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Complete the following:

Cell membrane
1. The plasma membrane consists of a bimolecular layer of ………………coated on
both sides by ………………… films.
2. The local thickenings found in the plasma membrane of certain cells are termed
as ……………. .
3. The lipids of the plasma membrane are, ……………….., …………………..,
and …………….. .
4. Each phospholipid molecule in the plasma membrane contains
a…………………head and a ………………………… tail.

5. The hydrophilic head of the phospholipid molecule is represented

by ………………… while the hydrophobic tail is composed of ……………..
6. Membrane lipids act as a permeability barrier
for………………………………..and permit the passage
of ……………………….molecules through them with ease.
7. The portion of the cell membrane which functions as receptors, adhesions is
the ……………….. .
8. According to the fluid mosaic-model of membrane
structure, ………………proteins are embedded in the bilayer of lipids.
9. The membrane carrier, receptor, enzymatic, and channel are all composed
of …………….. molecules.

10. Microtransport is specific for transport
of ………………….and……………………… molecules.
11. In passive transport, no ………………………….is required.
12. In active transport, both………………and…………………… molecules are
13. Ingestion of fluid material through the plasma membrane is known
as ……………………………
14. If macromolecules move from the interior of the cell to the exterior, the process is
called ……………………… as in case of release of pancreatic enzymes.

True or False, correct the false ones:

Cell membrane
1. The major lipids of the plasma membrane are glycolipids. ( )
2. The amphipathic molecule is that molecule which has hydrophilic and hydrophobic
areas within its structure. ( )
3. The phospholipid molecules orient themselves in pairs, head to head.
( )
4. Among hydrophobic molecules are: sugars, proteins, and nucleic acids.
( )

5. Lipids of plasma membrane form a barrier to hydrophilic molecules.

( )
6. The membrane proteins that protrude from the outer surface are largely
nucleoproteins. ( )
7. Membrane proteins can change their position on the cell surface.
( )
8. The actions of hormones and neurotransmitters occur on the plasma membrane as
a whole. ( )
9. The protein portion of the cell membrane functions as a barrier, while the lipid
portion determines specific functions, including receptors, adhesions, pumps, etc.
( )

10. Macrotransport is specific for transport of large molecules through the plasma
membrane. ( )
11. In passive and facilitated transport, the movement of ions and molecules is against
the concentration gradient. ( )
12. Diffusion is a form of passive transport where substances such as water and oxygen
move from regions of low to high concentration. ( )

Choose the correct answer:

Cell membrane
1. The local thickenings found in the plasma membrane of certain cells are termed as:
a- lysosomes, b- desmosomes, c- ribosomes.
2. The most common type of organic molecules found within the cell membrane is:
a- protein, b- cholesterol, c- carbohydrate, d- phospholipid, e-
3. The organic molecules that form the channels, carriers, and receptors found within
the cell membrane are: a- proteins, b- cholesterol, c- lipids, d- carbohydrates,
e- nucleic acids).
4. The following are properties of cell membrane, EXCEPT one: a-prevents diffusion
of protoplasm outside the cell. b- appears as 3 layers under EM. c- site for
protein synthesis. d- develops receptor for recognizing other cells.
5. If a poison such as cyanide stops the production of ATP , which of the following
transport processes would cease?: (a- the movement of sodium out of a cell,
b- osmosis, c- the movement of potassium out of a cell, d- all of the above).
6. Which of the following pairs of membrane-transporting events do NOT require the
need of cellular energy? (a- active transport & osmoses, b- active transport
& diffusion, c- diffusion & facilitated diffusion, d- facilitated diffusion & active
transport, e- none of the above).
7. The sodium-potassium pump: a- helps establish an electrochemical gradient across
the membrane, b- concentrates sodium on the outside of the membrane, c- utilizes
a carrier protein and energy, d- all the above are correct.
8. Receptor-mediated endocytosis: a- is no different from phagocytosis, b- brings
specific nutrients into the cell, c- helps to concentrate proteins in vesicles, d- all
of these.

Give the appropriate term (one or two words):

Cell membrane
1. Prevents diffusion of protoplasm outside the cell, has the property of selective
permeability and develops receptors for recognizing other cells.
( )
2. Membrane components that have hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails.
( )
3. Are membrane proteins that can recognize other cells.
( )
4. Transport of ions and fine molecules through the plasma membrane.
( )
5. A type of transport in which carrier molecules and energy are required.
( )
6. The type of membrane transport which is characterized by movement of particles
against the concentration gradient with the help of carrier molecules and the
expenditure of cellular energy. ( )
7. Ingestion of fluid material through the plasma membrane. ( )

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