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Basin-centered gas systems AUTHOR

Ben E. Law  Pangea Hydrocarbon

Ben E. Law Exploration LLC, 12343 W. Louisiana Avenue,
Lakewood, Colorado, 80228;
Ben Law is a consultant and sole proprietor of
Pangea Hydrocarbon Exploration LLC. His
Basin-centered gas systems (BCGSs) are potentially one of the more research interests include basin-centered gas
economically important unconventional gas systems in the world; and coalbed methane systems. Prior to his
in the United States they contribute as much as 15% of the total consulting position, he was a member and
annual gas production. These regionally pervasive gas accumula- chief of the U.S. Geological Survey Western
tions are different from conventionally trapped accumulations in Tight Gas Sand Project and regional
coordinator of South Asia for the U.S.
several respects. The basin-centered gas accumulations (BCGAs)
Geological Survey World Energy Project. He
associated with BCGSs are typically characterized by regionally
received B.S. and M.S. degrees from San
pervasive accumulations that are gas saturated, abnormally pres- Diego State University, California.
sured, commonly lack a downdip water contact, and have low-
permeability reservoirs. The accumulations range from single, iso-
lated reservoirs a few feet thick to multiple, stacked reservoirs ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
several thousand feet thick. Two types of BCGSs are recognized; a
I am grateful to my many U.S. Geological Sur-
direct type, characterized by having gas-prone source rocks, and an vey and industry colleagues for their support
indirect type, characterized by having liquid-prone source rocks. over the years. I am especially indebted to
During the burial and thermal histories of these systems, the source Charles Spencer for his insights and collabora-
rock differences between the two types of BCGSs result in strikingly tion on aspects of basin-centered gas systems
different characteristics that impact exploration strategies. The ma- (BCGSs). A large part of the research was
jority of known BCGAs are the direct type. Exploration activity for funded by the U.S. Department of Energy un-
BCGAs is in the early stages and thus far has been focused in North der the very capable management of Karl
America. In other parts of the world, concepts of basin-centered Frohne and William Gwilliam. The work also
gas systems are poorly known, and exploration activity focused on benefited from periodic, constructive discus-
basin-centered gas accumulations is minimal. sions and unpublished subsurface data pro-
vided by Bill Barrett, Bill Hanson, Greg Ander-
son, Doug Battin, Jeff Aldrich, John McIntyre,
and John Gustavson. Finally, the reviews by
INTRODUCTION Charles Spencer, Dale Leckie, and Bob Ryder
significantly improved the manuscript.
The global distribution of gas is not uniform. Some regions, like
Russia and the Middle East, have extremely large gas resources to
meet their energy demands, whereas other regions, like Japan and
Western Europe, have limited amounts of gas and must rely on
importing gas to meet their energy demands (DOE/EIA, 2002).
The increasing demand for energy in many parts of the world has
made it imperative to explore for and exploit unconventional oil
and gas resources. One of the larger and more economically viable
unconventional gas resources occurs in basin-centered gas accu-
mulations (BCGAs). The BCGAs constitute a realistic, near-term
energy resource that has only recently been the focus of exploration.
However, with few exceptions, there is a generally poor under-
standing of BCGAs. Consequently, exploration efforts for this huge

Copyright 䉷2002. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received June 21, 2001; final acceptance June 6, 2002.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 11 (November 2002), pp. 1891–1919 1891

gas resource are not as effective as they might be. To the various geologic aspects of the so-called deep basin
develop more effective exploration strategies for gas accumulation in the Elmworth field of Alberta,
BCGAs, it is necessary to modify traditional concepts Canada, were provided. Other significant early articles
of petroleum systems and include concepts of nontra- concerning BCGAs include those by Law et al. (1979,
ditional, unconventional petroleum systems. 1980) and Law (1984) in the Greater Green River ba-
In light of the extremely large gas resources con- sin of Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah, and McPeek
tained in BCGAs and the need to satisfy increasing en- (1981) in the Great Divide basin of Wyoming. Spencer
ergy needs, the primary objective of this article is to (1985, 1989a) and Law and Spencer (1993) described
provide a comprehensive overview of BCGAs. More many of the attributes common to BCGAs. Several ex-
specific objectives include clarification of gas-system amples of so-called tight gas reservoirs (in most cases
nomenclature, providing the elements and processes of equivalent to BCGAs) in the United States are pro-
basin-centered gas systems (BCGSs), and discussing vided in a volume edited by Spencer and Mast (1986).
the origins, geographic and stratigraphic distribution, Finley (1984) and Dutton et al. (1993) also described
the gas resource, exploration strategies, and formation many additional low-permeability reservoirs.
evaluation. To accomplish these objectives, BCGAs When the term “basin-centered gas accumula-
are discussed in the context of a petroleum system. tions” came into use is uncertain; however, the first
published reference to the term was by Rose et al.,
(1986) in a study of gas accumulations in the Upper
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT AND Cretaceous Trinidad Sandstone of the Raton basin. It
CLASSIFICATION is likely, however, that the term “ basin-centered gas
accumulations” had been informally used by industry
Of all the different types of unconventional gas sys- people prior to the first published reference of the
tems, none have been more poorly defined than name.
BCGSs. The problem of definition has led to miscon- The term “tight gas sands” has been widely used to
ceptions that have, in some cases, impeded exploration describe BCGAs for many years, and many exploration
efforts. When regionally pervasive gas accumulations, geologists still use that term. In many cases “tight gas
like BCGAs, became known is uncertain; however, Sil- sands” is an appropriate term; however, it is somewhat
ver (1950) alluded to pervasive gas accumulations in ambiguous and may include gas accumulations that are
Cretaceous rocks in the San Juan basin of New Mexico trapped as conventional, buoyant accumulations. The
and Colorado and recognized the gas-saturated nature use of the term “deep basin gas” (Masters, 1979) has
of the reservoirs and the downdip absence of water. some problems also because all BCGAs do not occur
Later, the nuclear stimulation experiments conducted at great depths. For example, much of the gas produc-
in the United States from 1967 to 1973 seem to have tion in the San Juan basin is from BCGAs at depths as
implied knowledge of the presence of regionally per- shallow as 3000 ft (914 m). More recently, the term
vasive gas-charged reservoirs, although there are no “deep basin gas” has been defined as those gas accu-
geologic reports confirming this assumption. Nuclear mulations deeper than 15,000 ft (4572 m) (Dyman et
detonations conducted in Cretaceous rocks in the San al., 1997); it is an economic definition and is not based
Juan and Piceance basins of New Mexico and Colorado on geologic processes. Finally, the term “continuous gas
were unsuccessful, and eventually, because of concerns accumulation” (Schmoker, 1996), although accurately
about environmental and radioactive contamination is- portraying the pervasive nature of BCGAs, is too broad
sues, the tests were abandoned (Randolph, 1973, and includes such gas systems as coalbed methane and
1974a, b, c). shale gas. In the absence of other suitable names, the
The first published, unmistakable reference to this term “basin-centered gas accumulation” is used in this
type of gas accumulation was by Masters (1979). In his article, although there are some BCGAs that appear,
article, Masters (1979) identified the basic concepts of at first glance, to contradict the definition. Gas fields
basin-centered gas accumulations, referring to them as such as the Jonah field in the northern part of the
“deep basin gas,” and provided several defining char- Green River basin in Wyoming and the Natural Buttes
acteristics of gas-saturated reservoirs in the Deep basin field in the Uinta basin in Utah are examples of BCGAs
of Alberta, Canada, and in the San Juan basin of New with downdip water contacts. These fields, in my opin-
Mexico and Colorado as examples of such accumula- ion, are gas chimneys rooted in deeper, regionally per-
tions. Later, in a publication edited by Masters (1984), vasive BCGAs.

1892 Basin-Centered Gas Systems


downdip from

bedding parallel highly variable downdip from

A petroleum system, as defined by Magoon and Dow


(1994, p. 3), “includes all the elements and processes
needed for an oil and gas accumulation to exist.” In
Magoon and Dow’s (1994) definition, the elements in-

Top of BCGA
clude source rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, and over-

0.7% Ro
burden rock. Relevant processes include trap forma-
tion and the generation, expulsion, migration, and
accumulation of petroleum. A BCGS contains all of
these components; however, the magnitude and func-

Nature of

variable cuts across

tion of some of the components interact to form a
unique type of hydrocarbon accumulation.
In general, BCGAs are regionally pervasive accu-
mulations that are gas saturated, abnormally pressured

(high or low), commonly lack a downdip water con-


over-/underpressure thermal cracking lithologic/capillary good

tact, and have low-permeability reservoirs. In the con-
text of a petroleum system, there are two types of ba-
sin-centered gas systems: a direct type and an indirect
type (Law, 2000). The attributes of these two types of

systems are provided in Table 1. Direct and indirect

types of BCGSs are distinguished on the basis of source
rock quality; a direct BCGS has a gas-prone source
rock, and an indirect BCGS has an oil-prone source


of oil to gas
rock. This fundamental difference, oil-prone vs. gas-

over-/underpressure hydrocarbon

prone source rocks, leads to significantly different char-
acteristics, as shown in Table 1. In addition to the two
types of systems, there may be hybrid systems in which
gas-prone and liquid-prone source rocks have contrib-
uted to the development of a BCGA.
Table 1. Attributes of Direct and Indirect Basin-Centered Gas Systems


The developmental history of a BCGS may be viewed


as four reservoir pressure cycles. As a consequence of

Permeability Migration


the dynamic nature of geologic processes and the re-


sponse to those processes, the phases discussed here

are geologically ephemeral. Figure 1 is a diagrammatic
representation showing these pressure phases and the



development of direct and indirect BCGSs. Meissner

(1978) and Law and Dickinson (1985) discussed these
phase changes for gas accumulations in low-perme-
Indirect liquid-prone types

ability reservoirs.
Source Rocks

gas-prone type

I/II kerogen
III kerogen

Phase I

Direct and Indirect Systems

During the early burial and thermal histories of direct

and indirect systems, the reservoirs are, for the most


part, normally pressured, and the fluid phase in the

Law 1893
Figure 1. Schematic diagram BASIN-CENTERED GAS SYSTEMS
showing evolution of direct and
indirect basin-centered gas sys- DIRECT TYPE INDIRECT TYPE
tems. Evolutionary phases are
shown along the side of each SOURCE ROCK: Type III Organic Matter SOURCE ROCK: Type I/II Organic Matter

Water-saturated, Water-saturated,
Normal/Overpressuring Normal/Overpressuring
>0.6% Ro

Gas Generation, Oil & Gas Generation,
Expulsion, Migration Expulsion, Migration


Water Expulsion, Overpressuring Entrapment

>1.35% Ro

Thermal Cracking to Gas,
Fluid Expansion, Water
Expulsion, Overpressuring



Gas Loss, Temperature Reduction, Gas Loss, Temperature Reduction,

Underpressuring Underpressuring

Gas Loss, Water Imbibition, Uncertain

Normal Pressure

pore system is 100% water saturated (Figure 1). Com- 1994) and the Makó trench (B. E. Law, 2000, unpub-
paction of framework grains during this phase is an im- lished data) of Hungary. In these areas, Miocene and
portant process. The defining processes for each sys- Pliocene rocks are overpressured and possess many of
tem, however, are different. For direct systems, phase the distinguishing characteristics of a BCGA. The ov-
I terminates with the initiation of thermal gas genera- erpressures in Miocene rocks appear to be caused by
tion, whereas the termination of phase I in indirect sys- hydrocarbon generation, whereas overlying, overpres-
tems occurs with the initiation of thermal cracking of sured Pliocene rocks appear to be in a transitional pres-
oil to gas. Reservoir quality in indirect systems during sure phase between compaction disequilibrium and
phase I is assumed to be relatively better than reservoir hydrocarbon generation. In this case, a knowledge of
quality in direct systems because buoyant accumula- pore fluid composition (mainly gas or mainly water) in
tions of oil require better porosity and permeability. the Pliocene sequence would offer considerable insight
During phase I there may be some cases in which in resolving the problem.
reservoir pressures are overpressured. Law and Spen-
cer (1998) suggested that in the early burial stages of Phase II
a BCGA sequence, prior to the development of a rec-
ognizable BCGA, and in some depositional settings of Direct Systems
rapid sedimentation, compaction disequilibrium may Direct systems require gas-prone source rocks and low-
have been the initial overpressuring mechanism. In this permeability reservoirs in close proximity to each
scenario, the pressuring fluid phase is water. However, other. As the source and reservoir rocks undergo fur-
as the sequence experiences further burial and hotter ther burial and exposure to increasing temperatures,
temperatures, the compaction disequilibrium pressure the source rocks begin to generate gas (Figure 1). Con-
mechanism may be replaced by hydrocarbon genera- comitant with increased gas generation, expulsion, and
tion and the development of abnormally high pressures migration, gas begins to enter adjacent, water-wet
characterized by pore fluids composed of gas and little sandstones. Because these sandstones have low per-
or no water. A possible example of the transition of meability, the rate at which gas is generated and ac-
pressure mechanisms from compaction disequilibrium cumulated in reservoirs is greater than the rate at
to hydrocarbon generation may be present in Miocene which gas is lost. Eventually, as newly generated gas
and Pliocene rocks in the Bekes basin (Spencer et al., accumulates in the pore system, the capillary pressure

1894 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

of the water-wet pores is exceeded, and free, mobile overpressured phase of direct and indirect systems
water is expelled from the pore system, resulting in the evolves into underpressured conditions. Both systems,
development of an overpressured, gas-saturated reser- subsequent to the phase II history of overpressure, may
voir with little or no free water. Examples of BCGA experience a period of uplift and erosional unloading
systems exhibiting this overpressured phase include and/or heat flow perturbations. During, or subsequent
the Greater Green River (Law, 1984), Wind River to, these burial and thermal history disruptions, some
(Johnson et al., 1996), Big Horn (Johnson et al., 1999), gas is lost from the accumulation, and the overpres-
and Piceance basins (Johnson et al., 1987) in the Rocky sured gas reservoirs are subjected to reduced tempera-
Mountain region of the United States and the Taranaki tures. The loss of gas, in conjunction with reduced tem-
Basin in New Zealand (B. E. Law, 2000, unpublished peratures, effectively results in the development of an
data) (Table 2). underpressured BCGA (Meissner, 1978; Law and
Dickinson, 1985). During this pressure transition,
Indirect Systems Meissner (2000) emphasized the importance of gas loss
In contrast to direct systems, indirect systems require over temperature reduction as the dominant process.
a liquid-prone source rock (Figure 1). Reservoir quality Conjectural evidence concerning the integrity of
in indirect systems is assumed to have been better than seals in direct vs. indirect systems implies that gas is
in direct systems. In this case, oil and gas are generated lost more easily from direct BCGAs than from indirect
and expelled and migrate to reservoirs where they ac- BCGAs. Johnson et al. (1994) have shown that gas in
cumulate in structural and stratigraphic traps as dis- conventionally trapped accumulations in several Rocky
crete, buoyant accumulations with downdip water Mountain basins originated from BCGAs, demonstrat-
contacts. With subsequent burial and exposure to ing that loss of gas through relative permeability, cap-
higher temperatures, the accumulated oil undergoes illary pressure seals does occur. Examples of under-
thermal cracking to gas, accompanied by a significant pressured, phase III direct systems include Cretaceous
increase of fluid volume and pressures (Barker, 1990). rocks in the San Juan, Raton, and Denver basins, and
The level of thermal maturity at which oil is trans- examples of underpressured, phase III indirect systems
formed to gas is commonly thought to be about 1.35% include Lower Silurian reservoirs in the Appalachian
vitrinite reflectance (Ro) (Tissot and Welte, 1984; basin, Ordovician reservoirs in the Risha area of eastern
Hunt, 1996); however, some evidence, discussed in a Jordan, and Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs in the
following section, indicates that the transformation Ahnet basin of Algeria (Table 2).
may occur at higher levels of thermal maturity. Alter-
natively, gas derived from thermally cracked oil within Phase IV
a source rock may subsequently be expelled and mi-
grate to low-permeability reservoirs (Garcia-Gonzales Phase IV is theoretical and may be more applicable to
et al., 1993a, b; MacGowan et al., 1993; Hunt, 1996). direct systems because of the perceived, relatively bet-
Under these conditions of changing fluid volume and ter quality of seals in indirect systems than seals in di-
pressure, the capillary pressure of the water-wet pore rect systems. During phase IV, continued loss of gas
system is exceeded, and, like pore pressures in direct from capillary pressure seals in BCGAs is accompanied
systems, the high pressures forcibly expel mobile, free by water slowly reentering underpressured, gas-bearing
water from the pore system, replacing water with gas, reservoirs. Under these conditions, Meissner (1978)
and the development of an overpressured BCGA en- and Law and Dickinson (1985) hypothesized that the
sues. An additionally important aspect of this phase is underpressured, gas-bearing reservoirs would eventu-
the necessity for the presence of an effective lithologic ally evolve into normally pressured, water-bearing res-
top seal in reservoirs formerly occupied by discrete oil ervoirs, thus completing the pressure cycle.


At the point where direct and indirect systems are in Source Rocks
the overpressured phase (phase II), the processes in-
volved in the transition to phase III are identical for Source rock quality is the fundamentally most im-
both systems (Figure 1). Phase III occurs when the portant element distinguishing direct from indirect

Law 1895
Table 2. Selected Areas or Basins Containing Known or Suspected Basin-Centered Gas Systems

Area Level of Certainty Age Type of system Reference

Colville basin, Alaska High Cretaceous Direct ? Popov et al., 2001
Central Alaska basins Low/Moderate ? ? Popov et al., 2001
Cook Inlet, Alaska Low pre-Tertiary ? Popov et al., 2001
Norton Basin, Alaska High Eocene/Paleocene Direct Smith, 1994,
Alberta basin, Canada High Cretaceous Direct Masters, 1979, 1984
Charlotte-Georgia Basin, Low/Moderate Tertiary/Cretaceous Direct ?
Willamette-Puget Sound Trough, Moderate/High Tertiary Direct ? Law, 1996; Popov et al., 2001
Washington and Oregon
Columbia basin, Washington High Tertiary Direct Law et al., 1994; Law, 1996
Modoc Plateau, California Low/Moderate Cretaceous Direct? Popov et al., 2001
Sacramento/San Joaquin Low/Moderate Cretaceous ? Popov et al., 2001
basins, California
Great Basin, Nevada Low Tertiary? ? Popov et al., 2001
Snake River Plain, Idaho Low/Moderate Tertiary ? ? Popov et al., 2001
Big Horn basin, Wyoming High Lower Tertiary/Cretaceous Direct Johnson et al., 1999
Wind River basin, Wyoming High Cretaceous Direct Johnson et al., 1996
Greater Green River basin, High LowerTertiary/Cretaceous Direct Law et al., 1979, 1980; McPeek,
Wyoming 1981; Law, 1984; Law et al.,
Hanna basin, Wyoming High Cretaceous Direct Popov et al., 2001; Wilson et
al., 2001
Powder River basin, Wyoming High Cretaceous ? Surdam et al., 1994; Maucione
et al., 1994
Wasatch Plateau, Utah Mod/High Cretaceous Direct Popov et al., 2001
Uinta basin, Utah High Lower Tertiary/Cretaceous Direct Fouch et al., 1992; Fouch and
Schmoker, 1996; Popov et al.,
Piceance basin, Colorado High Cretaceous Direct Johnson et al., 1987; Spencer,
1987, 1989a
South Park basin, Colorado Mod/High Cretaceous Direct/Indirect Popov et al., 2001
Raton basin, New Mexico and High Tertiary/Cret Direct/Indirect Johnson and Finn, 2001; Popov
Colorado et al., 2001
Denver basin, Colorado High Cretaceous Direct/Indirect Higley et al., 1992; Popov et al.,
San Juan basin, New Mexico High Cretaceous Direct Silver, 1950; Masters, 1979;
and Colorado Huffman, 1996
Permian basin, New Mexico High Permian Indirect/Direct Broadhead, 1984; Popov et al.,
Albuquerque basin, New Mod/High Cretaceous Direct Johnson et al., 2001; Popov et
Mexico al., 2001
Anadarko basin, Oklahoma High Pennsylvanian Indirect Al-Shaieb et al., 1994; Popov et
al., 2001
Midcontinent Rift, Minnesota Low/Moderate Precambrian Indirect/Direct Popov et al., 2001
and Iowa
Arkoma basin, Arkansa and High Pennsylvanian Direct Meckel et al., 1992; Popov et
Oklahoma al., 2001

1896 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

Table 2. Continued

Area Level of Certainty Age Type of system Reference


Gulf Coast, United States High Cretaceous Indirect Popov et al., 2001
East Texas basin, Texas High Jurassic Indirect? Montgomery and Karlewicz,
2001; Emme and Stancil, 2002
Black Warrior basin, Alabama Mod/High Pennsylvanian Direct Popov et al., 2001
and Mississippi
Michigan basin, Michigan Low/Moderate Ordovician ? Popov et al., 2001
Appalachian basin, eastern High Silurian/Devonian Indirect Davis, 1984; Law and Spencer,
United States 1993, 1998; Popov et al.,
2001; Ryder and Zagorski,

Chaco basin, Bolivia Moderate Devonian ? Williams et al., 1995
Neuquen basin, Argentina High ? ? Fernandez-Sevesco and
Surdam, 1997

Timan-Pechora basin, Russia High Permian Direct Law et al., 1996
Dnieper-Donets basin, Ukraine High Carboniferous Direct Law et al., 1998b
West Netherlands basin, Indeterminate
Vlieland basin, Netherlands Indeterminate
Polish basin, Poland Indeterminate
Upper Silesian basin, Poland Indeterminate
Bekes basin, Hungary Moderate/High Miocene ? Spencer et al., 1994
German basin, Germany Indeterminate
Ruhr basin, Germany Indeterminate
Thuringian basin, Germany Indeterminate
Subhercynian basin, Germany Indeterminate
Lower Saxony basin, Germany Indeterminate
Saar-Nahe basin, Germany and Indeterminate
Rhine graben, Germany and Indeterminate
Nord-Pas-de-Calais basin, Indeterminate
Lorraine basin, France Indeterminate
Bresse basin, France Indeterminate
Southeast basin, France Indeterminate
Vienna basin, Austria and Indeterminate
Alpine Foreland basin, High Permian/Carboniferous Direct Schegg et al., 1997

Law 1897
Table 2. Continued

Area Level of Certainty Age Type of system Reference

Sichuan basin, China High Permian/Triassic Direct? Da-jun and Yun-ho, 1994;
Ryder et al., 1994
Ordos Basin, China High Permian ?
Jungar basin, China High Permian ? Zha et al., 1999
Taranaki Basin, New Zealand High Eocene Direct
Gippsland Basin, Australia Moderate Lower Tertiary/Cretaceous Direct Stainforth, 1984
Barrow Subbasin, Australia High Jurassic ? He and Middleton, 2002
Perth basin (onshore), Australia Moderate Jurassic ? Crostella, 1995a
Carnarvon Basin, Australia Low/Moderate Permian ? Crostella, 1995b
Khorat Plateau basin, Thailand- Low Triassic/Jurassic ? Smith and Stokes, 1997

Vendian basin, India Low/Moderate Precambrian ?
Suliaman range foreland, Low Cretaceous Direct?

Risha area, Jordan High Ordovician Indirect Ahlbrandt et al., 1997

Ahnet basin, Algeria High Cambrian/Ordovician Indirect
Benue trough, Nigeria Moderate/High Cretaceous Direct Obaje and Abaa, 1996

BCGSs and sets the stage for all subsequent differences that all, or most, of the gas in low-permeability reser-
between the two systems. The source rocks for direct voirs in the Greater Green River basin was sourced
BCGSs are most commonly humic-type coal beds and from humic, type III organic matter contained in coal
carbonaceous shale, such as occur in Cretaceous rocks beds and carbonaceous shale in several coal-bearing
in most Rocky Mountain basins or Carboniferous rocks Upper Cretaceous intervals. The relative contribution
in Europe. Source rocks for indirect BCGSs are hydro- of gas to BCGA reservoirs from these different pro-
gen-rich shales such as those in the Ordovician shale cesses is not known. In the Greater Green River basin
in the Appalachian basin or in Silurian shales in the BCGA, the gas likely is dominantly sourced directly
Middle East and North Africa. Garcia-Gonzales et al. from gas-prone, humic coal beds in the Lance, Al-
(1993a, b), MacGowan et al. (1993), and Surdam et mond, and Rock Springs formations, with a minor con-
al. (1997) concluded that some of the coal beds in the tribution from the cracking of oil to gas in Almond
Greater Green River basin of Wyoming (Upper Cre- Formation coal beds in the very deepest part of the
taceous Almond coal beds) generated liquid hydrocar- Great Divide and Washakie basins.
bons that were subsequently thermally cracked to gas,
while still in the coal beds. They further speculated Reservoir Rock
that, because of the increased fluid volume associated
with the oil to gas transformation, high pressures cre- Gas-charged reservoirs in direct and indirect BCGSs
ated fractures within the coal beds, facilitating the ex- are regionally pervasive, commonly encompassing sev-
pulsion of gas. The gas then migrated and accumulated eral thousand square miles, and may consist of single,
in low-permeability reservoirs. Law (1984) concluded isolated reservoirs a few feet thick or vertically stacked

1898 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

reservoirs several thousand feet thick. Multiple, Wyoming is a water-bearing reservoir interbedded
stacked reservoirs are common in direct BCGSs, with a regionally pervasive BCGA. Additional exam-
whereas single, discrete reservoirs are common in in- ples in western Wyoming of interbedded, water-bear-
direct BCGSs. Direct and indirect reservoirs always ex- ing reservoirs occur in the Upper Cretaceous Frontier
hibit low porosity (13%) and low, in-situ permeabil- and Blair formations, Almond sandstone, and Lewis
ity (0.1 md) (Spencer, 1985, 1989a). They are Shale. Examples of water-bearing reservoirs also exist
composed of sandstone, siltstone, and, to a much lesser in the Elmworth field BCGA, Alberta basin, Canada.
degree, carbonates; the only occurrence of a BCGA The Rollins and Trout Creek members of the Mesa-
carbonate reservoir known to me is in the Sichuan ba- verde Formation in the Piceance basin of Colorado are
sin of China (Da-jun and Yun-ho, 1994). The environ- blanket reservoirs that are water bearing (Johnson et
ments of deposition of BCGA reservoirs range from al., 1987). The occurrence of water in thick, BCGA
marine to nonmarine. Reservoirs are gas-saturated, sequences is also possible through the introduction of
with little or no producible water, and are downdip water along fractures and faults.
from water-bearing reservoirs (Figure 2), a reversal of
conditions found in conventional gas systems (Masters, Seals
1979; Law, 1984; Spencer, 1985, 1989a).
The BCGS reservoirs can be divided into lenticular Where detailed work has been conducted in direct
and blanket reservoirs (Finley, 1984; Spencer, 1985, BCGAs, gas-saturated reservoirs grade vertically,
1989a). Lenticular reservoirs, such as small, fluvial across stratigraphic boundaries, as well as updip into
channel sandstones, typically have a limited pore vol- transitional, water- and gas-bearing zones that, in turn,
ume and very low permeability. In contrast, blanket- grade into normally pressured, water-bearing reservoirs
like reservoirs, such as braided stream, delta front, and (Figure 2). In indirect BCGAs, gas-saturated reservoirs
eolian sandstones, typically have very large pore vol- grade updip into transitional, water- and gas-bearing
umes and relatively better permeability than lenticular zones; however, vertical transitional zones across bed
reservoirs. The distinction between these types of res- boundaries do not occur, and there is an abrupt, dis-
ervoirs becomes important when attempting to distin- tinct boundary between the abnormally pressured
guish between gas- and water-bearing reservoirs and is BCGA and normally pressured, water-bearing reser-
an important factor in the design of drilling and com- voirs (Figure 2). The nature of these fluid boundaries
pletion programs. is related to seal integrity. Seals in BCGAs range from
In thick, vertically stacked direct BCGA reservoirs, lithologic to relative permeability, or water-block,
interbedded water-bearing reservoirs are not uncom- seals, referred to in this article as capillary pressure
mon. For example, the blanketlike Upper Cretaceous seals. Capillary pressure seals generally occur in reser-
Ericson Sandstone of the Mesaverde Group in western voirs that have very small pore throats and two or more


S IT Y &

Figure 2. Diagrammatic illus-

DECRE trations showing normal
P O RO pressured/water-bearing zones,
S IT Y &
transitional water- and gas-
bearing zones, and abnormally
Normal pressured, water-bearing zone pressured/gas-bearing zones
Transitional water- and gas-bearing zone for (A) direct and (B) indirect
Abnormal pressured, gas-bearing zone BCGAs.

Law 1899
fluid phases. Under these conditions, the permeability The level of thermal maturity marking the trans-
to each fluid phase is effectively reduced. formation of oil to gas in indirect systems (initiation of
Because of the nature of seals in direct BCGAs, a phase II on Figure 1) is uncertain. Conventional wis-
question arises concerning the integrity of the seal. dom indicates that thermal cracking of oil to gas occurs
Based on burial and thermal history reconstructions, at about 1.35% Ro (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Hunt,
capillary pressure seals in Cretaceous and Tertiary 1996). Price (1997) questioned this value and con-
BCGAs in the Rocky Mountain region are effective for cluded that the transformation of oil to gas occurred at
periods of time ranging from 25 to 40 m.y., the lapsed much higher levels of thermal maturity. More recent
time since formation of most BCGAs in the region. kinetic studies by Tsuzuki et al. (1999) using hydrous
However, as a consequence of the nature of these seals, pyrolysis experiments also suggest that oil is stable over
there is a perception that the seals are leaky and, given higher levels of thermal maturity than previously
sufficient time, will degenerate and become ineffective. thought. Applying these kinetic parameters to burial
If the perception of a leaky seal over significantly long history curves in the United States Gulf Coast indicates
periods of time is correct, then one might expect to see that oil cracking to gas starts at vitrinite reflectance
a predominance of direct BCGAs in rocks that have ex- values of 1.75% Ro (M. D. Lewan, 2002, personal
perienced the formation of a BCGA within a few tens communication).
of million years. Also, in a more general sense, one In general, hydrocarbon migration distances in di-
would expect to observe a higher frequency of direct rect BCGSs are short, perhaps on the order of a few
BCGAs in younger rocks than in older rocks. Observa- hundred feet or less. The exception to short hydrocar-
tions of known BCGAs are skewed toward Cretaceous bon migration distances may occur in cases where the
systems, largely because most of the work conducted on regional top of a BCGA has been ruptured, facilitating
BCGAs has been in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. vertical migration of gas along faults and fractures for
There are no detailed studies of seal integrity in pre- distances far greater than a few hundred feet, such as
Cretaceous BCGAs, although Ryder and Zagorski in the Jonah field of western Wyoming, discussed in a
(forthcoming) have concluded that the updip seal in the following section.
Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina BCGA in the Appala- In indirect BCGSs, hydrocarbon migration dis-
chian basin is a water block. In indirect systems, it is tances are highly variable, similar to migration dis-
important to distinguish between vertical seals, top tances in conventional petroleum systems. Approxi-
seals, and updip seals; in the Clinton-Medina reservoir, mately 1000 ft (305 m) of vertical migration is
there is an apparently effective updip, capillary pressure proposed for the Clinton-Medina BCGA (Ryder and
seal (Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming), whereas the Zagorski, forthcoming). In direct BCGSs, gas is the
upper, top seal is a lithologic seal composed of evapo- dominant migrating hydrocarbon phase, and in indirect
rite, shale, and carbonate (Drozd and Cole, 1994). BCGSs, oil and gas may be expected to be the migrat-
ing fluid phases.
Hydrocarbon Generation, Expulsion, and Migration
Trap Formation
There is a large body of literature concerning hydrocar-
bon generation, expulsion, and migration (see Hunt The development of a trap in the conventional sense
[1996] for detailed discussions). As depicted in Figure of a structural or stratigraphic trap is an important pro-
1, the generation of hydrocarbons from source rocks in cess in a petroleum system. In a direct BCGS system,
direct and indirect BCGSs occurs at levels of thermal however, it is of secondary importance, whereas in in-
maturity exceeding 0.6% Ro (Hunt, 1996). According direct systems it is very important. In direct systems,
to Meissner (1984), thermal generation of gas from hu- the top of gas accumulations cuts across structural and
mic coal beds begins at 0.73% Ro. Peak generation may stratigraphic boundaries (Law, 1984; Spencer, 1985;
occur at levels of thermal maturity between 0.8–0.9% Law and Spencer, 1993) and is, therefore, not normally
Ro (Tissot and Welte, 1984). In the Greater Green dependent on the development of structural or strati-
River basin, measured levels of thermal maturity at the graphic traps. The Jonah field of western Wyoming
top of direct BCGAs range from 0.7 to 0.9% Ro (Law, (Figures 3, 4) is a good example of a direct BCGA in
1984), implying that source beds for the gas would have which structural and stratigraphic aspects are impor-
levels of thermal maturity equal to or greater than 0.7– tant. The lateral boundaries of the field are defined by
0.9% Ro. faults (Montgomery and Robinson, 1997; Warner,

1900 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

Figure 3. Map of the Greater
0 25 50 75 Miles Green River basin, showing ma-
0 25 50 75 km jor structural elements and the

locations of the Jonah field (Fig-

Merna well
ure 4), the Belco 3-28 Merna

and El Paso Natural Gas 1

Wagon Wheel wells (Figures 7,



8), and cross section BB⬘ (Fig-

Wagon Wheel SW

ure 6).

well WAT














1998, 2000). The top of the accumulation is defined EXAMPLES OF GAS SYSTEMS
by a silty shale seal in the Upper Cretaceous Lance
Formation. To illustrate the elements and processes of direct and
In the development of indirect BCGAs, a conven- indirect BCGSs, an example of each system is included
tional structural or stratigraphic trap is necessary for in the following discussion. Additional examples are
the accumulation of oil and gas, much the same way provided in Table 2.
as oil and gas accumulate in conventional, buoyancy-
driven accumulations. The development of indirect Direct Type: Greater Green River Basin
BCGAs occurs at a later burial stage than direct sys-
tems, when conventionally accumulated oil is ther- The Greater Green River basin, located in southwest-
mally cracked to gas, accompanied by a significant in- ern Wyoming (Figure 3), is one of several foreland ba-
crease in pore fluid volume and pore pressure (Figure sins in the Rocky Mountain region containing BCGSs.
1). Oil, however, does not always accumulate in dis- The stratigraphic interval containing the BCGS in-
crete accumulations and may be disseminated through- cludes all of the Cretaceous sequence, locally extend-
out a reservoir. In such cases, the amount of oil in the ing into lower Tertiary rocks. Stratigraphic correlations
accumulation may not be present in sufficient quantity of lower Tertiary and Cretaceous rocks in the Greater
to develop pore pressures high enough to form a Green River basin are shown in Figure 5. For a com-
BCGA during the thermal conversion of oil to gas. prehensive discussion of the stratigraphy and structure
Thus, the formation of a suitable trap and the temporal of the basin see Ryder (1988). Estimates of in-place gas
relationships among trap formation and gas generation, resources contained in the BCGA within Cretaceous
expulsion, migration, and entrapment are critical pro- and Tertiary rocks are as large as 5063 tcf (Law et al.,
cesses in indirect systems. 1989), and the mean estimate of recoverable gas is

Law 1901
Figure 4. (A) Map of Jonah A. R109W R108W R107W

field showing major faults and 36 31 36 31

location of cross section AA⬘

through the Jonah field. 1 6 1 6
(B) Shaded areas along cross
section AA⬘ represent overpres-
sured, gas-saturated reservoirs.

Relief on top of overpressuring

from outside the field area to 29

inside the field area ranges N

from 2500 to 3000 ft (762–914

m) (Warner, 1998). Figure

modified from Warner (1998).
36 31 36 31
ul t
1 6 en 1

d ing
T Bo A' T
28 28

R109W R108W

B. A A'
Ft. Union-Wasatch

Ft. Union-Wasatch


Massive Mbr.
Coaly Mbr.-Sandy Mbrs.

W ren ch

W r e nch

Upper - Middle Lance

Lower Lance-Mesaverde

Rock Springs
B ounding


Baxter Shale

Jonah Field

119.3 tcf (Law, 1996). Additional references to a Union, Lance, Almond, and Rock Springs forma-
BCGS in the Greater Green River basin include pub- tions. Organic matter is largely gas-prone type III
lications by Law et al. (1979, 1980), McPeek (1981), kerogen (Law, 1984) with additional contribution
Davis (1984), Law (1984), Keighin et al. (1989), Law from thermally cracked oils sourced from sapro-
and Spencer (1989), Spencer (1989b), Surdam pelic coal beds (Garcia-Gonzales et al., 1993a, b;
(1992), Garcia-Gonzales et al. (1993a, b), MacGowan MacGowan et al., 1993; Surdam et al., 1997).
et al. (1993), and Surdam et al. (2001). General char- 3. Generation-expulsion-migration: late Eocene–late
acteristics of the Greater Green River basin BCGS are Oligocene (40–25 Ma)
as follows: 4. Reservoir rocks: Cretaceous to lower Tertiary
sandstones. Multiple, stacked reservoirs occur in
1. Area: 19,700 mi2 (51,000 km2) rock intervals as thick as 14,000 ft (4267 m) (Fig-
2. Source rocks: Upper Cretaceous and lower Terti- ure 6). Individual reservoirs range in thickness
ary coal beds and carbonaceous shales in the Fort from 15 to 125 ft (4.6–38 m). Gas reservoirs are

1902 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

T E RT IARY WEST CENTRAL EAST & SOUTHEAST Figure 5. Generalized strati-
LOWER NORTHEAST graphic correlation chart of Cre-
Green River Basin Rock Springs Uplift Great Divide-Washakie Basin Sand Wash Basin taceous and lower Tertiary
Fort Union Formation Fort Union Formation Fort Union Formation Fort Union Formation rocks in the Greater Green
River basin, Wyoming and Colo-
unnamed unnamed unnamed
sandstone sandstone sandstone rado (modified from Law et al.,
Lance Formation Lance Formation

Formation Fox Hills Sandstone

Fox Hills Fox Hills Sandstone

Lewis Lewis Shale Lewis Shale

Formation Almond Formation Almond Formation
Williams Fork Formation
Ericson Ericson Pine Ridge Sandstone
Allen Ridge Formation Iles Formation
Sandstone Sandstone Haystack Mountain Formation

Rock Rock Springs

Springs Formation



Mancos Shale
(main body)
Rock Springs
Formation Steele Shale
Baxter Shale

Hilliard Shale

Frontier Formation Frontier Formation Frontier Formation Frontier Member

Mowry Shale Mowry Member


Mowry Shale Mowry Shale Dakota Ss.

Muddy Ss.
Bear River Formation Thermopolis Shale
Thermopolis Shale
Cloverly Formation Cloverly Formation Cedar Mountain Formation
Cloverly Formation

saturated and contain water at irreducible levels. tact (Law, 1984). The level of thermal maturity at
The gas-bearing interval does not commonly con- top of accumulation ranges from 0.7 to 0.9% Ro
tain interbedded, water-bearing reservoirs. (Law, 1984) (Figures 7, 8), commonly 0.8% Ro
5. Porosity: 13% (Law, 1984).
6. Permeability: 0.1 md (in-situ) 11. Depth to accumulation: ranges from 8000 to
7. Environments of deposition: mainly fluvial domi- 11,500 ft (2438–3505 m)
nated and, to a lesser degree, marginal marine del- 12. Gas quality: Gas is of a thermal origin and gener-
taic and barrier bar ally composed of 90% methane, 5% ethane
8. Reservoir pressure: overpressured, with gradients and higher homologs, 5% carbon dioxide, and
ranging from 0.5 to 0.9 psi/ft (Figures 7, 8) ( Law negligible nitrogen. Condensate ranges from 5 to
et al., 1979, 1980; McPeek, 1981; Davis, 1984; 70 bbl/mmcf gas.
Law, 1984; Spencer, 1987, 1989b; Surdam et al., 13. Sweet spots: structural and stratigraphic
9. Seals: Regional seals are capillary pressure seals. Indirect Type: Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina-Tuscarora,
Locally, structural and stratigraphic seals are Appalachian Basin
10. Gas accumulations: downdip from normally pres- The Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina-Tuscarora BCGS,
sured, water-bearing reservoirs (Figure 2) (Law, located in the Appalachian basin (Figures 9, 10), is one
1984; Spencer, 1985); lacks a downdip water con- of the better documented examples of an indirect

Law 1903
Champlin 530
Sec. 5, T15N R98W
Davis Koch Gary Sinclair
1 Chicken Springs 1 Adobe Town Willow Rim 36-10 1-3 Fair Fed.
Sec. 21, T15N R100W Sec. 20, T15N R97W Sec. 36, T15N R95W Sec. 3, T14N R92W
B B´
8.000 8.000

6.000 6.000
Ro lair

Al Spr mat

m ing ion
ck Fo

4.000 4.000
Fo d

s s


2.000 r 2.000

a le


ni Ro


ar y

ic s

Sea Level r ti Sea Level




K S on e I

-2.000 Fo st -2.000
T.D. 9320 rm nd
S Sa n d
at a

-4.000 io er lls rk T.D. 10,000 -4.000


ng Fo

o u x s
a nd y Fo m


d ele
an T.D. 12,793 Wi
-6.000 -6.000

T.D. 13,679 io n

For m

-8.000 -8.000



n ti

-10.000 -10.000



T.D. 17,650 P


-12.000 -12.000

-14.000 at io n -14.000


M Fo

ow rly

-16.000 -16.000
0 5 10 15 20 MILES ry Clo
Sh ks
and roc
-18.000 0 10 20 30 KM d -18.000
old er

Figure 6. Cross section BB⬘ showing spatial distribution of BCGA superimposed on structure through the Washakie basin (modified
from Law et al., 1989). Shaded pattern shows overpressured, gas-saturated BCGA. Location of cross section shown on Figure 3.

TEMP. (°F)
50 150 250 350
2 2

4 Core 4
Mud weight - mud log
Mud weight - well log
6 Mud weight - drillstem test 6
Temperature data point

8 8
DEPTH (feet × 10 3 )

DEPTH (feet × 10 3 )

10 10

12 12

14 i/f 14

16 16




18 18
00 f

20 20
0 5 10 15 20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Figure 7. (A) Pressure and temperature and (B) vitrinite reflectance gradients for the Belco 3–28 Merna well, northern Green River
basin, Wyoming (from Law, 1984, reprinted by permission of the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists). Location of well shown
on Figure 3. Pressure gradient interpreted by C. W. Spencer.

1904 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

TEMP. (°F)
100 200 300
2 2

Mud weight - mud log

Mud weight - well logs
4 4
Mud weight - drillstem test
Temperature data point

DEPTH (feet × 10 3 )

DEPTH (feet × 10 3 )
10 10

12 12

14 14



16 16
1 .6 0 °


F /1 0 0

18 18

20 20
0 5 10 15 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Figure 8. (A) Pressure and temperature and (B) vitrinite reflectance gradients in the El Paso Natural Gas 1 Wagon Wheel well,
northern Green River basin, Wyoming (from Law, 1984, reprinted by permission of the Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists).
Location of well shown on Figure 3. Pressure gradient interpreted by C. W. Spencer.






pressured underpressured ov e r p r e s s u r e d


C C'






C o nv e n t i


Figure 9. Location of Clinton-


Medina-Tuscarora basin-

centered gas system in the

Appalachian basin, showing the
normally pressured, underpres-
WEST VIRGINIA sured, and overpressured parts
of the system, as well as areas
0 50 100 mi of conventional, hybrid, and
0 50 100 km
BCGA production (modified
from Ryder and Zagorski, forth-
coming). Cross section CC⬘
shown on Figure 11.
SYSTEM S E R I E S F O R M AT I O N and Cole, 1994; Laughrey and Harper, 1996; Nuc-
Ohio Venango Group,
Bradford Group, Catskill cio et al., 1997; Ryder et al., 1998; Ryder and Za-
UPPER Shale Fm.
Elk Group, undivided gorski, forthcoming)
Brallier Fm.
4. Reservoir rocks: Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina in

Harrell Fm.
Olentangy Shale Tully Fm. eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania and Tus-
MIDDLE Hamilton Group carora Sandstone in central Pennsylvania. The res-
Delaware Ls. and Marcellus Shale ervoir interval ranges in thickness from 100 to 600
Columbus Ls., undivided
Onondaga Group ft (30–183 m) (Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming).
Bois Blanc Limestone Huntersville Chert The thermal maturity of the reservoir ranges from
L OW E R Oriskany Sandstone
Helderberg Limestone
1.1 to 2.0% Ro (Wandrey et al., 1997).
Bass Islands Dolomite Keyser Limestone 5. Porosity: 5–10% (Ryder, 1998; Ryder and Zagor-
Salina Group ski, forthcoming)
6. Permeability: 0.1 md (Ryder, 1998; Ryder and
Lockport Dolomite
Zagorski, forthcoming)

Rochester Shale
Clinton Group
7. Environments of deposition: Fluvial, estuarine,
Dayton Limestone and inner marine shelf in the eastern part to outer
L OW E R “Clinton” Medina
marine shelf and tidal in the western part (Cotter,
Sandstone Group 1983; Brett et al., 1990; Castle, 1998)
and Shale
8. Reservoir pressure: Reservoirs are normally pres-
? ?
Queenston Shale Juanita Fm. sured in the updip part of the Clinton-Medina in
eastern Ohio, producing oil, gas, and water (Fig-
Reedsville Shale

ures 9, 11). In western Pennsylvania reservoirs are

Utica Shale
Trenton Group underpressured and produce mainly gas with very
Trenton Limestone
small amounts of water (Figures 9, 11). Ryder and
Black River Group
MIDDLE Zagorski (forthcoming) reported pressure gradi-
Loysburg Fm.
ents of 0.39–0.25 psi/ft in the underpressured part
Beekmantown Group
Wells Creek Fm. (upper part) of the system. In central Pennsylvania, the Tusca-
rora Sandstone, equivalent to the Clinton-Medina,
Figure 10. Geologic column of Ordovician–Devonian rocks in
is overpressured and produces gas with small
eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania, Appalachian basin
amounts of water (Figures 9, 11). Ryder and Za-
(modified from Law and Spencer, 1993).
gorski (forthcoming) reported pressure gradients
ranging from 0.50 to 0.60 psi/ft in the overpres-
BCGS. Estimates of recoverable resources range from sured Tuscarora Sandstone in central Pennsylva-
8.0 to 30.3 tcf (Gautier et al., 1996; McCormac et al., nia. The variable pressure gradients within the
1996). For additional discussions of the Clinton-Me- stratigraphic interval are shown in Figure 12.
dina-Tuscarora, refer to investigations by Davis 9. Seals: The top seal is interpreted to be the shales,
(1984), Law and Dickinson (1985), Laughrey and carbonates, and evaporites in the overlying Upper
Harper (1986), Zagorski (1988, 1991), Law et al. Silurian (Drozd and Cole, 1994). The updip seal
(1998a), Ryder (1998), and Ryder and Zagorski (forth- has been identified as a water block (Zagorski,
coming). The critical elements in this system include 1988, 1991; Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming).
the following: 10. Gas accumulations: Downdip from normally pres-
sured, water-bearing reservoirs; lacks downdip wa-
1. Area: Clinton-Medina part is 45,000 mi2 (116,550 ter contact (Figure 11)
km2); Tuscarora part is 30,000 mi2 (77,700 km2). 11. Depth to accumulation: 6500 ft (1981 m) in west-
2. Source rock: Ordovician Utica Shale (Cole et al., ern Pennsylvania to 12,000 ft (3658 m) in central
1987; Drozd and Cole, 1994; Burruss and Ryder, Pennsylvania (Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming)
1998; Ryder et al., 1998). The Utica Shale con- 12. Gas quality: Gas is interpreted to be a product of
tains type II kerogen and is thermally overmature thermally cracked oil (Law and Dickinson, 1985;
(1.3% Ro). Law and Spencer, 1993; Law et al., 1998a; Ryder
3. Generation-migration-accumulation: Late Devo- and Zagorski, forthcoming). Gas in the Clinton-
nian–Early Mississippian (370–320 Ma) (Drozd Medina sandstone is generally composed of 79–

1906 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

Allegheny structural front
C C´

Conv. Hybrid Basin-centered gas

pressured underpressured overpressured

Tuscarora Sandstone
Ordovician red beds

Lower Paleozoic
Clinton/Medina sandstone


Basement faulting

Figure 11. Generalized cross section CC⬘ showing normally pressured, underpressured, and overpressured parts of the Clinton-
Medina-Tuscarora interval (modified from Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming). The underpressured and overpressured areas of the
Clinton-Medina-Tuscarora represent the indirect BCGA part of the interval where gas and minor amounts of water are produced, and
the normally pressured area represents the conventional part of the interval where oil, gas, and water are produced. The hybrid,
underpressured area represents transition from oil, gas, and water production in eastern Ohio to gas and minor water production in
the BCGA.

94% methane; 3–12% ethane, propane, and C4Ⳮ GAS RESOURCES

hydrocarbon; and 3–9% nitrogen and carbon di-
oxide (Burruss and Ryder, 1998; Ryder and Za- Globally, no resource data are available for BCGAs;
gorski, forthcoming). In the Tuscarora Sandstone, however, where estimates of in place gas have been
gas is commonly dry (C1 /C1ⳮ5 ⳱ 0.98–0.99),
with nitrogen and carbon dioxide contents of 4–
PRESSURE (kPa × 103)
22% and 1–83%, respectively (Ryder and Za- 10 20 30 40 50
0 0
gorski, forthcoming).
13. Sweet spots: structural and stratigraphic 2

1 Wells
The underpressured reservoirs in the Clinton-
DEPTH (m × 103)

10.2 kPa/m
DEPTH (ft × 103)
(0.45 psi/ft)
Medina are interpreted to have undergone an earlier
overpressured phase caused by the thermal transfor- 6
mation of oil to gas (Law and Dickinson, 1985; Law 13.6 kPa/m
(0.60 psi/ft)
and Spencer, 1993; Law et al., 1998a; Ryder and Za- 8

gorski, forthcoming). Later, during a period of regional 6.9 kPa/m

uplift accompanied by loss of gas and reservoir cooling, 3 (0.30 psi/ft) 10

the overpressured, gas-bearing Clinton-Medina under-

went a transition to an underpressuring phase. The ov- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

erpressured, gas-bearing Tuscarora Sandstone reser- PRESSURE (psi × 103)

voirs in central Pennsylvania are interpreted to be Figure 12. Composite pressure gradient showing pressure
pressure remnants of the earlier overpressured phase end members (normal, underpressuring, and overpressuring re-
in the Clinton-Medina (Law et al., 1998a; Ryder and lationships) within the Clinton-Medina-Tuscarora interval (mod-
Zagorski, forthcoming). ified from Law et al., 1998a).

Law 1907
Table 3. Estimates of In-Place Gas Resources in Tight and Basin-Centered Gas Accumulations in the United States*

Basin FPC 1973 FERC 1978 Kuuskraa et al. 1978 NPC 1980 ICF 1990 USGS 1987, 1989

Greater Green River 240 240 91 136 — 5036

Uinta 207 210 50 20 — —
Piceance 149 150 36 49 287 423
Wind River — — 3 34 — 995
Big Horn — — 24 — — 334
Denver — — 19 13 — —
San Juan — 63 15 3 17 —
Ozona — — — 1 — —
Sonora — — 24 4 — —
Edwards Lime — — — 14 — —
Cotton Valley Sweet — — 53 22 31 —
Cotton Valley Sour — — 14 — — —
Ouachita — — 5 — — —
Other — — — 481 — —
TOTAL 596 663 334 777 335 6788
*FPC ⳱ Federal Power Commission (Supply-Technical Advisory Task Force, 1973); FERC ⳱ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Supply-Technical Advisory Task
Force, 1978); NPC ⳱ National Petroleum Council (1980); ICF ⳱ ICF-Lewan, Inc. (Haas, 1990); USGS ⳱ U.S. Geological Survey (Johnson et al., 1987, 1996, 1999;
Law et al., 1989). All values in tcf gas.

made the resources are very large: in-place gas resource sources were not estimated, and a methodology devel-
estimates in the United States for a given BCGA are oped by Schmoker (1996) for estimation of recovera-
generally greater than 10 tcf (Table 3). Unfortunately, ble gas was used. Estimates of recoverable gas from
no comprehensive gas resource data exist for all those basins are 223.55 tcf (Table 4). If all of the basins
BCGAs in the United States, in large part because in the United States containing BCGAs would have
BCGAs are not recognized as a distinct type of gas ac- been assessed, it is highly probable that the total re-
cumulation. However, an appreciation for the magni- coverable gas in BCGAs in the United States would
tude of the resource can be determined from estimates exceed 400 tcf.
of in-place and recoverable gas in selected areas of the Production figures for the United States, like gas
United States. Previous assessments of in-place gas in resource assessments, are uncertain; however, the es-
so-called tight and basin-centered accumulations in the timate that most accurately reflects gas production
United States are shown on Table 3. Using a volumet-
ric methodology approach, in-place gas resources for
the Piceance (Johnson et al., 1987), Greater Green
Table 4. Estimates of Recoverable Gas in Basin-Centered
River (Law et al., 1989), Wind River (Johnson et al.,
Accumulations in the United States*
1996), and Big Horn basins (Johnson et al., 1999) in
the Rocky Mountain region were estimated at 6788 tcf. Basin USGS, 1996 NPC, 1992
In-place gas estimates in other basins range from 334
to 777 tcf (Table 3). Greater Green River 119.3 —
There are even fewer published estimates of re- Uinta-Piceance 16.74 —
coverable gas. In the United States, the National Pe- San Juan 21.15 —
troleum Council (1992) estimated 232 tcf of recover- Denver 3.16 —
able gas from so-called tight reservoirs with current Appalachian 44.97 —
technology and 349 tcf of gas with advanced technol- East Texas 6.03 —
ogy. In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey (Gautier et Columbia River 12.2 —
al., 1996) included as part of their National Assessment TOTAL 223.55 232
several plays in seven basins that were determined to *USGS ⳱ U.S. Geological Survey (Johnson et al., 1996); NPC ⳱ National Per-
contain BCGAs. In that assessment, in-place gas re- toleum Council (1992). All values in tcf gas.

1908 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

from BCGAs in the United States is provided by the as areas outside North America, is shown in Table 2.
Gas Research Institute (GRI). Gas production from so- The geographic distribution of BCGAs is probably best
called tight gas sands in 1996 (the last year for which known in the Rocky Mountain region, where a consid-
there are records) was 3.35 tcf (Hill, 2000), approxi- erable amount of research has occurred.
mately 17% of total United States production. This fig- Worldwide, there are only a few references avail-
ure, however, may be misleading because all so-called able alluding to the presence of BCGAs (Table 2).
tight gas sands are not necessarily BCGAs; discrete, Many more areas undoubtedly contain BCGAs, but
buoyancy-driven gas accumulations may occur in some because of the poor understanding of the concepts of
tight gas sands. With this caveat under consideration, BCGSs in countries outside North America, the global
I estimate 15% of annual gas production in the United distribution of BCGAs is poorly known. For example,
States is from BCGAs, the largest, gas-producing con- in North America, many Rocky Mountain basins con-
tributor of all unconventional gas accumulations. tain direct BCGAs. By analogy with Rocky Mountain
basins, it is likely that many of the Andean foreland
basins of South America also contain BCGAs. Several
SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION of the basins in the Middle East and North Africa prob-
ably contain indirect BCGAs similar to those in Jordan
The global distribution of BCGAs is poorly known, and and Algeria.
knowledge of the stratigraphic distribution of BCGAs The stratigraphic distribution of BCGAs extends
is incomplete. Even in North America, where most of from the Cambrian through the Eocene (Table 2).
the exploration activity for BCGAs has occurred, the However, there appear to be some differences in the
geographic distribution is not well known. Figure 13 stratigraphic distribution of direct and indirect
shows the locations of known and suspected BCGAs BCGAs. For example, the preponderance of direct
in the United States. A tabulation of these areas, as well BCGAs occur in Cretaceous through Eocene rocks

Columbia Basin
Puget Sound Bighorn Basin Midcontinent
Trough Rift
Wind River Basin Crazy Mtns. Basin

Modoc Basin Powder River Basin

Snake River
Hanna Basin Michigan
Greater Basin
Green River
Sacramento- Basin Appalachian Basin
San Joaquin Great Basin
Basins South
Denver Basin
San Luis Basin
San Juan Basin Basin Arkoma Basin
Salton Espanola- Black Warrior
Trough Albuquerque Basin
Fort Worth Basin
Permian East Texas &
Basin North Louisiana Basin

Colville Basin

Val Verde Basin Gulf Coast Basin
Interior Maverick Basin

0 400 miles
Cook Inlet 0 400 km

Figure 13. Map of the United States showing the geographic distribution of known and potential BCGAs.

Law 1909
(Table 2), whereas indirect BCGAs more commonly in the Jonah field provide a good example of commin-
occur in pre-Cretaceous rocks. Although some of the gling production from multiple, lenticular reservoirs
apparent difference in stratigraphic distribution may (Finch et al., 1997; Eberhard, 2001); as many as 28
be attributable to the disproportionate number of stud- sandstones are perforated and fractured (Montgomery
ies in Cretaceous and younger rocks compared to num- and Robinson, 1997). In a similar manner, gas produc-
bers of studies in pre-Cretaceous rocks, the question of tion from multiple sandstone reservoirs in the Upper
seal integrity in direct systems arises. As previously dis- Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation in the Piceance
cussed, the effective life of capillary pressure seals in basin of western Colorado is commingled following
direct systems is not known; therefore, because of the multiple fracture treatments in an interval about 2400
perceptions of a leaky seal in direct systems, the oc- ft (732 m) thick (R. E. Mueller, 2002, personal
currence of direct systems in pre-Cretaceous rocks may communication).
be less common than in Cretaceous and younger rocks. Early attempts to produce from blanket reservoirs
Some examples, however, of pre-Cretaceous direct were mixed. Massive hydraulic fracturing techniques
BCGAs include Permian rocks in the Timan-Pechora using 300,000 lb of proppant were used in an attempt
basin, Russia (Law et al., 1996), and the Sichuan basin, to create long fractures. However, the large fracture
China (Da-jun and Yun-ho, 1994); Pennsylvanian treatments commonly resulted in shorter fracture
rocks in the Arkoma basin (Meckel et al., 1992); and lengths than predicted because of fracturing out of the
Carboniferous rocks in the Dnieper-Donets basin, reservoir into adjacent, nonreservoir rocks (Spencer,
Ukraine (Law et al., 1998b) (Table 2). 1989a). This problem has, in some cases, been modi-
Indirect BCGAs occur in rocks ranging from Cam- fied by adjusting pumping rates of the fracture fluids.
brian through Cretaceous. Examples include Cam- Natural fractures are important factors in success-
brian and Ordovician reservoirs in the Ahnet basin of fully completing a well. The probability of a vertically
Algeria, Ordovician reservoirs in Jordan (Ahlbrandt et drilled hole intersecting fractures is considerably less
al., 1997), Lower Silurian reservoirs in the Appala- than horizontal or slant holes. For example, at the U.S.
chian basin (Davis, 1984; Law and Dickinson, 1985; Department of Energy Multiwell Experiment site in
Zagorski, 1988, 1991; Law and Spencer, 1993; Law et the Piceance basin of Colorado, a slant hole was drilled
al., 1998a; Ryder and Zagorski, forthcoming), and Ju- through lenticular gas reservoirs. The hole was then
rassic sandstone reservoirs in the Bossier Shale (Mont- deviated to horizontal in a blanket reservoir. Fifty-two
gomery and Karlewicz, 2001; Emme and Stancil, fractures were reported from 266 ft (81 m) of core
2002) in the United States Gulf Coast (Table 2). taken from the slant hole part of the hole. In contrast,
a nearby vertically drilled hole penetrating the same
slant hole interval encountered one fracture, and, in
FORMATION EVALUATION the horizontally drilled part of the hole, 37 fractures
were reported from 115 ft (35 m) of core (Lorenz and
All BCGA reservoirs require carefully designed drilling Hill, 1991). In a more recently drilled 14,950 ft (4557
programs and some type of artificial stimulation for m)–deep well in the Green River basin of Wyoming,
commercial production rates. Reservoir continuity is more than 400 open fractures were detected on a For-
an important consideration in the design of an appro- mation MicroImager log from a 1750 ft (533 m)–long
priate drilling and completion program. Single, lentic- horizontally drilled leg in the Upper Cretaceous Fron-
ular reservoirs have limited volume and are generally tier Formation (Krystinik and Lorenz, 2000). In the
not commercial, whereas single, blanket reservoirs same well, approximately 76 natural fractures were re-
have much larger volumes and may be commercial, corded from a 78.2 ft (23.8 m)–long core taken from
but, because blanket reservoirs commonly have better the same horizontal leg (Lorenz and Mroz, 1999).
reservoir quality than lenticular reservoirs, they may be From these two examples, the probability of encoun-
water bearing, as discussed previously. tering fractures in slant or horizontal wells vs. vertically
In lenticular, fluvial-dominated reservoirs, such as drilled wells is well documented. The cost of drilling
those in the Jonah field in the northern part of the nonvertical wells, however, is considerably greater
Green River basin of Wyoming or the Rulison field in than the cost of drilling vertical wells.
the Piceance basin of Colorado, it is imperative to stim- Reservoir damage is another important aspect of
ulate as many reservoirs as possible to attain commer- formation evaluation. Spencer (1985) listed several
cial rates of gas production. The completion practices different types of reservoir damage, including (1)

1910 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

movement of secondary clays causing plugging of pore levels greater than 0.6% Ro. Sandstones deposited in
throats, (2) swelling of smectitic clays, (3) increasing alluvial plain, coal-bearing environments typically have
water saturation with consequent reduction of relative poor reservoir properties. High porosity and perme-
permeability to gas, (4) fracturing gel compounds left ability in reservoirs are not desirable attributes for the
in the reservoir, and (5) chemical additives causing pre- development of a BCGA. In basins where some drilling
cipitation of minerals and compounds during acidizing activity has occurred, gas shows are also very helpful.
and hydraulic fracturing. The potential problem of
swelling clays, in most cases, is minor, because most Confirmation Phase
BCGAs occur in sequences where the level of thermal
maturation is sufficiently high to convert swelling clays Once a basin containing a potential BCGA has been
into nonswelling clays. identified, the task becomes one of confirmation. Be-
cause all BCGAs are abnormally pressured, the prin-
cipal task during this phase is the determination of res-
EXPLORATION STRATEGY ervoir pressure and the mechanism of abnormal
pressure. Most basins do not have sufficient quantity
The objective of any hydrocarbon exploration program or quality of pressure data for this determination.
is to progress from coarse, loosely defined ideas to re- Therefore, a combination of attributes listed on Table
fined, drillable locations. In the case of BCGAs, explo- 1 can provide compelling evidence for the presence of
ration strategies are no different and may be viewed as abnormal pressure and a BCGA. Pore pressure indi-
a four-step process that includes (1) reconnaissance, cators such as pore fluid composition (gas with little or
(2) confirmation, (3) delineation, and (4) sweet spot no producible water) in conjunction with porosity
identification. The exploration phases are mostly ap- (13%), permeability (0.1 md), thermal maturation
plicable to direct BCGAs; as a consequence of the rela- (0.7% Ro) data, and sustained gas shows are very use-
tively new classification of BCGAs into direct and in- ful. In some cases, sonic velocity data have been used
direct types, strategies for indirect BCGAs have not to indicate the presence of abnormal pressures (Sur-
been formulated, although it is obvious that source dam et al., 1997, 2000, 2001; Surdam, 1997).
rock considerations, level of thermal maturation, and Although the determination of abnormal pressure
temporal relationships among hydrocarbon generation, is important, it is equally important to determine the
expulsion, migration, and trap formation are very im- mechanism of abnormal pressure. For direct BCGAs,
portant considerations in the exploration for indirect the pressure mechanism is hydrocarbon generation
BCGAs. (Spencer, 1987), and for indirect BCGAs, the pressure
mechanism is thermal cracking of liquid hydrocarbons
Reconnaissance Phase to gas (Law, 2000). A useful criteria for determining
the pressure mechanism is through a knowledge of the
The reconnaissance phase entails the identification of composition of pore fluids: pore fluids in direct and
basins that may contain BCGAs. In direct systems, indirect systems are composed of gas with little or no
identification of source rocks is critical. For example, producible water (Spencer, 1987; Law and Spencer,
the identification of humic, gas-prone coal beds is the 1993), whereas in abnormally pressured reservoirs,
most obvious source rock for direct BCGAs; in nearly where the composition of pore fluid is mainly water,
every country with coal reserves, there are some pub- the pressure mechanism may be one of several other
lished data concerning geographic distribution, rank, mechanisms, thereby precluding a hydrocarbon-gen-
and thickness. The rank of coal beds must be greater eration mechanism and presence of a BCGA.
than high-volatile C (greater than vitrinite reflectance Formation resistivity and spontaneous potential
values of 0.6% Ro) to initiate thermal generation of gas curves measured on geophysical well logs also have
(Hunt, 1996). been used to indicate the presence of a BCGA. In Up-
The existence of reservoirs with appropriate qual- per Cretaceous rocks in the San Juan basin and Me-
ity is another important aspect to consider during the sozoic rocks in the Alberta basin, resistivities greater
reconnaissance phase. In most cases, coal-bearing in- than 20 X were reported to be gas saturated (Masters,
tervals are associated with interbedded sandstones that 1979). Zagorski (1988, 1991) noted that the boundary
have low porosity and permeability, especially at dia- between conventional and BCGA reservoirs in north-
genetic stages commensurate with thermal maturity western Pennsylvania could be distinguished at 80 X;

Law 1911
reservoirs with high water saturation were defined by ceance basin, Colorado (Northrop et al., 1984; Spen-
resistivities 80 X•m, and reservoirs within the cer and Keighin, 1984; Law and Spencer, 1989). Re-
BCGA have resistivities 80 X•m. In Upper Creta- gional mapping using some of these indirect
ceous rocks in the Greater Green River basin, spon- parameters can then be used not only to determine
taneous potential curves are commonly reversed in ab- the stratigraphic and areal distribution of the BCGA
normally pressured BCGAs (Law et al., 1979, 1980; but also to help identify areas of enhanced reservoir
Law, 1984). quality, or sweet spots.

Delineation Sweet Spot Identification

The delineation phase entails mapping the vertical and Although a few BCGAs are commercially productive
areal distribution of the gas accumulation. The pre- over their entire areal extent, such as the San Juan
ferred way of accomplishing this phase is through the basin of Colorado and New Mexico, most BCGAs are
use of reliable pressure data. In most basins, however, not commercially productive over their entire area.
pressure data are absent or of such low quality that Consequently, areas within the BCGA of enhanced
reliable maps cannot be constructed; consequently, reservoir quality (sweet spots) must be identified.
some indirect method may have to be used. The se- These sweet spots may be structural or stratigraphic
lected mapping parameter should be one that has in nature and always occur within the abnormal pres-
been calibrated to well-documented pressure data. For sure envelope. In addition, they most likely occur near
example, thermal maturity values ranging from 0.7 to the upper boundary of the BCGA.
0.9% Ro were determined to be coincident with the In Figure 6, the top of overpressure and BCGA
top of overpressuring in the Greater Green River ba- in the Washakie basin is shown as a fairly smooth,
sin (Law, 1984). In later work, 0.8% Ro was used to uniform line cutting across structural and stratigraphic
map the depth to the top of overpressuring in the boundaries. In this case, if very closely spaced pressure
basin (Pawlewicz et al., 1986; Law et al., 1989). John- data were available along the line of section, the pres-
son et al. (1987, 1996, 1999) used a value of 0.73% sure boundary would most likely not be as smooth as
Ro to map the top of the gas- and water-bearing tran- shown but would probably be highly irregular, with
sition zone above gas-saturated reservoirs in the Pi- significant areas of high relief. The areas of high, posi-
ceance basin of Colorado and the Wind River and Big- tive relief, or bumps, may be indicative of structural
horn basins of Wyoming. and/or stratigraphic sweet spots that occur at or near
To determine an accurate, reliable mapping the upper boundary of the BCGA. In the absence of
method, a detailed study of a small area within the closely spaced pressure data, it is difficult to identify
basin is recommended rather than a broad-based re- a sweet spot. However, some techniques can be used
gional study. For the detailed study, a small represen- to identify and focus more expensive techniques such
tative area with relatively complete, high-quality data as three-dimensional (3-D) seismic surveys. Those
should be chosen. Comprehensive, multidiscipline in- techniques may include lineament, thermal maturity,
vestigations including stratigraphic, structural, source and present-day temperature mapping. Aeromagnetic,
rock, reservoir rock, pressure, thermal history, petro- gravity, and surface geochemical surveys also may be
physical, and well log analyses should then be con- useful in the identification of potential sweet spots.
ducted within the selected area. The objective of this Surdam (1997) and Surdam et al. (1997) described
comprehensive investigation is to establish a type area methods employing sonic logs to identify sweet spots
or analog for the entire basin to which incomplete or in several basins in Wyoming.
fragmentary data from other parts of the basin can be The best example of a BCGA structural sweet
compared. From such analog studies, indirect map- spot is the Jonah field in the northern part of the
ping tools, such as levels of thermal maturity, present- Green River basin, Wyoming (Figures 3, 4). As pre-
day temperature, and log responses, may be deter- viously discussed, the Jonah field is a gas chimney,
mined. Examples of such analog studies include the rooted in a regionally pervasive BCGA described by
Pacific Creek area in the Greater Green River basin Law (1984) and producing from multiple sandstone
(Law et al., 1979, 1980), the Wagon Wheel well in reservoirs in the Upper Cretaceous Lance Formation.
the Greater Green River basin (Law and Spencer, Alternatively, Cluff and Cluff (2001) have interpreted
1989), and the Multiwell Experiment site in the Pi- the Jonah field to be a remnant of a larger, much more

1912 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

105° 104° 103°
shallow BCGA than presently identified. The Jonah

field is a wedge-shaped area with the north, south, and


west boundaries of the field defined by westward con- 0.7

verging faults (Figure 4). The eastern boundary is un- 0.

defined. The geologic characteristics of the Jonah field 0.
0. 0.
are given by Montgomery and Robinson (1997) and


Warner (1998, 2000). According to Warner (2000) CO L O RA D O 0.6 41°

the top of overpressure (top of gas-saturated reser-

voirs) within the field occurs at depths of 7700 ft 0.6
(2347 m) at the west end of the field (updip end of 0.7

0.8 4
field) and 9500 ft (2896 m) at the east end of the 0.9

field (downdip end of the field). Outside the field, the 1.1
1. 1.3
top of overpressure and gas-saturated reservoirs occur 1.4 Wattenburg Field
at depths ranging from 11,200 to 11,600 ft (3414– 0.
3536 m) (Warner, 2000). Thus, there is 2500–3000


ft (726–914 m) of relief on the top of overpressuring 0.8
from outside the field to inside the field (Figure 4).

The gas chimney has subsequently been identified 0.9

through the use of sonic velocity data (Surdam et al.,

0.6 Isoreflectance, Muddy (“J”) Ss. 0 50 miles
A good example of a thermal maturity anomaly Contour interval: 0.1%Rm.
0 50 km
associated with a sweet spot is the Lower Cretaceous Rm sample location

Muddy (“J”) Sandstone in the Denver basin of Colo- Figure 14. Thermal maturity map of the Denver basin, Col-
rado. Regional thermal maturity mapping in the Den- orado, showing the large thermal maturity anomaly in the Cre-
ver basin of Colorado (Higley et al., 1992) shows the taceous Muddy (“J”) Sandstone in the Wattenburg field (mod-
presence of an anomaly associated with a BCGA (Fig- ified from Higley et al., 1992). The field is nearly coincident with
ure 14). The anomaly, defined by reflectance values the 0.9% isoreflectance contour (Higley et al., 1992). The loca-
greater than 0.9% Ro, is nearly coincident with the tion of the anomaly is also coincident with the basinward pro-
field boundaries of production from the Muddy Sand- jection of the Colorado Mineral Belt (CMB).
stone in the Wattenburg field. The anomaly is located
north of the structurally deepest part of the basin and
is coincident with the northeast projection of the Col- underpressured BCGAs. The level of thermal matur-
orado Mineral Belt. The field is also coincident with ity at the top of an underpressured BCGA most likely
a temperature anomaly mapped by Meyer and McGee is higher than the level of thermal maturity at the top
(1985). of an overpressured BCGA because the dimensions,
Because the top of a BCGA is determined, in part, or size, of a BCGA are reduced during the transition
by permeability variations and the ease with which gas from overpressure to underpressure. Consequently,
may move through reservoirs, measured levels of ther- the level of thermal maturity at the top of an under-
mal maturity at the top of a BCGA may provide in- pressured BCGA reflects that size constriction.
direct evidence of the presence of a sweet spot; rela- Stratigraphic sweet spots are more difficult to dis-
tively low values of thermal maturity (0.8% Ro) at cern than structural sweet spots because detailed fa-
the top of an overpressured BCGA are indicative of a cies mapping requires close-spaced to moderately
potential sweet spot, whereas relatively high values of spaced subsurface data. An example of a stratigraphic
thermal maturity (0.8% Ro) are indicative of very sweet spot includes the Upper Cretaceous Almond
low permeability in an overpressured BCGA. Based Formation in the Washakie basin of southwest Wyo-
on vitrinite reflectance profiles from two wells within ming, where reservoirs in the upper, marginal marine
the Jonah field (Warner, 1998), the level of thermal part of the formation are typically much more pro-
maturity at the top of overpressured, gas-saturated ductive than reservoirs in the lower, fluvial-dominated
reservoirs is less than 0.7% Ro, compared to 0.8% Ro part of the formation. Additional stratigraphic sweet
outside the field. Thermal maturity indices, however, spots include sandstones within the Upper Cretaceous
cannot be used to identify potential sweet spots in Lewis Shale in the Great Divide basin and the

Law 1913
Frontier Formation along the structural crest of the RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS
Moxa arch in the Green River basin.
Finally, based on empirical observations, there ap- As previously discussed, gas production from BCGAs
pears to be a relationship between producibility and is currently making a significant contribution to the en-
the nature of abnormal pressure; overpressured BCGA ergy needs of the United States, and the future role of
reservoirs generally require the identification of sweet BCGSs will be significant; however, some large obsta-
spots for commercial production, whereas underpres- cles must be addressed for this type of unconventional
sured reservoirs are regionally productive and do not gas system to meet or surpass expectations. In order
require the identification of sweet spots. The best ex- for BCGAs to play an increasing role in the energy re-
amples of regionally productive gas production from quirements of the United States and the world, the
underpressured systems occur in Upper Cretaceous following topics and problems need to be addressed:
reservoirs in the San Juan basin of New Mexico and
Colorado and in the Lower Silurian Clinton-Medina • An effective global education program is essential to
reservoirs in the Appalachian basin of Pennsylvania. stimulate and expand exploration programs beyond
However, sweet spots, even in underpressured the United States and Canada; traditional concepts
BCGAs, are desirable features to identify. The reasons of petroleum systems need modification.
for this apparent relationship between producibility • In many basins, BCGAs occur at depths greater than
and the nature of abnormal pressure are uncertain. Per- 10,000 ft (3048 m). Artificial stimulation at these
haps reservoir quality is slightly improved during the depths is difficult and expensive. Although there
transition from an overpressured system to a under- have been significant improvements in drilling and
pressured system. completion technologies within the past 20 yr, con-
tinued advances in technologies are essential to tap
the very large gas resources at these depths.
OUTLOOK • In thick, gas-saturated reservoirs containing inter-
bedded water-bearing reservoirs, improved tech-
In 1978 the Natural Gas Policy Act provided incentive niques are needed to discriminate between gas-bear-
prices and, later, tax credits for gas production from ing and water-bearing reservoirs.
coal, shale, and low-permeability sandstone reservoirs • The integrity of capillary pressure seals over long pe-
in an attempt to stimulate the development of gas from riods of geologic time needs to be determined.
unconventional, marginally economic reservoirs. • More geologic research into the occurrence of
Those incentives, along with significant funding from BCGAs, especially indirect types, is desirable. Essen-
the U.S. Department of Energy for research and de- tially no information is available concerning the na-
velopment of tight gas sands, were instrumental in un- ture of or exploration strategies for indirect BCGAs.
locking a gas supply that has had and will have a sig- • Methods of identifying and characterizing natural
nificant impact on the energy needs of the United fractures must be improved.
States and the world. At the end of 1992 the incentives • Relationships among kerogen type, thermal matur-
expired, and there was some skepticism in the industry ity, initiation of gas generation, peak gas generation,
concerning continued gas production without some transformation of oil to gas, and volumetric fluid
economic help. However, new technological gains, an changes accompanying the transition of oil to gas
improved geologic and engineering understanding of need additional research.
tight gas sands, and higher gas prices have combined
to make BCGAs (tight gas sands) a very attractive ex-
ploration objective. In the United States and Canada, SUMMARY
exploration and exploitation of this huge gas resource
has experienced considerable success, and activity Basin-centered gas accumulations, a type of unconven-
should accelerate over the next several years. Interna- tional gas accumulation, are typically regionally per-
tionally, exploration activity is currently minimal but vasive accumulations encompassing hundreds or thou-
likely will increase in the near future. As the concepts sands of square miles and may occur as single, isolated
of BCGSs become better known outside North Amer- reservoirs a few feet thick or as multiple, stacked res-
ica, there will be an increased focus on the tremendous ervoirs several thousand feet thick. Some of the more
potential of this gas resource. important distinguishing characteristics of BCGAs in-

1914 Basin-Centered Gas Systems

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