Els 1.dergi̇ Worksheet

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ELS 2016-2017 / 1 THE ENGLISH VERB TENSES } 1-25. sorularda, ciimlede bog birakilan yerlere uygun diisen ifadeyi bulunuz. It's almost a year since he ...... from university, but he still ..... a proper job. A) is graduating / isn't finding B) has graduated / won't find C) was graduating / didn't find D) graduated / hasn't found E) has been graduated / hadn't found My friend Sally .... her weight very carefully, and except when she is ill, she exercise for an hour regularly every A) is watching / has done B) watched / did €) watches / does D) has watched / was doing E) was watching / is doing Because some teenagers during the concert, we properly. ‘A) were chatting / couldn't listen B) have been chatting / didn listen C) chatted / won't have listened D) have chatted / weren't able to listen E) had been chatting / might not listen . behind us to the songs The Sicilian Mafia, which ...... back to the Middle Ages, ...... much of its social influence in the island up to this time. A) has dated / retains B) dated / will retain C) dates / has retained D) is dating / retained E) was dating / had retained We must admit that, so far in our discussion, we ...... to an agreement on any point. A) haven't come B) aren't coming C) weren't coming D) didn't come E) won't have come Nowadays, more and more people in the West...... their cars at home, which decrease both air pollution and traffic problems. A: 12. A) left / has helped B) leave / is helping C) have been leaving / had helped D) have left / has been helping E) are leaving / helps 1 was surprised a: leaving his job without finding a new one. A) don't expect / will think B) didn't expect / was thinking C) haven't expected / had thought D) wasn't expecting /.thinks E) hadn't expected / will have thought She must be really irritated about something because she ...... under her breath for the last twenty minutes. A) is swearing B) swore C) will swear D) has been swearing E) was swearing We ...... on holiday as soon as All... the University Entrance Exam in June. A) are going / has taken 8) 8 had gone / would take have gone / took were going / had been taking 0 / will have taken Mike's hat off while we Malvern Hills. A) has been blowing / are walking B) is blowing / have walked ) was blowing / walked D) blew / were walking E) blows / have been walking Since he university, he marking papers. A) starts / spent B) has started / was spending C) started / has spent D) was starting / was spending E) is starting / has been spending . Charlie location of his new job at the most of his evenings Even when the enemy during the war, he ..... his comrades. A) was torturing / hasn't betrayed B) tortured / didn't betray C) have been torturing / doesn't betray D) torture / hasn't been betraying E) has tortured / wasn't betraying > English Language Studies aS 13. Hoping to lighten the load, |... in to some music while I... the exam papers. A) have tuned / will be marking B) tuned / was marking C) have been tuning / marked D) will tune / have marked E) am tuning / will mark 14, John. n the boiler since this morning and up to now, he....... nothing. A) was working / achieves B) has been working / has achieved C) is working / achieved D) has worked / was achieving E) worked / has been achieving 15. Isaac ...... a large fortune from his rich uncle last month, but he ...... up his job at the cigarette factory yet. A) was inheriting / didn't give B) inherits / wasn't giving C) has inherited / doesn't give D) is inheriting / isn't giving E) inherited / hasn't given 16. I'm sure somebody in this school the person who ...... our statue of the ‘Queen last Friday. ‘A) was helping / steals B) has helped / is stealing C) helps / has been stealing D) helped / stole E) is helping / has stolen 17. One of the boys the roof. off while they .. A) will fall / have mended B) has fallen / had been mending C) fell / were mending D) would fall / are mending E) was falling / mended 18. Because | the time, | a proper meal. until very late most of hardly any time to cook A) work / have B) am working / am having C) was working / will have D) worked / have had E) have worked / was having WP engisn Language Stuies 19. 20. 21. As soon as they ...... the fire alarm, everybody ...... to the exits in panic. A) will hear / has rushed B) heard / rushed C) hear / had rushed D) have heard / was rushing E) will have heard / rushes Of all the ide: this one fhe nee SO fat by far the cr A) has / has been B) is having / is being C) has been having / was D) had / is going to be E) has had / is Your exam results .... that you ..... hard enough so far this term. A) will indicate / aren't studying B) indicate / haven't studied C) are indicated / haven't been studying D) were indicating / won't study E) indicated / won't have studied his life, iest. 23. 24. 25. since her visit to an acupuncturist. A)is / hasn't suffered B) was / hasn't been suffering C) has been / doesn't suffer D) was being / didn't suffer E) is / wasn't suffering My mother-...... clothes except when she...... something at a very reasonable price. ‘A) hasn't been buying / was finding B) didn't buy / is finding C) doesn't buy / finds D) wasn't buying / has found E) isn’t buying / found |..... forward to meeting the man about whom we ..... So much recently. A) look / will have heard B) was looking / hear C) will look / heard D) am looking / have heard E) have looked / had hear We ...... them our price already and at the moment, we ...... for their decision. ‘A) were giving / have been waiting B) have given / are waiting C) gave / will have been waiting D) have been giving / waited E) had given / would have waited 27. 28. 26-29. sorularda, verilen ciimleye anlamca en yakin olan secenegi bulunuz. He showed no sign of recognition when he passed me in the street. A) He obviously didn't remember me because he just walked straight past me in the street. B) Even if he passed me in the street, he probably wouldn't recognize me. C) As he went past me in the street, he pretended not to know me. D) He went past me in the street without seeming to know me at all E) He refused to acknowledge that he knew me when we passed each other in the street. The light gradually faded and shapes and colours grew fainter. AA) It was too dark for us to see shapes and colours. B) The colours faded in the light and shapes seemed less distinct. C) As it had got completely dark, shapes and colours could no longer be distinguished. D) Shapes and colours became less clear as darkness fell E) The colours were too weak, so the shapes seemed to fade away in the light. The cost of living always goes far ahead of the pay-rises in our country. A) The standard of living is gradually falling in our country due to the inequality of the increase in prices and wages. B) Prices change so rapidly in our country that is impossible to keep pace with them. C) In our country, the increase in wages never catches up with the cost of living, D) The increase in prices and wages should be proportionate so that the standard of living remains the same. E) It is far from being fair if the increase in wages falls behind the increase in prices, 29. It rained incessantly throughout our holiday. A) For the most part of our holiday, there was heavy rain. B) We didn't enjoy our holiday because of the torrential rain. C) The ceaseless rain completely spoilt our holiday. D) During our holiday, the rain barely stopped. E) It didn't stop raining once while we were on holiday. 30-32, sorularda, verilen Ingilizce ciimleye anlamea en yakin Tiirkge ciimleyi bulunuz. 30. 31. Turkish woman owes her contemporary state today to the secular republic. AA) Tiirk kadini bugiinkii gagjdas konumuna laik cumhuriyet sayesinde ulasmistr. B) Cagdas Turk kadini, laik cumhuriyetin kendisi igin ne anlama geldiginin bilincindedir. ) Cagdas Tirk kadin: laik cumhuriyete sahip gikmak zorundadir. D) Laik cumhuriyet, Tiirk kadininin bugiinkii gagdas konumuna ulagmasinda en énemli etkendir. E) Tiirk kadini bugiinkii gagdas konumunu laik cumhuriyete borcludur. Whenever | hear this song, | always remember the summer holidays | spent ‘on my uncle's farm as a child. ‘A) Bu sarkiy! ne zaman duysam, hep gocukken amcamin ciftliginde gecirdigim yaz tatillerini hatirlarim. B) Her dinledigimde bu sarki bana, ‘gocukken amcamin ¢iftiginde gecirdigim yaz tatillerini hatirlatiyor. C) Cocuklugumdan hatirimda kalan bu sarkiy! yaz tatili icin amcamin giftligine gittigimde cok dinlerdik. D) Bu sarki, gocukken amoamin ciftiginde gecirdigim yaz tatlleriyle ilgili olarak hatirimda kalan tek geydir. E) Hatirladigim kadanyia bu sarkiy! ilk kez ocukken yaz tatill icin amcamin iftligine gittigimde duymustum. -* English Language Studies aa Ce 32. A very great earthquake usually occurs at least once a year in some part of the world. A) Hemen her yil, diinyanin herhangi bir yerinde gok giddetli bir depremin olmasina artik neredeyse aligtik. B) Diinyanin belli bélgeleri, genellikle yilda en az bir kez siddetli bir depremle sarsilmaktadir. €) Genel olarak yilda en az bir kez diinyanin herhangi bir yerinde cok bilyik bir deprem olmaktadir. D) Diinyanin belli bélgelerini hemen her yil sarsan depremier, bazen gok siddetli olmaktadir. E) Diinyada, yilda en az bir biyik deprem olmaktadir ve geneliikle her yil farkli bir bolge sarsilmaktadr. 33-35, sorularda, verilen Turkce imleye anlamca en yakin ingilizce ciimleyi bulunuz. 33. Her yil ortalama 1500 orman yangininin Giktigi dlkemiz giderek céllesmektedir. A) With 1,500 forest fires annually, i's inevitable that our country will turn into a desert. B) Uniess we prevent the 1,500 forest fires that occur every year, our country will become a desert C) Every year, around 1,500 forest fires ‘occur in our country, which will soon turn it into a desert. D) In order to prevent our country from becoming a desert, we should bring the number of forest fires below 1,500 annually. E) Our country, where, on average, 1,500 forest fires occur annually, is gradually becoming a desert. MM cretsh Language Studies 34. Konuklariniza ikram etmeden énce bu tathnin iizerine biraz seker serpin. A) A\little sugar should be sprinkled over this dessert before it is served to the guests. B) Before the service, ask your guests whether they'd like some sugar over this dessert C) A little sugar on top of this dessert just before you serve it will make it more attractive for your guests. D) Sprinkle a little sugar on top of this dessert before you serve it to your guests. E) Your guests will like it better if you sprinkle some sugar over this dessert before you serve it 35. Daha énce iig kez en iyi 10'un iginde yer aldi ama hig madalya kazanamadi. A) Though she hasn't been able to win ‘any medals so far, she has been counted among the top ten three times. B) As she has won three medals before, she's been placed in the top ten C) She has been placed in the top ten three times before, but has never been able to win a medal. D) She has never won a medal before, although she has been among the top ten on three previous occasions. E) This is the third time she has been in the top ten, but she has won a medal for the first time. GOOD LUCK LD 2C 3A 40 5.A 6E 7B 8D 9%A 10D 1.C 122.B 13.8 14.8 15E 16D 17.C 18A 19.B 20.E 21.B 22.A 23.C 24D 25.B 26.D 27D 28.C 2%E 30E 31L.A 32.C 33B 34.D 35.C

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