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Keywords 1. Mesopotamia: Mesopotamia means ‘the land between two rivers’ in Greek language. The Mesopotamian Civilization developed between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris 2. Ziggurats: Ziggurats were sacred temple-towers. They were dedicated to the patron god and were also used as schools, granaries and trade centers. 3. Cuneiform: It was the wedge-shaped script of the Mesopotamians, written on clay tablets. 4, Stylus: Stylus was a sharp pen made of reed, bone or metal. 5. Hummurabi’s code of low: It was the earliest complete record of laws written by King Hummurabi of Babylon. ‘A Fillin the blanks. EXERCISES: 1. The two rivers associated with the Mesopotamian cilization were the Tigris ond the Euphrates. 2, The three major civilization that rose and fel n the Mesopotamian Volley were Sumeriaon, Babylonian and Assyrian ciilzations 3, Mesopotamia is called the eradle and grave of many civilization 4. To ensure steady supply of water throughout the year, the Mesopotamias built an elaborate and highly developed irrigation system. 5. The Mesopotamians buit dykes to control floods. B, Match the following. le 1 2. Sumerian civilization 3. 4 ” A Civilization Ziggurats Hanging Gardens of Babylon Kin @ O © @ © B fone of the seven wonders of the ancient world temple-tower ropresentative of God on ‘earth advanced system of social development world’s first civilization Answer: 1, Gvlization 2. Sumerian civilization 3. Zigguras 4, Hanging Gardens of Babylon 5. King @ © o) @ © advanced system of social development world’s first civilization temple-tower ‘one of the seven wonders ofthe aneient world representative of God on. earth Choose the correct answer: 1. Dams(Canalytemple- toners were fundin teh sacred area of the dy of Ur ‘ns, Temple toners were found inte sacred area ofthe ty of Ur The main oeupaton ofthe Mesopotanian was agrnturadeet and rt ‘The ain ocupaton of the Mesopctrian was agriculture 5. The Nesopotaians are beeved to be the fist to curate barley wheat pulses ‘as. Te Mesopotamian beled to be the fist to ctivate wheat . State whether the following are true or false. 1. Mesopotamia is called the cradle and grave of many civilizations. Te. 2, Natural baters surrounded Mesopotamia False, Correct: Natural barriers have not surounded Mesopotamia. 3. Mesopotamian gils were sent to school to learn to read and write. False. Correct: The gitisin Mesopotamia were sent to schoo! to lean dance and music. 4. The Mesopotamians had trae relations with people inthe Indus Valley Tre. 5. The king was regarded as the representative of God on earth. True. The esopotanians kept aecord of he business counts on papery tblesfparchmens ‘As. Te Mesopotamian kept recor of the busines accounts on cay tablets. 5. ach Mesopotamian hadi onn special Godin priest. ‘ns, ach Mesopotamian dy had its oon speal God. E. Answer the following questions in one or two words/ sentences: ‘Question 3. hat id the Mesoptanan nent incase ag yi? Question t, Anse: \Whatsthe meaning of the word Mesopotamia? Tones apctralyeh theyinventd the x-ran plough. They ao used the weed wagon for Answer: trnspeation good. The modem word is ndebedto them these vets. Mesopotamia means the land between tworives in Grek language. The Mesopotamian ciation developed between the vers Euphrates and igs, Question 4. \ihat were the ingorant speciale es ofthe Mesopotans. Anne: Question 2 Pettey wesing anda work were important specie sis fhe Mesopotnians, Name any two crops cutvaed by the Mesopotamians. Answer: Question 5, Wheat was the is crop that cutive by the Mesopotamins. Bale, pulss and fis were aso Hoy do we now tht the Mesopotamia hd trade Ens wth the people of the ndus ale? cutivated br them. Anse: cele eee Salou nthe nds vl, sho that the Mesoptaians had ade ks wit the people of nds sewer vale. |The espctaminsineoduced ae ms 4s ees cols domes andes inte Question 8

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