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Parts of speech

In linguistics, parts of speech are the basic categories of words based on
their grammatical and syntactical functions within a sentence. There are
traditionally eight parts of speech in English, each serving a specific role.

1. Noun:
A word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.
Example: dog, city, happiness
➢ Common Noun: General names for people, places, things, or ideas (e.g.,
dog, city, book).
➢ Proper Noun: Specific names for particular people, places, or things,
usually starting with a capital letter (e.g., John, Paris, The Great Gatsby).
➢ Collective Noun: A noun that represents a group of individuals (e.g., team,
flock, family).

2. Pronoun:
A word that takes the place of a noun.
Example: he, she, it, they
➢ Personal Pronoun: Refers to specific persons or things (e.g., I, you, he, she,
it, we, they).
➢ Demonstrative Pronoun: Points to specific things (e.g., this, that, these,
➢ Relative Pronoun: Introduces a relative clause (e.g., who, whom, whose,
which, that).

3. Verb:
A word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of being.
Example: run, think, is
➢ Action Verb: Describes an action performed by the subject (e.g., run, eat,
➢ Linking Verb: Connects the subject to a subject complement, often
describing a state of being (e.g., is, appear, become).
➢ Helping Verb (Auxiliary Verb): Assists the main verb in a sentence (e.g.,
can, will, have).

4. Adjective:
A word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.
Example: happy, tall, blue
➢ Descriptive Adjective: Provides information about the characteristics of a
noun (e.g., red, tall, happy).
➢ Comparative Adjective: Compares two things (e.g., taller, faster, more
➢ Superlative Adjective: Indicates the highest degree of comparison among
three or more things (e.g., tallest, fastest, most interesting).

5. Adverb:
A word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
Example: quickly, very, well
➢ Adverb of Manner: Describes how an action is performed (e.g., quickly,
carefully, slowly).
➢ Adverb of Place: Indicates the location of an action or describes the
direction (e.g., here, there, everywhere).
➢ Adverb of Time: Specifies when an action takes place (e.g., now, later,

6. Preposition:
A word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and
other words in a sentence.
Example: in, on, under
➢ Simple Preposition: Single-word prepositions (e.g., in, on, under).
➢ Compound Preposition: Prepositions formed by more than one word (e.g.,
in front of, because of, on behalf of).

7. Conjunction:
A word that connects words, phrases, or clauses.
Example: and, but, or.
➢ Coordinating Conjunction: Connects words, phrases, or clauses of equal
rank (e.g., and, but, or).
➢ Subordinating Conjunction: Introduces a subordinate clause and connects
it to the main clause (e.g., although, because, if).

8. Interjection:
9. A word or phrase used to express strong emotion or surprise.
Example: Wow!, Ouch!, Hooray!
➢ Strong Interjection: Expresses strong emotions and usually stands alone
(e.g., Wow!, Ouch!, Hooray!).
➢ Mild Interjection: Expresses a mild or less intense emotion (e.g., well, oh,

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