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Design and Implementation of Low-Power Wireless

Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring

Jue Yang, Student Member, IEEE, and Xinrong Li, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Environmental monitoring represents a major ap- by short-term experiments or proof-of-concept demonstrations,

plication domain for wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we instead of long-term autonomous operation.
present the design and implementation of low-power wireless In this research, we strive to solve the aforementioned
sensor networks for long-term, autonomous, and near-real-time
environmental monitoring applications. We have developed a problems and make significant practical contributions in sensor
suite of networking protocols to provide reliable data collection networks research by developing a suite of sensor networking
with extremely low power consumption. A network of 35 sensor protocols and various related device drivers that are opti-
nodes has been deployed in a remote field station to monitor soil mized for environmental monitoring applications. We have
moisture along with other environmental parameters. The system implemented the proposed protocol stack in a soil moisture
has been integrated into the Texas Environmental Observatory
infrastructure for long-term operation. Some field performance monitoring sensor network system and integrated it into a
results are also presented to demonstrate the reliability and large-scale environmental monitoring infrastructure system,
energy-efficiency of the network. known as Texas Environmental Observatory (TEO) [11], for
Index Terms—duty cycle scheduling, energy efficient, envi- long-term operations. The overall framework of the TEO
ronmental monitoring, time synchronization, wireless sensor environmental monitoring infrastructure has been presented
networks. previously in [14], including the design of sensor network base
station, long-haul telecommunication, and a unified framework
for sensor data collection, management, visualization, dissem-
I. I NTRODUCTION ination, and exchange.
TYPICAL wireless sensor network (WSN), or simply The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first
A sensor network, consists of a number of distributed
sensor nodes, capable of sensing the environmental condi-
identify key design requirements for environmental monitoring
sensor networks in Section II and describe the software archi-
tions, communicating with each other via short-range radio tecture in Section III. Then, in Section IV, we describe three
transceiver, and organizing themselves into an autonomous major components of the proposed protocols stack, namely
multi-hop mesh network. In recent years, such networks are medium access control (MAC) protocol, time synchronization
being developed for a wide variety of application domains, protocol, and multihop routing protocol. After presenting some
in particular, for environmental monitoring applications [1], initial field testing results in Section V, we conclude the paper
[2], [3], [4]. Sensor networks have been widely envisioned to with a summary of future works in Section VI.
being able to provide long-term, near-real-time observations at
unprecedented fine spatiotemporal resolution, which makes it II. D ESIGN R EQUIREMENTS OF E NVIRONMENTAL
possible for domain scientists to measure properties that have M ONITORING S ENSOR N ETWORKS
not been observable previously. Generally speaking, the purpose of environmental monitor-
Although many off-the-shelf sensor network platforms have ing sensor networks is to collect authentic measurements of
been available in the market for many years, considerable varying environmental conditions over a long period of time.
amount of software and hardware customization and rede- In this section, we summarize a set of core design requirements
velopment efforts are required to meet application-specific for environmental monitoring sensor networks.
requirements [5]. It is identified in [5] that the major chal- Long-term energy-efficient operation: Most of ecological
lenging issues in developing environmental monitoring sensor studies require measurements on long temporal scales ranging
networks are communication reliability, time synchronization from several months to a few years. Without any energy
stability, and reduction of power consumption. These chal- optimization, a typical battery-powered wireless sensor node
lenges have been recognized by the research community, can last only for a few days. Alternative energy sources such
and considerable efforts have been put into the design of as solar power may not be easily acquired, especially in forest
protocols in different layers to address them. However, many with dense vegetation. While one can employ batteries with
protocols are only implemented in simulators instead of real- larger capacity, it will inevitably lead to an increased form
life application environments. Some protocols are evaluated factor and cost. Therefore, minimizing the power consumption
is the ultimate key to sustaining long term operation in
Jue Yang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Univer- challenging conditions.
sity of North Texas, 3940 N. Elm St., Denton, TX 76207 USA, e-mail: Reliable data collection: All measurement data should be
This research is supported in part by NSF under Grants OCI-0636421, collected reliably because any data loss may lead to a dis-
CNS-0709285, and EEC-0431818. torted observation. On the other hand, environmental variables

typically exhibit high spatial and temporal correlation and ĂƚĂ'ĞŶĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ ĂƚĂWƌŽĐĞƐƐŝŶŐ ĂƚĂZĞƉŽƌƚŝŶŐ
hence application layer protocols may exploit such correlation dĂƐŬƐ
properties in data compression to reduce the communication
load of the network. In such scenarios, reliable data collection
is even more important because any packet loss may affect the ƵƚLJLJĐůĞ^ĐŚĞĚƵůŝŶŐ
usefulness of many other packets.
Near-real-time data collection: Environmental parameters dŝŵĞ^LJŶĐŚƌŽŶŝnjĂƚŝŽŶ >ŝŶŬYƵĂůŝƚLJƐƚŝŵĂƚŽƌ
typically vary slowly [3], [2] and thus latency can be traded off D>ĂLJĞƌ;^DͿ
for energy efficiency in environmental monitoring systems. On dŝŵŝŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ EĞƚǁŽƌŬŝŶŐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ
the other hand, some monitoring systems are used to provide
vital hazard warnings such as flash flood alerts. While real- >ŽǁWŽǁĞƌ KƚŚĞƌƌŝǀĞƌƐ
time constraint is generally hard to satisfy, near-real-time data ƌŝǀĞƌƐΘKƉĞƌĂƚŝŶŐ^LJƐƚĞŵ
collection is achievable while keeping energy consumption
low. Here we define that the term near-real-time pertains to ,ĂƌĚǁĂƌĞ ;/Z/^͕DϯϬϬĞƚĐͿ
the delay introduced by network transmission, between the
Fig. 1. Software architecture for wireless sensors
occurrences of consecutive measurements. More specifically,
the maximal latency of data delivery should be less than the
sensor sampling period. The functional modules we present here are implemented
Scalability: Environmental monitoring applications vary sig- in TinyOS [12], the de-facto operating system for WSN. The
nificant in terms of spatiotemporal sampling resolution and TinyOS source tree shipped by the mote manufacturer has
scale, depending on the physical phenomenon under observa- included most of the essential drivers for motes and sensor
tion. Thus, environmental monitoring sensor networks need to boards. And many networking protocols and services have
be scalable to suit a wide range of application scenarios, espe- been implemented in TinyOS in the literature by the WSN
cially in large-scale monitoring applications such as watershed community. Although TinyOS promises that designers can
soil moisture monitoring. easily compose new applications and services by wiring to-
Unattended autonomous operation: Environmental monitor- gether existing components, implementing a complete working
ing systems are often deployed in remote places that are typ- system is not as easy as bringing building blocks together.
ically harsh and hard to access. Thus, in order to accomplish Moreover, it is necessary to restructure or even redesign
long-term monitoring in such environments, sensor networks most of the building components, especially the networking
need to be capable of self-configuration and self-organization protocols, to construct a reliably functioning system. It is
upon initial deployment as well as self-healing in the events well understood that in a resource-constrained platform such
of node failures without frequent user intervention. as wireless sensor node, the stack of protocols should be
Load balance: Most of the environmental monitoring sensor jointly optimized in order to maximize the overall network
networks have the spanning-tree multi-hop network structure performance and to minimize energy consumption. A number
that is rooted in a single sink node. In such networks, sensor of lower-power protocols are available in the literature, but
nodes closer to the sink are deemed to have higher energy most of them are not optimized for environmental monitoring
consumption than those nodes that are further away from the applications. In the next section, we briefly describe the main
sink because of the overhead for relaying messages. Therefore, components of networking protocol stack as well as other
it is of great importance to balance the load throughout the software services and drivers that we have developed in this
network to maximize the overall network lifetime. research for environmental monitoring applications.
Fig. 1 shows the functional block diagram of a sensor
Wireless communication is the most energy-consuming op-
program. In general, in environmental monitoring applications,
eration that a wireless sensor node performs. Therefore, the
every sensor node periodically carries out three main tasks,
design of networking protocols will determine the overall
including data generation through sensing, data processing,
energy efficiency of the system. In this section, we describe
and data reporting through multihop wireless communications.
the major features of our communication protocol stack that
To accomplish the data generation task, sensor readings are
make the whole system self-organized and energy-efficient.
collected periodically at certain frequency and sensor data are
time-stamped upon sampling, which necessitates global time
synchronization in the network. Then, in the data processing A. Related Works on Networking Protocols for WSN
task, sensor nodes calibrate, aggregate, summarize, and com- In wireless sensor networks, the main mechanism to achieve
press the data. Lastly, during the data reporting task, data are energy efficiency is duty-cycling; that is, sensor nodes alter-
transmitted to the Base Station or sink node through multihop nate between the active and sleep states with a prescribed
wireless communications. The data reporting task is enabled pattern. Obviously, a sleep scheduling-based Medium Access
by a variety of software services, which implements essential Control (MAC) protocol is needed to coordinate nodes so that
timing, communication, and networking protocols for energy- neighbors can still communicate together while minimizing the
efficient multihop data collection in distributed networks. energy waste due to idle listening. According to their degrees

of dependency on synchronization, MAC protocols in WSNs Contention

TDMA Slots
can be categorized as asynchronous, loosely synchronous, and
fully synchronized protocols [6]. In general, with a greater Frame

degree of synchronization between nodes, packet delivery is

more energy-efficient due to the minimization of idle listening Fig. 2. Time slot structure of a frame in the hybrid MAC protocol
when there is no communication, better collision avoidance,
and elimination of overhearing of neighbor conversations.
B. Hybrid MAC Protocol for Reliable Data Collection
Asynchronous MAC protocols such as B-MAC [8] uses
low power listening (LPL) to reduce idle listening. In LPL, Similar to most of the synchronized MAC protocols in the
sensor nodes independently follow a sleeping schedule based literature, the hybrid MAC protocol that we propose in this
on target duty cycle and periodically sense channel activ- paper equally divides the entire time axis into non-overlapping
ity. Before message transmission, the sender is required to time frames, each of which is then equally divided into a
transmit a very long preamble to wake up every node in the number of non-overlapping time slots as shown in Fig. 2.
neighborhood, including the receiver. Since sensor nodes are Two types of time slots are defined in the hybrid MAC
not synchronized, the preamble must be longer than the sleep protocol, including contention slots and TDMA slots. During
period so that the receiver is able to detect it. Although B-MAC contention slots, all nodes in the network are active. They are
eliminates the overhead of time synchronization, it spends able to receive packets from neighbors, and contend for the
considerable amount of energy in sending the long wakeup medium to transmit packets. Contention slots are mainly used
preamble. On the other hand, as indicated in Fig. 1, time for broadcast packets. However, unicast packets can also be
synchronization cannot be removed from our system since it transmitted in contention slots with possible packet collision
is required by other components as well. and retransmission. CSMA is the baseline MAC protocol in
contention slots to resolve the contention problem.
Loosely synchronous MAC protocols such as S-MAC [7] TDMA slots are intended for delivering upstream unicast
employ local time synchronization among neighboring nodes data packets. Each TDMA slot can be exclusively owned by
to coordinate packet exchanges. Neighboring nodes form vir- a single node in a neighborhood. During TDMA slots, only
tual clusters and the nodes in the same cluster share a common the owner node is allowed to transmit packets. The parent of
schedule. The slot is not uniquely assigned but randomly the owner is also active to receive and acknowledge unicast
picked. Thus, to transmit a packet, a node competes for the packets. Other non-related nodes are normally sleeping with
slot not only with the nodes in the same cluster, but also radio transceiver turned off to conserve energy. However,
with nodes from other clusters. To avoid possible collision, exception occurs when a node would like to overhear these
the RTS-CTS procedure is used in every transmission, which conversations to collect neighbor information or synchronize
results in a large amount of overhead. For an irrelevant to the network. Although TDMA slots provide collision-free
node, which is neither the sender nor the receiver in the transmission for unicast packets, CSMA is still used as the
cluster, it still needs to wake up in order to receive potential underline MAC protocol to avoid any unexpected collision due
incoming packets. Though S-MAC implements an overhearing to inaccurate time synchronization, co-channel interference
avoidance mechanism where a node turns off transceiver when from other types of devices, etc.
receiving RTS that is not addressed to it, it is inevitable for the In the current configuration of the hybrid MAC protocol,
node to overhear the RTS packet and waste energy in turning each frame begins with one contention slot followed by a
transceiver on and off. number of TDMA slots. Initially a node can only transmit in
Fully synchronized protocols, similar to TDMA proto- the contention slot before any TDMA slots being assigned to
cols, are known to provide excellent energy-efficiency due it. After synchronizing to the network and collecting necessary
to minimization of idle listening, elimination of overhearing, neighborhood information, it will assign a unique TDMA slot
and collision-free operation. They assume the availability of to itself according to a distributed slot scheduling protocol.
global time synchronization. In this research, we develop a The idea behind the distributed slot scheduling protocol
fully synchronized MAC protocol that integrates CSMA and is similar to the RTS-CTS collision avoidance mechanism in
duty-cycle scheduling to achieve high energy efficiency to the 802.11 standard. In our protocol, each node maintains a
support long-term, low-rate, and large-scale sensor network network allocation table (NAT), similar to the NAV in 802.11.
applications. The hybrid MAC protocol uses a distributed But instead of keeping the duration field, NAT keeps track
duty-cycle scheduling algorithm to coordinate sensor nodes’ of the allocated slot number with its owner ID and a Time-
sleeping. Compared to other scheduling MAC protocols such To-Live (TTL) field, indicating the reservation duration of the
as TRAMA [9] and RT-LINK [6], our algorithm does not need slot. As in NAV, the TTL values in NAT will decrement across
to guarantee the unique assignment of slot within 2-hop radius time. An entry will be removed when its correspondent TTL
in order to achieve collision-free operation. Consequently, becomes zero.
our protocol greatly reduces the communication overhead of When a node resets or boots up, it will request for the slot
scheduling protocol. Additionally, we gracefully embed the allocations from its neighbors. Upon receiving the request,
slot allocation exchange in the process of upstream parent neighboring nodes will reply back with their slot numbers and
selection. Hence, the dedicated communication overhead for their children’s slot numbers. This is the only dedicated com-
slot scheduling is virtually zero. munication overhead introduced by the scheduling protocol

and the one-time overhead will be amortized and approach 0 as save energy in low-power modes, existing timer drivers pull
time goes by. While passive sniffing can also be used to collect down clock frequency at which repeat timers request when
neighborhood information, such an active request method will there are no active one-shot timers. However, to support the
reduce considerable amount of time for initialization. After one-shot timers, which usually fire in a few milliseconds, the
parent selection, the child node picks a slot that is not in the clock has to run at high frequency, which leads to high CPU
NAT, i.e., not occupied by any neighbors and their children usage and high power consumption. Unfortunately, switching
and requests for the slot by sending a request (REQ) packet between high and low frequencies results in inconsistent time
to its parent. The parent node responds with a reply packet stamps. Therefore, we developed a new two-layer timer driver
(RPL) if the requested slot is not in its NAT, i.e., not in use. to replace the original driver, which employs two individual
Then the child node acknowledges (ACK) the slot allocation hardware clocks to tackle the two types of timer separately.
and concludes this request. This conversation is conducted A high speed clock is used to drive one-shot timers, which
during contention slots when all the nodes are awake. Other remains active for a short period of time in normal mode.
neighboring nodes eavesdropping the conversation will update On the contrary, a low speed and thus low power clock runs
their NAT, which in turn is used to ensure that when a node continuously to support the repeat timers. Two clocks are
negotiates slots with its parent, the slots occupied by their synchronized from time to time to ensure consistency in time
neighbors will not be reused. stamps.
The aforementioned protocol provides nodes with the latest
slot allocations of neighbors and their children and seamlessly D. Multihop Routing
embeds the information in the parent selection process. With A common characteristic of monitoring systems is, at most
the help of such a distributed slot scheduling protocol, a of the time, the data are flowing into a sink, the base station
collision-free channel is assigned to each node and at the (BS) node with Internet access. Consequently, the network
same time an upstream route is established for forwarding architecture could be described as a spanning tree structure
data packets from sensor nodes to the sink node. rooted at the BS node. Initially the routing tree includes
only the BS node. A non-BS node is required to look for
a neighboring node that has already joined to the routing tree
C. Time Synchronization Protocol
as its parent for relaying data.
The performance of fully synchronized MAC protocol heav- The information about neighbors is managed in a neighbor-
ily depends on the accuracy of time synchronization. The hood table. Parents will be selected and re-examined according
authors in [6] utilize a dedicated out-of-band synchronization to the neighborhood table in order to maintain a reliable
hardware to achieve global synchronization. While very high routing topology. Periodically, each node will broadcast a
accuracy can be obtained, such a method increases the com- probe message containing its ID, state, hop count, slot number,
plexity of the overall system design and requires a custom- duty cycle as well as bi-directional RSSI with respect to its
made sensor platform. In this research, we found that in- neighbors. The neighborhood table maintains all the fields
band software-based synchronization schemes are completely in the probe packets along with a TTL field. TTL will be
practical and desirable accuracy for duty cycle scheduling can updated upon receiving and successfully sending a packet, and
be obtained. We adopted a modified version of FTSP [10] decreased regularly or upon an unacknowledged transmission
because it is able to synchronize multiple receivers with a to the neighbor. Neighbors with low or zero TTL will be
single broadcast message. considered as dead and replaced by new nodes.
In the new design, similar to FTSP, each node maintains a The network topology and routing tree are constructed and
buffer containing the latest time stamps for estimating clock updated as nodes select or change parent nodes according to a
skew and offset. The buffer window is also used for outlier parent selection algorithm. Many distance-vector based parent
detection to filter out corrupted time measurements. In our selection algorithms are available in the literature, which uses
experimental study, it is observed that FTSP can achieve less different cost metrics to guide routing. The cost of a node is
than 1ms timing errors in a three-hop network when the an abstract measure of distance. In our protocol, the cost is
power management functionality is turned off. However, in parameterized by hop count, RSSI, TTL, and duty cycle. When
low-power modes, FTSP results in errors of several hundred scheduled to run, the routing algorithm scans the neighbor list
milliseconds. Through carefully examination of the timer and find a potential parent with good link quality determined
driver shipped with FTSP, it is found that the driver is not by the RSSI and TTL, and relatively low duty cycle. Among
able to return consistent time stamps in low power modes. In the parent candidates, the neighbor with lowest hop count is
TinyOS, timer driver is required to implement two types of selected as the potential parent. If two or more candidates have
timer interfaces: one-shot timer and repeat timer. A one-shot the same hop count, the one with the lowest duty cycle will
timer fires only once whereas a repeat timer fires periodically be selected so as to balance the routing load and maximize
until being called off. All existing timer drivers rely on a network lifetime. Once a parent is targeted, a child node
single hardware clock to handle both types of timers. During will reserve a TDMA slot from the parent based on the slot
the sleep periods, clock is the only active module thus it reservation protocol we described earlier. Upon accepting the
dominates the power consumption in sleep mode. In a duty slot reservation, the parent node will start listening in the
cycling system, the sleep mode power consumption decides child’s slot and pass on incoming data packets from the child
the lower-bound of the average power consumption. Hence to to upper level nodes in the routing tree.


Node Distance Hop Duty Receive Delay

ID to BS (ft) count cycle (%) rate (%) (sec)
We implemented the networking protocols and several sens- 2 103 1 1.03 99.39 15.65
ing tasks on the IRIS mote from Crossbow Technology [13], 4 126 1.06 1.36 99.47 21.84
and deployed 35 motes around the Greenbelt Corridor weather 32 141 1.16 2.15 99.16 16.86
8 179 1.99 0.85 99.62 31.17
station to collect soil moisture. The BS node is installed inside 10 243 2.04 0.65 99.47 31.6
the weather station which features a telecommunication system 33 280 2.04 1.46 99.25 35.25
supporting the integration of WSN and existing TEO infras- 12 299 2.07 0.78 99.32 28.37
15 386 2.05 1.09 99.54 32.77
tructure. The overall system design and previous experimental 34 423 2.51 1.17 99.24 36.06
results can be found in [14]. Current network topology and 18 471 2.08 0.9 99.54 31.81
near-real-time data are available at [11]. 26 565 2.93 1.29 98.87 36.86
35 698 3.45 1.14 98.68 46.51
Table I shows a few statistics of a subset of sensors’ status 29 823 3.78 1.78 99.06 49.67
data that we have collected from field tests over a one-month
period. The distance between each node and BS is determined
using GPS coordinate measurements. The hop count measure- VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
ments are the averaged values during the test period as the In this paper we explore the design, implementation and
sensor network is able to reorganize autonomously in the face deployment of a suite of networking protocols for energy-
of environmental and network changes. From the hop count efficient multi-hop wireless networks with near-real-time de-
measurements (between each node and BS) we can clearly lay constraints. Performance of the system built upon the
observe the tendency of higher hop counts for the nodes with networking stack meets the design requirements prescribed
larger distance to the BS. The reception rate shown in the table for our soil moisture monitoring application. The proposed
is the percentage of the data that are successfully received by software and protocols will be very useful for other low data
BS from each sensor node while each node originates one data rate monitoring applications as well. Future works include
sample in every 10 min. From the results, we can observe close implementing end-to-end acknowledgement and end-to-end
to 99% deliver rate for every sensor, no matter how far away it retransmission mechanisms to further increase its reliability,
is from the BS. The high data deliver rate is achieved without and optimizing slot allocation to reduce delay with minimum
the use of end-to-end acknowledgment thanks to the collision- overhead.
free TDMA slot which provides reliable transmission between
child and parent. R EFERENCES
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