M1W7 STEP 1 Grammar Articles

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20201 – 2022 ACADEMIC YEAR

Week VII - Articles

A. Fill in the gaps with a, an or the.

1. I have got ………lighter and ……… box of matches but ……… lighter doesn’t
work very well.
2. There is ……… doctor and ………nurse in ……… village but ………doctor is
getting old.
3. I bought ………sandwich and ………piece of cake. ………sandwich was all right
but ………cake was horrible.
4. There are millions of websites on ………Internet.
5. You are ………best person I know.
6. Peter is ………doctor and his wife is ………teacher.
7. Can you close ………door, please?
8. We go to the gym four times ………week.
9. You can have ………apple or ………orange. ……… apples are nice and sweet.
10. He sent me two letters and ………postcard when he was on holiday.
11. ………sun is shining brightly.
12. It is ………highest mountain in ………world.
13. Did you see………Pope when you went to Rome?

B. Circle the correct answer.

1. What is a / an / the capital city of Sweden?
2. This is a / an / the interesting book.
3. The children go to school by - / the / a bus every day.
4. A / The / An sky went grey and it started to rain.
5. They have got a / an / - dog and two cats.
6. While I was walking in the street, I saw a / an / the strange man yesterday. A /
An / The man was staring at me.
7. A / the / - men are more jealous than - / a / the women.
8. A /- / the students did very well in the exam yesterday.
9. She is at - / a / the home now.
10. My brother wants to be the /a / an journalist.
11. She doesn’t eat the / a / - meat because she is vegetarian.
12. This is the / a / an woman that I told you.
13. It is the / an / a very nice school and - / the / a teachers are really hardworking.
14. Is there a / an / the station near here?
15. There is a / an /- man at a /the / - door. He wants to see you.
16. She is cooking spaghetti for a /- /the dinner.

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