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Subject Index

Bold face indicates main topic, Italics indicate reference to figure

A-group, medial rectus motoneurons 97–99 thalamic connections 478ff, 486, 488
Abducens nucleus 102, 105–108 Ascending tract of Deiters (see Vestibulo-ocular
connections 108–114, 133, 138, 144, 145, 186, pathways)
212, 213, 215, 220 Ataxia 537
MIF motoneurons 138, 158 Attention (see also Visual attention) 520,
organization of motoneuron subgroups 99 521–523
transmitters 114 Auditory connections 6, 329, 332
Abducens internuclear neurons 4–5, 16, 25, 106, Axial muscles 531ff
107, 113, 115
Accessory abducens nucleus 107–108 B-group, medial rectus motoneurons 97–99
Accessory lateral rectus muscle 46, 54, 108 Basal ganglia 9, 13, 352–355, 356, 441–457
Accessory optic nuclei 22, 379, 385, 386, 393, corticostriate projections 441–452, 472ff, 481
409–443, 411, 413, 421– 423 Blinks (see Eyelid) 142, 386, 391, 511
afferents 415–419 Blip 28
efferents 420–426 Botulinum toxin 69
functional properties 429–432 Brachium of the superior colliculus 382, 381
lesions 430ff Burst neurons 127, 218
ontogeny 410 excitatory burst neuron 111, 138, 144, 215
phylogeny 411 histochemistry 135, 144
precerebellar projections 422 inhibitory burst neuron 111, 135, 138, 144, 145
preoculomotor projections 421 vertical 129, 131
relationship to nucleus of the optic tract 417 Burst-tonic neurons 132, 146
topography and nomenclature 408–410 histochemistry 135
transmitters and modulators 424ff Burster-driving neurons 132, 133, 137, 146, 218
Accessory optic system (AOS) 407–441, 274
pathways and nuclei 408–413 C-group, medial and inferior rectus motoneurons
Accomodation 104 97–101, 98, 99, 101,106, 386, 387, 392
Acetylcholine 213 Canal planes 242–243, 286, 556–559
Annulus of Zinn 46–47 Caudate nucleus (see Nucleus)
Anterior commissure 504 Calcitonin gene-related peptide 416, 426
Anterior-posterior commissural line 503–505, 509 Calcium binding proteins 115
Area 7m (Precuneus) 461–489 vestibular nuclei 172
cortico-cortical connections 482ff, 483, 484 Central caudal nucleus (see Levator
cytoarchitecture 471–472 palpebrae) 97, 103–104
functional characteristics 463ff, 473, 518–519 connections 131, 103
functional imaging 470, 503–519 Cenral gray 361
location 462 Central mesencephalic reticular formation
subcortical connetions 472ff, 476 (see mesencephalic RF)


Cerebellar nuclei 233, 238, 285 301, 481 precuneus (see Area 7m)
Cerebellum 10, 12, 14, 19, 23, 81, 178, 218, 220, prefrontal eye fields (see Prefrontal eye fields)
231–261, 277, 461, 481 pupillary light reflex 395
anterior lobe 536 supplementary eye field (see Supplementary
basket cells 245 eye field)
connections 189, 220, 271, 422 superior colliculus projections 356–358
dentate nucleus (see Dentate nucleus) ventral intraparietal complex (VIP, see Parietal
dorsal paraflocculus 299ff, 300 eye fields)
fastigial nucleus (see Fastigial nucleus) vestibular cortex (see Vestibular cortex)
fastigial oculomotor region 14, 215 visual 11, 81, 384, 390–391, 483–484
flocculus (see Flocculus) Ciliary ganglion 104
Golgi cells 245 Cingulate eye field 8, 509, 515, 519–521
interposed nucleus (see Interposed nucleus) Circadian rhythms 383, 394
lobules V,VI and VII (see Oculomotor vermis) Climbing fibers 232–233, 269ff, 273, 285
Lugaro cells 246 sagittal zones 273, 286, 231, 238
nodulus (see Nodulus) Convergence (see Vergence)
petrosal lobule 300 Cortical control of eye movements (see Cerebral
pontine afferents 298–301 cortex) 461–490, 503–523
sagittal zones (see Climbing fibers) Corticospinal tract (CST) 534–537
stellate cells 245 Corticotrophin releasing factor 279–281
unipolar brush cells 245 Crossed ventral tegmental tract (CVT) 16, 19, 109
uvula (see Uvula, ventral)
ventral paraflocculus 14, 249–256, 259–260, 310 Deiters nucleus (see Lateral vestibular nucleus)
vergence 25 Dentate nucleus 10, 112, 135, 233, 333,
vermis (see Oculomotor vermis) 350–352
Cerebral cortex 25, 395, 503–523, 509 Descending tracts (see individual tracts) 527–559
Area 2 520 functional connections 555–559
Area 3aV 520 lateral v. medial 528, 530ff, 534, 535ff
Area 7a 8 Descending vestibular nucleus (DVN) 17, 158, 164,
Area 7m, precuneus (see Area 7m) 538ff
Accessory optic nuclear projections 414–416 Disorders in ocular motility 68–70
cingulate eye field (see Cingulate eye field) Dorsal cap (see Inferior olive)
corticotectal-nigrotectal interactions 453–455 Dorsal terminal nucleus (DTN) 274–275, 381, 385,
corticotectal projections 456 409, 412, 421– 423
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (see Prefrontal eye Dorsal thalamic nuclei 386
fields) afferents 415–419
dorsal prelunate 392, 397 efferents 420–426
extrastriate cortex 442–457, 443 functional properties 427–440
frontal eye fields (see Frontal eye fields) lesions 428ff
inferior temporal 392–393 ontogeny 410
insular (see posterior insular vestibular cortex) phylogeny 411
lateral intraparietal area (LIP) (see also parietal relationship to nucleus of the optic tract
eye fields) 8, 385, 391–392, 466–490, 487 417
medial parietal area (MP) 8, 294ff, 296 topography and nomenclature 408–410
medial superior temporal visual area (see Medial transmitters and modulators 424ff
superiory) Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (see Prefrontal
middle temporal visual area (MT) 11, 385, 416 eye fields)
parietal eye fields (see Parietal eye fields) 13 Dysmetria, pulse size 10

Edinger-Westphal nucleus 104–105 location 462, 505

connections 104–105, 222, 386, 391–392, projections to pontine nuclei 294–297
421– 422 subcortical connections 472–475
to pretectal olivary nucleus 395 Talairach coordinate system 506–507
Efference copy 224 tectal afferents 356–358
Eighth nerve (see Vestibular nerve) thalamic connections 478–482
Electrotonic coupling 286 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Epaxial muscles 531–533 503–523
Eyelid (see Levator palpebrae) 511 principles of 505
lid movement 131, 136, 137
Eye-head movement 129, 140, 142, 145 GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) 144, 168,
Eye muscles 43–70 211ff, 407ff, 408, 424ff
global layer (see Global layer) Gap junctions 286
orbital layer (see Orbital layer) Gaze-fixation 2–4, 140, 335–336, 347, 389
Extraocular motoneurons (see Motoneurons) Gaze-holding 3, 23–24, 127ff, 205ff, 223ff, 389
Extraocular muscles 43–70 Gaze velocity 14
blood flow 60 Gaze palsy 4–5, 136, 137
classification of fiber types 44, 48, 53–59 Global layer 27, 50, 58–59, 60, 82, 85, 90, 98
compartmentalization 44, 50–51 Globus pallidus 481
development 50, 65–67 Glutamate 144, 165ff, 213
disease 68–70 Glycine 144, 168, 212ff, 549
function 48–50, 60–61 Golgi tendon organs 87–88, 89, 90
molecular aspects 50–51, 63–65, 70 Gracillimus orbitis muscle (of Bochdalek) 47
motor units 60–61 Graves ophthalmopathy 68
plasticity 44
phylogenetic development 44 Hand movements 515
recruitment of fibers 63 Head movement 129, 132, 133, 140, 145, 185, 537,
Facial nucleus 131 Head-tilt 17, 190, 348–350
connections 392–393, 395 Hippocampus 427
Fastigial nucleus (FN) 10, 301, 350–352, 537 Hypaxial muscles 531
efferents 234–235, 238
Final common pathway 43, 95 Intrafascicular nucleus of the preabducens area
Fixation (see Gaze-fixation) (see Paramedian tract neurons)
Flocculus (Flocculus region) 12, 14, 19, 24, Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) 5, 25, 107
231–261 Interposed nucleus 251, 301, 333, 350–352
anatomical definition 249–250 Interstitial nucleus of Cajal 23–24, 132, 347
connections 146, 178, 189, 209, 212, 215, 220, connections 132, 135, 136, 137, 146, 215, 223,
249–256, 273, 276 395
input-output zones gaze-holding 23
representation of optokinetic space 231 histochemistry 135, 137
Frontal eyed v. lateral eyed 45, 60 lesion 137
Frontal eye fields (FEF) 7, 13, 135, 215, 385, physiology 132
392–393, 445, 461–490, 509 Interstitiospinal tract (IST) 534–537
cortico-cortical connections 482–488 Inferior oblique muscle 46, 47, 84
cytoarchitecture 471–472 Inferior olive 269–287
functional characteristics 463–466 accessory optic nuclear afferents 417ff
functional imaging 470, 510–512 b-nucleus 269, 271ff, 281–284

connections 190, 213, 220, 221, 233, 269ff, 271, Locus coeruleus 12, 217, 222, 357–362
273, 275, 282, 385, 392 Long-lead burst neurons 128, 137, 138, 143
dorsal cap (of Kooy) (DC) 269–281, 271ff
dorsomedial cell column (DMCC) 269, 271, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 503–523
281–286 Marginal zone (of eye muscle) 50
electronic coupling 286 Marginal zone (of MVN) 23, 110, 164,
functional interactions 277 207, 208
lesions and stimulation 276ff histochemistry 207, 214
plasticity 279 Medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) 4, 19, 106,
Inferior rectus muscle 45, 46, 84 107, 109, 420, 536, 538
Inferior vestibular nucleus (see Descending Medial rectus motoneurons (see also A, B,
vestibular nucleus) C-group) 96–101
Integrator, neural 3, 17, 23–24, 132, 180, 215, 222, connections 183
390 Medial rectus muscle 45, 46, 84
Medial superior temporal visual area (MST)
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 68 12, 310, 385, 415–417, 461–490, 509
cortico-cortical connections 482ff, 483, 484
Labyrinth 15–17, 172 cytoarchitecture 471–472
Efferent innervation 16 functional characteristics 463ff, 473
Laryngeal muscles 53, 55 functional imaging 470, 503–523, 516–518
Lateral-eyed animals 47 location 462
Lateral geniculate nucleus (see Nucleus–ventral, or projections to pontine nuclei 294ff
–dorsal, lateral geniculate) subcortical connetions 472ff, 476
Lateral intraparietal area (see Cortex, also Parietal Talairach coordinates 509
eye fields) thalamic connections 478ff, 486, 488
Lateral rectus muscle 84, 45 Medial terminal nucleus (MTN) 383, 385, 409,
Lateral terminal nucleus (LTN) 385, 392, 393, 409, 411, 418– 422
411, 421– 423 afferents 415–419
afferents 415–419 efferents 420–426
efferents 420–426 functional properties 427–440
functional properties 427–440 lesions 428ff
lesions 428ff ontogeny 410
ontogeny 410 phylogeny 411
phylogeny 411 relationship to nucleus of the optic tract 417
relationship to nucleus of the optic tract 417 topography and nomenclature 408–410
topography and nomenclature 408–410 transmitters and modulators 424ff
transmitters and modulators 424ff Medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) 12, 17, 23, 158,
Lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN, Deiters nucleus) 163–164, 277–279, 385–387, 538ff
17, 158, 108 159–162, 163, 538ff Medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST) 182,
Lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST) 182, 534–537, 534–537, 538ff
538ff single cell morphology 542–543, 544– 547
single cell morphology 542–543 Medullary reticular formation 145ff, 220–221,
Levator palpebrae superioris 350
motoneurons (see central caudal nucleus) 97, Mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) 90–91,
103–104 222, 330– 331, 361, 386, 392
muscle 44, 47, 50, 54, 68 central mesencephalic reticular formation
Listing’s Law 1, 26–28 (cMRF) 90, 133, 346
Lockwood, check ligaments 45 connections 91, 113, 133, 223

histochemistry 136 Nucleus

lesion 136–137 accessory optic tract, of the (see Accessory optic
M-group 104, 131 nuclei)
histochemistry 135 anterior pretectal n. 379, 381
lesion 136 anteromedian n. (AM) 104
Mitochondrial myopathies 68 basal interstitial nucleus (BIN) 10
Mossy fibers 231–234, 239ff, 253–256, 282 Bechterew, of 388
Motor units 60–61 caudate n. 9, 442–454
Motoneurons 95–116 corticostriate projections 441–448, 472ff
development 96 Darkschewitsch 132, 135, 386
morphometry 96 dorsal raphé n. 357–362
non-twitch 90, 100 dorsal terminal n.
twitch 100 (see Dorsal terminal nucleus)
Multiply innervated muscle fibres (MIFs) 53, dorsal lateral geniculate n. (LGNd) 339–341,
82, 90 386, 387, 392
global 59, 61 entopeduncular nucleus 448, 455
motoneurons 97, 100–102, 114 fastigial (see Fastigial n.)
orbital 55, 57–58, 61 intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) 385, 391, 392, 394
Muscle fiber types (see also Extraocular muscle) intercalatus 206
extraocular 53–59 – connections 215, 220
skeletal 51–52 interpositus of the cerebellum (see Interposed
species differences 59–60 nucleus) 10, 301
Muscle spindles, in eye muscles 82–85, 90 interstitial, Cajal (see Interstitial nucleus of Cajal)
human 84, 85 interstitial nucleus of the superior fasciculus
sheep 83, 85 409, 411, 419– 421, 430
in skeletal muscles 83 (see also Accessory optic nuclei)
Muscular dystrophy 54, 68 lateral terminal n. (see Lateral terminal nucleus)
Myasthenia gravis 68 limitans 380
Myoblast types 66 locus coeruleus (see Locus coeruleus)
Myogenic development 66 medial pretectal n. 379, 381
Myomyous junctions 62–63 medial terminal n. (see Medial terminal nucleus)
Myosin heavy chains 50–51, 53, 55–58 mesencephalic trigeminal n. 81
Myotendinous cylinder, innervated (see also oculomotor n. (see Oculomotor nucleus)
Palisade ending) 86 of the basal optic root (nBOR) 408ff
of the optic tract (NOT) 22, 113, 274–275,
Near response 104–105, 112, 389, 391, 397, 379–397
421 – connections 215, 223, 338–339, 384ff,
Neck muscles 527–559, 531–534, 553ff 386–391, 416–417
Neuromuscular junction 57, 68, 86 – cortical afferents 414–416
Neuropeptide Y 426 – directionally sensitive neurons 388–390
Neurotrophins 83, 115, 412 – histology 380
Nictitating membrane 47, 107–108 – inferior olive 269ff
Nitric oxide 109, 171, 214 – jerk neurons 389
Nodulus 20, 158 – non-retinal afferents 384–385
anatomy 237–242 – relationship to accessory optic system
connections 179, 189, 276, 237–242 274–275, 381, 385, 386, 408, 416–417
physiology 243–249 – retinopretectal projections 381, 382ff, 383
Non-specific systems 126ff, 357–362 – roles 274–275, 384ff, 388, 389, 390

– types of neurons 388–390 supragenualis 206, 222

paramedian tract n. (PMT) 189, 134, 139– 140, trochlear n. (see Trochlear nucleus)
146 ventral lateral geniculate n. (LGNv) 340–341,
parabigeminal n. 338 385, 388–390, 391–394, 407, 417
paragigantocellularis dorsalis 138, 145 vestibular n. (see Vestibular nuclei)
– connections 133, 211, 213, 215, 220, 221 Nystagmus 3–5, 136, 137, 417
– histochemistry 147 upbeat 137
parasolitarius 269, 281–283
pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus 357–362 Ocular following response 295, 307, 390–391
Perlia, of 99 Ocular torsion 1, 26–28
posterior commissure, of the 133–134, Oculomotor cerebellum (see Oculomotor vermis)
347, 379 231–261
– connections 132, 215 Oculomotor development 65–66
– histochemistry 136 Oculomotor internuclear neurons 102–103
– lesion 136, 137 Oculomotor nucleus 96–105
– physiology 135 A,B or C-group (see A-group, B-group or
posterior pretectal nucleus 379, 381 C-group)
pregeniculate n. 385, 386, 388, 390–391, 394 connections 108–114, 129, 132, 135, 137,
prepositus (see prepositus nucleus) 178, 182ff, 215, 221, 386
pretectal olivary n. (see pretectal olivary organization of motoneuron subgroups 96,
nucleus) 98, 99
raphé dorsalis 217 preganglionic neurons 104
raphé interpositus 140, 347–348 transmitter 114, 135, 137
– connections 131, 133, 135, 137, 142, 143 Oculomotor Vermis (dorsal, or posterior,
– connections 137, 144 vermis) 10, 12, 14, 220, 271, 299ff, 300,
– histochemistry 144 301, 537
– lesions 144 anatomy 231ff
– omnipause neuron 128, 131 connections 232–235
– transmitters 211–215 lesions 237
raphé pontis physiology 235
reticularis gigantocellularis 132 (c), 145, 147 Omnipause neurons (see Nucleus raphé
reticularis pontis caudalis 138 interpositus)
– connections 144 Opioid peptides 414, 425
– histochemistry 144 Optokinetic adaptation 279ff
– lesions 144 Optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN)
reticularis pontis oralis 138 21, 247–248, 390
reticular thalamic n. 389, 392 Optokinetic response 20–23, 231, 270–281, 315,
reticularis tegmenti pontis (NRTP) 5, 12– 13, 28, 391, 407, 420ff, 422, 519–520
111, 140, 293–316, 387, 422 accessory optic nuclei 427ff
– afferents 301–304 adaption 279–281
– efferents 232–234, 302, 253ff flocculus and paraflocculus 256–260
– oculomotor role 314–316 inferior olive 269–287
Roller, of 188, 205, 206 nucleus of the optic tract 379ff, 390, 391
rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF pontine nuclei 307
(see Rostral - ) Optic flow 517
spinal trigeminal n. 81, 90, 253, 334ff Optic tract 409, 413–414
subcuneiformis 133 Orbital layer 27, 50, 60, 82, 85, 90, 98
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) 384, 394 fiber types 54–58

Oscillations 144 Posterior commissure 132, 137, 384, 504

Otoliths 17, 161, 164, 172–179, 189, 242–243, Precuneus (see Area 7m)
281–286, 536 Predorsal bundle 331, 343–348, 360
projections 110, 111 Prefrontal eye fields 8, 461–491
Oxidative stress 69 cortico-cortical connections 482ff, 488, 489
cytoarchitecture 471–472
Palisade ending 85–87, 88, 90 functional characteristics 463ff, 481
Parabigeminal nucleus (see Nucleus) functional imaging 470, 503–523
Parabrachial region (see Nucleus, location 462
pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus) subcortical connetions 472ff, 476
Paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) thalamic connections 478ff, 486, 488
2–6, 138–144, 343–345 Prepositus nucleus (hypoglossi) 23, 146, 205–230,
histochemistry 144 269
Paramedian tract neurons (PMT) 102, 107, 138, connections 112, 132, 133, 178, 209, 211, 212,
146 213, 215–217, 220–222, 253, 345–346,
connections 111, 133, 145, 186, 188, 189, 211, 222 338–339, 384, 386– 388, 393
gaze-holding 24 gaze-holding 23
histochemistry 147 histochemistry 168, 206–208
lesion 137 inferior olive 275–276
Parietal eye fields 356–358, 461–491, 509, 515 lesions 222, 224
cortico-cortical connections 482ff, 485 morphology 208
cytoarchitecture 471–472 physiology 217
functional characteristics 463ff, 471–473 proprioception 81
functional imaging 470, 503–523, 514, 515 Pretectum 22, 113–114, 223, 379–397, 409
location 462 Pretectal nuclei 22, 113–114, 223, 379–397, 409
projections to pontine nuclei 294ff, 297–298 see Nucleus of the optic tract (NOT)
subcortical connetions 472, 476 see Pretectal olivary nucleus (PON)
Talairach coordinate system 506 retinopretectal projections 381, 382ff
thalamic connections 478ff, 486, 488 Pretectal olivary nucleus (PON) 379–397
Parietoinsular vestibular cortex (PVIC) 509, 520 accessory optic nuclear afferents 417, 418–419
Peripheral patch layer 50, 88, 90 blinks 397
Photoreceptive retinal ganglion cells 383, 384 classes of neurons 394, 396
Pinna control 329 efferents 387, 392
Pontine nuclei 5, 253ff, 293–316, 387, 472ff histology 380
cerebropontine projections 294–298 luminance neurons 394
cytoarchitectonic subdivisions 294, 296 nonretinal afferents 338, 391–392
dorsolateral (DLPN) 13ff, 389, 294ff, 296, 297, retinal input 382, 384
301, 310 Proprioception
dorsomedial (DMPN) 294ff, 296, 297, 301 in eye muscles 81–91
lesions 307 in oculomotor vermis 235–236
ponto-cerebellar projections 232–234, 300 Proximal muscles 536
role in saccades 311–314 Ptosis 136
role in smooth pursuit 304–310 Pulleys 26, 45, 48–49, 60
Pontine reticular formation (see also paramedian Pulvinar 341–343, 386, 392
PRF) 138–144, 222 Pupillary reflexes 104–105, 386ff, 389, 394–396,
Position-vestibular pause neurons (PVP) 18, 111, 421
191, 217 role of cortico-pretectal connections 395
Positive emmision tomography (PET) 503ff

Purkinje cells 14, 231–261, 244, 245, 269, 275, 278, Semicircular canals 16, 172–177, 182, 242–243,
282 286, 556–559
Pursuit (see Smooth pursuit) Singly innervated muscle fiber (SIF)
Putamen 442–458, 521 global intermediate 58, 61
corticostriate projections 441–448, 472ff global red 58, 61
Pyramidalis muscle 108 global white 59, 61
motoneurons 97, 100–102
Quadrate muscle 108 orbital 54–57, 61, 69
Skew deviation 17
Recruitment of muscle fibers 63 Sleep 28, 386
Reticular formation (RF) 127–155, 253, 418– 419, Slow muscle fibers (see Multiply innervated muscle
422, 472ff fibers)
(see also Paramedian pontine RF, Mesencephalic Smooth pursuit eye movements 11–15, 142, 389,
RF) 466, 486
Reticulospinal neurons 140, 145 cortical control of 309–329, 461–490, 512ff
Reticulospinal tract (RST) 534–537 Functional organization in cortex 518–519
single axon morphology 550–552 lesions of n.optic tract 379ff, 390
Retino-pretectal projections 382–385 role of NRTP 316
Retino-accessory optic nuclei projections role of pontine nuclei 304–309
413–414 Talairach coordinate system 504–506
Retractor bulbi muscle 46– 47, 50, 54, 68, 108 Spatial cognition 429
Rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF (RIMLF) Spinal cord 133, 142, 145, 178, 215, 527–559
5, 129, 346 classification of long descending tracts 527, 529,
connections 111–112, 129, 131, 132, 137, 146, 535ff
215, 223, 345, 535, 549 commissural neurons 541–550
histochemistry 135, 137 interneurons, axonal morphology 552–555
lesion 136, 137 long descending tracts 527–559
physiology 129, 136 organization of motor nuclei 529, 533
Rubrospinal tract (RBST) 534–537 tectospinal connections 348–350
Spinal trigeminal nucleus 334
S-group 97–101, 98, 99, 10, 106 Strabismus 69
Saccadic eye movements 2–11, 488, 512–516 Striatum
antisaccades 7, 465ff cortical afferents 441–448
brainstem circuits 4, 10, 343–348 circuitry for eye movement modulation
cortical areas 7, 492, 461–483, 512ff 453
disorders of size 2 entopeduncular connections 448
different types of 3 matrix and striosome organization 445
functional organization 518–519 nigral connections 448
memory guided saccades 7, 312 pallidal connections 448
predictive saccades 7 visual/oculomotor striatum 441ff
reflexive saccades 7, 512, 516 Stretch reflex 82
role of NRTP 315 Substantia nigra
role of pontine nuclei 311 pars reticulata 9, 352, 481
Talairach coordinate system 506–509 pars lateralis 448, 449, 450
visually guided saccades 7, 465ff, 511ff Tectal connections 352–356, 448, 452, 453
Sacculus 160, 164 Subthalamus 386, 392
Scarpa’s ganglion 176 Superior colliculus 90, 321–362, 360
Self motion 431 auditory connections 329, 332

afferents 324–335 single axon morphology 501

cerebral cortex 326–329 Tensor trochleae muscle (of Budge) 47
cell types 322–324, 327 Tensor tympani
connections 131, 133, 135, 137, 142, 144, 215, motoneurons 105
223, 232, 236, 304, 384, 386, 391–392, 445, muscle 53
537, 542–543 Thalamus 9, 13, 223, 389
corticotectal-nigrotectal interactions 453–455 connections 190, 384–385, 388, 398
corticotectal projections 456, 472ff, 481 corticothalamic projections 478ff
efferents intralaminar nuclei 386, 392, 450–457
– to basal ganglia 352–355, 356 tectal projections 339–343, 450ff
– to Brainstem 343–351 thalamostriatal projections 441, 442, 450ff,
– to cerebellum 350–352 452–457
– to Parabigeminal nucleus 338 Tonic neurons 129, 132
– to pontine nuclei 304 Torsional eye movements 26
– to spinal cord 348ff Traversus orbitus muscle 47
functional organization 555–560 Trigeminal ganglion 81, 90
fixation 335–336 Trochlea 46
lamination 322–323 Trochlear nucleus 105
intra- and interlaminar connections 335–337 connections 108–114, 129, 132
pinna control 329 organization of motoneuron subgroups 99
retina 324–327 transmitter 114
role in saccades 6, 314 Trochlear nerve 46
smooth pursuit 13
nigrotectal inputs 448, 452, 453 Utricular activation 111
tectospinal connections 535ff, 553–554 Uvula (ventral) 158, 189, 237–249
tecto-thalamostriatal projections 450 connections 179, 237–242
Superior oblique muscle 46, 84 lesions 246–249
Superior rectus muscle 45, 46, 84 physiology 242ff
Superior vestibular nucleus (SVN) 15, 17, 158, 159, ventral uvula 20
160, 161, 162
Supplementary eye field (SEF) 8, 215, Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) 427
385, 392–393, 445, 461–490, 509, Velocity storage 21
356–358 components 21
cortico-cortical connections 482–484 pathway 165, 179, 180
cytoarchitecture 471–472 Ventral thalamic nuclei (see following:
functional characteristics 463–473 nucleus pregeniculate;
functional imaging 470, 503–523 nucleus ventral lateral geniculate;
location 462 nucleus intergeniculate leflet)
projections to pontine nuclei 294ff Ventral tegmental area (VTA) 354, 408,
subcortical connetions 472, 475 421–422
Talairach coordinate system 507 Ventral uvula (see uvula)
thalamic connections 478ff, 486, 488 Vergence eye movements 24–26, 105, 111, 142,
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (see nucleus-) 143, 391
Supraoculomotor area (SOA) 25, 90, 91, 112–113, accommodative 24
348 fusional 24
Vestibular compensation 167
Talairach coordinate system 503–509 Vestibular cortex (see also parietoinsular
Tectospinal tract 535–537 vestibular cortex) 179, 190, 526

Vestibular development 66 nodulus and uvula 231ff, 237–249

critical period 67 Vestibulo-autonomic pathways 188–189
Vestibular nerve 158, 160, 172–177 Vestibulo-cerebellar pathways 189, 249–253
physiology 177 Vestibulo-collic reflex 182, 536, 550
transmitters 166, 171, 175–177 Vestibulo-ocular adaptation 247, 389, 390, 392,
Vestibular nuclei 15–19, 16, 17, 22, 157–204, 158, 421
166, 167, 169, 540–544 Vestibulo-ocular neurons 15–18, 182–189,
commissural connections 18, 180 216ff
connections 16, 108–111, 132, 136, 137, 159, non-second order 109–110
163, 178, 179, 182ff, 211, 213, 215, 216, 220, second-order 108–109
221, 249–253, 421– 423 Vestibulo-ocular pathways 16, 108–111, 109, 159,
descending vestibular nucleus (see descending 162, 163, 170, 182–189, 548–550
vestibular nuclei) Ascending tract of Deiters 109, 111, 183, 186
e-group 164, 170, 171 Vestibulo-ocular reflex 15–20, 182–189
Group x 165, 241 rotational 15
Group Y (see Y-group) suppression 11
Group z 165 translational 15, 189
histochemistry 172, 213 Vestibulo-oculo-collic neurons 110
innervation of muscle pairs 16, 109 Vestibulo-spinal pathways 182, 537–550
intrinsic connections 180ff Vestibulo-spinal tract (see MVST and LVST) 160,
interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerve 165 182, 535–537, 548,
lateral vestibular nucleus (see lateral vestibular Vestibulo-thalamic pathways 190
nucleus) Visual attention 389, 465, 512, 514–516, 515,
magnocellular/parvocellular regions 109, 162–163 521–523
medial vestibular nucleus (see medial vestibular Visual modulation 341–343, 388
nucleus) critical period of muscle 67
physiology 191ff eye muscle development 66
proprioception 81 of oculomotor vermis 231
receptors 166 Visual tegmental relay zone (VTRZ) 408,
superior vestibular nucleus (see Superior 418–424
vestibular nucleus) Visceral nuclei (see Edinger-Westphal)
transmitters 165–172
ultrasttructure 165, 174
Y-group 12, 15, 17, 132, 158, 164, 183, 238, 269,
y-group (see Y-group)
Vestibular primary afferents 16, 157ff, 172–177,
Vestibular response 1, 15–20, 218 Zebrin patterns 238–239
inferior olive 269–287 Zona incerta 132, 330, 355, 386, 392

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