Multiple Choice Questions

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Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who is credited with the development and use of writing after the Flood?
A) Egyptians
B) Sumerians
C) Greeks
D) Romans
2. What did Sumerian writing gradually evolve into, with each mark representing a syllable?
A) Hieroglyphics
B) Cuneiform
C) Alphabet
D) Pictographs
3. What did the Sumerians use to make their marks on soft clay tablets?
A) Feather quills
B) Pencils
C) Reeds or sharp instruments
D) Brushes
4. How did the Sumerians ensure the permanence of their written records?
A) They used ink
B) They engraved stone tablets
C) They baked the clay until it was hard
D) They used paper
Short Answer Questions:

5. What do archaeologists do?

6. Explain the important of wheel for the Sumerians.

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Who is credited with the development and use of writing after the Flood?
A) Egyptians
B) Sumerians
C) Greeks
D) Romans
2. What did Sumerian writing gradually evolve into, with each mark representing a syllable?
A) Hieroglyphics
B) Cuneiform
C) Alphabet
D) Pictographs
3. What did the Sumerians use to make their marks on soft clay tablets?
A) Feather quills
B) Pencils
C) Reeds or sharp instruments
D) Brushes
4. How did the Sumerians ensure the permanence of their written records?
A) They used ink
B) They engraved stone tablets
C) They baked the clay until it was hard
D) They used paper
Short Answer Questions:

5. What do archaeologists do?

6. Explain the important of wheel for the Sumerians.

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