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PS 2 – Goal Setting: Winter 2024 University Consultant:

Student Teacher: Josh Dokter

Goals Strategies TQS Evidence of Success

Become comfortable and skilled Through practice of the musical Engaging in Career-Long Learning Successful conducting of
at conducting a musical scores employed in the classroom, musical scores, engagement
ensemble. outside study and assistance from
my TA or other knowledgeable
and responsive playing/singing
individuals I believe I can make great from students.
strides in my conducting skills.

Employ differentiation to a Employing different metrics of Establishing Inclusive Learning The primary evidence of
higher and more thorough growth that are different depending Environments success for this goal would be
degree in my lessons on the knowledge and ability of each
individual student. For example, two
students demonstrating
students may sing the same part in a growth within their current
piece for choir but one may only just ability level. Students in a class
be learning to read sheet music and will no doubt be at many
the other may already be skilled at different levels so showing
sight singing. In this case the
students may be graded based on
growth from where they
the growth they can show in regard started to where they are
to what skills they are working on. To currently I believe would
this end different rubrics can be constitute a good metric of
employed depending on ability and success.
different expectations can be had
during observation and rehearsal.

In regards to other subjects, such as

Social Studies, students will also
likely be at very different levels in
their writing ability. To this end,
employing a rubric or assessment
method that judges primarily based
on the content of the work in
relation to the curriculum and not
based on the presentation of the
information could likely be a good
PS 2 – Goal Setting: Winter 2024 University Consultant:
Student Teacher: Josh Dokter

strategy while students continue to

improve their writing ability.

Use a variety of assessment During the rehearsal of a music Demonstrating a Professional Body of Evidence of success in this
strategies to gauge student ensemble, observation is the most Knowledge category would be
learning. obvious form of an assessment. To
better keep record of these
demonstrations of student
observations, anecdotal notes may completion of the learning
be employed. Individual play tests outcomes associated with a
may also be done to ascertain the given curriculum through a
skill level and knowledge of any variety of different means.
individual students.

Written tests and score studies can Ex. written tests, verbal
be done to assess student interviews, projects, exit slips
knowledge of music theory (or other etc.
areas depending on the subject)

Assessment activities such as

interviews, individual/group projects
and other formative assessment
activities can be employed to
ascertain student learning. On a
day-day basis activities such as exit
slips can also help to verify the
success of a lesson and to inform
whether or not the class can move
on to the next subject.
PS 2 – Goal Setting: Winter 2024 University Consultant:
Student Teacher: Josh Dokter

Midway Point Reflection

Achievements In Progress Future Considerations

End of Term Reflection

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