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1.Explain why the man is called “the seventh man”.

Because the narrator of the book is referred to as the Seventh Man because he was the
seventh person in the group to narrate his experiences about the typhoo .
2.Identify the mood and tone of "The Seventh Man"?
His overall tone and mood he was gloomy and regretful he is a middle aged man
traumatized and haunted by childhood trauma for decades he is still afraid of the waves
that killed his best friend
3.Recall the narrator's reaction to the tragedy as described in
lines 234–274.
In "The Seventh Man," the narrator's reaction to the tragedy, as described in lines 234-274,
is one of deep joy and fun over the death of his childhood friend whose name was kai
4.Can you recall the impact of the typhoon on the narrator's
relationship with his hometown?
The narrator got traumatized. He couldn't bear to live near the place where he lost his best
friend, so to relieve himself of his feelings of grief and his nightmares he moves away to
Nagano, He ends up living there for over sixty nine years.
5.Identify the main theme of "The Seventh Man"
Consumed by guilt and trauma, the narrator has been haunted by the memory of that day
ever since. Central themes in the story include hapiness, deadh, loyaty . The guilt that the
narrator feels for not saving his friend, despite being powerless against the force of nature,
is a central emotional struggl

1.Analyze the significance of the name "the seventh man." How
might it be connected to the story he tells?
It creates an ominous mysterious mood since it’s not an actual
name it is connected to the story because it conveys to the
somber theme of the story and it is also named the seventh man
because he was the seventh person to narrate the incident of
the tsunami
2.Analyze how the author establishes and maintains the
sombermood throughout the story. Identif specific passages or
events that contribute to the overall mood.
Because he gets nightmares every time he sleeps and he
regrets not saving his friend K. He is still terrified of the Ocean.
The author’s tone is sometimes harsh or sad. (Raef)
Analyze the narrator's emotional response to the tragedy. What
specific emotions or thoughts are conveyed?Without a specific
context or text to analyze, I am unable to provide a detailed analysis of the narrator's
emotional response to a tragedy. However, in general, the narrator's emotional
response could include a range of emotions such as sadness, grief, shock, anger,
confusion, or despair. The specific emotions and thoughts conveyed would depend on
the details and nature of the tragedy being referred to.
4.Analyze the narrator's decision to avoid large b
bodies of water and not return to his hometown for many years.
How does this decision reflect his internal struggles?
The narrator had a grudge and blamed himself for what happened with his friend. He
always had nightmares and got trapped in an ominous mood by which he decided to leave
the town and never got married, and never went near any water bodies. “I stayed away
from my hometown for over forty years. I never went near that seashore. I Was afraid that if
I did, my dream might happen in reality. I had always enjoyed swimming, but after that day i
never went to swim in a pool” This shows how he got traumatized from what happened and
the question of whether he should have saved himself or k causing continuous suffering
with internal conflicts/struggles
5.Analyze how the theme of facing and overcoming fears is
presented in the story. Provide specific examples or incidents
that highlight this theme.
The story conveys how the trauma or fear of bodies of waters
how he faces it decades later when he saw the innocence and
pureness in K’s paintings. The whole purpose of the author’s
writing is toby visiting his old town

1.Evaluate the impact of the name "the seventh man" on the

reader's perception of the character. How does it influence the

The name creates intrigue symbolism and emotional weight distinguishing the
character and influencing the storytellin. (Yasso & Mezo & Mahmoud & Hoz &
elghitany & gabr )
2.Evaluate the impact of the mood on the reader's engagement
with the story. How does the somber mood enhance or detract
from the storytelling experience?

it's likely to be the mood that's responsible. You see, mood can
influence context, how you experience the story, and what you
take from it.
3.Evaluate the believability of the narrator's reaction to the
tragedy. Consider the circumstances and the narrator's
The narrator's intense emotional reaction to the tragedy in "The
Seventh Man" is believable considering the traumatic
circumstances, the nature of the character, and the surreal
elements of the story.(Yasso & Mezo & Mahmoud & Hoz & elghitany)
4.Evaluate the role of fear in the narrator's life and its
connection to his avoidance of the ocean. How does this fear
contribute to the story's overall message?
The narrator's fear of the ocean and avoidance reflect the story's message of the
destructive nature of fear and the transformative power of confronting it for personal
growth(Yasso & Mezo & Mahmoud & Hoz & elghitany & wael el7lw)

5.Evaluate the universality of the story's theme. How might the theme of
overcoming fear resonate with readers beyond cultural or individual
The theme of overcoming fear is universal, transcending cultural and
individual differences. It resonates with readers by addressing the
shared human experience of facing and conquering fears. Through its
relatability, it inspires personal growth, societal change, and offers a
timeless message of courage and resilience.(Yasso & Mezo & Mahmoud
& Hoz & elghitany& gabr )

A. ……………..
B. ……………..
C. ……………..





Harrison Burgeron
A : Write a comment on this photoNo judgment between the
people and no racism photoshop AND 'You don't have to be
strong-sighted to have value in society the most people in
the society was smartm it change the society

A.Equality will lead to no competition, no improvement.

B.…Financial levels are important in a country's success if

there is no financial difference between people the country
wouldn’t success
C.Equality will lead to us acting as robots rather than acting
like actual humans.

D: They are all equal, and there is no judgment between them.

Describe Harrison
A. describes as annoying for not being spring. What is most
significant, though, is what is not described in the setting.
Much of the story takes place in the Bergerons' house, ..
B. Strong & fearless
C. a fourteen-year-old child who has been jailed for refusing to abide by
his mental and physical handicaps. Harrison Bergeron, the
protagonist of the story, has exceptional intelligence, height, strength
and beauty, and as a result he has to bear enormous
handicaps.Harrison escaped from prison.
D. He is a genius, strong, self-proclaimed, and good dance
that can break out of prison
Describe the Ballerinas

A . ballerinas on television. The ballerinas aren't very good

because they are weighted down with heavy bags of birdshot to
make them as gawky and awkward as other members of society
B. They represent a figure of perfection but an intelligent guy
can differentiate
C. No ballerina is unique on her own; all are the same.
D. A women who dances perodassinaly with a ballet, and the lead
dancer is called The Nutcra
Analyze the conversation that took place between Hazel and
George while speaking about ballerinas and Harrison, their son.

d George ir living room watching ballerinas oazison Bergeron's

father a Harrison Bergeron's father and Hazel Bergeron's
husband in "Harrison Bergeron."

A.Hazel is a low intelligent woman but non the less a woman

with good intentions Hersson a short tempered guy
B. Below average she doesn’t have the strength of mind that
her son & father have
C.The story opens with Hazel and George Bergeron in their
living room watching ballerinas on television. The
ballerinas aren't very good because they are weighted down
with heavy bags of birdshot to make them as gawky and
awkward as other members of society. This doesn't matter
since Hazel and George can't concentrate on the dancers
for long anyway,also Hazel is more mentally slow.
D. In this case, the dialogue between George and Hazel develop Kurt Vonnegut's
message that advanced technology dehumanizes individuals. This was illustrated as
Hazel and George do not discuss their feelings about the arrest of their son.

Genre: …dystopian-fiction [ Based in futuristic but degraded or

broken society ]
They were seeking for ……equality……………… which went perfectly

The meaning : “handicapping / handicapped” is

The government was …………..
oppressive and manipulative

1. Reread lines 1-17. Cite specific details that describe society in 2081?
The story begins in 2081, a time when the government of the United States has finally established
equality for all its citizens. This concept seems noble, but has actually caused complete chaos.
Instead of finding a way to improve the intelligence, or strength of weaker members of society, the
government handicaps the stronger members. The story is set in April of 2081, a gloomy, clammy
month that Vonnegut describes as annoying for not being spring. What is most significant,
though, is what is not described in the setting. Much of the story takes place in the Bergerons'
house, but Vonnegut doesn't describe the home at all, except to say they have a television.
Vonnegut offers no other details, no décor, no colors, no furniture. None of the personal touches
that make a house a home. Similarly

2. How does the society in Harrison Bergeron affect the thoughts and reactions of the people?
Provide a basic overview of societal influence.

Society affects the thoughts and reaction of people as if they are mentally high they will handicap them and
make them unable to think properly. For example, if they are highly intelligent, their thoughts will be
dissipated as they will put noisy headphones to distract their thoughts and if they are physically strong, they
put birdshots bags for them to make them unable to move. Therefore, their society made all the people to
think in the same way, they are in the same level and satire humorous story fiction as the government
tortures and executes its citizens to achieve its goal of physical and mental equality among all Americans.

3. Recall George’s thoughts in lines 50-53. What is mentioned as the reason that made him stop

4. Reread lines 68-85. Cite. the reasons why George doesn’t lighten his handicap bag.

because he was afraid for two reason he will take two years in prison and two thousand dollars fine
for every ball i take out. “Two years in prison and two thousand dollarsfine fine for every ball i
took out”

5. Recall and state why the government is looking for Harrison

Instead of finding a way to improve the intelligence, or strength of weaker members of society, the
government handicaps the stronger members. Harrison refused this so government took Harrison to
the prison to weaken his strength.

1. Analyze how the introductory lines of Harrison Bergeron reflect life in the year 2081.

It is a cautionary satire humorous fiction story that focuses on the idea of dytopian socity, as he
wanted everyone to be equal in everything, and instead of finding a way to improve the
intelligence, or strength of weaker members of society, the government handicaps the stronger
members to force unjustified equality

2. Analyze specific examples from the text that illustrate how the society in 2081 influences the
thoughts and reactions of individuals. What elements of the society shape their behavior and

They control the thoughts of people that were in a higher level of intelligence of strength and making
them the same and they need to have the same behaviors and reactions United States has finally
established equality for all its citizens. This concept seems noble, but has actually caused
complete chaos. Instead of finding a way to improve the intelligence, or strength of weaker
members of society, the government handicaps the stronger members.

3. Analyze how the content of George’s thoughts in lines 50-53 contributes to the overall narrative.
What broader implications does it reveal about the society of 2081?

The society was brainwashed, and the most intelligent people were handicapped to get their thoughts
dissipated. Also the stronger will be weakened by holding birdshots bags even the beautiful
people will be deformed to justify total equality and state a dystopian society. When George
started to think about his son and figure out what is going on around him he got dissipated by a
doozy sound and forgot what he was thinking about

4. Reread lines 68-85. Analyze George’s justifications in not lightening his handicap bag. How do
these reasons contribute to the character’s depth and the story’s themes?

George's justification in not lightening his handicap bag is because he is afraid of future people
competing with him. George said ‘If I tried to get away with it, then other people would get away
with it and pretty soon people would be back to the dark ages again with everybody competing
against everybody else’. He will spend two years in prison band two thousand dollar fine for every
ball he takes out. George said ‘Two years in prison and two thousand dollars fine for every ball I
took out’.
5. Analyze the underlying motives or reasons the government is searching for Harrison. How do these
motives connect to the story’s themes and plot developments?

The most prominent themes include equality, government control, and the power of the media. The
futuristic society is based on total equality, and the government abuses its power by forcing the
stronger and smarter civilians to wear handicaps.

1. Evaluate the society that is described by the author in the beginning of the text. Does equality
always have a good impact?

Equality might seem like a positive fair word, however if we look deep into it we are going to see how
the “inequality” we are living in has its own way of creating a balanced society with all types &
everything that needs to be in a society.

2. Evaluate the broader implications of the society’s influence on individuals’ thoughts and reactions in
Harrison Bergeron. How does the societal structure contribute to the central themes and messages of the

Harrison Bergeron society is based on the inequality between individuals, ultimately making them equal with their
peers, and forever less than the government officials. In Harrison Bergeron it shows a terrifying government that
tortures and executes its citizens to achieve its goal of physical and mental equality among all Americans.
Intelligent people were forced to wear the biggest & loudest headphones to ensure that they will get as
distracted as possible once they start thinking which will lead to them being on the same level of ignorance
as the others.

3. Evaluate the significance of George’s stopping his thoughts in lines 50-53. What other behavior do you
think might be viewed as abnormal and illegal according to 2081 society?

Once George started to think & talk about his son with his wife, a sudden burst noise flooded his ears
which cut down his flow of thoughts. Which means that that repressive society is keeping an eye
on them, enabling them from judging, criticizing, or thinking about anything. And enhancing
severe punishments to whoever breaks that rule.

4. Evaluate the broader implications off George’s decision not to lighten his handicap bag. How does
this choice reflect the societal norms and challenges presented in “Harrison Bergeron”?
George got to a point where he doesn’t mind the handicap anymore, his wife is concerned about him
being worn out & tired while he only thought about the consequences that he is going to face if he
did lighten his handicap. As evidence & i quote “ Two years in prison & 2 thousand dollars fine for
ever ball i took out” first reason, while the second was “then the other people would get away with
it and pretty soon we would be right back to the dark ages again”

5. Evaluate the Ethical implications of the government’s pursuit of Harrison. How does this action
contribute to the broader critique of the dystopian society portrayed in “

A dystopian science fiction, piece of fiction based in a futuristic yet degraded or

broken society; which basically means the high power is creating a society of
broken robots that are unable to function properly. As an example of harrison he
was the most intelligent of all which led him to be the most powerful & the
biggest threat to that society therefore, they made sure he had the highest stash
of things that weighed him down the biggest & loudest headphones so they
ensure the biggest distraction possible that can be made to him.

Give Evidence

1. Vonnegut used Precise adjectives [ 95,96]


2. Vonnegut used effective images . Explain


Characters Physical / mental Evidence / Citation /

features Quotes
Hazel Hazel was average in “Hazel had perfectly
her intelligence average intelligence

“There were tears on

Hazel's cheeks, but she'd
forgotten for the moment
what they were about.

She cried for her son

but after few
seconds she forgot
why she was crying

"Two years in prison

and two thousand
dollars fine for every
ball I took out," said
Hazel. "I don't call
that a handicap. If
you don't want to
enforce the laws,
you'd be under a
handicapper's thumb
like us."
George Speaks in monosyllabic "Two years in prison and
phrases two thousand dollars fine
for every ball I took out,"
said George. "I don't call
Treats hazel gently
that a bargain.
"That was a real pretty
Very tall 7 feet dance, that dance they just
did," said Hazel.
Abides by the law "Huh?" said George.
"That dance-_-it was nice,"
George was one of the said Hazel.
most intelligent people, "Yup;
" said George. He tried to
so he was handicapped,
think a little about the
and when he started to ballerinas.
think about his son and
figure out what is going (monosyllabic and
on around him he got treats hazel gently)
dissipated by a doozy
sound and forgot what
he was thinking about

Was disabled

He’s an anti government

Harrison “picture showed the full
length of Harrison against
Seven Feet tall a background calibrated
in feet and inches. He was
exactly seven feet tall.
Although he might seem
smart it’s ironic since he

hadn’t thought the ballet
plan through since he And to affect his
gets shot at the end good looks, the H-G
men required that he
Smartest person in the
wear at all times a
red rubber ball for a
Was somewhat perfect nose, keep his
until some point in his eyebrows shaved off,
life and cover his white
teeth with black caps
Age 14

Bergeron is the
son of George
Bergeron and
Hazel Bergeron,
who is 7 feet (2.1
m) tall, a genius,
and an
athletic, strong,
and brave person.
Ballerinas 2/8 of them are smart “They weren't really very
good--no better than
They are all masked anybody else would have
been, anyway. They were
because they are
burdened with
prettier than average sashweights? and bags
of birdshot,'”
They are clones of each
other according to what
george said

They were physically

handicapped by
birdshot bags

The ballerinas, like other

individuals in the story,
are subject to wearing
handicaps to limit their
physical abilities.

they are dulled by the

government, no
uniqueness, no beauty in
whatever they are doing.

Prove that Harrison is incredibly strong, handsome and


“"Harrison Bergeron, age fourteen," she said in a grackle squawk, "has just escaped from jail, where he was held on
suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government. He is a genius and an athlete, is under-handicapped, and should be
regarded as extremely dangerous."


1. Analyze the reasons behind the government's decision to impose severe handicaps
on Harrison.

He was so heavily handicapped because he was a dangerous threat to the government he was a
genius and an athlete he had physical and mental ability beyond the average human he was a
threat to the government's law of absolute equality he was able to overthrow the handicapper
generals agents and declare himself emperor on live TV he also had a rebellious personality he was
handicapped with 300 pounds of handicaps a red rubber ball for a nose shaved eyebrows a mental
handicap radio black caps for his teeth and a pair of headphones

2. Based on your understanding, how Harrison views himself in relation to others as

described in lines 142–158?

Harrison’s self-perception in “Harrison Bergeron” clashes with the government’s

equality principles. By rejecting enforced handicaps and declaring himself Emperor,
he directly challenges the society’s aim to eliminate individual superiority. His
defiance symbolizes a rebellion against oppressive measures, emphasizing the
tension between individuality and societal control in the story.

3. Identify the words and phrases in lines 177–188 that indicate how the narrator views
the breaking of laws.

He describes it as an explosion of joy (extremely powerful emotion)and grace because it gives them
their freedom and happiness. He also said that They leaped like deer on the moon which means It
feels like they are defying gravity, which is as crazy as a deer leaping on the moon. He saw that
breaking any law can make you happy. “Not only were the laws of the land abandoned, but the
law of gravity and the laws of motion as well.”

4. Examine the events or decisions that lead to the resolution of the conflict in the text.

When Hazel and George watching the ballerinas on the TV and the ballerinas cannot dance will
because they wearing the birdshot bags that weighed them down and they wearing a horrible
masin the middle of the dance Hazel and George's son, Harrison bursts into the television where
the ballerinas performing he has broken out his handicaps and take one of the ballerinas and start
to dance with she during the dance Diana Moon she is responsible for initially handicapped by a
hideous mask and heavy weights
5. Summarize how George and Hazel react to their son's death.

George and Hazel's reaction to their son's death is portrayed as stoic and controlled, but also
limited due to the oppressive society they live in. George acknowledges the news of their son's
death, expressing sadness, saying "That was a doozy," but his thoughts are quickly disrupted by a
loud noise in his ear radio. Hazel, on the other hand, can't retain the memory of her son's death
for long due to her "average" intelligence and ongoing mental distractions. Harrisons death was
televised and Hazel saw it, Hazel was watching tv at that time and the channel was about the
execution of harrison. When she saw it she started crying which showed that she understands
that her son died even if she had a slow mind. while George missed the execution of Harrison
because he went to the kitchen to grab a drink and returned after it ended and he didn’t
understand why Hazel was crying because she forgot about it.

1. How does the heavy handicapping of Harrison and other individuals in the story
contribute to the overall theme of equality? Provide examples from the text to support your

This short story is a lesson for societies who want total equality at the cost of sacrificing
individual rights.The real reason is disguised in a fake reason. They are doing this to
disable the capable disguising it as equality, yet the real reason was actually so they can
make everyone inferior to those government officials/HG men so they have the ultimate
power over everyone. This contributes to the theme of dystopia and authority and equality.
Also they use technology to achieve their goals which contributes to that theme, like the Tv
the Handicappers and the birdshot pellets.

2. Harrison's self-perception, mentioned in lines 142–158, creates a conflict with the

government's principles of equality. Explain how does this conflict challenge the
assumptions and limitations of the government’s pursuit of equal outcomes.

Harrison's self-perception in "Harrison Bergeron" clashes with the government's equality

principles. By rejecting enforced handicaps and declaring himself “I am Emperor” , he
directly challenges the society's aim to eliminate individual superiority. His defiance
symbolizes a rebellion against oppressive measures, emphasizing the tension between
individuality and societal control in the story. But at the end he took of his handicap and
danced with the ballerina.

3. Discuss how the language used in lines 177–188 to describe the breaking of laws
affect the tone/mood of the story.

He describes it as an explosion of joy (extremely powerful emotion)and grace because it

gives them their freedom and happiness. He also said that “They leaped like deer on the
moon” which means It feels like they are defying gravity, which is as crazy as a deer
leaping on the moon. He saw that breaking any law can make you happy. “Not only were
the laws of the land abandoned, but the law of gravity and the laws of motion as xwell.”

4. Discuss how does the conflict between Harrison and the government’s principles of
equality drive the plot of the story. Analyze specific actions and motivations of the
characters that contribute to this conflict.

Harrison's self-perception in "Harrison Bergeron" clashes with the government's equality

principles. By rejecting enforced handicaps and declaring himself “I am Emperor” , he
directly challenges the society's aim to eliminate individual superiority. His defiance
symbolizes a rebellion against oppressive measures, emphasizing the tension between
individuality and societal control in the story. But at the end he took of his handicap and
danced with the ballerina.

5. Analyze the psychological and emotional turmoil experienced by Harrison’s parents

when they see him in the televised dance with the ballerina. How does their internal
conflict highlight the tension between their loyalty to the government and their belief
in its principles of equality and their love to their son?

Hazel was watching TV normally when she saw her son who has freshly escaped from
prison on TV dancing and taking off illegally his handicapper then he was shot by the HG
General, Diana Moon Glampers. They didn’t have that big of an impact the mother cried, yet
since she was not the brightest person she ultimately forgot what she was crying about.
George had a handicapper that prevented him from ever quite thinking about anything too
deeply so he had vague emotions. The changes I would do I would have expected Hazel to
deepen her grief and cry a bit not immediately forget about her son. I would have expected
the father to retaliate or have an action to protest anything really.

1. Evaluate the ethical implications of the government's decision to heavily handicap

Harrison. If suggesting an alternative approach, what changes would you propose to
maintain equality while addressing the concerns raised by Harrison's situation?

2. Evaluate the significance of Harrison's self-perception and its conflict with the
government's principles. If proposing a resolution to this conflict, what changes
could be made to reconcile Harrison's perspective with the government's goals of
3. Evaluate the narrator's attitude toward the breaking of laws, as expressed in lines
177–188. If rewriting this passage with a different narrative tone, how might it change
the overall impact of the scene?

4. Assess the impact of the conflict in the story (between individuality and enforced
equality) on the overall theme. If proposing an alternative resolution, that does not
challenge societal norms and raise questions about the consequences of
suppressing uniqueness, what changes might be suggested to enhance the impact
of the conclusion?

5. Discuss the factors that might have influences George and Hazel’s choices and
reactions. Assess the potential consequences of their actions on the larger society.


(A)The television set let out screams of


(B) When i saw a snake in my room, i screamed with




(A)The ballerinas cowered on their knees.



(A)They neutralized my talents

(B)The government wanted to neutralize any power.



(A)The ballerinas were all synchronized

with the music.

(B)The ballerinas should synchronize to the dance.



(A)Due to the vigilance of the U.S.

agents reached a state of equilibrium among all the people.

(B) The government devoted all their efforts to achieve

vigilance all throughout the country.



(A)George winced from the immense

pain coming from his ear.

(B)George winced after hearing the 21 gun salute through

his handicapper.


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