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Date: 16/02/2023 Instruction: Answer each section in a separate sheet Time: 30 Minutes SECTION A 1, What is bioassay? 2 Whar is motatity2—— 5, Whatis the molality of 4 g of NaOH dissolved in 100ml of wat ater? (NaQH=40) 4, How would you prepare 100 microlitre of a 1/50 dilution of urine specimen. 5, What do you understand by the teria "standardization of inoculum"? — i SECTION B 6) Are bacterial spores resistant to chlorine. Yes or No 7) Why is cleanliness a vital aspect of cuality control. 8) Two types of sanitizing agents are... and je industries are ...... ” 9) Two quality control measures taki 10) Give the full meaning of HACCP. 11. Outline any two microbial responses used to assess chemical toxieity————___ 12. Differentiate between Lethal Concentration (LCso) and Lethal Dose (LD59) 13. Transmittance (T), is defined as the fraction of incident light that si full the substance and comes out the other side. True/False oo = 14. The enzyme mostly used in toxicity testing is called... | 15,The lux gene codes for which enzyme in bioluminescence is : SECTION € Ja). Deseribe the principle of coagulase test. [2MKS] the principle of catalase test. [2MKS] (Describe Sie a short note on prevention and control of bacterial pneumonia. [6MKS] 1c, Discuss extensively the economic importance of bacteria, [10MKS] _ 2 Define the fllowing terms: () pathogenicity (i) Disease li) Betoparasite (iv) Endoparasite ~ () Symbosis las! ir significance. [15MKS] 7 4a(i), What is mycotoxicosis? [2MKS] Gi), What ore the fundamental factors for the development of fumgi and production of mycolonins. [OMKS}, = tabular form, state mycotoxins ‘and their related health effects. [12MKS} oe __ $# Discuss superficial mycosis (dermatophytes), highlighting the following: @ Causative genera [4MKS] (i) Diseases caused [4MKS] (ii) Pathogenesis [4MKS] (iv) Epidemiology [4MKS] (v) Diagnosis [4MKS] 6a. What are virulence factors. [2MKS} (6b). Give four (4) cl virulence factors, [2K] 6c. List four (4) ames of ear pas ee : : DEPARTMENT OF BIOLO Harmattan Semester Examination " ourse Code: BIO 403 Course Title: Basic Parasitology n - Instruction:Answer any five (5) questions. All questions carry _ Time allowed: 3 hours Date: 15/04/2023 Describe the three (38 stages of untreated veneral syphilis (6mrks) b. Mention the symptoms of veneral syphilis and how the infection can be prevent —— (6mrks) Write on the Epidemiology of Yaw infection (Smrks) ‘bi, What are the symptoms of relapsing fever (2mrks) fi, Mention the 3 types of relapsing fever (3mrks) _S _ Describe the mode of transmission of Rickettsial infection (2mrks) ‘What are the signs and symptoms of diseases caused by protozoa (6mrks) Write briefly on damages eaused by protozoa in human (6mrks) an fee Highlight any i (4) public health intervention on the control of parasitic diseases in evi (Binks) = Define the following terms: ©. Public(iijHealth (2mrks each) 2p Give four 4) examples of parasites in each of the following group of animals: i, Protozoa ii. Helminths (2mrks each) Define the following terms; 1 Host i. Veetor iii, Parastism iv. Definitive host (2mrks each) Discuss as, (2) routes by whi i ; ) routes by which parasites can gain access into the human What is as (3mrks) aa clinical specimens that can b i reo can be used for the N. IN ‘AN SEMESTER 2021/22 EXAMINATIO! fete 0 eobarrrter nce 4077 PLANT MICROBIOLGY. INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY 4 QUESTIONS. TIME ALLOWED: 2HRS. la. Discuss the mutual symbiotic relationship between Rhizobium and root _ nodules of leguminous plants, using Rhizobium leguminosarium as a case study. os) “Ib Discuss plant protective mechanisms, ———themical defenses. [1 MKo} chiighting the mechanical and faite short-netes—on-any four (4) of the Tollowitig: (i) Endophytes. (ii) Epiphytes (ii) Rhizosphere (jv). Phyllospere (v). Rhizoplane, [SMKS EACH] 2b, Define’ plant pathogens, giving one exemple, [MKS } 2. State eny two (2) examples of parasitic plants. [2MIKS]——— 3a. Explain the following terms: (1) Saprogenesis, ji) Epiphytotics . [SMKs] — 5b. Write extensively on the main events of disease cyele. (1OMKS] 3c, Enumerate the four (4) groups in which th Plants are classified. [1 0MKS] fe symptoms of viral diseases in 4° What is plant disease epidemiology? [MKS] 40. Disouss in details, the use of| rh disease: of plants, [20MKS)__ biochemice! markers in the diagnosis oF: FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, OWERRI. 4 ; SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, DEPARTMENT OF MICI bone delhi SEMESTER 2021/22 EXAMINATION 0 CODE/TITLE: MCB 409 / GENETIC ENGINEERING. INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ANY 4 QUESTIONS. — TIME ALLOWED: 2HRS. la, Write extensively on the application of genetic engineering in medicine. [1OMKS] Ib(i) Describe the ethical concerns associated with the use of animals in genetic engineering. [7MKS] Gi) List three (3) possible remedies to the concerns highlighted in 1bi above. [3MKS] (iii). Highlight the possible benefits of genetic engineering in plants. [5MKS] ~ 2aWhatare-vectors? [2MKS]} t oy 2b, List the characteristics of an ideal vector. [3MKS] 2c. Discuss in details, with appropriate examples, Plasmid vectors used for rDNA. [20MKS] ane ae 3a, Discuss in details, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) [12MKS] 3b. State five limitations (5) of PCR. [SMKS]__ 3c. List the eight (8) basic components of PCR. [SMKS] 4a. Explain gene cloning. [SMKS] 4b. Outline the general procedure for gene cloning, [SMKS] 4c. Using a well-illustrated diagram, discuss how DNA is cloned using a cloning vector / (plasmid) and DNA fragment of interest (gene) [LSMKS] ~~ Sa, List the steps involved in the construction of genomic DNA library. [SMKS] __ 5b, State two (2) applications of (i) gDNA (ii) cDNA. [4MKS] 5c. In tabular form, state three (3) differences between cDNA libraty and DNA 001 ICAL SCIENCE, DEPARTM ‘MATTAN SEMESTER 2021/22 EXAMINATION. " COURSE CODE/TTTLE: MCB 405 MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY INSTRUCTION: ANSWER. ANY 5 QUESTIONS. _ TIME ALLOWED: 3HRS. 1a, Bnumerste the predominant fictions of bacteria membrane, [7MKS] Ib. Give a vivid description on the use of cytoplasmic membrane by bacterial sp “energy generation. [I3MKs] » 2a, By virtue of the num bacteria, {10MKs] 2b. Give @ descriptive overvie uses, [LOMKS] ou ber and position of flagellum, describe the different forms in w of fimbriae and pili, highlighting the different types and 3a, Define the following terms: @ Fermentation [2vKs) Gi) Respiration. [SMKS] . List five (5) intermediates of the Embden- Moyetho! pathways, [SMES] 3c. Explain the reason for less A’ TP yield in anaerobic respiration when compared higher yield in aerobic respiration, 42. With a detailed schematic diagram, discuss the tricarboxylic acid cycle, P0MKs} Sa. Define the following terms: @ — Anabolism. @) Gi) Heterotrophy Gil) Gi) Autotrophy. Gy) (iv) Anaplerotic reaction, (MK EACH), ‘ 5b. Using annotated diagram, describe the anabolic phase of: photosynthesis, 0 Reverse TCA cycle, thway. [SMKS]_ (Cz, DEPART /21 EXAMINATION TLE: MCR 403 / VIROLOGY AND TISSUE CUI ‘URE. N: ANSWER ANY 4 QUESTIONS. TIME ALLOWED: 24/11 b. Write in details on primary cell culture. [15MKS]. _ 2a. Briefly highlight the advantages and disadvantages of complement fixation [L0MKs) , 2b. Discuss in details, how ‘You would use plaque reduction neutralization test to quantify the titre of neutralizing antibody for a virus, [1 SMKS$} Distinguish between differential and density gradient centrifugation in terms of how are carried out, [5MKS] 3b-Why do virologist employ many techniques useful for the isolation of ‘proteins organelles to isolate viruses? MKs] iN 3c. Discuss the following methods most widely used for Purification of viruses, (@, Enzymatic degradation of contaminants (ii) Precipitation of virus (iii) Denaturation of contaminants, [18MKs] is a, State five routes of vaccine administration and one example of vaccine a through each route, [L0KS] 4b. Explain the five types of vaccines, [ISMKs) 5a. Explain two (2) schemes of vaccination, [10MKS] Discuss in details, the ex-vivo production of vaccines, [ISMKs}

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