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LINGUISTIC LANGUAGE -is a way for disempowered people to make

-The thing that you can see is that you do a visible mark, to disrupt the landscape that is
not necessarily need words to express a thought. increasingly occupied by the increasingly powerful.
-These may come in the form of billboards,
signage, street names, traffic regulations, or graffiti.
These materials are unnoticed most of the time.
Advertisements, flyers, and written notices are part
of our everyday lives. Memes, troll posts, and ONLINE LANDSCAPES
tweets are prevalent online. Netizens
-People who go online
Signs - can usually be identified based on the form -an abstraction of the words “internet” and
of the signage or symbol. “citizens.”
Official signs - are produced with a top-down -metaphorically considered as the “citizens
discourse, while signs produced by an individual or of the virtual world.”
a group but not officially recognized, have bottom-
up discourse. Virtual space – is also a language landscape.

Geosemiotics Three media in this landscape are: (1) YouTube; (2)

-It is a mode of analyzing the study of the Twitter; and (3) Memes.
social meaning of the material placement of signs YouTube.
in the world. -Although YouTube videos cannot
specifically be considered as signs or symbols,
Kinds Of Signs YouTube video producers use symbols and signs,
generally inclusive in the language used, to convey
 Regulatory - is a kind of sign that indicates the message they want to express
authority and is official or legal prohibitions -As such, YouTube videos are language
landscapes that can be analyzed in its context and
 Infrastructural - is a kind of sign that labels features.
things or directs for the maintenance of a
building or any infrastructure. Television tends to be “centered,” while YouTube
videos may be “decentered.”
 Commercial - is a kind of sign which Television has a “hierarchy of discourse” However,
advertises or promotes a product, an event, YouTube is not hierarchical. While content is
or a service in commerce. searchable and ordered so that viewers can find
material, none of it is presented by the platform as
 Transgressive - is a kind of sign that violates more prestigious than anything else.
conventional semiotics or is in the wrong
place. Example is graffiti or illegal writings
on the wall. Twitter.
-Twitter provides opportunities and
Graffiti resources for making choices on how we create a
-an unsanctioned urban text personalized and linguistic and semiotic landscape.
-conveys power and control to the person
or group behind the production of graffiti.
Memes. One of the things that the World Wide -comprises emails, chat, fax messages and
Web makes possible is the quick circulation of text messages.
-is a term given to any posts, language or  Oral communication
photo that has an uptake to a social, moral, or -comprises phone calls, video chats and
political idea that most of the time seems funny. face-to-face conversation.
-contagious patterns of cultural information
that get passed from mind to mind and directly Non-verbal Communication Strategy
generate and shape the mindsets and significant -more on visual cues such as facial
forms of behavior and actions of a social group. reactions, body language, voice tones, and the
-People who create memes tend to physical distance between people.
carefully consider: (1) the photo that will be used; -can also be used with verbal
(2) the relevance of the message it wants to communication.
convey; (3) the relationship of the photo; (4) the
symbols used; and (5) the font style and size used. Visual Communication Strategy
-provides documentation in school and in
The problem with memes is that there are some the workplace.
memes with blundered grammar and erroneous -comprises signages, memorandum,
spelling and punctuations. Some memes are even illustrations, webpages and graphic designs.
culturally insensitive, gender insensitive, class
insensitive, and politically incorrect. Yet, people
“like” and “share” them. Remember that memes Factors To Consider in Developing a
like that should never be patronized. Communication Strategy

****** -Communication strategy may be designed

for a specific project. It should establish Objectives,
KINDS OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES Target Audiences, Intended Messages, Tools and
Communication Strategy Activities, Resources and Timescale, and Evaluation.
-is the blueprint or plan.
-maps the “how’s” to conveying a message. Objectives. Communication strategy should be
-designed to help people to communicate aligned closely to your plan.
effectively and accomplish individual or two classifications of objectives
organizational objectives.  General objective - broad indication of
-choice of the most useful objectives of what you are trying to accomplish.
communication, and recognition of a particular - It is informative.
brand and its strategies in terms of attitude. -It aims to expand the
-can be verbal, non-verbal, or visual. listeners’ knowledge or help them acquire
a skill.
3 types of strategy
Verbal Communication Strategy  Specific objective - describes the outcome
-can be broken down into two categories of you are seeking.
written and oral communication. -It identifies the “who,
what, when, where” of your goal.
 Written communication
Target Audiences. Identify your target audiences Audience. “Who will read what I have written?”
whom you need to communicate with to achieve That is the next logical question. By answering
your objectives. these questions, you will be able to state the
purpose of your communication, provide necessary
Intended Messages. Keep in your mind that details, cite meaningful examples, achieve the
communication is all about storytelling. Always use correct level of formality, and avoid possible
an interesting narrative, human interest stories and misunderstandings, thereby achieving the outcome
imagery. Develop a thesis statement. It is the that you desire.
central idea or the key idea. It is a single sentence
that summarizes your message. Tone. After determining your target audience and
what you want to say, you now must identify the
Tools and Activities. Identify the most appropriate tone in your discourse. The tone will set how your
tools and activities to be used in communicating target audience will accept what you are trying to
the messages to the audience. say. Ideally, you have to set a climate of formality in
your communication style.
Resources and Timescale. Ensure the availability of
the resources and set an expected timescale for
your communication strategy. Business Letters

Evaluation. Assess the effectiveness of your Business writing/ Business communication and
strategy by asking your audience. Ask them if your professional writing
objectives were achieved. -refers to memorandums, reports,
proposals, emails, and other forms of writing used
****** in organizations to communicate with internal or
external audiences.
WORKPLACE COMMUNICATION - a type of professional communication.
-discipline of its own that is unlike -writing business correspondence like
academic or scholastic writing. letters and memos is a skill or potential that must
-Workplace writing serves specific purposes be developed by a person regardless of his work,
for individuals, groups, organizations, or profession, or specialization.
Skill in business writing
Communicating in the workplace, there are three -is considered as one of the important
things that you need to consider. elements for success in any field of endeavor like
-purpose, audience, and tone. business, profession, or specialization.
-Obtaining skills in making an effective
Purpose. According to George Searles, author of business letter is a requirement to making a strong
“Workplace Communication: The Basics,” nearly all connection to any linkages in any kind of
workplace writing is done for at least one of these transaction.
three purposes: (1) to recreate a record; (2) to -foundation of business.
request or provide information; (3) to persuade. So,
before attempting to compose a letter, you must Business letters have these six basic parts: (1)
first do some thinking to identify which of the three heading; (2) inside address or recipient’s address;
purposes applies. (3) salutation; (4) body of the letter; (5)
complimentary closing; (6) signature block.
 Heading, you can see here the return Three formats of a business letter are: (1) block;
address and the date on the last line. (2) modified block; and (3) semi-block.
Sometimes, the date is seen on the right
side depending on the format that will be  Block is the format that positions all the
used. parts of the letter to the left, single space,
and justified. Double space is used only
 Recipient’s address contains the name to when starting a new paragraph.
which the letter is written and addressed. It
could be a person, a company or an  Modified block is the format wherein all
organization’s name. the parts of the letter are tabbed on the
left, single space and justified. But the
 Salutation is the greeting part that is heading and the closing are tabbed in the
written in a polite and courteous manner center.
followed by a comma or a colon.
 Semi-block format, the paragraphs are
 Body of the letter contains the main indented instead of placing them all on the
purpose of the letter or the very reason for left. Heading is on the center. The date can
writing. It should be written in a be placed in the right side three spaces
straightforward, simple, and coherent after the heading. The recipient’s address is
manner. on the left, and the closing on the right.

 Complimentary closing is the polite yet Most frequently written business letters are: (1)
business-like ending of the letter. This ends letter of request; (2) letter of inquiry; (3) letter of
with a comma. order; (4) letter of acknowledgement; (5) letter of
complaint; (6) letter of adjustment.
 Signature block, the name of the sender is
written on the first line, then his/her  Letter of Request.
position on the next line. It is expected that -written to make someone do something or
the sender will put his/her signature above consider something.
his/her name. -letter requesting an interview is an
example of this.
 Enclosure -application letter could be the most
popular example of this
 Writer's Identification
 Letter of Inquiry/ everyday letters.
-among those regularly received by
7 C's business firms.
•Concise -such letters must be answered promptly
•Courteous because they could clinch a business deal
•Consideration or build public relations for the company.
•Correct -done when something concerning the
•Clear business must be clarified.
-done to get information about products,  The word “Memo” or “Memorandum” or
services, price list, mode of payment, mode some equivalent term at or near the top of
of delivery, and other matters. the page.
 The “TO” line, enabling the memo to be
 Letter of Order. “addressed,” and the “FROM” line, enabling
-done when a company formally wants to it to be “signed.”
avail themselves of the service or product  The “DATE” line.
of their partner company.  The “SUBJECT” line, identifying the topic -
would orient and prepare the reader for
 Letter of Acknowledgement. what was to follow.
-done by the company when orders or  Of course, the message or content of the
remittances are finally received by them. memo.

 Letter of Complaint. ******

-letter to make when the delivered
products do not match the order that was INCIDENT REPORT
made prior to the delivery. Incident Report
-a formal document that details the facts
 Letter of Adjustment. related to an incident at the workplace.
-done when there is a request for the -usually relates to an accident injury that
modification of the product or to explain has occurred on the worksite, but it can also
about the delivered product. pertain to any unusual worksite occurrences such
as near misses, security lapses, property and
equipment damage, and health and safety issues.
Memorandum -importance of an Incident Report Incident
-memo was a vehicle for internal or reports indicate that there have been lapses in the
intramural communication – a message from workplace's safety protocols - very important to
someone at Company X to someone else at identify the risks, failures and hazards that led to
Company X. the incident.
-often-used written communication in the
workplace: Any incident that involves worker safety should be
-good memo would focus sharply, zooming recorded, no matter how insignificant it may seem.
in on what the reader needed to know. An investigation of what happened should be
undertaken as soon as possible after the incident
Depending on the subject, a memo would make its occurs and after any injured persons have been
point in three or four short paragraphs: taken care of.
 a concise introduction
 a middle paragraph or two conveying the Analyzing these reports can help organizations
details. implement necessary changes, improvements, and
 perhaps a brief conclusion. corrective actions to prevent future incidents.

Although minor variations did exist, practically all Incident report will help:
memos shared certain standard format features:  Prevent more serious accidents
 Improve existing health and safety practices
 Save time and resources
 Protect the company from financial losses  Detailed description of the treatment after
and bad reputation the incident
 Instill a sense of confidence in the  Any anomalies that might have contributed
employees to the incident
 Photo or video documentation of the event
or its aftermath can also be included in an
Four main types of incidents incident report
 Analysis of the incident In the workplace,
 Unexpected Event: both executives and rank-and-file
-unexpected incidents or accidents that employees may be required to submit
result in fatal, non-fatal physical injury, various kinds of reports like a progress
or serious psychological injury to report and accomplishment report.
When describing the incident, always provide
 Near Misses: complete details:
-incidents or accidents that had the  Names and job titles of all persons
potential to cause harm but did not do involved, including onlookers;
so.  Step-by-step narrative description of the
 Adverse Events:  Exact location of the incident;
-related to adverse reactions to  Date and exact time of each major
medicine, vaccines, or medical devices development;
used for treating a medical condition or  Clear identification of any equipment or
situation. machinery involved;
 Detailed description of any medical
 Awareness Events: intervention required, including names of
-reporting any risks of potential ambulance services and personnel, nurses,
incidents or accidents that can take physicians, hospitals or clinics;
place in the line of duty. The risks could  Reliable statements, quotations and
be faulty or malfunctioning equipment, paraphrases from persons involved;
or the lack of safety equipment,  Outcome of the incident.” “In fact, an
training, and controls. incident report works as the most
important document to investigate the
In addition to a description of the incident, the issues that arise at workplaces that value
report should include: the health, well-being and safety of the
 Type of incident employees.”
 The location of the incident including date
and time What are the key benefits of reporting incidents?
 Details of the injured person  Instant measures to the problem
 A list of witnesses to the incident or injury  Raise awareness against possible threats
 Detailed description and severity of the  Improve the process continuously
 A description of the immediate measures How to write an effective incident report?
taken in response to the incident  Precise details
 Facts
 Complete picture of the incident
 Supporting Evidence
 Validation

Resolving and closing an incident is taken as a

collective effort and involves multiple steps:
 The first step involves setting a severity
rating for the incident. This is a matrix
based on the severity of the incident and
the likelihood of it reoccurring.
 The severity parameters include Very low,
Minor, Serious, Fatal and Major
 The likelihood parameters include Almost
certain/cyclic, Frequent/repetitive,
Likely/intermittent, Unlikely/rare.
 No matter how safe your work
environment is, accidents or incidents are
prone to happen and are often difficult to
avoid. But having the right preventive
measures can become the cornerstone of
preserving a healthy and happy working
environment. In fact, incident reports will
not only help you to list comprehensive
information about the issue but will also
help in preventing mishaps in future or
even to inspire new changes.
 Similarly, the recommendations section of
an incident report should not seek to assign
blame or highlight incompetence but to
encourage the adoption of measures that
will decrease the likelihood of repeated

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