Cloud Empress Rulebook Plaintext Sensitivityedit 1

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Cloud Empress Rulebook dev edit 2

Plain text draft

Last updated 5.12.23

Front inside cover


1 A wound that makes you drop what you are holding.

2 A wound that knocks you on your ass. You may not act during the next round.

3 A wound that you ignore… for now, but carry with you nonetheless. Reroll this wound in 10 minutes.

4 A wound that causes a change of heart. Reroll your Heart Stat (adding any relevant age modifiers).

5 A wound that rattles your beliefs. Reroll your Mind Stat (adding any relevant age modifiers).

6 A wound that slows you down. You move at half your normal movement speed until you receive medical treatment.

7 A wound that makes you panic. Gain 1 stress and roll a Panic Save.

8 A wound that panics those around you. All nearby humans roll a Panic Save.

9 A wound that ends your character’s adventure. You no longer play this character until the next adventure.

10 A wound that ends your character’s journey. You no longer play this character.

1D10 Panic Table

1 You gain a single-minded focus. Gain an advantage on all checks and saves for 10 minutes.

2 You become arrogant. Lose 1 stress, but you feel less inclined to ask for help from your traveling companions. Remove this consequence the next time you fail
a check or save.

3 You grow to fear your traveling companions will abandon you. Gain 1 additional stress. You no longer trust the party to watch your back. Remove this
consequence the next time you share a good meal or good conversation with your traveling companions during rest.

4 You flee. Leave the current room or location if possible.

5 You fight. You charge forward recklessly.

6 You freeze. You take no action for the next two rounds.

7 You focus on your Self-preservation over the needs of others. Gain 1 additional stress. You become unwilling to share good food and drink until the traveling
has 4 day’s worth of provisions.

8 You are mentally, emotionally, or spiritually wounded. Take 1 wound.

9 You are over it. You will leave the party within the next two days. Remove this consequence the next time your stress is two or less.

10 You become hardened. You become cold and ruthless. You no longer play this character. Perhaps you will meet them again.

Miscast table

1d10 The miscast’s Impact on the effect

1-2 You are able to fix the mistake at the last minute.

3 The effect targets twice as many targets.

4 The effect’s potency is doubled.

5 The intended effect does not occur.

If you were casting a spell, instead cast a random effect from the spell table pg xx on the same target(s).
If you were using a crest, instead cast a random crest effect from the crest table pg xx on the same target(s).

6 The effect occurs, but the target is randomly selected instead of the intended target.

7 The effect occurs. Then you make a Panic Save.

8 The effect occurs. You take 1 wound.

9 The effect occurs. You take 1 wound. and all nearby PCs and NPCs take 1 stress and make a Panic Save.

10 The effect occurs. If you are not cursed, you are now cursed, roll on the curse table pg xx.

1d10 Curse Table

1 You grow a pair of horns. Now most strangers distrust you.

2 Your soul is bound to a nearby object or person. Any harm inflicted on it/them is also inflicted on you.

3 Your body is much older than your actual age. Modify your Mind stat by -10 mind.

4 Your body is much younger than your actual age. Modify your strength stat by -10. You can no longer be a magician.

5 You are changed into a chimera, half human-half animal. (bird/dog/serpent/cat/rat/wolf/hamster/frog)

6 You become a Wanderling. You can no longer physically interact with the world (except for relics).

7 Your mind is sent into a nearby inanimate object. The object can now move like a human body. Modify your Strength, Speed,
Body numbers according to your new body.
Furniture: Strength:40 Speed:20, Body:30
Silverware: Strength:10 Speed:40, Body:10
Melee weapon: Strength:50 Speed: 20, Body:60
Ranged Weapon: Strength: 25, Speed:20 Body:30
Armor: Strength: 50 Speed: 20, Body:80

8 You become a beast. You wildly attack any living thing nearby until you can be restrained and soft words can be spoken into
your ear.

9 You gain an inhuman hunger. Take 1d10 damage each day you do not drink blood or consume raw.

10 You fall into an unnatural sleep and cannot wake up. You no longer play this character until a remedy can be found.

Game and layout

pbbeta (pgs. ), Garin (pgs. ), Juan Gee (pgs. ), Evelyn Woods (pgs. ), and watt (pgs. )

Editing and Development

Roz Leahy

Additional development
Christian Sorrell

Sensitivity Editing
Monroe Soto

Mary Helen Inskeep, Erica Young, Patrick Frazier, Noel Miller, Kat Miller-Frazier, Dan Frazier, Ashley Nolan, Anna Frazier,
Zobot257, Zoe R., Other Jim, ChrisAir, Terry Herc, Jet McFin

Special thanks to
A., D., Sean McCoy and Luke Gearing.

Copyright information
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games.
MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional information,
visit or contact

First printing

Cloud Empress was written on ancestral land of the Dakota people in Mni Sóta Maḳoce. The lives, land, and culture of
the Dakota and Anishinaabe people were destroyed in the name of colonial growth and oppression. These harms have
yet to be meaningfully repaired and many continue to this day. We stand in solidarity with Native nations advocating for
the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.

Cloud Empress rulebook contains large bugs, mental illness, blood, amputation, military occupation, gun violence, and
violence to insects.

There are many types of games that do many different things. Cloud Empress has not been made to:
Treat the environment as an object to plunder
Enact power fantasies, especially violent ones
Degrade, humiliate, oppress, or create caricatures of other beings

Cloud Empress
Ecological Science Fantasy Roleplaying Rulebook

Cloud Empress Rulebook 1

Credits 2
Contents 3
Welcome to the Hereafter 5
What is Cloud Empress 8
How to Play 9
Summer Companions 10
The Slip 11
The Imago 11
Character Creation 12
Bodyhoppers 13
Sellsword 15
Lordling 18
Magician 20
Courier 23
Skills 25
Cloud Empress Omen 27
Rules 29
Stats and Saves 29
Critical successes & failures 30
Advantage & disadvantage 30
Stress 31
Panic 32
Rest 33
Food & Drink 34
Chalk 35
Spells 36
Crests 42
Spores 45
Violence 47
Range 48
Damage & Wounds 49
Armor & Apparel 50
Death & Curses 51
Tables 52
Names & Aliases 52
Equipment 60
Companions & Vehicles 61
Animals, Friends, and Foes 62
Introductory Adventure 63
Last Voyage of the Bean Barge 63

Bean Barge NPCs 65
Bean Barge Map 71
Character Sheet 75
Back Inside Cover Rules Reference 76
Tools of Violence 76
Armor 77
Morale 78
Glossary 78
Back Cover 8

Welcome to the Hereafter
It all comes back to a beautiful blue sky blanketed with smog. What more matters? A window to the stars and our ancient
kin fogged it with clouds the color of mayonnaise. The sky has been covered since anyone can remember, maybe a
hundred generations or more. For a while storms grew strong, crops died weak, people went hungry, beauty was erased,
and life was striped for an unstoppable addiction. Many things did not survive. Many things did.

I guess you could say humanity is on its knees. Few people are left. A village might have five people. A sizable military
force might be a dozen souls. Human progress has a bad back and a trick knee. Human ambition, beaten back for a
season or two.

Look at the Lowland wastes. The Lowlands don’t look like wastes. The woods are green, the water blue, and the sunsets
rose and brilliant. It’s what you don’t see that kills you. The soil, the water, the air teem with invisible poisons, the kind that
carve you out slowly over a lifetime. The Farmerlings of Lowlands live with strange chills, coughing jags, and untimely
death. For Farmerlings such conditions are now accepted as part of the human condition. Burning lungs or unexplained
bruises as natural as a bowel movement. Farmerlings toil stubbornly working fields that would much rather stay wild. The
people of the wastes and the people in the clouds need to eat.

Cloudlings. Give people a way to look down on others and in no time you’ll be looking up their noses. Cloudlings’ leaders
invent a thousand titles for themselves and decorate their cloaks with heavy jewelry, and presume to call themselves
Lordlings. Lordlings rule over chandelier cities and ancient mining stations catching unpolluted water from the tops of
clouds. Once there were twenty four cities hung from anchors in space. Many many Cloud Cities fell as the years passed
on. Lordlings’ ambition for power seems proportional to their loss of it. Lordlings have big plans for the Lowland Wastes

Don’t let the Farmerlings' simple lives disguise hidden power. The Lowland Wastes also teem with psychic power. Chalk
they call it. Miracle soot, white drug, and that which makes magic possible. Farmerlings bring chalk into their bones by
way of the meals they eat, the air they breathe, and the well water they drink. It is no coincidence the Magician’s arts were
discovered in the wastes. Farmerlings hold a mix of admiration and fear of spell casters. Cloudlings mostly envy the
chalk's power.

Time and space are slippery. The road slips whenever people dare to make a map. Some things come through doors from
cousin realities better not discussed. Floating water bears guide couriers. Haunted Wanderlings float on the horizon, just
barely visible in magic hour. People’s dreams and nightmares stumble through their lives like unwelcome relatives at
supper time.

And the giant cicada are the center of it all. The chalk is collected from their molted shells. In Spring, the Imago rise from
depths unknown to feed on the bones of the dead. Devoted Monks and villagers dry corpses in huge burial grounds year
round to satisfy their hunger. A few hundred Imago are spotted each summer, but once in a hundred years, the Century
Brood appears. Tens of thousands of Imago climb from deep soil and reduce the land to rubble.

This is the year of your journey, the summer of the Century Brood, the summer of the missing Empress, the summer of
adventure. Welcome to the Hereafter.

What is Cloud Empress
Cloud Empress is an ecological science fantasy campaign setting for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG that places you in
a world ruled by the patterns of giant psychic cicadas. Find a way to thrive, live, and love in the psychic wreckage of Earth
among the junk of the ancient people who abandoned it.

Cloud Empress is a comprehensive story-driven setting supported by a rulebook, supplemental setting books, and
adventure pamphlets.

In Cloud Empress, one player takes the role of “The Warden,” and will act as the voice of the world and surrounding
non-player characters (NPCs). All other players create characters (PCs).

How to Play
To play Cloud Empress, you’ll need:
this rulebook
a character sheet for each non-warden player (located in the back of this book or download a copy at
at least two ten-sided dice (if you don’t have ten-sided dice you can also use a free online dice roller)
A copy of the Last Voyage of the Bean Barge starting adventure (download a free copy at cloud

When you play

Ask questions - No dice rolls are needed to receive information about the world. The warden should answer most
questions about the situation and environment around your character.

Travel carefully - Characters in Cloud Empress aren’t ‘the heroes of a story.’ They’re (real)-ish people moving through a
dangerous world. Survival requires skill, sound decision-making, and a healthy dose of luck. If your character dies it’s
easy to create a new one.

Create an environment of safety - Help make your table a welcoming space by using things like safety tools, check-ins,
and shared boundary setting. A quick Internet search will provide plenty of suggestions for creating inclusive game

Rolling dice
Cloud Empress primarily uses ten-sided dice. In this book, rolling a single ten-sided die will be written as 1d10. 2d10
means you will roll two ten-sided dice and add both dice together, so forth and so on. d10 results are read as numbers
from 1-10.

Cloud Empress regularly asks you to roll 1d100. To roll 1d100, roll two ten-sided dice. Looking at the results, one die is
read as the ‘tens digit’, and one is read as the 'ones digit’. To make reading d100 rolls easier, use different colored
ten-sided dice or one ten-sided dice that has two digits printed on its faces (00,10,20, etc.).

Example: Kev needs to roll 1d100. He rolls two ten-sided dice and looks at the results. The left die is a 0, the right die is a
9. The result of the d100 is 09.

Summer Traveling Parties
For all its dangers, the Summer is also warm and free. In the Summer, practically everyone in the Lowland Wastes moves,
somewhere somehow. Folk collectively yawn, stretch their legs, and get to traveling after a hard winter in tight quarters.

It’s no thing for unlikely travelers to join up for a season. In any given Summer, differences are put aside and unlikely
partnerships formed for a swim in the Snake River at sunset, the taste of a sugarberry on your lips, or a look at unearthed
ancient curiosities.

This Summer, Sellswords, Lordlings, Magicians, and Couriers still savor the world but travel with purpose. There are
mountains of chalk to collect, and fortunes to turn. Fields burn as towns are overtaken by the Emperor’s Retinue. The
Century Brood upends lives and leaves no trace of the dead. Each traveler walks with a wish in their heart, however
foolish, in hopes they might come upon the missing Empress.

If the world ever needed saving, that time has passed,

but there is still work to be done
and more roads to walk then we have legs to walk them.

The Imago

Once cicadas were small and frightened things. Humanity crushed them like they did everything else. Now the world's
cicadas grow eight, even thirty feet long. The Earth’s true bugs are called the Imago. Rife with magic, the Imago have little
to fear from the world’s former caretakers. In the Summer, Imago crawl from the fields and the forests in the thousands or
tens of thousands. They hurry to sate their seasonal hunger, build their numbers, and watch over their domain. Almost
inevitably, some folk lose their lives or their property in a thopter crash or on account of an unearthing Imago. For
Farmerlings. surviving each brood is a unique challenge the many variations in the Imago’s size and psychic abilities.
Farmerling children are taught to give the same respect to the Imago as they would an open flame, a lightning storm, or a
frozen river.

Devoted monks and couriers build heaping burial piles as appeasement to the great bug's hunger for bone. Imago
purposely interfere in the lives of humans only when it suits their strange purposes. Like moths to a lamp, the Imago flock
to chalk energy generators and the bones of the dead, quickly sucking away the sweet chalk inside both.

Folk talk about the time before the Imago, but clear memories of the long ago are scattered and entirely forgotten outside
the hand me down relics of the past. No one remembers, yet the Imago are credited with civilization’s unraveling.
Ignorant folk, and there are many, call the Imago thoughtless beasts. How do these folk explain great care the Imago give
their young? How do they explain the great magic the Imago cast for which humankind has only made pale imitiations?
How do they explain why the fields and forests grow strong and thick with animal life under the Imago’s care? All power is
not obvious. The Imago vast lakes of wisdom, nearly incomprehensible in beauty and simplicity to tiny human minds. Only
fools think the power to destroy is commensurate with the power to nurture life.

Whether in a bag on a travelers hip, in the generator of an ancient machine, or coating the shells of the Imago, the chalk
brings short lives to humans seeking to control the uncontrollable. In times immemorial, the Torturer’s brought chalk from
cousin realities to fuel their unquenchable hungers. Most of the Torturers chalk machines fell silent long ago, but the
remaining devices still defy logic.

In truth, chalk is a pollutant. Grass, corn, and crops grow in chalk contaminated soil. Mice-rabbits and deer-dogs eat the
grass, and humankind eat the animals, amplifying the chalk in their bodies. Chalk pullution grows up the food chain
ending in the food chain’s apex – the Imago. Only hard up folk sift for chalk dust in the soil, the sand, and the creeks
though. Chalk concentrates in shell and bone. There’s power in bone.

The Imago eat the chalk dried in human bones to feed their psychic powers. Humans carve the left over chalk from the
molted shells of growing Imago. At times this cycle can even feel like symbiosis. The Imago refine the bone marrow into a
potent psychic catalyst through digestive processes not fully understood. What is understood is chalk’s value. A freshly
molted adult Imago shell might carry ten pounds of chalk (over 500 sticks when refined) – enough to keep a village
powered for a year or a magician casting spells for a lifetime. Raw chalk is carved out in hunks and superheated in
handheld chalk presses or stationary furnaces. Impurities smoke away and the molten chalk is poured into small stick
molds. Sticks are much easier to trade, use, and dispose of at the first sign of a chalk-hungry Imago.

Chalk collecting is no easy work. Magicians, couriers, and sellswords die by the dozen each summer falling from
dangerous heights, eaten by angry Imago, and killed by rival chalk collectors in the hopes of striking it rich in an ancient
Imago shell. Feeding grounds swarm with territorial Imago in the Summer, and bury themselves back into the Earth a
season later. Time is of the essence. Chalk collectors hurry to work before the weather turns wet and cold, and the chalk
in Imago shells is ruined by mold in Fall’s damp cool rains.

Imago lifecycle
When it comes to Imago, there is little agreement. Some Farmerlings claim the Imago were civilization’s unmakers. Brood
monks claim the Imago brought balance and salvation to a world-run riot. Lordlings see the Imago as a rival invader.
Strong beliefs obscure understanding. The details of the Imago lifecycle are embellished by imaginative and
fear-mongering campfire stories. Explorers and brood monks observe the Imago for decades and still scratch their heads
when asked where the cicadas go in the winter, how they digest chalk, and their ability to call the slip.

Imago Nymph
Special: Whenever humans are near Imago Nymphs, the Nymphs release a stress pheromone that causes an adult Imago to appear in
1d10 minutes to protect the Nymph. Imago Nymphs have unnerving headshells that imitate the structure of the human face. Looking at
a nymph headshell causes a Fear Save.

Fresh egg hatchlings that are unable to fly. Where novice chalk hunters see Imago nymphs as easy prey, experienced chalk collectors
avoid Imago Nymphs at all costs. Imago nymphs are bad luck best left alone. An Imago Nymph’s sticky skin emits tracking pheromones
impossible to wash off. Should harm come to an Imago Nymph, Imago broods ravage the countryside following the pheromone trail to
the killer.

Belongings: sticky gray-green skin, sticky half-formed chalk (requires the advanced tools to form useable chalk)


Imago Priorities: 1. Protect the brood 2. Devour chalk 3. Stay dry

1d10 When threatened When near chalk, chalk When blinded by a flare or
technology, or dead When wet exceptionally bright light

1-3 Retreat Ignoring distractions Flee Flee

4-6 Call the brood Call the brood Dry off Freeze

7-10 Attack Devour the source Attack Attack

Prince Bug

Abandoned Royalty

A silhouette on the horizon. The distal tip of the Century Brood. Like a dark storm cloud or a drowning tide, the black
wings of Prince Bug cry doom.

Prince Bug is seen generation after generation – an Imago with a human man for a horn. Prince Bug’s presence fills
nightmares and scares children. Where does such a “monster” come from?

The story begins with a magician in search of enlightenment. It is said this magician happened upon a great Imago sage
disguised as a bathing woman. The sage offered knowledge of the twelve forms of suffering and their antidotes if the
magician only lay down with her. That night the magician eagerly did, considering himself twice blessed.

In the morning, the magician found himself enlightened, but alone. The only trace of the sage was a robe made of
transparent skin. Unbeknownst to the magician, the sage was now carrying his child. It is said the magician would become
the Emperor and his only child, Prince Bug.

Such stories prey on hatred of both the Emperor and the Imago. As is commonplace, the story is filled with lies, and the
truth is filled with sorrow.

Character Creation
[image of the Cloud Empress character sheet]

Choose one player to act as the game’s Warden.

Everyone else creates Player Characters (PCs) using a character sheet and this book.

1. Stats. Roll 2d10 + 20 once for each of the Stats: Mind, Heart, Strength, Speed.

2. Saves. Roll 1d10 + 20 once for each of your Saves: Reality, Fear, Body

3. Age. Roll 1d10 to determine your age. Adjust your stats accordingly.
1-3. Green +20 Heart -10 Mind
4-7. Full Grown +20 Speed, -10 Heart
8-9. Old +20 Mind, -10 Strength. Old PCs cannot be Magicians.
10. Bodyhopper +30 Strength, -10 Speed. Gain the spell Imperfect Body Transfer.
Bodyhoppers may not be cursed.

4. Job and skills. Select your job from Sellsword, Lordling, Magician, or Courier, and adjust your saves accordingly. Mark
any skills given to you by your Job on your character sheet and select a number of additional skills equal to the number of
bonus skills listed.
Sellsword +30 Body, Blades or Firearms, Street savvy + 2 Bonus skills
Lordling +40 Fear, -10 Reality, Dueling, Etiquette + 3 Bonus skills
Magician +20 Reality, Mysticism, Spell Casting + 3 Bonus skills
Courier +10 to all saves, Scrounging, Tinkering + 2 Bonus skills

5. Gear. Go to your job’s gear page Sellsword pg x. Lordling pg. X. Magician pg. X. Courier pg. X. Roll 1d10 to determine
your Job’s starting Gear and roll another 1d10 on the same page to determine what you are traveling with. Note all
clothing and items on your character sheet in the gear section, one item per slot. Write what you are traveling with in your
gear or character notes depending on the result.

6. Circle your character’s Job condition on your character sheet.

Sellsword When a Sellsword panics, every nearby friendly player must make a Fear save or they Panic too.
Lordling Fear Saves made by friendly players near a Lordling are rolled at Disadvantage.
Magician When a Magician fails a Reality Save, all nearby friendly players gain 1 Stress.
Courier Once per session, each Courier may take Advantage on a Panic Save.

7. Name and alias. Go to the name and alias tables on pages x-x. Roll 1d100 on the name table, choose, or invent a
name for character. Roll 1d100 on the alias table, choose or invent an alias for your character. Give your character some
pronouns, a chicken-scratch portrait, and jot down any other biographical notes in the notes box.

8. Select one player to track the traveling party’s provisions on their character sheet, then roll 1d10 to determine the
party’s starting provisions:
1-3 3 day’s provisions
4-7 2 day’s provisions
8-9 1 day’s provisions
10 No starting provisions

Once everyone is ready, introduce your character to the group.

The Slip
It’s a hard thing to describe the slip for those who haven’t felt it. The best it can be described is some combination of the
drop in your stomach when a thopter hits turbulence and the pots, pans, and trees shaking around you in an Earthquake.
The slip feels something dragging the world in one direction and you seem to be moving in another.

Time and space bend in a slip. Most slips are one mile wide weird-zones that appear as fast as they leave. You might see
a dead relative eating supper right in front of you. You might suddenly be buried in a foot of snow in the middle of July.
Unrecognizable machines from other times might fall through invisible pockets in the sky. The only consistent things about
slips are their inconsistency. The one constant you can count on – the slip always buzzes. Sometimes the slip buzzes like
a single bee. Sometimes it’s like your head is in a hive. If you hear a humming, get to running.

Some things stay slippery when the slip is done with them: objects, ghosts, and people. Objects from other realities may
conjure haunted memories when you hold them. Hollow Wanderlings chase down objects from their own time and place
trying to anchor their fading light. The poorest lot are the slippery folk forever beset by unusual events and warped luck.

[Image of Body hoppers]

Husked, shucked, peeled, corpse-riding keepers of ancient magic. Bodyhoppers hold the key to transferring their mind
into the body of a corpse.

Ancient Magicians of far greater power than the current lot developed the means of immortality but mostly lost it through
their secrecy, trade wars, and addictive hunger for more magical power. The mind-transferring spells that survived these
conflicts are a pale imitations of powers once unbelievable.

Bodyhoppers ride corpse after corpse as a means of survival, shattering their memories in the process. They tattoo
personal symbols on the faces of the dead they inhabit when they want to be recognized. Without a marking, the face
looking back in the mirror is only an unnerving stranger.

Few hoppers can say how long they have been hopping and most no longer think too hard about the past at all. Instead,
Bodyhoppers keep their anxious eyes on the decay of the current corpse, their need for a new body, and their time left.

SELLSWORDs can handle themselves in a fight, but long to find a home.

Under the buckles, bandoliers, swords, and pistols, Sellswords are disposable things. Violence is a buyers' market. Those who hire you
need the killing, but can’t stand the sight of bloody palms. You have taken to the road to find your next meal, cement your name in
history or break a cycle of violence.

In the Summer, you stand in the market with five other sellswords. A patron measures your bicep. An old Farmerling apologetically
inquires about your experience killing Imago for an hour, before signing the sellsword to your right. Next summer, a Lordling hires you
with a single gesture, never turning back to make eye contact.You live in their dwellings, eat their food, chop their wood, and put them
at ease, but you are not their kin. You are their tool. Smiles and kindness diminish with their winter supplies. You have been set off in
the snow, one too many times.

A full stomach and a warm place to lay down is enough for most sellswords. Is it enough for you? Other sellswords crave fortunes, seek
to test their prowess, or just plain can’t stand company. Ambitious sellswords grow rich and die young. The sorriest lot are the old
sellswords. Warriors past their prime bleat in the village streets for supper. They swear up and down they can still swing a sword
smarter than sellswords half their age. “So you might, so you might,” you say, tossing them your last piece of cheese.

1d10 What were you doing Sellsword Gear


1 Escaped from a Prison rags (0 armor), ankle manacles, Stolen military hand bombs x2, and a secret message transmitter
Cloudling prison shaped like a tooth, stick of chalk x1
Spell: Sleepy Clone Shape

2 Busked for packsquab Red silk performance robe (0 armor), a chipped up saber, blindfold, plastic rose,and a wooden sign that reads,
eggs “amazing feats of swordplay and romance,” two watermelons (6 servings)

3 Froze on the side of a Fur lined battle casing (5 armor), folding utility shovel, climbing cleats, fifty feet of climbing rope, and five
mountain frostbitten fingers wrapped in bandages (start with 3 Damage), stick of chalk x1, a sack of potatoes (2 servings)
Spell: Throw Flame

4 Caught fugitives in the Canvas poncho covering dusty battle casing (5 armor), revolver holstered at the shoulder, a clay pipe with a bag
desert of corn smoke, bingo card of wanted bounties, stick of chalk x1, smoked packsquab jerky (2 servings)
Spell: Invisibility

5 Fighting in skirmish House guard uniform with family monogram (2 armor), billy club, whistle, poison capsule, exotic koa fish in a
between Lordling very small tank, one clove of fresh garlic (4 servings)

6 Searched for a Formal traveling clothes with muddy boot covers (2 armor), sketch notebook full of case details, solar lantern,
disappeared Farmerling wrist mounted peashooter, broken pocket watch and gold chain, coffee beans (2 servings)
in the Thickwood

7 Went on a pilgrimage Mendicant’s heavy robes (2 armor), cracked maple mask of a Brood Monk, weaponized Statue, an Imago egg
with Brood Monks hidden under a false bottom of a suitcase, jar of molasses (one serving)

8 Burned out an invasive Vinyl covered battle casing (5 armor), flame bellows (4 rounds), rebreather hood, sleep spore x1, combustible
spore cellar spore x1, one boar-beef spore (six servings)

9 Scared off encroaching Full armor adorned with Farmerling markings (polka dot, striped, or flowered) (7 armor), military rifle (3 rounds),
Imago in the yellow People’s Bread Collective sash, long traditional braided hair or hair you’re still awkwardly growing it out,
Breadbasket two ears of corn (2 servings)

10 Guarded a Cloudling Garish battle casing in neon red, blue, pink, or green (5 armor), reading console (borrowed indefinitely), bleeping
estate location transmitter, stick of Chalk x2, Spell: Shape Face, one container of cinnamon (10 servings)

LORDLINGS are well trained, but create fear in those around them.

You compete in an endless line of succession to become a Great Lord of nothing. Your rearing has made you fearless and foolish. All the world’s luxuries
at your disposal and all you could think to do was eat, drink, screw and duel. It is no simple thing to wield power and privilege. You take to the road to
advance your position, avoid imminent assassination, or escape a life of vanity.

You were raised in an opulent manner the size of a studio apartment. Your family, in steep competition with their many rivals, saved no expense
decorating an overcrowded utilitarian space in ivy, plaster columns, glass chandeliers and handcrafted furniture. Families with any amount of influence
keep their passageways guarded by small entourages of mistrusted house soldiers, sellswords, and younger siblings.

Luxury doesn’t live in the eye of the beholder, luxury lives in the hands of your friends and enemies. Everyone always seems to have a little more, a
better crest, a better view, a more powerful magician.

The people around you fear you for good reason. Arrogant Lordlings are dangers to themselves and everyone around them. Your tutors taught you the
knowledge of spells, swordplay, and science, but never the wisdom of how to use this knowledge appropriately. A wrong word to a Lordling might lead to
a long drop from a cloud city tower, a duel for their honor, or conscription in some mismanaged house army.

1d10 What were you doing last? Lordling Gear

0 Romanced several members Velvet pajamas and day slippers (0 armor), an exotic pink orchid boutonniere, five lewd letters, Crest of
of the royal court Hopeful Spouses, sticks of chalk x1, a bottle of ancient wine (4 servings)

1 Gambled away most of your Tattered Promenade clothes (0 armor), velvet gloves, peashooter (1 rnd), excessive unpaid gambling
fortune debts, stick of chalk x1
Spell: Animal Tongue

2 Became extremely Debutante’s formal wear (0 armor), large fashionable feathered hat, Crest of Blinding Light, two wedding
fashionable through an bracelets, a large cooked hedge-hen (3 servings)
arranged marriage

3 Booked an expensive trip to a Barely worn adventurer’s battle casing (5 armor), Revolver you do not know how to use, large travel sack,
far off land no one you talk to Crest of Arrested Limbs, a badly annotated treasure map
has ever heard of

4 Spent a season of travel to Fur walking clothes (2 armor), Walking staff, unfinished manuscript, writing ink and feather quill, energy
write a yout next book shield (10 armor when activated, lasts 5 min before needing a stick of chalk to recharge), Crest of Clear
Skies, Stick of Chalk x2, spell: Dream-spy

5 Spent a season on the Skin tight duelist’s threads (3 armor), saber, fashion eye-patch, mandolin missing one A string, Vial of
dueling circuit deadly poison, Crest of Severed Skin, stick of chalk x2, jug of hard cider (3 servings)

Spell: The Dead Still Speak

6 Graduated from a Cloud City Orange lab silk cap and gown (0 armor), two competing radical manifestos, massive outstanding
university university debts, Crest of Pungent Smells, sticks of chalk x4,

Spells: floor door, hiding chameleon,

7 Badly mismanaged a family Living armor you can’t seem to control (4 armor), flame bellows, a burnt collection of family papers and
estate legal documents, eight pieces of antique family jewelry, Crest of Lost Belongings, a two pound block of
sharp cheese 5 servings)

8 Spent a year planning a Jet black mourners full armor (7 armor), revolver (3 rounds), a trunk full of black armbands and funeral
relative’s elaborate funeral programs, other Lordling’s fake condolences, a wreath of exquisite white roses, Crest of Crying Children

9 Beat back a sortie from a rival Your great grandmother’s antique full armor (7 AP), longrifle (2 rounds), tiny bandaged lacerations
house covering your body, communication transmitter, a large bloodied flag with your family insignia on a
flagpole, Crest of Sudden Sorrow, Crest of Melting Crests

MAGICIANS cast dangerous spells at the cost of their bodies.

The world asks for wisdom, and you have some to share. The world asks for miracles, and you are their miracle maker.
The origins of all magicians lie in humble beginnings in the Lowland Wastes. Magicians’ bodies are uniquely connected to
the chalky soil. Magic is born in your heart, birthed in your lungs, and trained by your tongue and teeth. You speak
hand-me-down words. Words, which like the best recipes are kept secret, perfected, and treasured over generations. You
take to the road to discover great truths, push your powers to their limits, or shape the world for the better.

Farmerling villages see the practical benefits of your trade and call upon your services to mend ailments, nurture
struggling crops, and help folk survive the summer storm of Imago. Cloudling cities and their Lordlings see you as
necessary set dressing for society appearances. Lordlings call on you to entertain dinner guests with parlor tricks, curse
their rivals, or uncover ancient uses of chalk technology. Practically everyone asks for a magician’s advice, and when
given, some even follow it.

Still, despite folks’ longing for your company, you long to travel. A Residence’s tiny duties pale in comparison to the great
turnings in the world. You see how tragedy and hope teeter on an invisible fulcrum for which you might lay a finger and tip
life’s scale for the better. To cast a spell is to bring life to something impossible. Your body holds the key to opening locks
greased in chalk. Like a key though, each twist wears away at your teeth.

There are no old Magicians. For a time you will be brilliant. Your powers may even be unrivaled. Every miracle you
conjure eats away at you. You are slipping and no one beats the chalk. You know your teeth will be the first to go, then
your skin will harden and dry up next. In no time it will all be gone. Do you half-heartedly say things will be different, or
accept your fate with careless abandon?

1d10 What were you doing last? Magician gear

0 Hiding your magical abilities from Embarrassingly oversized farmer’s smock (0 armor), Ancient book with a detailed map of the
close-minded relatives Breadbasket in the cover, sticks of chalk x3, Ears of sweet corn (3 servings)

Spells: Animate Vegetables, Throw Flame,

1 Spent a season saving Farmerlings Muddy rescue battlecasing (5 armor), flare rifle (3 rounds), 30 ft of rope, solar lantern, giant
from spring floodwater and mudslides plastisteel bowl, rolled bandages, medi-gel x2, canteen, sticks of chalk x3, fresh cornbread (2

Spells: Giant Growth, levitate

2 Earned a village’s trust to learn and Tweed suit with canvas boot covers (0 armor), Research notebook with dozens of half formed
record an unheard of spell spells, magnifying glass, taped up spectacles, handheld audio recording station, sticks of chalks

Spells: Grow Gills, Imperfect Body Transfer, Magician’s Mark,

3 Locked yourself away in isolation Lonely living armor (4 armor), military rifle (5 rounds), unkempt appearance, coffee pot, several
developing innovative or bizarre magic theories tattooed on your thighs, arms and abdomen, sticks of chalk x2
magical theories
Spells: Animal Tongue, Stomach portal,

4 Wandered the Breadbasket as a Thick traveling cloak and wooden clogs (2 armor), walking staff, Slip-resistant compass, surgical
on-call healer animal healer tools, medigel x2, packsquab blindfold, sticks of chalk x4, Spells: Channel Healing, Spark life

5 Meditated for days at a time alone in Bright yellow meditation robes (0 armor), weaponized statue, fading visions of possible
a soggy marsh. Severely bug bitten. enlightenment, tin cookware, meditation matt, and cushion, sticks of chalk x2, wild mushrooms (2
Spells: animate vegetables, dream-spy

6 Personal Magician to a Lordling in Elaborate magician’s armor on loan (7 armor), three foot tall feather cap, Lordling’s elderly
the Royal Court. hairless pupcat, sticks of chalk x3, bottle of olive oil (12 servings)

Spells: extra organ

7 Performed an elaborate traveling Plastisteel reinforced top hat and striped suit (5 armor), bag of glitter, pop bang fireworks x2,
stage show with an assistant turned giant canvas sign, fake facial hair, sticks of chalk x3, a cup of unpopped popcorn (2 servings)
rival Spells: throw flame, form of vermin

8 Studied under an older a Traveling robes covered in tassels (2 armor), weaponized statue, bag of pewter silverware, diary
disappointing older Magician of increasingly exasperated entries, your mentor’s laundry, sticks of chalk x1
Spells: candy Coating, grow limb,

9 Elected a village leader, dispensing Elaborate horn covered robe (2 armor), dart pipe (2 rounds), letters from the village you left
what little wisdom you had for at time behind, one keepsake from each village member to guide your way, sticks of chalk x3, loaf of
sourdough bread (6 servings)
Spells: animal tongues, shape face, turn to curd,

COURIERS are scrappy travelers. They see the best and worst of the world.

People say the world has unraveled, but they are only half right. The world is still unraveling. You desperately hold the last
threads between your fingers, toes, and teeth. To and fro. To and fro. You chart paths on reliable legs, thopters, and
barges carrying the world’s belongings with you. Civilizations' last threads are made up of purified water, potatoes,
firewood, knit teddy bears, love letters, lewd drawings, cigars, cider, and anything else a person could want. Each Courier
keeps a set of their own rules. Couriers turn superstition into a kind of religion, knocking on wood, refusing to carry silver,
or breaking a plate at the start of each trip. Respect the road and the road might respect you. Learn to travel well and you
will want for nothing. Make a single mistake and watch your life slip through your fingers. You take to the road to deliver
the world’s goods, stay one step ahead of inevitable boredom, or witness the world's mysteries firsthand.

You enter villages like a celebrity. A throng of people are always nearby asking for gossip from beyond the surrounding
fields, for rock sugar treats for trade, and for much-needed necessities. Children cling to your legs asking to touch the
effects of your curse (a set of horns, porcelain arms, or sprouted coat). Seasoned couriers are inevitably cursed.

For all the joy and light, you also come upon empty villages once prosperous. Sometimes folk move on without a word.
Sometimes folk meet grizzly ends and you are the only one there to clear the bodies and protect the land from hungry
Imago. You’ve seen many things and still, the way is always changing. The way is easy to forget. The road makes fools of
us all.

1d10 What were you doing last? Courier gear

1 Marooned and waiting after the Under cloak wraps (0 armor), set of tin cookware, walking staff, sunburn, pumpkin
barge you were on was stolen by gourd canteen, large salted catfish (3 servings)
sky pirates

2 Traded your goods for a week in Traveler’s clothes (2 armor), dart gun (4 rounds), reading console, food processor,
Acorn City suitcase with hidden compartment full of cashews (5 servings), sticks of chalk x1

Spell: Sleeping Clone Shape

3 Piloted a damaged thopter through Pilot’s jumpsuit with worn leather jacket (2 armor), dagger, goggles, whistle for
a storm of Imago distracting Imago, smoke spores x2, glazed donuts x5. You are cursed, roll 1d10 on the
curse table on the inner back cover.

4 Delivering rare medicine, unfrozen Humming living armor (4 armor), flare rifle (3 rounds), empty medicine freezer, location
and expiring, from the Rustbucket transmitter, red bandana, white bandana. You are cursed, roll 1d10 on the curse table on the
inner back cover.

5 Performing in a traveling band Mail carrier’s utilitarian blue uniform (2 armor), flute or guitar, sack of Farmerling mail,
while taking letters from village to tiny chalk powered speaker, sticks of chalk x1, container of hot cocoa (2 servings)
Spell: channel healing

6 Guiding a set of Lordling tourists Brightly colored traveling clothes (2 armor), a hat with a flag attached to the top,
through the Thickwood binoculars, energy shield (10 armor when activated, lasts 5 min before needing a stick
of chalk to recharge), sticks of chalk x2

7 Delivering dried bodies to a Traveling clothes with gilly suit covering (2 armor), Heavy stone funeral urn, Incense spinner (2
feeding ground fragrance rounds), glow sticks x2, handbook of funeral rites. You are cursed, roll 1d10 on the
curse table on the inner back cover.

8 Trained a litter of newly hatched Packsquab’s herding outfit with leather chaps (2 armor), long rifle (2 rounds), lasso,
Packsquabs for a well-off kitchen knife, packsquab saddle, bag of sugar cubes (3 servings)

9 Nursing a broken limb back to Broken Battle casing (5 amor when repaired), crutches or an arm sling, a handful of
health in the Tack Town infirmary

poems, Revolver (0 rounds), Lunar clock, half a blueberry pie (3 servings), sticks of
chalk x5. You are cursed, roll 1d10 on the curse table on the inner back cover.

10 Collecting remnants of chalked Camouflaged battle casing (7 armor), chalk cannon, chalk collecting drills and
from a picked over Imago shell hammers, handheld chalk processor, hard cheese (2 servings). You are cursed, roll 1d10
on the curse table on the inner back cover.

Traveling With
1d100 What else are you traveling with?

0-10 A water bear. A soft, floating creature attuned to to the slip

11-20 A dependable packsquab, loaded with parcels

21-30 A curse. Roll 1d10 on the curse table, page x

31-35 A farsighted old relative, who asks you to read for them

36-40 A dusty violin, impossible to properly tune

41-45 A detailed marble facsimile of an Imago egg, your greatest possession, you hope to replace it with the real thing

46-50 Three oversized oil paintings, one depicting your parent and two depicting of their near identical clones

51-55 A brave, but exhausted elderly house guard

56-60 A tired old donkey-crab that kicks, bites, and incessantly nudges you for feed

61-65 A dried bottle gourd with a face painted on it, smiling or frowning depending on the gourd’s orientation

66-68 A book of royal family lineages, treasonous due to its extreme attention to detail and numerous conflicts with doctored court records

69-70 One sealed urn, filled with the ashes of your beloved pets (parrot-bats, pure bred schnauzers, or malformed Imago)

71-72 A nosy Cloud City reporter on your tail

73-74 A massive drinking horn. A trophy cut from the top of an ancient Imago.

75-76 A mouth’s worth of golden teeth

77-78 Eight stick and poke tattoos each marking a year in prison

79-80 An engraved silver-plated harmonica, May your mouth never go empty, May your song never go silent, May you always stay in tune

81-82 A pouch of hallucinogenic pollen (3 uses, roll 1d10 on a 7,8,9, you have a bad trip and gain 3 stress, otherwise lose half your stress)

83-84 Five seeds of a tree thought extinct, known for its incredibly pungent smells

85-86 A wicker cage of humming-bees, if kept calm, their nests produce the sweetest honey

87-88 A curse contract tattoo, break your word, and a curse is set upon you

89 A petulant adolescent Lordling under your care (for the time being), who ignores your directions most of the time.

90 12 pieces of star patterned monogram luggage, painfully fashionable and painfully difficult to carry

91 A gray squirrel-bird living in your shirt, peeking from your sleeves

92 A trunk that can no longer be opened by non-magical means (full of disguises, leather shoes, or marbles)

93 A royal writ of passage you coerced from an important Aunt

94 A wicker cage of humming-bees, if kept calm, their nests produce the sweetest honey

95 A research tome, inked in blood, wrapped in skin, and clasped in bone made by an attention hungry magician

96 A young apprentice, constantly casting spells when you are not looking

97 A Wanderling who was once a rival, always happy to see you fail

98 A supremely unlucky pink plastic lawn flamingo summoned from another time and place

99 An eyeless porcelain doll (haunted), calls itself Mordecai

Like a stream carving the side of a canyon over a thousand years, developing a skill is a slow thing. You’ve heard stories
where someone steps into a new way of doing like they were born there, a prodigy they call it. No, most talents grow
slowly for most folks, and only a novice thinks of themselves as an expert.

Skills reflect a character’s expertise, proficiency, or practice in a specific subject area. Any character may take any action,
with or without a corresponding skill. Roll advantage when taking an action using a particular skill.

Gaining a new skill requires months if not years of practice, often with a dedicated teacher. Strange relics and gifts from
cousin realities also bestow new skills, but unearned gifts have consequences.

Acrobatics Balance, soar through the air, navigate difficult physical maneuvers

Acting Entertain an audience or mask your true emotions

Blades Familiarity and skill wielding bladed weapons

Bonds with animals Quickly gain the trust of animals. More effectively communicate and ride friendly animals

Chalk collecting Locate, identify, and acquire chalk from corpses and Imago shells

Dancing A song in your bones and pep in your step

Drinking Consume alcohol, ciders, and water quickly and hold your composure better after

Dueling Excel at performing the social procedures, and combat moves in a duel

Etiquette The knowledge of where to sit and stand at a party, which fork to use when, and a
number of other mundane but essential formalities

Farmwork Cultivate the land and care for produce and livestock

Firearms Expertise when repairing and using guns

History A studied knowledge of the past, however, ephemeral the past may be

Hunting Stalk and kill (animals or humans) through physical violence and subterfuge. Gain an
advantage when using a dart pipe or recurve bow

Instruments Your fingers find an easy home on a guitar, violin, flute, or drum. Pick one instrument to
specialize in and gain 1 instrument of that kind when taking this skill.

Medicine Patch, mend, and heal wounds and illness with skill

Military order Extensive knowledge of military terminology, procedures, and the think like a soldier

Mysticism The skill of investigating the mysteries of the unknown, the human mind, and the spirit

Needlework Stitch, knit, and sew amazing things out of cloth, thread, and a needle

Plant Identification Quickly identify surrounding plant life for its uses and dangers

Poisons Skill in crafting poisons and antidotes

Radical Economics Understand the TRUE financial underpinnings of the Hereafter, even if no one wants to
talk with you about them.

Scrounging Locate needed resources and supplies in inhospitable environments.

Singing Control the pitch, tone, and sound of your voice. Sing beautifully.

Spell casting Better harness chalk’s magic to shape reality to your will, no matter the cost

Sports Practice competing in Armball, Scrubble, and Waterdive

Street savvy Years of navigating rackets, deals gone bad, swindling, and beatdowns.

Tinkering Fix and invent machines, equipment, and ancient technology

Tongues Advanced knowledge of modern and ancient words both written and spoken

Thopter Piloting Maneuver and control flying vehicles of all sizes

Wrestling Grapple, grab, turn, and shove, during wrestling competitions and violent encounters

Cloud Empress Omen
Vessel of an Empire

During the year of the broken monument,

In the season of the Imago,
In the month of the Worm Moon,
On the day the handmaid turned the sheets and found only potatoes,
the Empress was found missing.

The Empress should never have gone missing. Hadn’t the Emperor lifted the new Empress from Sewer Alley? Paid off her
mother? Met her every need? Fed her the finest and purest chalk to catalyze her budding talents? Hadn’t the Emperor’s
tutors locked her in an impregnable tower?

Didn’t the girl know how the people suffered? Wishes were all most people had. Her life was theirs now. A deal had been
struck though no contract was signed. Your life for an Empire’s dreams.

The Lordlings in Alpha City were broiled. The Empress’ absence was intolerable – especially given the drought of wishes.
Empresses need time to adjust to their role, everyone knew that, but one year later and

“the girl had not granted more than a handful of wishes. She must produce.”

Clearly, her disappearance was the final selfish act of the girl who would not grant. The court clucked like a lot of

A single voice cut through the chattering, “Farmerling betrayal,’ Sleeping Renault said, “betrayal is the only explanation for
our missing Empress!”

Heads nodded. It must be the truth.

The idea that the Empress was taken by Farmerling insurgents was the spark that ignited the engines of the twenty-ninth
expedition. The retinue chased ambitions of every kind. A soldier wanted their wildest dreams granted by a grateful
Empress. Lordlings imagined fame and fortune. Magicians longed for piles of chalk piled like drifts of snow. Sellswords
saw glory and fat stomachs. Lordlings and their house soldiers crammed into their barges flooding the lowlands to
recapture their empress.

All the while, the marble mask of the Emperor’s monument silently watched. Few saw the eyes spin in their sockets
downwards to the lowlands then upwards to the stars.

Find the girl and she’ll grant you your greatest wish.
I’m sure of it.

Farmerlings vs Cloudlings
Those who can no longer betray the Earth, for if they do, the Imago will crush their hearts and eat their bones.

The relics of the past are everywhere underfoot. Everything has already been created. Few things needed can’t be

Farmerlings live in cycles, hunkering down in the winter with new friends and partners, dispersing in the summer to
become smaller targets for emerging Imago, matching ceremony and practicality in equal measure.

Farmerlings collect themselves around chance meetings, loose love, and old-as-dirt festivals.

Those who can no longer betray the sky, for if they do, they shall plummet.

They feed on what the sky provides: small birds and rats, supplemented by their own ingenuity: vat meat and great stores
of grain brought up from the Breadbasket below. Cloudlings count their treasures in tanks of clean water, collected from
the clouds.

Cloudlings invent their own opulence.

During the day, their Lordlings wield antique blades as precious as family members. At night, their Lordlings plot endlessly,
perfecting ancient poisons, and conjuring innumerable marks of honor to bestow upon themselves.

Cloudlings collect themselves around the dreams of empire, the bitter cold, and hard-wrought honor.

Stats and Saves
A person might be many things at rest and a great many different things in a crisis. Neither version is the whole truth. We
come to realize our bodies are not what we think they are. Our minds and hearts neither. We fall short at exactly the
wrong moments. To blunder is to be human. Celebration is in store for the crisis that doesn’t go ass up, and all the
available forgiveness we can muster for when we fall apart.

You have four Stats that represent your abilities under pressure. They are
Mind: Your ability to logically solve problems, recall facts, strategize and use crests.
Heart: Your ability to emotionally connect, communicate, intuit otherworldly forces, and cast spells.
Strength: Your ability to lift, push, grab, smash, and perform melee combat.
Speed: Your ability to run, throw, complete delicate work with your hands, and perform ranged combat.

You have three Save numbers that represent your ability to endure hardship under pressure. They are
Reality: Your ability to resist the false becoming true.
Fear: Your ability to face scary stuff.
Body: Your ability to resist physical trauma, poisoning, and radiation.

When you want to do something risky, make a Stat Check. Roll 1d100 and attempt to roll lower than your most relevant
stat number. If you roll less than the Stat number you succeed, otherwise you fail and gain 1 stress.

When you try to resist or endure something, make a Save check. Roll 1d100 and attempt to roll lower than your most
relevant save number. If you roll less than the Save number you succeed, otherwise you fail and gain 1 stress.

Every dice roll changes the situation - Whenever a character makes a roll (skill check, save, panic, damage, etc.) the outcome should move the story
forward, pass or fail. A character should never be able to make the same check in the same way twice. Example: Donna’s character fails a strength
check trying to open a locked door – the handle breaks. The PCs must now find another way in.

Ask for dice rolls only when the stakes are high - Save rolling dice for big moments when something could go very right or very wrong. If
there is little risk, you automatically succeed in taking the action. If an action is virtually impossible, or incredibly unlikely, you automatically fail
if you attempt the action.

Critical successes & failures
During Stat Checks and Saves, when you roll doubles (the same number on each d10 during a d100 roll) the result is a
critical. If the result of the roll was a success, this is a critical success. If the result was a failure, this is a critical failure.

The warden will narratively interpret the results of critical successes and failures making the outcome of an event
particularly successful or particularly catastrophic. If you roll a critical failure, you also immediately roll a Panic Check.

Advantage & disadvantage

To roll with advantage during a stat check or save roll 1d100 twice and keep the best result. Gain an advantage when you
use a relevant skill, enact a clever plan, or experience conditions that greatly sway the outcome in your favor.

Roll with a disadvantage during a stat check or save roll 1d100 twice and keep the worst result. Gain a disadvantage
when you do something perilous, act hastily, or experience conditions that greatly sway the outcome against your favor.

Wardens generally award advantages and disadvantages based on the situation. You can also suggest reasons why your
character might have an advantage or disadvantage in a situation.

In some circumstances, a PC may have multiple factors contributing to a Stat Check or Save. In these cases, an
advantage cancels a disadvantage, one-to-one.

Example: Donna’s character tries to scale a village wall to steal some pumpkins. The Warden, Greg, calls for a Strength
check to make it quietly over the top of the wall. Donna’s character has the Acrobatics skill so they gain an advantage on
their roll. Greg also notes that it’s pouring out, which makes the climb more difficult. Donna’s character gains a
disadvantage from the slippery conditions. Donna rolls 1d100 on the Strength check because the advantage and the
disadvantage cancel each other out.

The distance between characters and objects is abstractly tracked in Range Bands.
Adjacent - Basically touching. Roughly 1 - 5 feet away.

Nearby - You could poke them with a stick. You could reach them in a few seconds. Roughly 10 - 20 feet away.

Long Range - You can hear them. You could reach them in a round or longer. Roughly 30-150 feet away.

Out of Range - You can see them. Quite far off, it might take some time to get to them. 200 feet or more away.

All ranged weapons can be fired one range band further than their maximum range making a difficult ranged attack, and
two range bands further than their maximum range making a difficult ranged attack at disadvantage.

The road is no easy place. Every step wears away at some invisible armor you put on in the morning, after the wash, but
before getting dressed. The road takes your resilience off, one bite at a time. Traveling in the Hereafter for too long is a
recipe for unraveling. Take it slow. Treat your mind like a third hand. Treat your body like an eyeball. Turn around and
head back when you’re fried.

Points of stress represent your character’s accumulation of negative or overwhelming thoughts and feelings during an
adventure. The more stress your character gains, the more likely they are to Panic in a risky situation.

Characters start with 0 stress at character creation and can have a maximum of 10 stress. A character’s minimum amount
of stress can increase due to some gameplay effects. Keep track of the stress you take on your character sheet.

You gain 1 stress whenever:

You fail a check
You draw your weapon
Someone draws their weapon on you
At the start of a violent incident
You inflict a hideous wound
You kill something you do not need to eat
You take a wound
You cast a spell
Come face to face with strange or terrifying entities

The floor fell open exposing a thousand glittering Imago eyes. Someone opened fire which started the rattle of six
thousand twitching legs. Her mind let loose. She ran. Ran past the shouts. They called her name. They called for help.
But she had no name, no help, only terror, and pounding feet. She passed through the plastisteel doors and never looked

There is no shame in a cut and run. Isn’t it true, the weakest among us often live the longest? Live and honor the dead.
Survive, but do so with the rotted faces of those left behind. Our minds were not meant for how we must live.

Panic represents the unpredictable consequences of accumulating danger and stress. When something particularly
horrifying, dangerous, or surprising occurs, make a panic check.

Examples of when to roll a Panic Check:

You roll a critical failure
You see an ally die
You witness more than one ally panic
You experience a devastating setback or loss
You see a grizzly wound or something really scary

To make a Panic Check, roll 1d10 and compare the result with your current stress:
If the result is greater than your current stress, you do not panic. Nothing happens.
If the result is less than or equal to your current stress, you panic. Roll 1D10 on the panic table to see how your
character is affected.
If you have 10 Stress you automatically fail a Panic Check.
If you have 10 Stress and would gain another, you immediately Panic instead.

The fire crackles, bellies grow full, and the traveling party sings to the plucked strings of a guitar. For a moment all failures
are forgotten and the promised hardships of tomorrow are ignored. Why can’t it stay like this forever? Time ticks on
whether they count the hours or not. The village medicine in their packs sweat in the Summer heat and will soon be
spoiled if not delivered.

Stress is relieved through rest, relaxation, and supporting the mind and body’s needs. These effects are cumulative.

Whenever a party stops to rest for 4-6 hours, each party member loses 2 stress.

When resting at a safe location, you lose 2 additional stress whenever you:
peacefully sleep through the night
share heartfelt or stimulating conversation
eat a flavorful meal
have enjoyable sex
spend a tranquil hour in a nature

Example: Gemble the Magician eats a big bowl of soup and gets a good night’s sleep, Gemble’s stress level is lowered
from 6 to 2.

Safe locations provide the party privacy and protection. Safe locations typically have an overhead barrier of some kind, a
shield from spying eyes, and protection from the elements. Both natural features (rock formations, caves, large tree roots,
etc.) and human-made constructs (domiciles, buildings, aqueducts, etc.) can be considered safe.

Consequences of resting
You will regularly need to stop to heal your body and lower your stress – adventuring is tough and dangerous work.
Downtime is an important way to keep stress low. It can also serve as a place to develop your character. During
adventures, resting, eating, and talking with the party have trade-offs though. When you rest, you might experience one or
more of the following consequences:

Your food supply dwindles

A rival beats you to your goal
An enemies plan advances
The Warden rolls an encounter and you are attacked

Food & Drink
At times your body feels like a machine, taking the next step forward and a step yet after that. You turn matter into energy
by shoveling down dry potatoes, unseasoned beans, and lukewarm water to carry on your internal engine’s crucial
functions. A “day’s provisions” collectively tracks the food, drink, and basic necessities needed by the traveling party
during a 24 hour period. These supplies aren’t glamorous or tasty, but keep the body moving. One player tracks the
parties provisions on their character sheet.

At the beginning of each day, the traveling party loses 1 day’s provisions (unless all PCs forgo eating and drinking for the
Anytime the traveling party starts a day without a day’s provisions, each party member takes 2 stress and 2 damage.

1 serving of good food & drink = 1 meal for a single person

10 servings of good food & drink can be converted into 1 day’s provisions

Grace incarnate. Mushrooms. Fungi. Darkness dwellers. Moisture eaters. When everything and everyone abandoned
humanity's cause, it was the spores that were steadfast. Cultivated spores in dank cellars became the backbone of human
consumption. Thankfully, traveler diets are more varied, but spores are never far from the dinner table.

Spore Keepers pass life in darkness shielded in plastic suits from their sweating crop. It is hard living that breeds hard
people. Over generations, spore clusters were grown as sleeping agents, corrosive acids, living armor, and much more. At
the fringes of invention odd talk grows. More spore keepers go missing each season, often found as a stack of bones in a
spore cellar months after their disappearance. Spores grow watchful eyes. The keepers say the eyes are vestigial, but
poets say the spore’s irises betrayed a mournful intelligence.

Spores are most often carried freeze-dried in sealed pouches. Each spore cluster is the size of an orange.

To use a dried spore, open the package, soak the spore in water, and wait two minutes for the effect to start. Over the
course of ten minutes, the spore will quadruple in size.

Once the effect has started, it will continue until the spore dries up. Spores absorb a gallon of water per hour. Dry spores
must be burned away to be fully destroyed. Spore Catalyzers are used to more reliably activate and launch the spore as a
projectile using electric stimuli.


# Type Value Effect

1 Imitation Trivial Creates one day’s provisions when exposed to water


2 Boar-Beef Valued Creates two day’s provisions when exposed to water


3 Sleeping Valued Put all nearby life to sleep for 15 minutes.


4 Acid Precious Eats away at material, especially plastisteel. 1 inch deep per ten minutes.
Spore Becomes inactive after 60 min.

5 Purifier Valued Absorbs radiation and pollutants in liquids strained through the mushroom.
Spore Can be used for one full day when opened.

6 Death Precious Leaks a powerful poison when placed into a liquid. Tastes exceptionally
Spore sweet. Poison is active for fifteen minutes before becoming inert. Targets
that drink the poison take 1 wound each hour until they receive medical

7 Explosive Precious Highly flammable and explodes when exposed to flame. Deals 2D10
Spore damage to adjacent targets.

8 Aroma Trivial Creates a favorite fragrance in the minds of all nearby targets.

9 Siren Trivial Shrieks loudly for 15 minutes. Take 2 damage for each minute adjacent.

10 Smoke Valued Fills a room with thick purple smoke until inactive.

Chalk is ingested, thrown, and spread as a catalyst for the world’s last miracles. When someone casts a spell they use chalk to
goad the slip to call realities from other worlds and times into this one.

The chalk encourages the slip, but chalk alone is not enough. A spell is a poem personified. Say the words, throw the chalk, and cast
the spell. The words of our mothers and grandmothers pass from warm hand to warm hand. Villages cultivate a single spell for two
hundred years until it is perfected. Practically everyone has heard the spells to light a darkened room, spark a campfire, or clean a tub
of polluted water for drinking. This magic barely turns an eye.

It’s known that magic lives in our teeth. Authoritarian caregivers hire traveling barbers to extract children's wisdom teeth – trimming
magic at its roots. Couriers trade teeth off the barbers, the living and the dead.

Most folks save spells for desperate moments. Many green youth dabble with magic for a time before retiring to their senses. Each spell
has a cost. All things in life have a cost. With every pleasure there is pain. The spell’s price is paid in full as soon as its effect has
ended. You might be done with the spell, but the spell isn’t done with you, not by a long shot.

To cast a spell,
1. Sprinkle, toss, or ingest at least one stick of chalk. Using additional sticks of chalk increases the spell's number of targets,
ranger, and/or duration.
2. Recite the spell's words.
3. Gain 1 stress.
4. Make a Heart Check. If you fail, gain 1 stress and roll 1d10 on the miscast table ( pg. front inside cover). If you roll a critical
success, your spell is cast as if one additional stick of chalk was used to cast it.

Roll disadvantage when casting spells without your wisdom teeth.

When you cast a spell, you may use additional chalk to increase the power of the spell. For every additional time you pay the spell’s
chalk cost over the minimum amount choose one:
double the number of the spell's targets
increase the spell’s targeting range by one range band
double the spell’s duration

Example: Adib casts ‘The Dead Still Speak’ for two sticks of chalk. While casting the spell, Adib also uses an additional two sticks of
chalk to target two dead bodies instead of one. Adib spends two more sticks of chalk (now 6 sticks total) to increase the range from
adjacent to nearby.

Chalk Spells

3D10 Name Sticks of Effect After effect on caster


3 Animal 1 The caster or nearby target is able to hear and For the next three days nearby
tongue speak the honest words of all nearby animal life animals follow you barking,
for thirty minutes. howling, meowing, and hissing.

4 Animate 1 Up to three nearby target vegetables come to You will not willingly eat
vegetables life walking, grunting, helping, or fleeing for six vegetables for 5 weeks.

5 Channel 1 You channel the pain and illness of a single You take 3 damage per each 9
healing adjacent living target into yourself. Heals 9 damage healed.
damage. Cannot heal wounds.

6 The Dead 2 Animate an adjacent corpse’s head, mouth, You take a Disadvantage on all
Speak eyes, lips, and tongue for one hour. The corpse Fear checks for 2 weeks.
is only willing to share what they would have
shared in life. The corpse must have died within
the last week to be a valid target.

7 Dream-spy 1 Visit an adjacent sleeping target’s dreams for up You take a Disadvantage on
to 30 minutes/one REM cycle. Reality saves for 1 month.

8 Extra organ 3 The caster or adjacent target permanently gains You roll disadvantage on all
one of the following modifications: a second wounds you receive.
layer of skin (increases target’s maximum
damage per wound by 2), a second heart
(increases target’s strength stat by 5), a third
lung (increases target’s speed stat by 5), a third
brain hemisphere (increases target’s mind stat
by 10), thickened skeleton (target takes up to 4
wounds before they die). The target now rolls a
disadvantage on their wound rolls, and an
additional disadvantage each time this spell is
cast on them.

9 Floor door 2 The caster or nearby target travels You cannot willingly walk through
instantaneously from a chalk door drawn on a doorway or arch and must be
solid, inorganic materials to another door that carried through doorways and
appears on a nearby solid, inorganic location of openings for 3 days.
the caster's choice.

10 Form of 2 The caster or nearby target embodies the shape You lose one finger or toe for
vermin of X eels, rats, mice, or bats. Where x is the each vermin that is not part of the
number of fingers and toes the target has. The group when the spell ends.
spell lasts for 60 minutes or when the vermin
group back together. Each vermin has 1 wound,
Strength: 03 Speed: 40 (eels have 10 speed out
of water)

11 Giant Growth 3 The caster or nearby target’s size doubles. For the next week, each day you
Double one size larger per each piece of chalk must consume 3 days worth of
used. Giant fists and feet deal an additional food and drink or you wither
+1d10 damage each time the target has away into nothing.

12 Grow Gills 2 The caster or nearby target can breathe like a You can only comfortably sleep in
fish underwater for up to 60 minutes. a tub or body of liquid for 5 days.
No stress is removed from sleep
when not in liquid.

13 Grow limb 3 The caster or adjacent target grows a You feel the sensations of the
permanent limb from an open wound. The limb’s limb created for 1 month. You
size is based on the size of the wound. take 1 stress every 1 damage
taken to the limb during this time.

14 Hiding 1 The caster or adjacent target takes the matching You lose the coordination to jump
Chameleon shape of a nearby inanimate object human-sized for six hours.
or smaller for up to thirty minutes. The object
may wiggle or slide along surfaces.

15 Imperfect 3 Transfer your consciousness into the body of a Write down your character’s five
body transfer nearby corpse or a willing nearby participant. If most important memories. Keep
you enter a corpse, keep your Heart stat, but one of these memories, forget

take the stats and saves of their new body. You the others.
are a bodyhopper, gain +30 strength and -10

16 Illuminate 1 A brilliant lantern of light floats above The caster The next night, you completely
or nearby target for one hour. lose your vision until the sun
rises again.

17 Invisibility 2 The caster or nearby target becomes invisible For 5 days you have a
for one hour. They look like a set of floating Disadvantage on all checks and
clothes. They cannot be seen when naked. saves when wearing clothes

18 Levitate 1 The caster or nearby target floats downward and You lose 1 random item/weapon
gently falls until they touch the ground. Target on your person.
takes no damage from falls up to fifty feet high.

19 Magicians’ 1 Place up to three signs on nearby targets. You absentmindedly look for
Mark Magicians’ marks can only be seen by magician’s marks everywhere for
Magicians and those with a heart score higher 6 hours. Roll disadvantage on all
than 40. Marks last for two weeks. mind checks during this time

20 Mirror talking 1 The caster and nearby targets can speak, see, You see Wanderlings in mirrors
and hear through reflective surfaces as if on a trying to push their way out for
video call. Target one adjacent reflective surface the next 3 days. Roll
and another reflective surface within one mile for disadvantage on Fear saves
up to fifteen minutes. when near mirrors..

21 Polymorph 2 The caster or adjacent target takes the form of For one-month you gain a
a: Frogfish (1 wound, breathe underwater, physical feature of the animal the
Strength: 10 Speed: 50) target transformed into. You
crave something the animal eats
Bearboar (5 wounds, giant, Strength: 70 each lunch during this period.
Speed:45, claws damage: 2d10 adjacent)
Hawkbat: (2 wounds, flight, see in the dark,
Strength: 15, Speed: 60, talons, damage 1d10)

Cat-pup: (3 wounds, adept climber,

inconspicuous, Strength: 25, Speed: 45), teeth,
damage 1d10

Rattlenewt: (2 wounds, Strength:10, Speed: 40,

venomous fangs: damage 1d5 with 5 damage
per hour until treatment is received)

22 Rock 1 The caster or adjacent human-sized target You make a Panic check.
Candy become coated in a thick rigid sugar-coating
Coating candy shell. Target receives 10 Armor until the
coating is broken.

23 Shape face 1 The caster or nearby target’s face changes to a For 6 hours you see your own
version of themselves much older or much skull when looking at reflective
younger looking. The target’s hands and body surfaces. Roll Disadvantage on
betray their true age. Reality saves during this time

24 Sleepy Clone 1 Create a perfect replica of a target you have You find the human form
Shape seen before out of adjacent inanimate materials. disgusting for the next three
The clone snores, mumbles, and moves slightly, days. Roll disadvantage on Fear
as if sleeping. saves when around other
humans during this time period.

25 Spark life 3 Bring the recently deceased adjacent target The caster’s maximum damage
back to life. They now have 8 damage and 2 per wound is reduced by 2.

wounds and make a Panic Check.

26 Stomach 2 Create a portal to adjacent target's guts. Using The caster cannot eat solids for
Portal the portal allows for reaching in and out of the three days and does not relieve
stomachrelatively safely. stress from eating during this
time period.

27 Throw flame 1 Send a burst of flame out of the caster’s The caster takes 2 damage.
fingertips, dealing 1d10 damage.

28 Thundering 2 The caster or adjacent target’s melee weapon is The caster fries any electronic
Blade covered in sparking electricity for fifteen minutes technology you touch during the
from an unobstructed thunderbolt called from the next 3 days.
sky. The weapon's damage is increased by 1d10
and ignores metal armor.

29 Turn to curd 1 All nearby water and milk are turned into hard The caster requires someone
(delicious) aged cheese or butter. else to feed you for the rest of the

30 Hell’s Arsenal 2 The caster or adjacent target fires a shower of The target takes 1 wound. The
iron bullets from their body, providing 4d10 caster takes 1 wound if they were
damage, long range. The target/caster must not the shooter. All nearby allies
ingest at least one handful of black powder gain 2 stress and must make a
beforehand. fear save.

The bigger the crest, the bigger the ego attached to it. The wealthy collect dozens of crests and trade them in exclusive circles. While
most crests are immensely valuable, some are more common than others. Trinket crests regularly make their way from Lordling houses
into the hands of Cloudlings and Farmerlings and come in hundreds of varieties – some litter junk draws and scrapyards not worth the
chalk needed to power them. Entire fortunes rise and fall from the prestige surrounding Standard Crests though. Each standard crest
holds a power rarely given to mortals. Major crests are one-of-a-kind works of art. However beautiful, all crests are remnants of the
Torturers. Cloudling descendants chipped away at the ancient monuments at the center of their cities like ravens, pulling off shiny
objects to play with. Most of the 18 remaining Cloud City monuments sit crumbling, their collected power pilfered.

No assortment of the most powerful crests can compare to the Emperor’s palace in Omega City, the last Monument.It is an omen of
power and avarice that the Emperor gladly subsumes.

Using a Crest is riding a bucking packsquab. Your arm shakes under the expelled energy, but the mind must stay calm to direct the
consequences. Even a single misdirected thought can mean disaster, and most sane Lordlings hold an unspoken fear of using their
oversized jewelry.

To use a crest, take 1 stress and make a Mind Check. If you succeed, perform the crest’s effect.
If you fail, gain an additional 1 stress and roll 1d10 on the miscast table located on the inside back cover.

Each crest provides one use before its symbols must be re-coated with chalk.

Each crest has two names, “Crest of the _____ _____” The first name indicates the crest’s effect. The second name indicates what the crest
can target (usually a quite specific target).

3d10 Name Size Sticks Effect

of chalk
to use

3 Crest of arrested Trinket 1 One nearby target no larger than adult human within five feet cannot move for fifteen
limbs minutes

4 Crest of Trinket 1 The user’s voice is amplified up to five times its normal level. 1d5 DMG to adjacent targets.
belligerent voice

5 Crest of Blinding Trinket 1 The crest emits a blinding strobe light effect from its face for five minutes. All nearby targets
Light facing the light are blinded for one minute.

6 Crest of Burning Trinket 1 Creates painful arthritis in a single nearby target that lasts for fifteen minutes.

7 Crest of Calling Major 3 Call all Imago and smaller insects within one mile of the location of the Crest.

8 Crest of Enraged Trinket 1 Creates a shared rage in a group of five or more nearby targets. The rage lasts for fifteen
Mobs minutes.

9 Crest of faded Major 3 One nearby target permanently loses interest in the thing they were most passionate about.

10 Crest of failed Standa 2 One nearby target vividly remembers a regret or failed aspiration.
ambition rd

11 Crest of Failing Standa 2 Cause one nearby machine to malfunction (even simple mechanisms) for one hour.
machine rd

12 Crest of Hidden Standa 2 A single nearby adult human target reveals a major secret seemingly of their own volition.
Truth rd The crest’s user has some suggestive effect on what secret the target speaks.

13 Crest of Hopeful Trinket 1 Two or more nearby targets, currently involved in a sexual and/or romantic relationship, see
Spouses the best in each other and develop hopeful feelings for the future. The effect lasts for one

14 Crest of Joining Trinket 1 Heal 1d5 damage from a single nearby target. Cannot heal wounds.

15 Crest of melting Trinket 1 When activated, one nearby target crest becomes red hot.
crests Anyone touching the crest takes 1d10 damage.

16 Crest of Laughing Standa 2 All nearby humans drop their weapons and move together to laugh, sing, and dance for one
Soldiers rd hour.

17 Crest of Magnetic Major 3 Activation creates a magnetic field that affects everything nearby. Metal is bent and pulled
Armor towards the crest creating a pile of bent scrap. Powerful enough to pull people off their feet,
crush bone, destroy tanks, and disable plastisteel bunkers.

18 Crest of pungent Trinket 1 Fill a room’s worth of space with a pungent odor.

19 Crest of Standa 2 A group of up to five nearby people suddenly want to purchase or obtain an item of your
Persuasive rd choosing.

20 Crest of selective Major 3 Change the current weather pattern within one mile of you to a weather pattern of your
farmer choosing from the options: rainy, sunny, foggy, windy, and snowy.

21 Crest of Trinket 1 Causes nearby dead organic material (food, fallen trees, corpses, etc.) to quickly
Speeding Decay decompose over the course of an hour.

22 Crest of Twisting Standa 2 A single nearby human target’s stomach painfully cramps. The uncomfortable feeling lasts
Stomach rd fifteen minutes and is relieved by lying down, vomiting, or defecating.

23 Crest of Perfect Trinket 1 The user selects two potential stat check actions or saves, rolls for each, and then
Probabilities immediately picks one outcome/roll to actually occur.

24 Crestful of Trinket 1 One nearby target is filled with dread, despair, and sorrow for fifteen minutes. During this
Sudden Sorrow time they are sedentary and exasperated by their condition. After the effect ends, the target
loses two stress.

25 Crest of Fearful Trinket 1 When this crest is used on one nearby human target, that person will have horrible
Sleep nightmares the next time they sleep.

26 Crest of Crying Trinket 1 All nearby babies and children become agitated and start crying for fifteen minutes.

27 Crest of Cleared Trinket 1 Target out-of-range clouds part creating an open circle to the sky or ground below for one
Cloud hour.

28 Crest of Major 3 All nearby chalk bubbles and leaks from its solid state to a temporary liquid form, making it
Overflowing much easier to locate and collect. Liquid chalk does significant damage to chalk-powered
Chalk machines.

29 Crest of Tangled Standa 2 All nearby roots come to life following the user’s will. Can be used to grapple, ensnare, or
Roots rd attack enemies for 1d10 damage.

30 Crest of Lost Trinket 1 A single nearby target cannot see or feel an object on their person for thirty minutes.

[Image of tools of violence with summary stats]

Violence is like casting a stone into a lake – a single motion can cause after waves that last generations.

Violence in the Hereafter is sporadic, ugly, and usually over as fast as it started. There is no glory in killing that which does
not need to be eaten. The world is no easy place anymore. Because violence in Cloud Empress is so deadly, it should be
avoided, but violence cannot always be avoided.

Most attacks automatically hit.

When making a difficult melee attack, roll a Strength check to successfully hit your target.

Examples of difficult melee attacks

You are unarmed
Your target is also wielding a melee weapon
You try to avoid hitting a nearby ally, etc.

When making a difficult ranged attack roll a Speed check to successfully hit your target.

Examples of difficult ranged attacks

When visibility is low
You are firing further than the weapon's intended range
You try and avoid hitting a nearby ally
You are trying to impress someone, etc.

Tools of violence
Know three things when you hold a weapon in your hands:
One. A weapon is a flesh render, a terrible beast.
Two. An artisan can make all manner of ugly things elegant or ingenious.
Three. Nothing has only one purpose or only one meaning.

Weapon damage values are located in the inner back cover.

Rounds of Violence
Violence is broken into short rounds. Each round lasts about 10 seconds.

When violence begins, determine if either the PCs or enemy combatants would act first based on the situation. In many
cases, PCs and enemy combatants act at the same time. It’s easiest to have an entire side, the PCs or the enemy
combatants, finish taking all actions and then switch over to the other side (the results of these actions can still be
resolved simultaneously).

During a round of violence, characters may take up to two actions. If a character takes two actions, one action must be a
movement action.

Examples of actions
Move or re-position one range band closer to a target or one range band further away
Attack a target
Grapple an opponent
Cast a spell
Use a crest
Reload a weapon
Open a door

Damage & Wounds
Damage represents a character’s ability to avoid physical injury. Taking damage represents your character slowing down,
tiring out, and picking up bruises and cuts. You are wounded for every 10 points of damage you take.

When an attack hits, roll dice equal to the weapon's damage.

When you take 10 damage, erase all your damage, take 1 wound, and roll on the wound table (pg. front inside cover).

When you get your third wound your character dies or can no longer travel.

Damage can be healed while traveling using med-gel (heals 5 damage) and other minor medical treatments
Characters must heal wounds through longer-term medical care.
Characters heal 1 wound every month with conventional medical treatment.
Characters heal 1 wound every week with the use of chalk-infused medical treatment.

Clothing & Cover
Clothing provides a protective armor value. You are protected from all Damage less than your Armor total. Whenever you
take damage equal to or greater than your armor, your armor breaks and you take the remaining damage. Broken armor
provides no protection until it is repaired. Clothing armor values are located on the inner back cover.

The world is full of things to hide behind. Cover protects against ranged attacks and provides armor when you are hiding
behind it. You need to leave cover until your next turn to make am attack. Cover armor values (located in the: back inner

Death & Curses
They say there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Instead, the universe is a narrow hallway connected to a hundred
doors. Each door hides a cousin reality. When you die, your restless mind screams to all twelve realities for intercession.
Occasionally a door in the hallway opens. Some part of you goes in. Some cousin part of you comes out. Death is ignored
for a time. You return to the world, cursed.

Folks' opinions of the cursed vary. A Lordling may hire the cursed as a court novelty. A Farmerling might buy the cursed a
free drink in pity. The cursed may band together for safety, or isolate out of resentment.

The first time you would die, roll 1d10. On a result of 6 or lower you are cursed. You miraculously remove all damage and
wounds and roll on the curse table. If this is the second time your character has died or you rolled a 7-9 you die, you slip
away from the world, never to return.

Travelers put their whole worlds on their packsquabs and their backs. Backpacks are organized in the morning and
unpacked every night looking for ways to lighten a load and carry what will be needed for the next day's journey. One or
two sentimental items are mandatory for all but the most cutthroat packers.

You have ten slots to carry your gear. All items and equipment take up one slot. Very large items cannot be carried in your
gear and require vehicles, packsquabs, or wheelbarrows to carry. Very tiny items are considered trinkets (examples:
letters, jewelry, glasses, etc.) and do not take up a gear slot. Items of the same kind, like five bananas or 6 rounds of
ammunition can be carried in the same slot. The combined weight of your gear should not exceed about forty pounds.
Weight above forty pounds requires you to stop and rest much more frequently.

People pass, bargain, and barter for what they need with what they have. There are no coins, dollars, checks, or payment
chips, only your name, and the things you carry with you. Inevitably, someone with ambition will try to bring back an old
script or mint a new coin, but even young folk are skeptical having seen so many big plans turn to dust and bone.

An assortment of common traveling items, but not comprehensive. All items take up one inventory slot. If a character’s
total load seems excessively light or heavy (then you can remove or add additional items).
# Name Value # Name Value

0-1 Hardshell tent Precious 50-51 Glow Stick Trivial

2-3 Fresh ration Valued 52-53 Shovel Trivial

4-5 Self-insulated soup bottle Valued 54-55 Saw Trivial

6-7 “Pep pills” Precious 56-57 Instruments Precious

(piano, flute, lute, violin, guitar, lute, trumpet, etc.)

8-9 “Drowsy pills” Precious 58-59 Fishing spear Valued

10-11 Water recycler Precious 60-61 Traveling knife Valued

12-13 Bullet press Precious 62-63 Compass Valued

14-15 Solar lantern Valued 64-65 Long-range communicator Priceless

16-17 Lunar lantern Precious 66-67 Tracking beacon Priceless

18-19 Lighter Trivial 68-69 Sense-recorder Priceless

20-21 Med-gel pouch Trivial 70-71 Water jug Trivial

22-23 Rebreather Valued 72-73 Spyglass Valued

24-25 Wool blanket Valued 74-75 Powdered detergent Trivial

26-27 20 arm length or rope Trivial 76-77 Chalk press Precious

28-29 Food Pouch packer Valued 78-79 Hanging shower Valued

30-31 Food processor Valued 80-81 Repair kit Valued

32-33 Miniature oven Valued 82-83 Water wiggler Precious

34-35 Sleep sack Valued 84-85 Flash canister Valued

36-37 Food pouch Trivial 86-87 Pocket watch Valued

38-39 Spore claw Valued 88-89 Portable Reading Console Precious

40-41 Pans Trivial 90-91 Phonograph Precious

42-43 Glue Trivial 92-93 Tape Valued

44-45 Climbing hook Valued 94-95 Metal detector Valued

46-47 Fertilizer Valued 96-97 Necklace depicting a Decapitated Saint Trivial

48-49 Folding ladder Trivial 98-99 Face paint Trivial

Names & Aliases
For many folks, their names, sexuality, gender, and names wander as they do. Walk light and be ready to move. Keep
loose ties, especially in the Summer. Why clip a bird’s wings?

With short lives and so few folks around, a first name is usually enough in the Lowland Wastes. A soul might live their
whole life in a ten-mile stretch, and their chaps too. Babes routinely take the names of their caregivers and birth parents.
Folks of renown and purpose are given aliases and monikers by the people around them. “Do you mean Thick Melon or
Melon Three Guns?

1D100 Farmerling Names

00 Root

01 Tooth

02 Kernel

03 Radish

04 Eel

05 Worm

06 Bark

07 Corn

08 Melon

09 Flea

10 Gord

11 Stalk

12 Egg

13 Silt

14 Quarry

15 Hay

16 Sun

17 Grain

18 Hay

19 Soot

20 Stream

Animal Names

21 Fox

22 Snake

23 Hawk

24 Sparrow

25 Wolf

26 Crow

27 Rat

28 Bear

29 Cat

30 Eel

31 Dog

32 Cricket

33 Roach

34 Skunk

35 Crab

Cloudling names

36 Smoke

37 Sapphire

38 Amethyst

39 Cloud

40 Spire

41 Tears

42 Liquid

43 Knives

44 Flag

45 Wind

46 Rook

47 Ice

48 Myst

49 Dew

50 Spike

Common names

51 Gil

52 Brine

53 Moon

54 Mud

55 Clay

56 Stone

57 Lightning

58 Silver

59 Fog

60 Ivy

61 Wall

62 Thorn

63 Mist

64 Cobble

65 Bubble

66 Wisp

67 Loaf

68 Rose

69 Ember

70 Pot

Ancient names

71 Sven

72 Dino

73 Lucy

74 Lin

75 Yunn

76 Justino

77 Boris

78 Evard

79 Nagi

80 Iselbraid

81 Ger

82 Mei

83 Stellmer

84 Clancy

85 Tim

86 Helga

87 Seren

88 Evelio

89 Abraham

90 Ursula

91 Irmgard

92 Elsbeth

93 Horst

94 Willy

95 Erno

96 Ott

97 Neus

98 Carla

99 Hannelore

d100 Known as

00 The devil of Frano Bay

01 Scrambled

02 Locust lunch

03 Sing-song

04 Show tunes

05 Knitting

06 Bug-loving/Bug-lover

07 Cowboy

08 Broken

09 Teeth

10 Angel

11 Reflective/Mirror-face

12 River bottom

13 Rough Riding/ The Rough

14 Scarred / The Scar

15 Nobody

16 Prince/ss

17 Duke

18 Bloody/ the bloodied

19 One-shot

20 The hero of Perrytown

21 Crossword

22 Nine finger

23 Heartbreaker

24 Pretty / the pretty

25 one-eyed

26 Screamin’

27 Green

28 Honest

29 Lonely

30 Three guns

31 Dragonfly

32 Glittery / The glitter

33 Needle nose

34 Thick

35 Metal finger

36 Crying / Cry baby

37 Creepy / Creep

38 Lighter Fluid

39 Mommy / Ma

40 Daddy / Pa

41 Thin-skinned

42 Bleeding / the Vampire

43 Horns

44 Golden

45 Omen

46 Sap

47 Cherry

48 Dog

49 Gutter

50 Counting / the Counter

51 Sleepy / the Sleeping

52 Soapy

53 Owl

54 Muskrat

55 Kid

56 Gentleman

57 Lady

58 Shakes

59 Presto

60 Sweets

61 Shrimp

62 Frumpy / Grump

63 Moody

64 Lil’ / the Small

65 Big

66 Summer

67 Threads

68 Clown

69 Gearhead

70 Cold/ Winter

71 Smoking / the Weed

72 Dandelion

73 Drain

74 Preaching / Preacher

75 Praying / the Penitent

76 Junior

77 Senior

78 The Third

79 Spring

80 Twister

81 Alien

82 Wise

83 Mothy

84 Judging / the Judge

85 Fishy / the Judge

86 Rainbow

87 Glowing / the Glow

88 Rebel / the Punk

89 Fancy / The Fanciful

90 Doc / the Doc

91 Onion / the Onion

92 Wasted / the Waste

93 Prancing

94 Tin Tooth

95 Cowboy / the Cowboy

96 Sharkie / the Shark

97 Cloudy / the Cloud

98 Gloomy / the Gloomy

99 Dusty

Animals, Friends, and Foes
Non-player characters use a single number called Instinct in place of Stat and Save numbers. NPCs succeed when the Warden rolls
under the NPC's Instinct number. Make an Instinct roll whenever a PC would make a stat check or save. Like PCs, all NPCs take 10
damage per wound.

Cloudling Soldiers
20 minutes after the start of combat, 2d10 Cloudling Soldier reinforcements arrive.

Cloudling Officer
In any band of Cloudling soldiers bigger than 5, one will be an officer.
Special: Roll 1d10 to determine if a Cloudling Officer is experienced or inexperienced.
1-5 (Experienced) INSTINCT: 60 ARMOR: 5 WOUNDS: 3
6-10 (Inexperienced) INSTINCT: 20 ARMOR: 5 WOUNDS: 3

An assortment of troops from twenty-four different Cloud Cities, Cloudling soldiers struggle to work as a cohesive unit, often falling prey
to infighting and self-sabotage. A mixture of Lordling house guards and conscripted Cloudlings serve in the 29th retinue’s military force.
While the 29th retinue claims its purpose is to find the missing Cloud Empress, Cloudling soldiers regularly loot the Lowland Wastes as
compensation for their meager meals, lacking military supplies, and boredom. The 29th retinue, like all Cloudling society, follows a strict
formal hierarchy. Regardless of their abilities, Lordlings are the de facto leaders of all military units. Each Lordling selects one or two
officers to act as military middle managers. The selection criteria for officers ranges from picking the most experienced soldier in a unit
to selecting a Lordling’s personal assistant, drinking buddy, or secret lover.

Likely belongings: Military rifle (2d10 damage, long range) or revolver (1d10 damage, nearby) or saber (2d10 damage adjacent),
mismatched soldiers' uniforms, vat meat, stolen alcohol, letters from home.

Farmerling Militia member

Farnerling military efforts are disjointed, interpersonal, and highly weather dependent. Few Farmerlings are willing to spend a summer
away from the crops that need tending. If there is a great enough cause, Farmerlings may be convinced to skip a weekend of picking
for a weekend of fighting. What Farmerlings lack in motivation to join a cause, they make up for in their ability to use a rifle and survive
in Imago owned woods.

Belongings: long rifle (1 wound, long range, 2d10 damage nearby), recurve bow (1d10, long range, silent but cannot damage armor) or
work tools (1d10 damage, nearby), thick canvas coveralls, green bean seeds, bottle of apple whiskey, flint, stick of chalk x1

Juvenile Imago
Chiting Horn (2d10 damage, adjacent)
Special: Whenever a Juvenile Imago takes a wound, roll 1d10. On a 7 or higher, a full-grown Imago appears to protect the juvenile.

Young Imago develop a hard outer shell and the ability to fly. Whereas adult Imago are feared throughout the Lowland Wastes, young
Imago are often seen as targets by impatient chalk collectors unwilling to wait for their molting. The danger to Young Imago’s is
compounded by their more invasive hunger. Juvenile Imago are known to push through the doors of a dwelling to feed on the recently
deceased. Full-grown Imago keep watch over their young, imparting incomprehensible, but presumably profound lessons.

Belongings: soft gray-green chitin, sticky half-formed chalk (requires the advanced tools to form useable chalk)

Full Grown Imago

Instinct:44 Armor:7 Wounds: 5
Horns (2d10 damage, nearby) Telekinesis (1d10 damage, long range)
All targets nearby. +1 stress when a character first sees an Adult Imago onboard
The patterns of large Imago are both philosophical mysteries and intensely physical threats to human safety. All Farmerlings concede
that the Imago must be intelligent enough to avoid the Summer rains, disable human traps set for them, and strategically ambush
overconfident chalk collectors. Only the magicians see how the Imago manipulate the slip-like breathing air and anchor multiple realities
like lighthouses. Magicians even suspect the Imago are deeper wells of hidden knowledge than the Imago let on.

Belongings: solid black chitin, chalk forming fluids (requires the advanced tools to form useable chalk), semi-molting shell filled with
chalk (10 sticks worth)

Cloudling - A citizen of a Cloud City. Most Cloudlings live in freezing squalor, breaking their backs to maintain their Lordlings’ extravagant lifestyles.

Chalk - A white soot collected from the shells of the Imago, that when refined, is ingested or cast into the air to create magic.

Cloud Empress - The Emperor’s current bride. They are prepared by an array of tutors to grant Cloudling wishes. The wedding turns the betrothed into
an omen.

Crest - handheld chunks of ancient technology worn as badges of honor. The insertion of chalk into a crest creates powerful effects directed by the

Cloudling Royal Courts - Each major Cloud City keeps formal gathering spaces for events displaying the development of arts, culture, and technology. In
reality, these sessions are the social stage for Lordling ambition, gossip, and murder.

The Emperor - The larger-than-life ruler of Omega City. Once the Emperor was a Lordling magician who was raised to near godhood by Imago
intervention. The Emperor has not been seen in decades or even centuries (depending on who you ask). The Emperor watches over the remaining
eighteen Cloud Cities. Together the Cloud Cities form a loose coalition of city-states, each manipulated and managed by the Lordlings who live in them.

Farmerling - a name for the people of the Lowland Wastes, most of whom survive by farming, hunting, and gathering.

The Hereafter - The setting of Cloud Empress. A time thousands of years in the future where technology, magic, time, and space mix in strange and
unequal combinations on an Earth blanketed in yellow clouds.

Kin - Another world for folk or people of the Lowland wastes. Because family ties are not as important as voluntary bonds, the term kin can be used by
any people who care for one another.

Imago - Highly intelligent, and otherworldly giant cicadas. Imago rise in the summer and sleep in the winter, consuming vast quantities of bone and tree
sap. Molted Imago shells are loaded with unrefined chalk.

The Lowland Wastes - A vibrant and polluted farmland and the source of the majority of humankind's food.

Monuments - Ancient control towers at the center of cloud cities. Most monuments have come to ruin and lay useless, picked apart by Cloudling citizens
over a millennium. Most crests come from the demolition of monuments.

Omens - When a great number of people focus their thoughts and attention on any one idea or being, it becomes an omen. Omens wield tremendous
psychic powers while shackled to the beliefs that provide these powers.

The Spread - The thick layer of yellowish clouds that cover the sky separating the Lowland Wastes from the cloud cities.

The Slip - A blurring of realities that creates unexplainable phenomena including magic, Wanderlings, giant water bears, curses, and more. The slip is
called when casting spells and may drift like stream sediments over areas of the Lowland waste or unlucky travelers.

Torturers - The ancient people who tortured themeselves and the planet with miraculous technology before leaving for the stars.

Treasure hunters - A somewhat derivative name for parties of Sellswords, Lordlings, Couriers, Magicians, and soldiers who plumb the precious places of
the world for their valuables.

Tutors - The Emperor’s advisors who (dubiously) claim to have direct contact with the Emperor. Tutors bathe in chalk and experiment with forbidden
technology while protecting their precarious position in Cloudling court as most tutors are not Lordlings themselves.

Wanderlings - Hollow floating ghosts trapped between realities. Wanderlings struggle to interact with the physical world unless they can obtain an object
from their own reality or persuade a powerful magician to help them.

then leave this place
for a gate in the woods
to a slippery border
half-forgotten, barely understood.

Go to the gate
and lay this book upon the ground
under a tree
an inverted crown.

Go to the gate
alone at first
strangers to meet
and strange things to birth.

Go to the gate
and hold the door open wide
for each day the path closes
its treasures, like memories, long to hide.

Go to the gate
and this simple world
once my creation
will now be yours.

Character Sheet

Back Inside Cover


Name Value Description Wounds Instinct Damage

Water Valued Temporal oddities called by Magicians from Cousin realities, they 2 2d10+20 0
Bear guide travelers through slippery terrain. When they die, they “blip”
out of existence.

Packsq Precious Two-legged pigeons the size of horses. The most common method 3 2d10+20 Beak: 1d10
uab of travel for well-to-do Farmerlings. dmg,


Name Value Description Armor

Rover Precious Landcraft capable of navigating difficult terrain through a shock system and 10
reorientation gyro. Chalk or biofuel-powered.

Thopter Precious An agile, one to four-person aircraft, often modeled after the shape of an insect. 20
Rarely carries weaponry due to weight restrictions. Solar, wind, or chalk-powered.

Sky Priceless Expansive sky vehicles capable of carrying large groups. Most barges are 40
Barge hand-me-downs from ancient times, although Cloudling patrons construct a few
barges once a generation. Each barge is usually some combination of Solar, wind,
chalk, or biofuel-powered.

Tools of Violence

Name Value Range Damage Shots Special

Chalk cannon Priceless Long range 3D10 1 Uses one stick of chalk to fire.

Corner killer Precious Long range 2d10, 1d10 3 Fires bouncing plastisteel balls.
around corners

Dagger Trivial Adjacent 1d10 N/A Easily concealed, when attacking use SPEED

Dartpipe Trivial Nearby 1d10 1 Silent, cannot damage targets wearing armor. Make a Speed check to
successfully aim around the armor. Can fire poison darts which deal 3
damage per hour until the target is healed.

Flame Precious Nearby 1 wound 4 If the fuel tank is destroyed, all nearby PCs and NPCs take 1 Wound.

Flare rifle Valued Long range 1 dmg 2 High-intensity flares visible from far away even during the day. Flammable
targets light on fire and take 3 dmg per round until extinguished.

Hand bomb Valued Long range 1 wound 1 Wounds all nearby targets

Heat Cutter Precious Long range 5d10 2 Ignore armor. Heats from the inside out. Takes at least 60 seconds and
three sticks of chalk to fire.

Incense spinner Valued Nearby 0 DMG 1 Diffuse incense and chemicals. May be loaded with sleep dust, which

sends all nearby targets to sleep for 15 minutes. May be loaded with poison
gas which deals 3 damage per hour until the target is healed.

Long rifle Precious Long range 1 wound long 2

range or 2d10

Military rifle Precious Long range 2d10 5

Peashooter Valued Adjacent 1d10 1 Easily concealed.

Recurve bow Valued Long range 1d10 1 Silent, cannot damage targets wearing armor. Make a Speed check to
successfully aim around the armor. Can fire poison darts which deal 3
damage per hour until the target is healed.

Revolver Precious Nearby 1d10 (3d10 3

when firing all

Sabre Valued Adjacent 2d10 N/A When attacking using this weapon use SPEED Stat

Sceptre Priceless Adjacent 1d10 N/A Impressive looking. Breaks when a 10 is rolled.

Spore catalyzer Precious Nearby 1 1 Takes the effect of a spore and doubles its impact spreading it in front of the

Walking staff Trivial Nearby 1D5 N/A Does not take up an item slot to carry or use.

Weaponized Valued Adjacent 2D10 N/A Ignores armor

Statue (Ceramite)

Work tools (clubs, Trivial Nearby 1d10 N/A Inconspicuous

crowbars, sickles,
scythes,, shovels)


Name Value Armor Speed Special

Battle casing Valued 5 Normal Includes shoulder lamp, stretches to fit wearer

Full armor Precious 7 Disadvantag Can be reforged more easily after receiving damage.
e on Speed

Living armor Precious 4 Normal Heals 1 armor per hour when in shade or darkness

Powered armor Priceless 10 Disadvantag Activate armor once per week: Advantage on all STRENGTH Checks for
e on Speed 1 hour

Traveling Trivial 2 Normal


Work clothes Trivial 0 Normal

Morale After an NPC or creature receives their second wound,
the warden may roll on the table below:

1D10 Human Non-human

0-2 Flee Flee

2-5 Surrender Continue fighting

6-7 Continue fighting Become enraged

8-9 Call for help Call for help


Type Armor

Insignificant cover - furniture, wooden doors, body shields, 2


Light cover - trees, boulders, flipped tables, etc. 5

Heavy cover - Plastisteel walls, thopters, bunkers, etc. 10

Back Cover
What do you find? / What do they have?
1d100 Small Medium Large
00 1d5 unopened capsules 1d5 spores, all of the same type 40 arms worth of high tension wire

01-19 Ammunition 1d10 unopened meal pouches Windmill

20-24 Smokes 1d10 medicine pouches Signal beam

25-29 Chalk ink inscription Hide saddle Food recycler

30-34 Unknown brown liquid (alcoholic) Imago egg Emperor’s oil painting

35-39 Gold teeth Wind-up radio Imago nymph

40-44 1d10 sticks of chalk kitchen blender Wind glider

45-49 1D100 fresh beans 1d10 Squirrel-bird furs 1d5 trashed robos

50-54 Spectacles Deer-dog Crashed thopter

55-57 Thopter keys Pink plastic flamingo Sleeping Imago

58-60 Pocket watch that moves backwards Crutches Rain barrel

61-63 A dozen photographs of different people 1d5 ripe ears of corn Water sprayer

64-66 Leash and collar Talking robo head Throne

67-69 Knitting needles a trip wire game trap Ancient’s shock lance

70-71 Soiled rags an unexploded landmine Disassembled solar panel

72-73 1d10 red tomatoes 1 Horse-squawk chick Horse-squawk

74-75 Thick hide gloves Snake’s head cane Spider walker (vehicle)

76-77 handful of Chewing seeds 1 random lesser crest 1d100 Imago bones

78-79 plastisteel medical hook Elaborate quilt Bronze victory statue

80 Wide brimmed hat Lunar torch Cermet tongue

81 2d10 marbles Food spice belt Petrified roots

82 Spectacles Cermet giant’s fingernail Exercise bike

83 Chalk compass Plastisteel mirror Imago shell

84 Clamshell of sniffing powder Flag: “Revolution’s end” Upright piano

85 Ricemetal viola Ricemetal windchimes Orange tree w/fruit

86 Senseball Antique lamp Powered-armor

87 Dithering flute VR headset Hologram entertainment center

88 Jade comb Family ash urn Overheating chalk generator

89 Diary in a coded language Pitchfork Cermet mixer

90 Imago ocarina Fragrance diffuser Thopter model: Dragonfly

91 Sellsword’s Coin of favor Water tester Thopter model: Cicada

92 Book of torn spells: Inflammation Personal servitor Thopter model: Wasp

93 Book: Notes From Underground Heat drill Ancient thopter

94 Rare spider Chalk crystal Ancient cloning tank

95 Nail polish 2 head high, plastisteel cross Leaking healing chamber

96 Ascot Military rifle Massive rib cage

97 Sedative Urine purifier Floating obsidian pyramid

98 Ship in a bottle Pouch sealer Floating obsidian orb

99 Rose petals Ammunition maker Grandmother clock


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