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I. Personal Information

Name: Abdelsalam Gafary Mahmoud

Family Name First Middle

Date of Birth: 23/08/1983 Place of Birth: Qena, Deshna

Home Address:

__Aqua_Street________________________ 01006225509_
(Street) (Home Telephone)
___Qena Governorate_________________________01026620866_
(Mobile Telephone)
___New Qena City/Egypt_____ gafry83@yahoo.com_
(Town or City/Country) (Email Address)

II. Academic Education and Training Experience

A) Academic



University of Electronic Automation Engineering 09/2018-07/2022 Ph.D.

Science and
Technology of China

South Valley University Automation Engineering 09/2013-07/2017 Master Degree


South Valley University Automation Engineering 09/2000-07/2005 Bachelor Degree


Field of Specialization: Automation Engineering

Title of Ph.D. Thesis: Sliding Mode Control for Networked Control Systems with Faults
and Disturbances

B) Training (list additional training in home country)

Field of Study Dates Language/Place of Instruction

C) Additional Training in Other Countries

Field of Study Dates Language/Place of Instruction

Awards, Honors, Scholarships Received, Publications, Professional Memberships:

Chinese government scholarships (CSC scholarship)
III. Employment

A) Current Employment

Lecturer FROM: 01 / 02 / 2023 TO: present

(Title or Position)

High Institute of Electronic Engineering


10th of Ramadan road

(# Street) (Employer’s Email)

Belbeis, Egypt 01159363636

(Town or City) (Employer’s Telephone)

In my capacity as a lecturer at the High Institute of Electronic Engineering, I focus on sharing

knowledge and facilitating learning in the realm of electronic engineering. My responsibilities
encompass delivering lectures, overseeing practical sessions, and providing guidance to students
in their academic pursuits. Furthermore, I actively contribute to the creation of curriculum
materials, design assessments, and participate in research endeavors to stay updated on the latest
developments in the field. My overarching goal is to cultivate a dynamic and enriching
educational atmosphere that equips students with the essential skills and knowledge needed for
success in electronic engineering.
B) Previous Employment (if at current position less than 2 years)

Control Engineer FROM: 21 / 08 / 2008 TO: 30/1/2023

(Title or Position)



17 Gawad Hosni St.
(# Street) (Employer’s Email)

Cairo +2-096-2730020
(Town or City) (Employer’s Telephone)

In my capacity as a Process Control Engineer at NAG-HAMADY FIBER BOARD COMPANY,

I played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth and efficient functioning of manufacturing
processes. My primary responsibilities included the design, implementation, and maintenance of
process control systems with the goal of optimizing production. This entailed collaborating with
cross-functional teams to pinpoint areas for enhancement, troubleshooting issues, and
implementing corrective measures.
My duties extended to conducting regular inspections and assessments of equipment to guarantee
compliance with safety and quality standards. Actively contributing to the development and
execution of preventive maintenance plans aimed at minimizing downtime and improving
overall equipment effectiveness was also a significant aspect of my role. Additionally, I took a
lead role in training and guiding operational staff on proper procedures and the utilization of
control systems.
Furthermore, I engaged in the continuous monitoring of process parameters and utilized data
analytics to identify trends and opportunities for process optimization. I actively contributed to
the implementation of automation solutions, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing
overall efficiency.
In summary, my position as a Process Control Engineer at NAG-HAMADY FIBER BOARD
COMPANY involved a diverse array of responsibilities focused on upholding the reliability and
effectiveness of manufacturing processes while ensuring adherence to safety and quality

IV. Languages

Please indicate English capabilities in first line, additional languages on remaining lines.

Can Converse Can Read Can Write

Fluently Passably Fluently Passably Fluently Passably
English √ √ √

V. Proposed Program

List proposal’s eligible area(s) or priority area(s):

Applications will be accepted for research in the four general areas of agriculture,energy, health,
and water management.
Priority topics were identified:
• One Health,
• Climate change, and
• The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus. √

A. Title of Proposed Work:
Evaluation of Green Hydrogen-Based Micro-grid Performance under Regular and Adverse
Weather Conditions.

B. Please describe your program of work for the proposed visit including proposed dates of visit:

Updating energy source technologies helps reduce the negative impacts of greenhouse emission
gases due to the elasticity of renewable energy sources. The upcoming planned strategies by Egypt
and the U.S will ultimately lead to zero emissions. Nonetheless, integrating diverse energy
resources can address multiple combination challenges. Obstacles arise from the uncertainty of
micro-grid power production and the workload encountered during remote and power grid
operations. The old-fashioned volatility problems in micro-grids have been eluded by the
development of micro-grid technologies. The improvement of existing micro-grids is a result of
this, as they are built using new methods like green hydrogen, PV, fuel cells, solar energy, and
evolving renewable energy schemes. The objective of this proposal is to enhance and disseminate
hydrogen-based microgrids that are combined with renewable energy sources. Our first task is to
evaluate the factors involved in hydrogen-based micro-grids using multiobjective research
strategies. Several non-convex shapes and dynamic restrictions are the focus of analytical systems
and ecological performance procedures. In order to protect the procedure of a hydrogen-based
micro-grid, it must be always capable of meeting dynamic load demands. The hydrogen-based
micro-grid's safety and solidity could be enhanced by using advanced energy production
technologies, control, and devices. This proposed investigation will produce power converter
systems that are resilient and hydrogen generation plants that are effective. By utilizing innovative
control approaches, the MPPT approach for hydrogen-based generation schemes can be improved.
Control tactics for hydrogen construction, storage, and ingesting play a crucial role in the
usefulness of the proposed micro-grid. Furthermore, the micro-grid coordinates the adjustment of
multiple units and keeps track of the fundamental dynamics. The aim of this project is to provide
research aids for controlling and integrating hydrogen technologies and renewable energy in
micro-grids to ensure cumulative micro-grid dependability, stability, and autonomy.

The energy sector in Egypt is facing multiple challenges, including the need for reliable and
sustainable energy production, the decrease in greenhouse gas production, and the growth of
power plant combinations. The objective of this study is to explore how to optimize and design
an outstanding hydrogen-based micro-grid system that is tailored to Egypt's distinct demands and
The research proposal's main objectives are as follows:
i. To assess the potential and potential assistance for implementing a hybrid micro-grid model
that utilizes hydrogen.
ii. To assess the potential and potential assistance for implementing a hybrid micro-grid model
that utilizes hydrogen.
c. To evaluate whether the proposed hybrid micro-grid system is commercially viable and has an

ecological impact.
ii. To comprehend the mechanical and controlling responsibilities involved in the
implementation of a hybrid microgrid system that uses hydrogen. To suggest approaches and
confirm that the system can be deployed and integrated into the existing energy organization in
Egypt successfully.
The methodology used for the research will be as follows:
1. Review of Existing Literature: Examine the current literature, case studies, and strategies for
implementing hybrid microgrids based on hydrogen, including renewable energy integration and
energy planning in Egypt with an in-depth review.
2. Data Collection and Analysis: Gather information about Egypt's energy dissipation blueprints,
renewable energy potential, and ability to construct hydrogen. Take into account the data to
pinpoint appropriate locations for renewable energy systems and hydrogen production services.
3. System Design and Optimization: Create a techno-economic framework for designing and
enhancing the efficiency of a hybrid microgrid system. Take into account multiple factors,
including the generation of renewable energy, production of hydrogen, storage capacities, load
profiles, and the resilience of the system.
4. Economic and Environmental Assessment: Perform an all-encompassing economic evaluation
that integrates cost-benefit analysis and financial modeling to gauge the economic sustainability
of the envisioned hybrid micro-grid system. Examine the environmental implications, such as the
potential decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, in relation to conventional energy generation
technologies, as part of the evaluation process.
5. Technical and Regulatory Analysis: Recognize the technical obstacles and regulatory
constraints linked to the implementation of the hydrogen-based hybrid micro-grid system.
Recommend methods and solutions to tackle these challenges.
6. Recommendations and Implementation Plan: Use the research results to create a series of
recommendations and an implementation plan for the integration of the enhanced hydrogen-
based hybrid micro-grid system.

Expected Outcomes
1. A thorough grasp of the viability and prospective advantages of adopting a hybrid micro-grid
system based on hydrogen.
2. A carefully fine-tuned design and setup for the hybrid microgrid system, with the goal of
optimizing the utilization of renewable energy and enhancing hydrogen production.
3. Conduct economic and environmental evaluations emphasizing the benefits of the suggested
system compared to traditional energy generation technologies.
3. Recognizing technical and regulatory hurdles and suggesting solutions for the effective
execution of the system.
4. Suggested recommendations and a detailed plan for implementing the upgraded hydrogen-
based hybrid micro-grid system in Egypt.
There are several reasons why this research proposal holds significance.
1. It tackles urgent energy challenges in Egypt, including issues like energy security, integrating
renewable energy, and lowering carbon emissions.
2. It offers valuable insights into designing and optimizing hydrogen-based hybrid micro-grid
systems, knowledge that can be applied to other regions facing similar energy requirements.

2. The suggested system holds the potential to boost energy resilience, diminish dependence on
fossil fuels, and foster sustainable development.
3. The findings of the research can guide policymakers, energy planners, and stakeholders in
making well-informed decisions regarding the transition to sustainable energy.

The research endeavor is set to be finalized within a span of six months, involving tasks such as
data collection, analysis, modeling, and reporting.

Timeline Activities
Month 1 1. Complete travel preparations and organize visa documentation.
2. Settle into accommodation and get aware with the research
3. Review existing literature and clarify research objectives.
4. Hold a meeting with the research team at the hosting institution
and establish collaborative efforts.
Month 2 1. Initiate the data collection, experiments, or fieldwork as outlined in
the research plan.
2. Participate in pertinent workshops, seminars, or conferences.
3. Review the initial data and converse about the findings with the
research team.
4. Evaluate and revise the research methodology if needed.
Month 3 1. Proceed with data collection, experiments, or fieldwork
2. Engage in collaboration with fellow researchers at the institution.
3. Improve data analysis techniques and perform an initial analysis.
4. Commence the drafting of research papers or reports.
Month 4 1. Finish data collection, experiments, or fieldwork
2. Conduct thorough data analysis and interpret the results.
3. Engage in discussions with the research team and solicit feedback
on the findings.
4. Proceed with the writing of research papers or reports.
Month 5 1. Complete and prepare research papers or reports for submission.
2. Develop presentations for conferences or seminars.
3. Share research findings at pertinent events.
4. Engage in collaboration with the hosting institution on any extra
projects or initiatives.
Month 6 1. Conclude any outstanding tasks and complete the finalization of
research outputs
2. Get ready for departure and finish administrative procedures
3. Present an overview of the research to both my home institution
and the hosting institution's research community.
4. Review the research experience and strategize for future
collaboration or the dissemination of findings.

C. Proposed Host Institution:

University of North Florida, Florida, United States

D. Contact Person at Host Institution:

Dr. Touria El Mezyani, Mail: , Tel: +1 (850) 566-6642

VI. Benefits of Proposed Visit

1. Collaborative Research: I can return with fresh insights, knowledge, and skills gained during my
visit. Whether working in a distinct research environment, collaborating with experts in the field,
or gaining exposure to advanced technologies and methodologies, sharing these experiences with
colleagues can enrich our organization's knowledge base and enhance overall expertise.
2. Cutting-edge Methods and Technologies: The visit could have offered me opportunities to forge
professional connections and collaborations with scientists and researchers globally. These
connections may pave the way for future collaborative projects, joint publications, and the
exchange of ideas. Nurturing international collaborations can broaden our institution's network
and augment its research capabilities.
3. Enhanced research methodologies: The immersion in various research methodologies and
techniques during the visit can enhance my skill set. He can return with innovative approaches,
experimental protocols, or analytical methods that may not be commonly utilized in our home
institution. Implementing these new techniques has the potential to elevate the efficiency and
quality of research conducted within our institution.
4. Cultural diversity and perspectives: Engaging with scientists from diverse backgrounds and
cultures can introduce novel viewpoints and ideas to our institution. May I have acquired insights
into various approaches to thinking and problem-solving, fostering creativity and innovation
among his colleagues.
5. Professional development opportunities: The visit could have granted I can access to programs,
workshops, or conferences focused on professional growth. He might have attended lectures by
esteemed experts, taken part in training sessions, or gained insights into emerging trends in his
field. Sharing these experiences with colleagues can significantly contribute to the overall
professional development within our institution.
6. Elevated standing and visibility: By hosting endorsing my visit, our institution showcases its
dedication to international collaboration and the exchange of knowledge. These initiatives have
the potential to bolster our institution's reputation as an open and collaborative academic entity.
7. In essence, my visit has the potential to introduce new knowledge, collaborations, and
perspectives to our institution, thereby fostering its growth, enhancing research capabilities, and
bolstering its international reputation.
VII. Attachments

Please include with your application the following attachments as Appendices:

Appendix I Supervisor's Recommendation for Applicant's Proposed Visit

Appendix II Signed Conditions of Visit form
Appendix III Appraisal from the Proposed Host Institution for the proposed visit
Appendix IV Budget Plan for Proposed Visit
Appendix V Copy of Ph.D. Diploma

Appendix VI List of Recent Publications (max. 2 pages)

I certify that the information given in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my

Signature Date

Supervisor's Recommendation for Applicant's Proposed Visit

Name of Participant: Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud

Applicants: Please have your supervisor complete the following questions.

A) What do you want the applicant to learn during the proposed visit?

1. Collaborative Research: Returning with newfound insights, knowledge,

and skills acquired during the visit, whether from working in a unique
research setting, collaborating with field experts, or gaining exposure to
advanced technologies and methodologies, allows for the enrichment of
our organization's knowledge base and the overall enhancement of
expertise when shared with colleagues.
2. Advanced Techniques and Technologies: The visit might have provided
opportunities for Dr. Gafary to establish professional connections and
collaborations with scientists and researchers worldwide. These
connections could potentially lead to future collaborative projects, joint
publications, and the exchange of ideas. Fostering international
collaborations has the potential to broaden our institution's network
and enhance its research capabilities.
3. Academic and Professional Networking: Dr. Gafary might seek to
broaden their professional network by participating in conferences,
seminars, and workshops in the USA. This offers chances to engage with
distinguished scientists, build connections, and cultivate collaborations
that may pave the way for future research opportunities or academic
partnerships with our institution.
4. Exposure to Multidisciplinary Research: The United States boasts a
dynamic research ecosystem encompassing diverse areas of study. Dr.
Gafary may be inclined to explore multidisciplinary research initiatives
and gain exposure to various scientific disciplines beyond their specific
field. This cross-disciplinary exposure has the potential to broaden their
perspective and ignite new ideas for their own research.
5. Publication and Presentation Opportunities: For junior scientists, it is
essential to present research findings at conferences or publish in
reputable international journals. Dr. Gafary might be interested in
understanding the publication process, participating in scientific
discussions, and gaining insights into effectively communicating
research results within the American scientific community.
6. Professional Development and Mentorship: Dr. Gafary might pursue
mentorship from seasoned scientists or researchers in the USA. Learning
from established professionals can offer guidance on career
development, navigating grant applications, and identifying research
funding opportunities. Mentorship can also provide valuable insights
into navigating the academic landscape and addressing challenges
encountered by early-career scientists.

B) How will the applicant's visit be useful for the organization when he/she returns?

1. Knowledge exchange: Dr. Gafary might pursue mentorship from

seasoned scientists or researchers in the USA. Learning from established
professionals can offer guidance on career development, navigating
grant applications, and identifying research funding opportunities.
Mentorship can also provide valuable insights into navigating the
academic landscape and addressing challenges encountered by early-
career scientists.
2. Global partnerships: Dr. Gafary has the potential to bring back fresh
insights, knowledge, and skills acquired during his visit. Whether
working in a distinct research environment, collaborating with experts in
their field, or gaining exposure to advanced technologies and
methodologies, sharing these experiences with colleagues can enrich
our organization's knowledge base and enhance overall expertise.
3. Improved research techniques: The visit might have offered
opportunities for Dr. Gafary to establish professional connections and
collaborations with scientists and researchers from around the world.
These connections may pave the way for future collaborative projects,
joint publications, and the exchange of ideas. By nurturing international
collaborations, our institution can broaden its network and enhance its
research capabilities.
4. Cultural diversity and perspectives: Engaging with scientists from diverse
backgrounds and cultures can introduce new perspectives and ideas to
our institution. Dr. Gafary may have gained insights into different
approaches to thinking and problem-solving, stimulating creativity and
innovation among his colleagues
5. Professional development opportunities: The visit might have granted
Dr. Gafary access to professional development programs, workshops, or
conferences. He may have attended lectures by renowned experts,
participated in training sessions, or gained insights into emerging trends
in his field. Sharing these experiences with his colleagues can contribute
to the overall professional development within our institution.
6. Enhanced reputation and visibility: By hosting and supporting Dr.
Gafary's visit, our institution showcases a dedication to international
collaboration and knowledge sharing. Such initiatives have the potential
to boost our institution's reputation as an open and collaborative entity.
In conclusion, Dr. Gafary's visit can bring novel knowledge,
collaborations, and perspectives to our institution, contributing to its
growth, research capabilities, and international reputation.
C) Please comment on the applicant's suitability to carry out the proposed visit.

1. Academic achievements: Dr. Gafary's academic achievements, including

research projects, publications, and presentations, serve as indicators of
his dedication, knowledge, and potential in his field.
2. Research experience: Dr. Gafary's past research involvement,
encompassing internships, projects, or collaborations, can showcase his
capability to conduct independent research and operate effectively
within a scientific environment
3. Purpose of the visit: Dr. Gafary's visit aligns with his research interests
and career aspirations.
Conditions of Visit

Name of Participant: Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud

If I am accepted to receive a grant for a scientific visit under the U.S – Egypt Science &
Technology Joint Fund Program, I agree to adhere to my arranged program, to devote my time and
attention to my research and/or practical training, and to conform to program regulations and
procedures for the duration of the visit. I will not seek extension of the period of my visit but will
return to my country without delay upon completion of my visit under this program. I also agree
to conform to all rules and policies of the host institution and laws of the host country and agree
at all times to conduct myself and my research in a professional and ethical manner.

Furthermore, I thoroughly understand the following policies of the Junior Scientist Development
Visit Grants Program:

I. Dependents: The Program strongly discourages family members from accompanying or

joining a participant during the visit. The Program is not responsible in any way for
family members.

II. Attendance of Participants at Conferences and Meetings: While at the Host Institution,
attendance of participants at national or international conferences, conventions or
meetings of professional, trade, or other associations will not be supported by the
program funds, unless such attendance is part of the approved program.

III. Conditions for Termination of the Visit: The Joint Board reserves the right to terminate
the visit of those participants who:

A. Change the program of the visit without authorization from the Joint Board or
their representatives.
B. Fail to show sufficient interest in or to effectively pursue their program during
the visit.
C. Conduct themselves in a manner prejudicial to the program or to the laws of
the United States or Egypt.
D. Have in any way falsified information on the application and/or supporting
E. The Host Institution determines that continuation of the visit is not in the
interest of the Host Institution.

IV. Financial Support: The applicant is aware that the financial support provided by the
program covers fees, lodging and food only. The daily maintenance allowance is adequate
for modest lodging and food. The Joint Board does not fund any expenses related to family
members accompanying the participant.
V. Health Insurance: Participants must have health insurance coverage during their exchange
visit period. Egyptians traveling to the U.S. must have a minimum level of health
insurance coverage. This can vary, depending on the type of visa the exchange visitor
obtains, but as an example, for a J-1 visa to the U.S., the following is required:

 Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness

 Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000
 Expenses associated with the medical evacuation of the exchange visitor to his or
her home country in the amount of $50,000
 A deductible not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.

If the exchange visitor does not have health insurance coverage through their home
institution, check with the host institution about short-term medical insurance coverage for
foreign visitors. There are also private policies in the U.S. that meet the above
requirements. Although information can be provided to assist the exchange visitor to
choose health coverage, the Joint Board does not endorse any particular insurance
company, nor will it be responsible for costs arising from illness or accident.

VI. Debts and Obligations: The participant will be responsible for all debts and financial
obligations incurred while in the United States.

The Participant releases the host institution from any liabilities that may arise out of or in
connection with Participant's visit.

Rights to Intellectual Property, Patents or Copyrights created during Participant's visit at

Host Institution shall be determined in accordance with the policies of the host institution.
Unless superseded by statute, treaty or prior agreement, the Host Institution shall have the
right to take the entire right, title and interest in the United States of intellectual property
developed by Participant during Participant's visit.

Signature below indicates agreement to and understanding of the above conditions.

Applicant's Signature Date

College of Computing, Engineering and Construction

December 04, 2023


Appraisal from the Proposed Host Institution

This appraisal must be filled out by the proposed U.S. host scientist.

1. Name of U.S. Host Scientist: ____Touria El Mezyani

2. Name of Egyptian Junior Scientist: Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam


3. Scientific Evaluation of the Egyptian Junior Scientist Proposal.

Dr. Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud's proposed research will provide robust control
solutions for developing resilient power grids with high penetration of renewable energy
resources and power electronic devices. Particular interest will be given to hydrogen production
systems due to their fast maximum power point tracking and flexible control approaches for the
parallel operation of hydrogen-based generation using innovative and adaptive control
approaches. The efficacy of the proposed microgrid relies on the control approaches of hydrogen
production, storage, and consumption.
I highly support Dr. Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud's grant application. The planned visit
to the University of North Florida (UNF) is from 1/9/2025 to 1/3/2026 . Dr. Gafary’s research is
aligned with my core research program at the UNF and my short and long-term goals. We
established various collaborations through written proposals and journal and conference
publications. The visit of Dr. Gafary to UNF will allow him to be directly involved in several of my
research discussions and establish further collaboration with faculties from Florida Universities,
such as the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida, which are within two hours'
distance from UNF. Conversely, Dr. Gafary will bring his knowledge in the control theory and
stability analysis to my ongoing research.

Building 4, Room 3201, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, Florida 32224-7699

TEL: (904) 620-1390 FAX: (904) 620-1391 http://www.unf/edu/ccec/engineering/
College of Computing, Engineering and Construction

4. Additional Comments, if any.

In addition, Dr. Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud's research lies in the area of enhanced
power grid resiliency with the increased penetration of renewable energy integration to the grid,
which aligns with UNF's strategic plan. In collaboration with UNF, Jacksonville Energy Authority
(JEA- the largest community-owned electric utility in Florida) developed a strong partnership that
led to the creation of the Sustainable Solutions Laboratory at UNF. JEA has made a 5-year financial
commitment that will allow UNF researchers to get involved in finding solutions to the pressing
challenges related to the high penetration of renewable energy integration and optimization. Dr.
Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud will have the opportunity to meet the key players in this


Signature of the U.S. Host Scientist Date

*The letter should be written on the U.S. institution’s letterhead and include the months/period of the
planned visit, as well as the U.S. state of the institution.

Building 4, Room 3201, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, Florida 32224-7699

TEL: (904) 620-1390 FAX: (904) 620-1391 http://www.unf/edu/ccec/engineering/
Appendix IV
Budget Plan for Proposed Visit

Name of Participant: Gafary Mahmoud Abdelsalam Mahmoud

Duration of Proposed Visit: 6 months from 1/9/ 2025 to 1/3/2026

Note: List all amounts in U.S. dollar

equivalents only. Total
U.S. $
(up to $25,500)

1. International Airfare
2. Lodging and Living Expenses (6 months $15,000
× $2,500)
Total $18,000

Important Note:
The budget will be calculated as $3,000 for airfare and $2,500 for lodging and living expenses.
For example, an applicant who will be traveling for only 3 months will receive $3,000 for airfare
and a total of $7,500 for lodging and living expenses for the duration of the 3 months.
List of Recent Publications (Maximum 2 Pages)

Mahmoud, G., Chen, Y., Zhang, L. et al. FHOSM Tolerant Control for Networked Control
Systems with Disturbances and Faults. Int. J. Control Autom. Syst. 19, 3049–3061 (2021).

Xu, L, Chen, Y, Li, M, Zhang, L, Mahmoud, G. Extended Observer-Based Hybrid Tracking

Control Strategy for Networked System with FDI Attacks, Asian J Control 25 (2023), 3092–

Mahmoud, G., Chen, Y., Zhang, L. et al. Sliding Mode Based Nonlinear Load Frequency
Control for Interconnected Coupling Power Network. Int. J. Control Autom. Syst. 20, 3731–3739

Chen Y, Xu L, Li M, Mahmoud G. Sliding mode control for direct current motor system with
multi-channels and external disturbances. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 2022;236(4):742-753.

G. Mahmoud, E. H. Abdelhameed, G. Shabib and M. A. Sayed, "Modeling and Simulation of

MDF Bagasse Fiber Drying," 2015 25th International Conference on Computer Theory and
Applications (ICCTA), Alexandria, Egypt, 2015, pp. 46-51, doi:

G. Mahmoud, Y. Chen, L. Zhang and M. Li, "Finite-time Fault Tolerant Control for Uncertain-
Robot Mechanism Using Adaptive-Gain SMC," 2021 6th International Conference on Robotics
and Automation Engineering (ICRAE), Guangzhou, China, 2021, pp. 313-317, doi:

G. Mahmoud, Y. Chen, L. Zhang and M. Li, "Sliding Mode Control for Networked Markovian
Jump Systems with Disturbances," 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC), Beijing, China,
2021, pp. 1997-2002, doi: 10.1109/CAC53003.2021.9728647.

L. Zhang, G. Mahmoud, M. Li and Y. Chen, "Robust Sliding Mode Controller with Suppressor
for DC Motor System with Disturbances," 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC),
Hangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1676-1681, doi: 10.1109/CAC48633.2019.8996776.

G. Mahmoud, E. H. Abdelhameed, G. Shabib and M. A. Sayed, " Drying Process Modeling and
Control System Analysis: MDF Bagasse Fiber," 2017 25th International Conference on
Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA), Alexandria, Egypt, 2017, pp. 46-51, doi:

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