Pro Edge Services Newsletter - Mar - Apr

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Pro Edge Services & Training

March/April 2022

PHONE: (209) 425-3880 EMAIL: WEBSITE:

What is a PM and Do I Need One? (Yes, you do!)

PM is short for Preventative Maintenance. You are probably most familiar with this term when it comes
to your vehicles. You know - those things we do to help keep our cars running longer and more
efficiently. We would not even consider not getting regular oil changes, tire rotations, tune ups, etc. on
our cars, but we often don’t think about it for our HVAC systems or appliances. However, having
Preventative Maintenance performed on your HVAC system or appliances delivers that same benefit as
having it done for your vehicles. It helps them run longer, catches little problems before they become
big problems, and helps them run with greater efficiency. This saves you money and hassle in the long
run (or maybe even the short run.)

What happens during a HVAC PM?

Since we’re headed towards summer and the need for the air conditioner, this article will focus on that.
One of our licensed technicians will check your filters to see if they need changing. They will inspect the
indoor and outdoor parts of your air conditioner system, including cleaning the condenser if needed.
They check all internal parts including belts, motors, pumps, caps, valves, drain line, and safety
controls. They will lubricate moving parts, such as fans and the blower assembly. Lubrication reduces
friction which saves energy as well as extends the life of those parts. They will be inspecting the
electrical components of the system looking for signs of wear or damage, for burn marks on the circuit
board and/or exposed wiring. Coolant levels will be checked. The thermostat will be checked, cleaned,
and calibrated if necessary. They will inspect your ductwork to make sure air is flowing freely within the
ducts and not escaping through cracks or holes. Should our technician find any issues that need to be
addressed, he will explain what can be done to resolve the issue, answer any questions you have, and
give you a price quote to make the repair. Problems caught early often cost much less than big repairs
down the road.

How often should HVAC maintenance be done?

We recommend four times per year, however two times per year - once before winter & once before
summer will get you by. In fact, even once per year is better than none. Scheduling a PM in the next
couple of months is an excellent time of year to have your A/C PM service. Plus see our special
offer on the next page. Get it done and be ready before you’re needing that air conditioner and
AVOID THIS everyone else is discovering theirs need repairs. We
have a variety of plans, both pre-paid and paid at time
Schedule a
of service, available to meet our customer’s needs.
PM TODAY! Our pre-paid plans offer additional benefits such as
discounts on parts, priority service, and discounts
towards future replacement of a system. However, if
you don’t want to commit to a prepaid plan, we can
put you on our call list. We keep track of how often
you want to have a PM and send you a reminder
when it’s due. You can then make an appointment -
or not and catch us the next time. Check out our PM
plans for HVAC and appliances by clicking the link on
the following page.
We often speak of various kinds of filters in this newsletter. Here’s one we haven’t discussed yet. It’s an
easy project anyone can do and probably should do. We often don’t notice it but if you look up from the
surface of your stove (when there is no heat coming from the surface, of course) you’ll see the filter
over the vent that sucks up fumes, smoke, and grease from the things you cook on your stove. This
could be in an oven hood or under a microwave. Now if you clean this regularly - good for you.
However, what we don’t see, we often ignore, and perhaps your vent filter could use a good cleaning.
Luckily this is easy to do, even if it is kind of gross. You can do this in your sink or if it’s really greasy,
do this in a casserole dish that is big enough for your vent filter to fit in. Add ¼ cup baking soda and a
couple of squirts of dish soap (Dawn is great because it’s good at cutting grease although most brands
should work) to the sink or dish. Then place the filter in the dish or sink. Most vents will either slide or
pop off the vent opening. Pour very hot water, even boiling water over the filter and swish around using
a scrub brush or utensil - just don’t use your fingers - remember it’s HOT WATER. It should be
completely submerged at this point. Let it soak for a while, then remove and scrub it under hot water
(not boiling) with more dish soap. Most of the gunk will probably have lifted off by this point. You can
always throw out or drain the water and repeat until the vent is cleaned. The reason the dish is
suggested is that the now greasy water can be tossed somewhere outside instead of going down your
sink. Grease down the sink is generally not a good idea
and should be avoided. Go ahead and take the time to
clean under the hood or microwave to remove any greasy
build up from there. Anti-bacterial wipes, such as Clorox
wipes, worked very well. Once the vent is cleaned and
dried, reinsert it. Now it will work more efficiently at
removing smoke and or fumes, probably smell better, and
is no longer scary to look at.

The “After” picture – you are welcome I’m not showing the
“Before” – it was gross!

Have a PM service on your Air Conditioner during the months of March or April
& Receive FREE 8-10 rated MERV filters. (Normally an additional cost)
Mention the Newsletter Offer to receive this offer and let us know filter sizes at time of making appt.
Offer includes up to 4 filters to replace existing filters only.

Preventative Maintenance Services

Just like your car needs regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently and extend its
life, your HVAC system also needs regular maintenance. Preventative Maintenance (PM)
not only can save you money on your utility bills, cut down on repair costs, keep you and
your family cool in the summer and warm in the winter, but also extend the life of your
HVAC system. We offer various options and plans so choose the one that works best for

We also perform PM’s on appliances. We have several options available starting at only
$80. Click this link for more information about pricing options and services.

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