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Primary Sources

Barbaroux, Charles O. Adventures of a French serjeant, during his campaigns in Italy, Spain,
Germany, Russia, &c., from 1805 to 1823. Written by himself. 1826. Accessed October
22, 2023.
This is a primary source, the it's about what the serjeant sees during his campaign. It also
includes parts that delve deeper into what the military men had to face when they
returned, as with Napoleons fall from grace they would have to watch the way they
spoke. This book is a useful source as it provides the perspective of what a military
officer experienced during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. This source will be helpful to
my argument as it shows the impact that Napoleon's invasion of Russia had on people in
those times.

Cathcart, George. Commentaries on the war in Russia and Germany in 1812 and 1813. 1850.
This book is a primary source written by Colonel Geroge Cathcart, who details the events
in 1813, marking a crucial turning point in Napoleon's career and its impact on the
nations under his influence. It is a useful source because it shows how the war with
Russia became a turning point in history. This is a helpful source which can be used to
show how the invasion of Russia led to Napoleons fall and the stop of his march across

Coignet, Jean-Roch. The narrative of Captain Coignet : soldier of the empire, 1776-1850; ed.
from the original manuscript by Lorédan Larchey, and tr. from the French by Mrs. M.
Carey. 1897. CathiTrust (100526768).
This is a primary source. This narrative of Captain Coignet shows how soldiers were
truly thinking during Napoleon's campaign. The narrative details Captain Coignet's life
and how he became involved in the French military. The narrative shows how the French
military worked and how the common soldier lived.

David, Jacques Lous. Napoleon Crossing the Alps. 1805. Paint. Wikepedia Commons.
This is a primary source. It is a piece of visual art which shows an officer holding a sabre
in the background which is obscured by the horse's tail. Napoleon's face appears
youthful. This is a source that is useful for decorating our website, and for being able to
devise what artists thought about Napoleon.

Johnson, T. "Downfall of Paris, and Bonaparte dethron'd." 1812. library of scotland (74587336).
This source tells the story of what the author thought about the fall of Napoleon. It is
useful because it shows a new perspective, and the reader can see that the author enjoyed
Napoleon's kingdom. It says how Napoelon was the pride of France, and that Paris has

Labaume, Eugene. A Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign In Russia. 1817.

This book is a primary source that details the events that happened during the invasion of
russia, with the author using himself as an eyewitness source. These events are important
to understanding why the results of France's loss occured. It will be useful during the
argument to learn more about what exactly transpired during the war.

Miller, John. Picture of war; being on account of the Storming of Badojoz.
This is a primary source. This is a section of a book that shows that the people of Russia
had little to no food during the war between France and Russia and that they were going
through a hard time with there husbands and men joining to fight. This shows that not
only was the countrys goverment and leaders hurt but also the people.

Northern, Adolph. Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow. 1851. Hanover.

This painting illustrates Napoleon's final retreat from Moscow after a defeat in battle.
The overall view of the painting seems very sad and Napoleon's troops seem defeated and
like their morale is very low.

Tillochgorum, Tune. "A Patriotic song, or Bonaparte will be here."

This is a primary source that is a song made by the Russians for patroitism to there
counrty and Britian because they were helping them out. This shows that there was
different types of propaganda going on in this time as well.

Vereshchagin, Vasily. The Night Bivouac of the Great Army. 1896. Soldiers cowering from the
weather. Moscow, Russia.
This painting illustrates the harsh weather seen in Russia. This weather undoubtedly lead
to the defeat of Napoleon's army and contributed to the large amount of casualties
Napoleon's army experienced in the war. The painting shows Napoleon's soldiers hiding
under blanket like things trying to stay out of the cold and snow.

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