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Mendoza, Trisnia Joy V.


This is it; we are finally at the main and most-awaited event, the day of demo teaching.
Finally, the day where we will conduct what we have worked hard for a lot of days and put in a
lot of effort so that it will be successful. We encountered a lot of problems before we proceeded
with this part, so when we finally finished, it felt like something was gone in our hearts. Prior to
the demo teaching, I was so nervous because I might forget a lot of reminders and other things. I
keep thinking that I might fail this one, but I just said to myself, Let's consider this as our basis
for the next demo teaching.

When the demo teaching finally happened, I was nervous because I speak so fast, a habit
of mine that I am still working on. During the analysis part, where the processing questions will
happen, I was really nervous because I might forget the questions. I’m doubting my ability
because I might not be able to process my students properly and make them realize the values to
be developed for this lesson. That is the most important, because analysis is the bridge that will
connect the abstractions so that teacher B has something that she will look back on in order for
her not to have a hard time discussing. However, there are some parts that need improvement,
especially in the question itself.

I realized how crucial and essential assessment is to this teaching and learning process.
Both formative and summative assessment are equally important in teaching. But I think
formative assessment is the most important in values education because we are talking about
values, and there are some values that are subjective. After the demo teaching, I forgot a lot of
things. It was disappointing, but at least I learned something from that experience that I know
will help me in the future. This experience was not so bad because I was able to know what part
needed improvement so that I could do it properly.

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