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European Spine Journal


The Haleem–Botchu classification: a novel CT‑based classification

for lumbar foraminal stenosis
S. Haleem1 · M. Malik2 · V. Guduri1 · C. Azzopardi1 · S. James1 · R. Botchu1

Received: 21 September 2020 / Revised: 21 October 2020 / Accepted: 1 November 2020

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Purpose No clinical CT-based classification system is currently in use for lumbar foraminal stenosis. MRI scanners are not
easily available, are expensive and may be contraindicated in an increasing number of patients. This study aimed to propose
and evaluate the reproducibility of a novel CT-based classification for lumbar foraminal stenosis.
Materials and methods The grading was developed as four grades: normal foramen—Grade 0, anteroposterior (AP)/supero-
inferior (SI) (single plane) fat compression—Grade 1, both AP/SI compression (two planes) without distortion of nerve
root—Grade 2 and Grade 2 with distortion of nerve root—Grade 3.
A total of 800 lumbar foramen of a cohort of 100 random patients over the age of 60 who had undergone both CT and MRI
scans were reviewed by two radiologists independently to assess agreement of the novel CT classification against the MRI-
based grading system of Lee et al. Interobserver(n = 400) and intraobserver agreement(n = 160) was also evaluated. Agree-
ment analysis was performed using the weighted kappa statistic.
Results A total of 100 patients (M:F = 45:55) with a mean age of 68.5 years (range 60–83 years were included in the study.
The duration between CT and MRI scans was 98 days (range 0–540, SD—108). There was good correlation between CT
and MRI with kappa scores (k = 0.81) and intraobserver kappa of 0.89 and 0.98 for the two readers.
Conclusion The novel CT-based classification correlates well with the MRI grading system and can safely and accurately
replace it where required.

Keywords Lumbar foraminal stenosis · Novel classification system · Computed tomography · Magnetic resonance
imaging · Interobserver agreement · Intraobserver agreement

Introduction using either a partially quantitative system looking at fat

obliteration or a combination of various parameters (types
Lumbar foraminal stenosis (LFS) is an important cause for of stenosis, amount of fat obliteration and nerve root com-
radiculopathy of the lower limb (8–11%) with the foraminal pression) correlated with clinical findings [9–11]. To the
zone lying beneath the lamina and facet joints [1–4] (Fig. 1 authors’ knowledge, no computed tomography (CT)-based
Diagrammatic representation of classification showing anat- classification system is currently in clinical use.
omy of spinal unit and lumbar foramen). First described in While MRI is now available in many urban centres,
1927, it is recognised as the leading cause of failed back sur- it is still relatively scarce in rural areas and generally
gery (up to 60%) mostly because it is not recognised [5–8]. worldwide [12–17]. Data from the World Health Organi-
Various attempts have been made to classify LFS radiologi- sation (WHO) and Global Health Observatory (GHO)
cally mostly based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) show that MRI scanners are globally available but at only
0.00000–0.07000 units per million population in most areas
* S. Haleem while the minimum requirement to fully satisfy a popula- tions needs are 12–15 units per million population [18–20].
It was felt therefore that there was a clinical need to develop
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, The Woodlands, Bristol Road a CT-based classification system to overcome these hurdles,
South, Birmingham B31 2AP, UK
providing a common language linked to an easily available
Division of Medical Education, University of Brighton, resource and thus improve patient care. Furthermore, the
Brighton, UK

European Spine Journal

Fig. 2  CT and MRI (a and b) examples of Grade 0—L3 and L4

foramina, Grade 3—L5 foramen

Fig. 1  Diagrammatic representation of classification showing anat-

omy of spinal unit and lumbar foramen

classification system is of value when MRI is contraindi-

cated in patients with ferromagnetic foreign bodies such
as certain types of stents, pacemakers, implantable cardi-
overter-defibrillators(ICDs), nerve stimulators, intrauterine
contraceptive devices (IUCDs), cochlear implants, contact
lens and insulin pumps [21, 22].

Materials and methods

After discussions between senior authors, a novel CT-based

classification system was established after consensus was Fig. 3  CT and MRI (a and b) examples of Grade 1—L5 foramen
reached on clarity and appropriateness of a simplified clas-
sification. The grading was developed as four grades on
CT sagittal images as follows: normal foramen—Grade 0,
anteroposterior (AP)/superoinferior (SI) fat compression—
Grade 1, both AP/SI compression with no distortion of nerve
root—Grade 2, Grade 2 with additional distortion of nerve
root—Grade 3 (Fig. 2 CT and MRI (a & b) examples of
Grade 0—L3 and L4 foramina, Grade 3—L5 foramen, Fig. 3
CT and MRI (a & b) examples of Grade 1—L5 foramen
and Fig. 4 CT and MRI (a and b) examples of Grade 2—
L4 foramen). CT was performed on a 64 slice Somatom
AS, (Siemens, Germany) and MRI was on a 3 T Magnetom
Skyra (Seimens, Germany) MR and CT was analysed by two
experienced musculoskeletal radiologists. The foramen was
analysed on bone and soft tissue windows. The foramen on
MRI were assessed using the T1 and T2 weighted sagittal
This novel CT classification was then assessed against the
MRI grading system proposed by Lee et al. and validated by Fig. 4  CT and MRI (a and b) examples of Grade 2—L4 foramen

European Spine Journal

Park et al. [10, 11]. A total of 800 foramen of the lumbar Table 2  Interobserver agreement for CT classification between
spine (Right and Left L2 to L5) of a cohort of a 100 random Reader 1 and Reader 2
patients referred for back and leg pain were independently Level of foramen Interobserver (k)
assessed by two fellowship trained radiologists to assess n = 400
correlation. This cohort of patients was above the age of
Right L2 0.79
60 years, and they had undergone both CT and MRI scans.
Right L3 0.63
Both readers analysed the CT and MRI scans and repeated
Right L4 0.43
the same after an interval of one week.
Right L5 0.66
Local research committee approval was obtained
Left L2 1.00
in the form of service evaluation (Project reference
Left L3 0.54
Left L4 0.45
Left L5 0.59
Statistical analysis
All levels 0.58

Weighted kappa (k) statistic applying linear weighting was k weighted kappa value; n total number of foramina analysed
used to assess agreement. Agreement was analysed between
the CT and MRI scores for each Reader separately and
across both Readers combined. Interobserver agreement for near-perfect agreement for both Reader 1 (k = 0.89) and
each Reader of their first and second readings of the CT Reader 2 (k = 0.98) (Table 3).
studies (50 patients = 400 foramen) and intraobserver agree-
ment between the two readers for both CT and MRI were
also analysed (20 patients = 160 foramen). A kappa value Discussion
of ≤ 0 indicated no agreement, 0.01–0.20 indicated slight
agreement; 0.21–0.40, fair agreement; 0.41–0.60, moderate The lumbar foramen described as an oval, round or inverted
agreement; 0.61–0.80, substantial agreement; and 0.81 or teardrop-shaped “window” is also known as the “hid-
greater, nearly perfect agreement [23, 24]. Social Sciences den zone” [26, 27]. The intervertebral disc anteriorly, the
for Windows (version 24, SPSS) was used for statistical facet joint and articular process posteriorly, superior pedi-
analyses [25]. cle (roof) and inferior pedicle (floor) form the borders of
Results—100 patients (M:F = 45:55) with a mean age of the foramen [28]. Stenosis can occur in all of these direc-
68.5 years (range 60–83 years) were included in the study. tions causing neural compression. The concept of LFS was
The duration between CT and MRI scans was 98 days (range known previously as lateral spinal stenosis [29]. Realising
0–540, SD—108). the importance of not addressing LFS adequately subsequent
Kappa scores for both readers combined (k = 0.81) authors have attempted to quantify it numerically by using
revealed a near-perfect agreement (Table 1). Kappa scores MRI-based studies with Lee et al. proposing an MRI LFS
for interobserver analysis revealed moderate agreement grading system [10, 30–32].
(k = 0.58) (Table 2) and intraobserver analysis revealed

Table 1  Agreement between CT vs MRI classifications for Reader 1, Table 3  Intraobserver agreement for CT classifications at two differ-
Reader 2 and Combined ent time points for Reader 1 and Reader 2
Level of foramen Reader 1 (k) Reader 2 (k) Combined* (k) Level of foramen Reader 1 (k) Reader 2 (k)
n = 800 n = 400 n = 1200 n = 160 n = 160

Right L2 0.92 0.79 0.88 Right L2 0.84 1.00

Right L3 0.77 0.77 0.78 Right L3 0.78 1.00
Right L4 0.77 0.78 0.78 Right L4 0.72 1.00
Right L5 0.80 0.85 0.82 Right L5 0.96 1.00
Left L2 0.66 1.00 0.72 Left L2 1.00 0.66
Left L3 0.81 0.84 0.82 Left L3 0.77 0.82
Left L4 0.69 0.90 0.77 Left L4 0.96 1.00
Left L5 0.79 0.85 0.81 Left L5 0.85 1.00
All levels 0.80 0.85 0.81 All levels 0.89 0.98

k weighted kappa value; n total number of foramina analysed k weighted kappa value; n total number of foramina analysed

European Spine Journal

Our CT-based classification showed near-perfect agree- Author contributions SH contributed to original concept, discussed
ment when compared to the MRI grading system [23, 24]. framework, analysed data, wrote and critically reviewed article for
final acceptance. MM discussed framework, analysed data, critically
This implies that it can provide a reliable replacement for reviewed article for final acceptance. VG discussed framework and
reporting LFS. This aspect is important for a number of critically reviewed article for final acceptance. CA analysed scans and
reasons. data and critically reviewed article for final acceptance. SJ analysed
There are currently only approximately 50,000 MRI scan- scans and data, critically reviewed article for final acceptance. RB dis-
cussed framework, analysed data, wrote and critically reviewed article
ners in use worldwide with 5000 sold every year with most for final acceptance.
scanners being situated in urban centres of developed coun-
tries [20]. MRI scanners are limited by cost, lack of expertise Funding No funding was received in relation to this article.
and infrastructure in most developing nations. As an exam-
ple, the whole of Western Africa has only 84 MRI scanners Compliance with ethical standards
serving a population of 372 million, whereas Nigeria by
itself has 183 CT scanners [33, 34]. A CT-based grading Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest in rela-
would simplify reporting and allow a common language to tion to this article.
be utilised which would benefit patient care in these areas
of need.
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