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Induction Electric Logs and Dual induction Logs are combinations of several
curves. Curve Rt that measures deep into the formation and the other is an
Ri curve that reads mostly in the invaded zone.
Induction Concepts
Induction systems measure conductivity, C=1000/R , they are coil systems
that induce currents in the formation.

- Figure 3--1 shows a schematic Of a simplified induction sonde.

The oscillator SuppIies alternating current to the transmitter coil. The

alternating current in the coil creates an alternating field around the coil.
The alternating field creates a current in any conductors such as the ground
loop .
induction systems are combinations, of five, six and eight coils. extra coils
are used to eliminate undesired signals or to focus the measurement to the
volume of material desired. Induction log vertical resolution is about five to
'six feet in resistive beds and a little over two feet in conductive beds.
induction system "prefers" low resistivity materials (conductive beds) .
-Figure 3—2 shows some idealized induction responses to various beds.

The deep induction curve Rt read close to Rt where no correction for

invasion is possible, Curve value is referred to as Ra (apparent resistivity).

-Figure 3—3 shows schematically

RI Companion Curves
Three basic invaded zone resistivity curves are run in conjunction with the
deep induction curve. The older logs have a short normal while the newer
use a Spherically Focused Log
Short Normal
The Short Normal is a measuring device which passes current from an
electrode on the sonde through the mud into the formation.
- Figure 3—4 shows a schematic of the electrode array.
- Figure 3—5 shows the idealized curve responses for the short normal.
Spherically Focused Log (SFL)
it has a better vertical resolution than the short normal and does not read
as deep Into the formation. It is being used on both the induction and dual
induction logs.
Correction charts are available for most logging devices. The correction
charts are usually made for ideal situations which you seldom encounter In
nature. For example, Bed thickness corrections for induction curves require
constant resistivity beds with a total thickness exceeding 25 feet.
Induction Bed thickness Corrections
Figure 3—7 is for thick zones and Figure 3—8 is for thin conductive zones
for the ILd or 6FF40 which are the standard tools. Figure 3—9 Is the ILm
which is the medium Induction on the dual induction log.
-Example 3—1 Bed Thickness Corrections for ILd ) figure 3—7 (.
Induction Borehole Corrections
Induction log borehole corrections are for round boreholes, where the Rm
is constant and the borehole bit size correction will be a constant. There are
a couple of traps when it comes to making borehole corrections: one is that
when a hole caves larger than bit size they are not generally round. Second,
in regions where there are high resistivity formations .
-Example 3—2 Induction Borehole Correction ( figure 3—10 )
Invasion Corrections
requires a minimum of three resistivity curves with different depths . best
situation one curve reading Rxo, one mostly Rt, and third same amount of
both. if invasion is very, very deep all three curves will read the same,Rxo. If
invasion Is very shallow the three curves will read the same, Rt, and an
invasion correction is trivial.
- Figure 3—11 is a tornado chart for a Schlumberger Dual Induction
Spherically Focused Log (DIL—SFL).
- Examp 3 —3 DIL—SFL Invasion Correction the deep, medium and SFL
readings are 10, 14 and 90 ohm m respectively.
*RESISTIVITY MEASURING DEVICES they are Induction Electric Logs and
Dual induction Logs represented by curves Rt measures deep into the
formation ,Ri reads mostly in the invaded zone.
*Induction systems measure conductivity, , it's five, six and eight coils that
induce currents in the formation and it's "prefers" low resistivity materials
(conductive beds) .
* Rt curve read close to Rt where no correction for invasion is possible,
Curve value is referred to as Ra (apparent resistivity).
*The older logs have a short normal while the newer use a Spherically
Focused Log .

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