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Course Information MGMT 241 2134– Global Business

NJCU School of Business
Credits: 3
HyFlex Course (Sept 1- December 21)

Instructor Information Dr. Cuma Yildirim

NJCU School of Business
Jersey City, NJ
email for an appointment
Class hours – M 12:45PM to 2:00PM
W 12:45PM to 2:00PM

Office Hours By Appointment Online

eBook International Business

by Charles Hill
Publisher: McGraw-Hill (Edition 14e)
Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,13 covered.

Remember to see Register for Connect with your NJCU email.

Connect First Day of Class Blackboard | McGraw Hill (

Student support for McGraw Hill Connect:

P: 800-331-5094

Tech Support for McGraw Hill Connect:

For technical support or URGENT questions, please contact our Customer Experience Group
 Phone: 1-800-331-5094; Live chat/email:
 Mon-Thu: 24 Hours, Fri: 12 AM-9 PM, Sat: 10 AM-8 PM, Sun: 12 PM-12 AM (All
Times Eastern USA)

NOTE: students need McGraw Hill connect for the tests and extra credit.

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This class is included in the NJCU School of Business e-book and digital platform program.
Students have access to course materials electronically, including an e-book. There is a
course materials fee associated with this class billed to students. Students who choose to opt
out of this initiative will NOT have access to the course materials. For Fall 2023, students
have until September 15, 2023, to opt out of the program. Inclusive access charges are not
eligible for a refund or credit after this date. If you are unsuccessful opting out via
blackboard and require assistance prior to the 9/15 deadline, you can contact Mr. Errol
Narvaez,, or 201-435-6607.


This course will begin the semester online as a "live-remote/sync“class on the
same day and time as seen on your schedule. While this class may appear in your
schedule as “HF” or “HyFlex” with a specific room number at the School of
Business, HyFlex classes are designed to be simultaneously offered in-person and
in a "live-remote" format. The NJCU School of Business has ordered
teleconferencing equipment designed to support HyFlex learning. Once installed,
some HyFlex-designated courses may be able to meet in person, while others may
continue as “live-remote.” The key feature of HyFlex classes is that students will
be able to choose to attend class in person or participate remotely on the same
day and at the same time as everyone else in the HyFlex classroom. When in-
person HyFlex classes at the School of Business become available, they will be
held in large rooms such as our Lecture Hall and Skyline Room following social
distancing protocols. Students will be provided with ample notification of any
shift in location. And remember, students who prefer to continue in a "live-
remote" format will be able to do so even if their courses shift to a HyFlex

 You need McGraw Hill Connect to take the exams and obtain the extra credit.
 Keep in mind that based upon the school’s policy each student must earn a final
grade of not less that “C” in any business course. A final grade of less than a “C”
will require the student to repeat the course.
 Failure to adhere to Academic Integrity may result in a failing grade – see policy.
 All correspondence to Dr. Yildirim must use the NJCU portal either
email or Blackboard. Do not use your personal email account.
 Blackboard discussions once closed are closed – no late responses.
 Assignments, evaluation, policies and procedures, etc. can be adjusted by the
 It is your responsibility to ensure you have access to technology that will allow
you to participate in this class. If you are unable, then do not take this class since
it’s online.

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Description of Course and Purpose of Course

The global environment is a fluid ever changing dynamic community. This class will review
this environment and look at the drivers that impact international business.
Learning Objectives:
In this course, the student will work to achieve an appreciation for business management as a
profession and to understand both the constraints and possibilities for more effectively
managing behavior of individuals, groups, and organizations. In addition, review the Rubric
for this class in Rubric Room on Blackboard. You will be evaluated on these disciplines.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
1. Identify major concepts and principles underlying Global Business decisions
(foundation knowledge).
2. Identify financial, economic, political and legal aspects of global business.
3. Formulate social and ethical responsibilities associated with management.
4. Evaluate challenges associated with environment, culture, strategy and behavior in
international business.
5. Assess how managers deal with global cultures within multi-national corporations.
6. Analyze and understand organizational culture and diversity.
7. Assess international trade policy.
8. Analyze foreign direct investment in various countries to see variances.
9. Identify regional economic integration.
10. Evaluate the international monetary system.


This is an HyFlex asynchronous class. Smartbook chapters will be assigned for each week’s
class. There will be weekly discussion boards and everyone is expected to take part in those
discussions. We must respect each person’s point of view and will ensure we remain on topic.
These discussions are designed to ensure that everyone understands the readings and to
explore the ideas represented in those readings. Remember that your written work is part of
the class and will be graded for grammar.

 Understand the material discussed weekly.
 Comprehend and translate key concepts and definitions into your own words.
 Apply what was learned to real world issues.
 Compare and contrast each side of the issues discussed and formulate your own.

 Discussion Threads/Smartbooks Review - You will be expected to participate in

online discussions, respond to questions on analytical situations from chapter. Be
prepared to participate actively in discussions, volunteer information or examples
during online discussions. Do not just cut and paste since that will not get a grade.
Use references and citations where necessary. You will be required to provide
commentary once a week on–between Monday 12am and Friday 11:59pm. No
posts accepted via email and once closed are not accepted. Grading - maximum

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chapter points is 10 toward overall 100 points. Smartbook assignments count
toward 2pts extra credit each week [1pt per chapter] - that’s 10 extra points
added to discussion board final grade.

 Test 1 and 2 – True/False and Multiple Choice from text – NO MAKEUPS

o Test 1 opens on Oct 3rd at 12am and closes at 11:59pm. You have two
hours in this timeframe to complete the test. 50 questions at 2pts each.
o Test 2 opens on Dec 18th at 12am and closes at 11:59pm. You have two
hours in this timeframe to complete the test. 50 questions at 2pts each.
 Research Paper – follow the guidelines as stated in the Final Assignment
Research Paper Room. Due Nov 27th end of day– No Late Papers Accepted


Grading Scale: (Based on University Criteria)

Numerical grades are equivalent to:

93 – 100 A (4.0)
90 – 92 A- (3.7)
87 – 89 B+ (3.3)
83 – 86 B (3.0)
80 – 82 B- (2.7)
77 – 79 C+ (2.3)
73 – 76 C (2.0)
70 – 72 C- (1.7)
60 – 69 D (1.0)
Below 60 F (0.0)

Students’ Grades Breakdown

Your grades posted on your blackboard are not the official grade. Thus, your marks are a
percentage of your final grade which is posted in your official grade on Gothic Net at end
of semester. The below percentages are used to calculate your final grade. Note there are
no weekly grades for reading chapters since that is part of the discussion board grade.

1. Test one chapters 1,2,3,4 25%

2. Test two chapters 5,6,8,9,10,13 25%
3. Discussion Boards and Smartbook Review [1pts extra credit per chapter] 20%
4. Paper 30%

TOTAL 100%

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Course Outline: [subject to change]

Week Week of Readings Assessment Learning Global

Outcomes Competencies
1 Sep 4 Chapter 1 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
2 Sep 11 Chapter 2 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
3 Sep 18 Chapter 3 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
4 Sep 25 Chapter 4 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
5 Oct 2 Test 1
6 Oct 9 Chapter 5 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
7 Oct 16 Chapter 6 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
8 Oct 23 Chapter 8 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
9 Oct 30 Chapter 9 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
10 Nov 6 Chapter 10 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
11 Nov 13 Chapter 13 See Rubric 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
Discussion Boards
12 Nov 20 Thanksgiving Week
13 Nov 27 Paper due 1 to 10 Critical Thinking
14 Dec 4 TBD
15 Dec 11 Reading days 12th and 13th
16 Dec 18 Test 2 - 12/18

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Academic Integrity

An academic community of integrity advances the quest for truth and knowledge by
requiring intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research and service.

New Jersey City University (NJCU) is committed to nurturing the growth of intellectual
reasoning, academic and professional values, individual ethics and social responsibility in its
students. Academic integrity is central to this growth and is defined as a commitment, even in
the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and
responsibility. From these values flow principles of behavior that enable academic
communities to translate ideals into action.

Academic integrity is the obligation of all members of the NJCU community: students,
faculty and administration. Maintaining a high level of integrity is not a passive act.
Academic dishonesty must be actively deterred; apathy or acquiescence in its presence is not
a neutral act.

What constitutes acts of academic dishonesty?

 The penalties imposed for acts of academic dishonesty and the consequences of these
 The process by which penalties are imposed.
Students must be familiar with the University’s Academic Integrity Policy

The University maintains that all students are expected to embrace the highest standards of
academic integrity in their course work. Any violation of such may be subject to a penalty
based on the infraction that may include a reprimand, reduction in grade, failing grade,
suspension or dismissal from the University.
Note: students can not submit a paper/project that was previously graded at NJCU
Students agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual
similarity review to Assignments submitted to will be included as
source documents in’s restricted access database solely for the purpose of
detecting plagiarism in such documents. The terms that apply to the University’s use of the services are described on the web site. For further information
about Turnitin, please visit:

Disability Students:
If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities, or other
kinds of disabilities, please feel free to discuss your needs with me. For more information about
the ADA and academic accommodations of adjustments, contact the Office of Specialized
Services (OSS) at 201-200-2091

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Send to me through Blackboard or email

Assignment: Analyzing a MNC Sustainability using Strategic Frameworks and Evidence-

Based Research

The goal of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to apply theoretical
concepts learned in the course to a real-world business scenario. Students will conduct a
thorough analysis of a chosen firm's sustainability using Porter's Five Forces Model and a
SWOT analysis. The assignment requires integrating theoretical knowledge, evidence-based
research, and proper APA-style referencing.


Selecting a Firm:
The professor will assign each student an individual MNC for this assignment.

Introduce the chosen firm, providing a brief overview of its background, industry, and
significance in the market.

Porter's Five Forces Model:

Utilize Porter's Five Forces Model to analyze the firm's competitive environment. Explain
each force and assess its impact on the firm's sustainability. Support your analysis with
evidence from reputable sources such as academic journals, news articles, and industry

Sustainability Commentary:
After applying Porter's Model, provide commentary on the firm's ability for sustainability
based on the analysis. Discuss how the firm's competitive position affects its long-term
prospects in the industry.

SWOT Analysis:
Conduct a SWOT analysis of the firm, highlighting its internal strengths and weaknesses, as
well as external opportunities and threats. Draw insights from reliable sources to support your

Integration of Theory:
Integrate theoretical concepts learned from the course into your analysis. Discuss how the
concepts of strategic management, competitive advantage, innovation, and other relevant
theories apply to the firm's sustainability strategy.

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Summarize your findings from the Porter's Five Forces analysis, sustainability commentary,
and SWOT analysis. Reinforce the importance of continuous strategic assessment for the
firm's success.

Cite a minimum of five academic references, excluding the textbook, to support your analysis.
Ensure proper APA-style formatting for in-text citations and the reference list.

Grading Criteria:

Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

 Clear introduction and firm selection.

 Accurate and well-explained application of Porter's Five Forces Model.
 Thoughtful commentary on the firm's sustainability prospects.
 Comprehensive and well-structured SWOT analysis.
 Effective integration of theoretical concepts learned in the course.
 Proper use of evidence-based research and citations from various sources.
 Concise and well-written conclusion that summarizes key points.
 Correct application of APA-style formatting for citations and references.
Submit your assignment as a well-organized written document, adhering to the provided
guidelines. Ensure that your analysis is supported by relevant references and reflects a deep
understanding of the firm's sustainability and strategic position in its industry.

Paper Format:

The format should be like other senior level papers in which presentation is important. The
paper must conform to APA 7th edition style. Please use 12-point type (either Arial or Times
Roman type face), one-inch margins, double spaced, with a five-space indent for each
paragraph. Spelling, grammar and punctuation count. You can go on-line for free information
on the APA format by visiting Purdue University at:

Length should be no less than 10 pages and no more than 15. This includes:
 Coversheet, project title, school name, your/my name, date, Certificate of Authorship
 Table of Contents
 Abstract
 Body. This includes your opening arguments - then solid data to support your
 Conclusion – reiterate your original argument and then wrap up your conclusion that is
supported from your data in the body.
 References – all your citations – where your data came from – remember this is APA
7th ed.

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 Graphs, charts, items that you feel are of value to your paper.

Students must be familiar with the University’s Academic Integrity Policy:

Syllabus Subject to Change

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