U2 Reading Packet, Pp. 1-2

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Unit 2 Reading and Annotation Directions for “The Power of Creativity” pp.


Read the paragraphs. Choose the correct answer for each question below.
Many families enjoy having a dog as a pet. In particular, dogs are considered good companions
for children. But have you ever thought about why having a dog might be important for the elderly?
Dogs can have a positive impact on an older person’s well-being by providing companionship and a
new sense of purpose.
As people grow older, they sometimes begin to live more isolated lives, and they can become
lonely. A dog, however, can provide constant companionship for elderly people. A dog is there to
greet their owners in the morning, and be by their sides throughout the day. Special relationships are
formed as dogs and owners relax and play together.
Having a dog can also give elderly owners a new sense of purpose. Dogs need to be fed, walked,
and cared for, which provides a routine for the owner. And walking a dog gives the owner a chance
to get outside for daily exercise and fresh air.
These are only some examples of how having a dog can help people find happiness and maintain
their well-being. Simply put, older people who own dogs are happier because of the opportunities
dogs provide.
1. Which of these statements is the main idea of paragraph 1?
a. Having a dog is a way for children to learn responsibility and have fun.
b. Having a dog for a pet can have a positive impact on the elderly.
c. Having a pet can make people of all ages happy.

2. Which of these statements is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Family members should not allow the elderly to become lonely.
b. Playing with their dog helps owners relax and enjoy themselves.
c. Dogs can provide positive companionship to the elderly.

3. Which of these statements is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. Getting exercise is an important key to health and happiness.
b. Owners must have a schedule for taking care of their dogs.
c. Dogs give older people something meaningful to do.
Read the paragraphs. Choose the correct answer for each question below.
Great inventors are passionate and love what they do. They dedicate themselves to a project because they
are excited about it. Charles Babbage invented the forerunner to the modern day computer in the early 1800s.
He had a passion for math and solving equations. This passion inspired him to build a machine to simplify the
mathematical process. He also shared his love for math with his students at Cambridge University.
Great inventors are also curious. They do not hesitate to ask questions, and do not give up until they find
the answers. The Wright brothers, inventors of the first airplane in the early 1900s, were curious from their
boyhood years. Their father encouraged them to read and share their thoughts and questions. When the boys
were given a toy helicopter, it got them thinking about other possibilities for flight.
1. What is the main idea in paragraph 1?
a. Inventors are passionate about what they do.
b. Charles Babbage was a math professor.
c. Great inventors are passionate about math.
2. In paragraph 1, what detail shows what it means to be passionate?
a. George Babbage had a passion for math and solving equations.
b. Great inventors are passionate and love what they do.
c. They dedicate themselves to a project because they are excited about it.
3. In paragraph 1, what detail shows how Charles Babbage was passionate?
a. He invented an early version of the computer.
b. He invented many things in the early 1800s.
c. Babbage’s students at Cambridge University enjoyed math.
4. What is the main idea in paragraph 2?
a. Inventors read a lot to find answers.
b. Great inventors are curious.
c. The Wright brothers invented the airplane.
5. In paragraph 2, what is a detail that explains what it means to be curious?
a. Mr. Wright gave his sons a toy helicopter.
b. Inventors ask questions and find answers.
c. The Wright brothers invented the airplane.
6. In paragraph 2, what is one detail that shows how the Wright brothers were curious?
a. They read and asked questions.
b. They lived in the early 1900s.
c. They played with the toy helicopter.

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