Questions For Chapter 3

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Complete the following:

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
1. The RER is characterized by the presence of numerous particles called ……………….
attached to the …………………. side of the membranes of the reticulum.
2. The RER is abundant in cells, like ………………………., ………………………,
3. The main function of the RER
is …………………………………………………………….
4. Among cells that are rich in SER are ………………..……, ……………………..,
and …………………….. .
5. Some cells posses both types of ER, e.g ……………………………….. .
6. The ER act as a precursor for other membrane systems such
as ………………………………. .
7. In bacteria, the ribosomal subunits are designated ……….. and ……….. .
8. The size of a single complete ribosome is …………. in bacteria and …………………
in eukaryotes.
9. The free (single) ribosomes synthesize ………………………………………, while
ribosomes on the ER synthesize proteins going to be secreted outside the cells.

Golgi Complex
10. Golgi complex occurs in all animal cells except ………………………………………. .
11. During development of Golgi complex, new membranes are added to
the ……………………. face from the …………
12. In secretory cells, Golgi maturing face produces large numbers
of ………………………….. .
13. In invertebrates, the constituents of Golgi complex are known as ………………….. .
14. When secretory vesicles produced by Golgi complex fuse with the plasma membrane,
the ……………………...are released from the cell by……………

15. Mitochondria are normally seen in the ………………………………, not inside the
16. The inner mitochondrial membrane is folded inside the mitochondrial matrix to
form ………… .
17. Among the contents of the mitochondrial matrix
are ……………………,……………….,……………………, and ………….
18. Mitochondria exhibit a type of inheritance known as ………………………….., this is
due to their content of ………………………… .
19. Due to their content of ………………………….., mitochondria can synthesize several
specific mitochondrial proteins.
20. ………………………………… represent the sites of cell respiration because they contain
enzymes of the ……………………….. chain .
21. The only sites for oxidative phosphorylation in the cell are ………………… .
22. Oxidative phosphorylation means formation of ……………… molecules during

23. Lysosomes are found in all types of animal cells except …………………………………. .
24. The matrix of lysosomes contains enzymes of …………………… action
like ……………………….which digest RNAs.
25. Among the functions of lysosomes
are ……………………,……………………and…………….
26. When lysosomes contain fragments of mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum or ribosomes,
this process is known as ………………………………….. .
27. Autophagy that carried out by lysosomes is mainly seen
during …………………………….. .
28. Autolysis means the rapture of the……………………membrane inside the cell, followed
by digestion of the cell itself by the released………………………………

29. Like lysosomes, peroxisomes are scattered in the ………………….., not in the
30. The protective function of peroxisomes is carried out through
the …………………….enzyme which catalyses the breakdown
of ………………………….

31. The probability of seeing vacuoles in older cells is ………………………than in younger
32. In unicellular organisms, like amoeba the contractile vacuoles are …………………….in

33. In electron micrographs, the centeriole appears as a small
hollow………………………with ………………… sets of small rods
or ……………………on the wall.
34. The centrosome plays an important role in ………………………


35. Components of the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton
True or False, correct the false ones:
Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. In electron micrographs, the ER appears to be surrounded by double membrane of
lipoprotein substance. ( )
2. The inside of the ER represents the cytosol, while the outside represents the cisternal space.
( )
3. Ribosomes are found on both the outer and the inner surface of the membrane of the rough
ER. ( )
4. The ER could act as a precursor for other membrane systems such as mitochondria.
( )
5. A new nuclear envelope is formed from the membranes of the ER after each nuclear
division. ( )

6. The size of a single complete ribosome in bacteria is 70S.
( )
7. Ribosomal particles have similar size in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
( )
8. Ribosomes attached to the ER synthesize proteins for extra-cellular use. ( )
Golgi complex
9. Both mature nerve cells and RBCs in man have Golgi complex.
( )
10. The constituents of Golgi complex in liver cells are similar to those found in pancreatic
cells. ( )
11. Golgi complex shares in the formation of both lysosomes and ribosomes.
( )

12. Under electron microscope, each mitochondrion appears to be surrounded by single
membrane of protein substance. ( )
13. The granules on the mitochondrial membranes represent certain groups of lipid droplets.
( )
14. Due to its content of DNA, mitochondria represent “separate” genetic apparatus in the
cell. ( )
15. Among the mitochondrial enzymes are dehydrogenases, hydrolases and acid phosphatases.
( )
16. The cell organelles which have enzymes of Krebs cycle and beta-oxidation of fatty acids
are lysosomes. ( )
17. Oxidative phosphorylation means formation of ADP molecules during oxidation.
( )
18. The matrix of lysosomes includes enzymes of hydrolytic action like acid phosphatase.
( )
19. The lysosomal enzymes are characterized by having alkaline pH optima.
( )
20. During the intracellular digestion, fusion of lysosome with the phagosome occurs in the
nucleoplasm. ( )
21. Autophagy delays cell death. ( )
22. Both of the mitochondria and Golgi complex share in the production of lysosomes.
( )

23. Both peroxisomes and lysosomes are called hydrolytic bodies.
( )
24. The matrix in both of lysosomes and peroxisomes is rich in catalase enzyme.
( )
25. Peroxisomes originate from the ER. ( )

26. The probability of seeing vacuoles in older cells is higher than in younger ones.
( )

27. In electron micrograph, the centeriole appears as a small solid cylinder with 9 triplets on
the wall. ( )
28. Both of the centrosome and lysosome play a role in cell division.


29. Components of the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton include microtubules, microfilaments and
mitochondria. ( )
Choose the correct answer:

Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. There is a close association between the ER and the: a- inner nuclear membrane, b- outer
nuclear membrane, c- a & b are correct. d- a & b are incorrect.
2. Which of the following can NOT be found in the cytoplasm ? (a- secretory vesicles, b-
smooth ER, c- rough ER, d- DNA, e- all of the above).
3. Which of the following are rich in SER: a- cells involved in lipid production. b-cells
involved in protein synthesis.
4. The free (single) ribosomes synthesize: a- proteins going to be secreted by the cells, b-
cytoplasmic proteins, c- a & b are correct.
5. The following statements about ribosomes are true EXCEPT one: a- they are present in
all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. b- they are formed of 2 subunits of ribonucleoprotein
material. c- they act as a store for genetic information. d- they play a role in protein

Golgi complex
6. One of the following organelles shares in the formation of Golgi complex: a-
mitochondria, b- ER, c- lysosomes, d- centeriole.
7. The following statements about Golgi complex are true EXCEPT one: a- it is composed
of cisternae, vacuoles and vesicles. b- it has glycosyl transferases. c- it is absent in
mature RBCs of man. d- it shares in the formation of plasma membrane. e- it exhibits a
type of cytoplasmic inheritance.

8. In electron micrographs, each mitochondrion appears to be surrounded by double
membrane of (a- protein, b- lipoprotein, c- lipid, d- nucleoprotein) substance.
9. Mitochondria can undergo self reproduction, this is due to their content of: a- enzymesof
Krebs cycle, b- enzymes of beta-oxidation of fatty acids, c- DNA.
10. The mitochondrial enzymes are distributed in: a- the outer membrane, b- the inner
membrane, c- the matrix, d- all the mentioned sites.
11. The following statements about mitochondria are correct EXCEPT one: a- they represent
the power house of the cell. b- they are surrounded by double lipoprotein membrane.
c- they perform a phagocytic function in the cell. d- they represent the sites for
reactions of Krebs cycle.

12. Lysosomes are also named as: a- suicide bags, b- microbodies, c- hydrolytic
bodies, d- a & c are correct, e- all are wrong.
13. The following enzyme groups are present in lysosomes EXCEPT one: a- ribonucleases,
b- deoxyribonucleases, c- acid phsphatases, d- dehydrogenases, e- lipases.
14. The degeneration of the tail and gills during metamorphosis in amphibia is due to the action
of hydrolytic enzymes found in: a- peroxisomes, b- lysosomes, c-

15. The following are functions of peroxisomes EXCEPT one: a- conversion of fats to
carbohydrates. b- breakdown of purines. c- formation of ATP molecules. d- Protection
of the cell from the toxic effect of H2O2.
16. The following characteristics about peroxisomes are true EXCEPT one: a-spherical
structures, surrounded by single membranes. b- rich in catalase enzyme. c- perform
protective function. d- present in prokaryotes.

17. Among the non-living inclusions of the cell are: a- ER, b- vacuoles, c-
mitochondria, d- nucleus.
18. The organelle found in both animal and plant cells that contains fluid or solid substances
is the: a- vacuole, b- centriole, c- plasma membrane.

The centriole
19. The core of the centriole: a- has a pair of microtubules, b- has no microtubules, c-
has 9 microtubules.
20. The centrosome plays a role in: a- cell secretion, b- cell division, c- cell
death, d- a & b are correct.

21. The nucleus of epithelial cells is held in position by a basket-like network of: a- actin
filaments, b- intermediate filaments, c- microtubules.
22. Microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules are all made of what organic
molecules? (a- protein, b- lipid, c- carbohydrates, d- nucleic acids, e- none of the

Give the appropriate term:

Endoplasmic reticulum, Ribosomes, Golgi complex, Mitochondria,
Lysosomes, Peroxisomes,
Vacuoles, Centriole, The Cytoplasmic Cytoskeleton

1. The organelle that is composed of membranous tubules and flattened sacs with attached
ribosomes. ( )
2. A cytoplasmic organelle appears in the form of single-walled tubular and vacuolar
elements, absent in mature RBCs of man, plays a role in synthesis and storage of lipids
and detoxification of foreign substances. ( )
3. Non-membranous nucleoprotein structures, found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, play
a role in protein synthesis. ( )
4. The cell organelles that contain DNA, present in animals and plants and function to provide
the cell source of energy.( )
5. The organelles that are responsible for collecting, sorting, processing and distributing
proteins and carbohydrates in the cells. (
6. A membranous organelle appears in the form of sac-like structure, surrounded by a single
membrane, very rich in hydrolytic enzymes and helps in fertilization.( )
7. Membranous organelles, having crystalline matrix, rich in catalase which protects the cell
from the toxic effect of H2O2. (
8. Appears as a small hollow cylinder with nine sets of tubules on the wall, plays an important
role in cell division.( )

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