during the Holocaus, Mordechai questions the hiorcly ofthis incident: Aer cing Chang Feldman ewer, Elaw sae he llowing ‘The locident elated here was well publi throughout the wold Lately, however, there were those who rated doubts about the intents vss aed the laters ceil. Nevertheless, fia to come to yl ‘onchsoneegrsing the mate ‘The Yad Vashem Archives contain age flier shout the episode of the 9," rma containing corespondence with various indasduls and ogee: tions who were seeking information abou che incident. Quoting both Wolf rd Faedan, the exponses fom Yad Vashem generaly sane ehat the Ident cid ‘ot oct Altern the folder rom 1977 sade follows "During he fre yous ser he eration the eter was examined in rest deal in Foland apd no facts ‘were uncovered which would corroborate sachs story We have been unable to neath any addtional deta reading the “dead examination” mentioned howe and in Friedimans ale. Te ppeare chat both refer to Joop Walt gents ed above. Several ofthe letersi the folder were added to Yd Vashem a ceult ‘of ssrange aie ppeaingin the Hebeew newspecr Mah on Mach 2, ‘Theale ened ip Fiednan, “relma and Matha Pb ofthe Reach on the ‘ey Cats che Nes Parad” Yad Vashon Sa I Geren 150, Gh ‘Tele rer as toe oly 0 Wall Fachermore fred peat ees ‘ego exer rary sing In newspaper sre, nt hoa estan “Merde Ely, Aw Maan Gorse, 969), 38 “Later fm De ph Kei fo brie! Ky near My 1977, Yad Vashem ‘Achierunnumbredie Me Kats leer Kary dard Jury bch ee “toh aon theory. He state that the gfe mee take to 2 aap blo ee roared hehe In ete 8, Wiener of Chicas deed Noventet 2 9S Shou! Keakowas, Direc ofthe Yad Vahey Archive wrote: According ty ben ‘owe, the sry ofthe 3 gsi. However, evegby s etota tesery ksi nd my bewilennef oneahe conlon™ The Ninety three Bais Yaakov Girl of Cracow 7 103 ‘The lat wil and eestamene of nineerahre Jewish gl who commited suicide rather than fll into Nas hands hs been found. The document ‘writen in Yds, was recent fod in Poland and woe sent to the United ‘States where i was tend co former merits ofthe Radots community in ‘ceremony which took plac in New York this March Acconding to the are, the document e that of» 1-year gel named Chaya Fridman which describes the fate of inet thee Bas Yaskow students in Wate tnd which was sent fom the United State to TuvisFrisdn, the Hate bsed Nu hunter. There ate clesly several inaccuracies In the account: Chaya Felman's las name which appears her as Friedman her age daring the soode the'tecent” dover ofthe eter in Poland ad met mporeanly the fae tet ‘he gis were told that German soles and 8. ofc wouldve them i the ‘ening. Thi final inaccurary, concerning the Mentity ofthe soldiers who were Supposed 10 “vi” the gis, 1s the one most league ced by comtemporary sdiesore and journals describing the inden Te continues 1 be the vevon prevented when dhe incident ciel "mss" lesons ven in ut Onthodon ‘hood and gatherings ‘When approached about dhe rie, Tuvia Fridman tated that he had 86 recollection ofthe eter and eae the sate of tchive didnot slow cos othe ocumene iy indeed wat there” Howes,» conversation wich Me. Argh Reichman of the Radom lnonansche ded mre light on the mater appease ‘hacche document in question was ined the leer wren by Chaya Feld os ‘cappeared inthe previously mentioned Oy Der Fre, edited by Me. Reich oad his ends. A commentary on the incident, writen the Bergen Belen Bais Yasov Central Committee, appeared algae the atic. Istat thatthe ter tadbeen found sometime 1982 bya ew working the gett plc and hat ts dle was Rosh Hodelh Ea, 5742 (or August 13 or 14, 1942) Thus, another on” ro the orginal story of the 9° was bon To date vstualiyal scholars ate convinced that he incident never ocd Ina book published in 176, Lucy. Dawidowis, the noted Holocaus biorian, state flows ‘A les pernicious form of historical fication the myth petending to documentary veracity In Holocaust hisory, myths se especially sbundene shout the behavior f pious Jems in cicumstsnees ferme cist this facta gene with many precedents in eu history. The mast wsespread ai arch 25, 1979) 6 Se al Ramer Skins, he print organ of he Radom Induce ofthe Une Ste sd Cone “er fot Tua Pedr Br Jd Tyr Baul, Aut 1 185, “Convention yds Baur ith Arch Roshan in Tl Ay, September 11 188. Se too With Cana, blow mI ho ab fo thle hag he ‘Shconredin Poland This story was ao pte in Sth Hed VU GST 1 That eer ao notes thatthe reat took pie iy Wore, tha the Gera sels (uesion nee memberolthe San that scopy thelr ws bergen chemin 97) tthe Geena authors prvcring the S'S ocr who bad ee incre ofthe Wane Chews tbe ed evince saint him 108 Judith Tydor Baumel and Jacob J. Schacter sch storys probably that ofthe nine three mote oles) devout ge of Bech Jccb school in the Craow gheto who chose mass suicide over the gradation of Gena brothel ia fail nd noving tale of ctf ‘ity lon in reli morality, facioned by people who Kew nohing ‘ofthe Nutemberg Laws which made sexual relations beeen Germans ad Je legal, crt and subject vo severe punishmene™ 11983, Profesor Yarael Gutman of Yad Vashem ued the sn egunen in leer (One should noe that we have na document or textmony of witeses which ‘eroborte che incident, Thales doubts in view of he race lw which pehibted seal relations between Jews and) Aryan, Te threo some Imposible hat this was planed i an fil manner * Furhermors, doubt about the incident even sniced in Agudath cel ccs, ‘When asked abou he ory, the eadmiress ofthe Bal Yakov sea i Ba Bra, henelfa Holoceue survivor aed the flowing We heard abou the incident arough America only afer the war and nce ring the war ise Ieseme possble that something like this could have happened, but with afew piso with onc, insert but aoe wth ines three. [dit deal withthe episode, We have» garden in memory ofthe rnetythees, ret named afer them, but dont each the toy Mz, Jue Edenton, prominenc survivor, Yiddeh writer and editor of Dor Yule Vet the Vids language monthly of Agudath ae in America alo cxpreeddoutes abou the herria vera ofthis ory. He oo noted that wat Strange that noone inthe camps or gheros eve heatd about it He would have ‘expected that someting as sing tis would have been tranmated hough ‘he unofcialnework that exited uring that time. Furthermore, he noted chat ‘the language of Chaya Feldman’ lloed leer was Geemare Hengnian Yes a ‘cppoted tothe c¥pe of Palsh Yuddh one would have expected in Cea: ‘Another prominent survivor and Yiddch we, De. Hilel Seidman, ao wrote {that the story wat fle and even stated, "am faa wih who fabricated the "sony shout theO8 and when, herein New York “Winey, Devious, AH Reser NewYork, 1970) 1 “Lets Pree Gutman oD hth Tyr Ba, 5, 1983 lve (Ty Baul ih Rebern Rivka Hofman Boat Bra, Oxcbe 28, 1934 “Sraehone nerve Schce with Me Fedrsn a New York Cy, ebay 1950. Inthepar af hea, ed tare nding ith he hrm of Bus Yash a dling the Peau pp 1-52, Foden aes mon oth oy Ses ‘Neon Wel cl, Te Teh Word Sew Yo 198), 12-73 "Batt Sedma, "Vyeam Heya un er Maa Hal” Ds To day, March 91 ina ine SchateronDeserer 9, 199, Dr. San nated “There we The Ninetythree Bais Yaakow Girls of Cracow 05 ‘A summary ofthe main arguments pu forth by the questioning the toy isriity would thus nce the flowing: 1. Information shou the account sno prec. Several veons exis | {0 the eves location, the perion to whom the eucl letter wae ‘sired andthe te and place oft being Found Furthermore no fone ever aw the orga letter and all seumpions ae based oly on ‘culations of which appeared in che pe 2 Condition in che Posh ghewo did nor permic such age group cobe tmthered together in one place, nor di they allow frees, wien ‘nly minutes belore death, o be mugged out of the aca 3. Nex Racal Lan probing sexu elatons between Jon and Aryans (asenschande~rocial poison) could not have poried sock 28 incident to occur. A candidate for the SS for txangle had o prone [src pry back to 1750. Thus, woul be incredulour eo sune that ¢ group which took such cate to manta ks pure vail status ‘would engage in orpanced sexual activity with Jensh ie cleuly proslbed by German Ia 4. There are no wimeses fo the incident and no peti weme to have own Chaya Feldman Aditional eiguments spun the incidents veracy appeared in a newspaper article pred in hall during June 1986. A former member ofthe Cracow Jewich underground was quoted a ving std that che small ckeumaribed srea of the ghee during thi peril ‘ould not have enabled sich at event to occur without the Under ground having received wordoft. This argument wat stengthened by Profecor Viste! Gutman who sated thatthe Jevsh cul in the hero surely would have seared to sich on incident” Ale, how ‘would nney-thee corpes be upoved of nthe hats tnd how meal (Chaya Feldman eer reach Swiserland” Ta view ofthe argument luted above, most hitorans who donot with to hm the eer a det forgery, dcr sate thatthe ncdene ley wove ‘esured™ ‘Our examination of the episode provides us with many ofthe enswes ‘hese arguments, While we certainly cannot claim wigh any crud thst he or ‘jeer ch wae the [Crcol seminary sed Chaps Felden, [had se Ghee. Tinow pearly ad cleat he ks et ne happened Tso hte caso bai for Menachem Friedman recent artnet Sadan rar he i puch Ser ha The Here andthe locos The onl Curry Wr 99}93 Soo, 10 Sueur hat the sop of the ieee gw epoca” Sefer Gane 2,186, 82. On June 28, 1242, these of ee Can geo vat exited rhe snd ee For nate cad nthe gestae hare Whe ‘ar abou oneshird of ounce Job Apna Te Ba Be Pash Jury isi, we Judith Tydor Baumel ond Jacob J. Schacter

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