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53-Examples of Acceleration Field

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

54-Material Derivative

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

55-Material Derivative Note from Example1:1

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

56-Material Derivative Note from Example1:2

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

57- Vorticity and Rotationality:1
The vorticity is a kinematic property of great importance to the analysis of fluid flows. It is
defined as the curl of velocity vector.

𝜁⃗ = ⃗∇⃗ × 𝑉

Physically, you can tell the direction of the vorticity vector by using the right-hand rule for cross

Key Point:
Rate of rotation vector (𝜔
⃗⃗) is equal to the half of vorticity vector. i.e.

𝜁⃗ 1
⃗⃗ = ⃗⃗ × 𝑉
= (∇ ⃗⃗ )
2 2

Thus, vorticity is a measure of rotation of a fluid particle.

 If the vorticity at a point in a flow field is nonzero, the fluid particle is rotating; the flow
in that region is called rotational.
 If the vorticity in a region of the flow is zero, fluid particles there are not rotating; the
flow in that region is called irrotational.

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

58- Vorticity and Rotationality:2

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

59- Comparison of Two Circular Flows

(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

60-The Reynolds Transport Theorem
(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)
61-Application of Leibnitz Theorem
(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)
(ref. ‘Fluid Mechanics’ by & Cimbala)

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