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Food and Beverage Management

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1. Foodservice today offers more career options than True

ever before

2. McDonalds was the first public dining room where a False

guest could order from a menu offering a choice of

3. In the middle ages, people did not pay and did not True
expect to pay for food when eating away from home

4. Robert owen, a british utopian socialist, was the first True

to establish an onsite restaurant

5. The first drive-in restaurant was opened in Glendale, True

California, in 1936 in response to the proliferation of

6. Compared with fast casuals, the lighting in quick ser- False

vice restaurants is usually softer, and the seats and
tables are more conducive to a relaxing meal

7. Menu prices at fine dining restaurants are notably True

higher than are those in the moderate-theme segment

8. A food outlet at a skilled-nursing center is an example True

of an onsite restaurant

9. Quick service restaurants offer more amenities than False

fast casuals do

10. Military and transportation related foodservice are True

considered part of onsite foodservice operations

11. Quick service restaurants offer more flexible menu False

options than fast casuals do

12. Onsite operations do not require meticulous fore- False

casting or attention to standards

13. True
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Management structures in onsite foodservice opera-
tions vary across the segment

14. The lodging industry generates three-and-a-half False

times the revenue of the foodservice industry

15. The foodservice industry employs more minority True

managers than any other industry

16. Chain outlets capture a quarter of all restaurant rev- True

enues in the united states

17. The quality of life for onsite restaurant managers is True

considerably different from that of typical restaurant
managers, who must cope with longer hours and
weekend crowds

18. The nutritional and even therapeutic value of food is True

today considered a vital component of the holistic
process of patient care

19. Mid scale restaurants normally market themselves as True

community friendly

20. In fine dining, servers must anticipate each guests True

every need and strive to exceed that guests expec-

21. Menu prices are notably lower in theme restaurants False

than they are in the mid scale segment

22. Fine dining restaurants maximize guests overall din- True

ing experience

23. Guests pay not only for the food but also for the total True
dining experience in fine dining restaurants

24. Onsite restaurants are exactly similar to their offsite False


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25. Compass group PLC is the largest employer of food- True
service workers on the planet

26. Sodexos healthcare division represents approxi- False

mately 50 percent of the parent company's revenues

27. What percentage of their food dollars did americans 25 percent

typically spend at restaurants in the 1950s?

28. Which organization/association has predicted that National restau-

Americans will soon spend 50 percent of their food rant association
dollars at restaurants?

29. When was the first time humankind began to think Around 3,500 BC
of food as a commodity that could be prepared and
exchanged or sold?

30. What is meant by the hedonistic approach to food? Eat for the taste of

31. Why did the foodservice industry not truly burgeon People did not pay
until the nineteenth century? and did not expect
to pay for food

32. What changed the understanding of foodservice that The political and
was prevalent in the middle ages and beyond? social upheaval of
the french revolu-
tion led to unem-
ployed chefs

33. What is the first public dining room where a guest Boulanger's
could order from a menu offering a choice of dishes? restaurant

34. What is the term that denotes offering meals only for Table d'hote
the hosts table?

35. In which city was the first restaurant in the united Boston
states opened?

36. French
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What was the type of cuisine in the first ever restau-
rant in the United States?

37. In what setting was the first onsite eatery open? Factory

38. What was first offered in Delmonicos in New York City Printed menus
in 1834?

39. In which city did the first McDonalds open? Des Plaines, Illi-

40. What is the worlds first fully automated restaurant? 'S Baggers restau-
rant in Nurem-
berg, Germany

41. What type of restaurant is most pervasive in terms of Quick service

the number of global units?

42. Which of the following are emphasized more promi- Greater amenities
nently in fast casuals than in QSRs?

43. Which of the following offer more options on their Family/Midscale


44. Which of the following is a characteristic of moder- Emphasis on

ate/theme restaurants? decor

45. Which of the following offers the highest quality with Fine dining
its food?

46. Which of the following is a characteristic of fine din- Maximizing

ing restaurants? guests overall
dining experience
and high quality,

47. Which of the following is a characteristic of food They must under-

servers in fine dining restaurants? stand all aspects
of the offerings,
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they must place a
greater focus on
the graciousness
of the service and
they must antici-
pate each guests
every need and
strive to exceed
that guests expec-

48. What is the worlds first restaurant chain? Delmonicos

49. Identify a point of differentiation between onsite food- Emphasis on nu-

service restaurants and operations in other seg- trution

50. Which of the following is a characteristic of onsite There is an em-

foodservice restaurants? phasis on nutri-
tion, the restau-
rants must use
meticulous fore-
casting and atten-
tion to standards
and they must
adapt to the re-
quirements of the
institutions within
which they oper-

51. Approximately what percentage of the restaurants in 25 percent

the united states are chain restaurants?

52. Which term denotes the most common informal mar- Stomach share
ket share measure used within the food industry?

53. Which of the following is the worlds top provider of Sodexo

healthcare foodservice?

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54. Which of the following is one of the two types of Self-op and con-
foodservice operation within healthcare? tracted

55. Which is the largest nongovernmental employer in Foodservice

the world?

56. Restaurants in which of the following are NOT con- Shopping malls
sidered onsite?

57. What is a day part? A specific seg-

ment of the day

58. What is the most complex key characteristic of the Sales volatility
foodservice business?

59. A restaurant located in the financial district or a cafe Volatility in

in a corporate headquarters may enjoy strong week- day-to-day sales
day sales but may not be able to justify staying open
on weekends. What type of sales volatility is implied

60. Restaurants that are open during multiple day parts Intraday volatility
may experience very different sales levels, say, for
lunch and dinner business. What type of sales volatil-
ity is implied here?

61. Sales in restaurants in college and university towns Volatility resulting

suffer when most students leave for the summer. from seasonality
What type of sales volatility is implied here?

62. Which of the following is NOT a type of sales volatili- Product perisha-
ty? bility

63. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the business Rebirth


64. In what stage of the business lifecycle must a Introduction

foodservice operator determine an establishments
price-value position?

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65. What is another name for quick-service restaurants? Fast-food restau-

66. Which of the following is part of the growth stage of Localized markets
the business lifecycle? are emphasized

67. What can be a capacity constraint? Parking, number

of seats and labor

68. What is true of the understanding of value from the Originally, value
customers perspective?` was understood
as a simple func-
tion of price and
a more holistic
definition of val-
ue evolved af-
ter incorporating
customer expecta-
tions, service and
atmosphere into
the original one

69. What is the basic premise behind concept mapping? Identify possibili-
ties and exploit un-
tapped opportuni-

70. What is the language of the term a la carte? French

71. What does a la carte mean? From the menu

72. What is a way by which the phrase a la carte is used It refers to a menu
in foodservice operations? of items priced
and ordered sep-
arately rather than
selected from a
list of preset mul-
ti course meals at
fixed prices and
it designates the
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option to order a
main course item
along with a side
dish that is includ-
ed with the dish at
no extra charge.

73. By what other name is a table dhote menu known as? Prix fixe

74. Restaurants use the term table dhote to indicate The menu of-
which of the following? fers multi course
meals with limit-
ed choices at fixed

75. Which of the following has a menu policy/philosophy Fine dining

that uses chef-designed and prepared menus?

76. Which of the following is a requirement of menu plan- Restaurants and

ning as per section 4205 of the 2010 patient protec- similar retail
tion and affordable care act? food establish-
ments with 20
or more locations
must list calo-
rie content infor-
mation for stan-
dard menu items
on restaurant
menus and menu
boards, includ-
ing drive-through
menu boards

77. Which of the following is the second-largest fast-food Burger King

hamburger chain in the world?

78. On what type of menu are the offerings planned for a Cycle menu
period of from 6 to 30 days and then repeated at the
end of that period?

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79. In 2011, what replaced the longstanding reference USDA's MyPlate
known as the food guide pyramid?

80. Extended-care facilities such as residential care fa- Serve a 30-day cy-
cilities and nursing homes were once obligated to cle menu that usu-
what? ally did not offer

81. Which organization publishes a highly detailed man- The center for
ual of "operational guidelines" for residential care? medicare services
(CMS) of the
US Department of
Health and Hu-
man Services

82. What does the national school lunch program (NSLP) Nutritionally bal-
provide? anced, low-cost or
free meals to chil-
dren each school

83. Which organization administers the National School The US Depart-

Lunch Program (NSLP) at the federal level? ment of Agricul-
ture (USDA) Food
and Nutrition Ser-

84. What is offer versus serve, or OVS? A concept that

applies to menu
planning and al-
lows a wider range
of lunches to
be considered re-
imbursable under
NSLP guidelines

85. What are food miles? The distance that

food has to trav-
el before purchase

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by the end cus-

86. Which guide helps the consumer and foodservice op- Monterey Bay
erator identify which seafood choices are sustainable Aquariums
and which are not? Seafood Watch

87. Who usually plans special or modified menus? Registered dieti-


88. Where is the definitive guide to daily nutrient needs The recommend-
found? ed daily al-
lowances of the
food and nutri-
tion board of the
national research
council of the na-
tional academy of

89. Which of the following is NOT true of a selective cycle The menu usual-
menu? ly includes two en-
trees only with no
sides, dessert, or

90. What was the most common format of food service Cafeteria-style
operation in business and industry?

91. Which of the following is most likely to offer ethnic Moderate/theme

cuisine? restaurants

92. Which of the following is a factor that has driven Wellness, sustain-
the development of onsite foodservice menus and ability, and nutri-
operations? tional content

93. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of They often in-

quick-service restaurants? volve a selection
of breads, soup, or
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salad to be includ-
ed with an entree
and or a salad bar

94. Which of the following is NOT true of family/midscale The narrowest

restaurants? possible audience
is captured com-
pared with other

95. Which of the following provides the greatest empha- Moderate/theme

sis on ambiance?

96. Which of the following has the highest menu prices? Moderate/Theme

97. Which of the following focuses on maximizing the Fine dining

overall dining experience?

98. Which of the following must all large foodservice Standardized

operations rely on? recipes

99. Which process makes it easy to calculate the Recipe exnten-

amounts needed to increase serving yield by regular sions

100. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of stan- Fiscal planning

dardized recipes?

101. Which of the following is a disadvantage of standard- Quality, comput-

ized recipes? ers and communi-

102. Which of the following is the largest professional The american culi-
chefs' organization in North America? nary federation

103. Which of the following offers certification in five cat- The american culi-
egories of cooking? nary federation

104. Which of the following is the highest form of certifi- Certified master
cation? chef (CMC)
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105. Which of the following is usually responsible for all Certified executive
culinary units in a restaurant, hotel, club, hospital, or chef
foodservice establishment and also for budget prepa- (CEC)
ration, payroll, maintenance, cost control, finance and

106. Which of the following is a requirement of a regis- A registered dieti-

tered dietician? cian must have an
undergraduate de-
gree in nutrition
or dietetics - or
the equivalent in
coursework - from
an accredited in-
stitution, a reg-
istered dietician
must have com-
pleted a 1200 hour
supervised dietet-
ic internship and
a registered dieti-
cian must pass
a standardized
exam developed
by the commission
on dietetic regis-
tration (CDR)

107. How many separate and distinct credentials does the Seven
commission on dietetic registration (CDR) currently

108. Why is calculating yield for meats complicated? Meat shrinks

when it cooks

109. The development of a standardized recipe, through An iterative

several steps of testing and adjustment, is a known process
in management as ________?

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110. What is the name for the process of determining the Nutritional analy-
major nutrients in one serving of an item? sis

111. In healthcare or residential care settings, the dietician Intake analysis

and the medical team must plan for care based on data

112. Which of the following is an example of an HACCP Use proper stor-

guideline? age temperatures

113. Which organization includes HACCP guidelines in its The US food and
regulations covering foodservice facilities? drug administra-
tion (FDA)

114. Which of the following denotes the process of prepar- Mise en place
ing and arranging all the ingredients in a recipe so
that they are ready to be combined efficiently to pro-
duce the desired item?

115. Which of the following is NOT one of the five cre- Certified Dietician
dentials based on education and work experience
required for the "Cooking Professionals" category
offered by the American Culinary Federation (ACF)?

116. In healthcare or residential care setting, what process Intake analysis

is essential to ensure that residents are consuming
adequate amounts of essential nutrients daily?

117. What system was originally used by NASA to protect Hazard analy-
astronauts food from biological contamination? sis critical control

118. What is the worlds largest organization of food and The academy of
nutrition professionals? nutrition and di-

119. Approximately what percentage of the members of 75 percetn

the academy of nutrition and dietetics are registered

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120. Approximately what percentage of the members of 50 percent
the academy of nutrition and dietetics hold advanced

121. Dietitians working in clinical settings are generally State

licensed by which of the following?

122. Which of the following is a driver of menu pricing? Market and de-

123. Which menu pricing option can be adopted more ro- Demand-driven
bustly for customers who want items or service styles pricing
for which there are few providers or alternatives in the

124. Which of the following is the easiest pricing ap- Nonstructured

proach? pricing

125. Which of the following consists of little more than a Nonstructured

cursory examination of the competitions prices with pricing
no consideration of other factors?

126. A restaurateur visits two restaurants with themes Nonstructured

similar to his and prices his menu to approximate pricing
the prices charged for similar dishes at the other
restaurants. What type of menu pricing tactic is he

127. Which pricing tactic is most commonly used in the The factor method
foodservice industry?

128. Which of the following requires that labor costs be The prime cost
separated into direct labor costs and indirect labor method
costs for each menu item?

129. What are direct labor costs? Labor used for the
preparation of a
specific menu item

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What is the best pricing method to use for situations The gross profit
such as catered events? method

131. Which of the following involves the greatest number The stochastic
of variables? method

132. Which of the following is a vital item of menu psychol- Pricing, the design
ogy? of menus and the
ways in which the
qualities of menu
items are commu-
nicated to the cus-

133. Which of the following is a popular menu strategy in The smaller por-
an environment in which restaurants stand to benefit tion option
from minimizing the extent to which eating out is
associated with the much lamented obesity epidemic
in the united states?

134. Which of the following is not something to consider Superlatives such

when designing a menu? as "cooked to per-
fection" should al-
ways be used

135. Documentation is not needed if a menu uses which Cooked to perfec-

of the following words or symbols representing these tion

136. Which of the following is NOT an organization/as- The academy of

sociation that offers reference publications to assist nutrition and di-
operators in their efforts to understand food-labeling etetics

137. Which of the following was the first to regulate pub- New York
lic access to the nutritional content of restaurant

138. Which of the following is completely inadequate? Nonstructured

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139. What is the key to the psychological aspect of pric- Consistency


140. Which menu items are often considered to be loss Children's menu
leaders? items

141. The earliest menu engineering models focused on Gross profit and
which key variables? popularity

142. What is the name given to the idea of upselling the Upsizing the bun-
customer to a larger side dish, typically french fries, dled package
and a larger beverage, at an incrementally increased

143. Menu engineering includes a broad range of analyti- Menu pricing and
cal techniques that enable foodservice operators to menu mix
optimize which of the following?

144. What is the advantage of bundling? It facilitates in-

creased sales

145. Which of the following comes first in the development Planning

of the foodservice operation?

146. Which of the following dictates which planning pro- The scope of the
cedures deserve more attention and time? foodservice oper-
ation and the
scale of the food-
service operation

147. Which of the following comes first in the planning Identify the deci-
process of developing a foodservice operation? sion makers

148. Among the following, who makes the decisions in The owner, the
the planning process of developing a foodservice opening general
operation? manager and the
managerial team

149. Prospectus
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Which of the following refers to plans that result from
the planning process in the development of a food-
service operation?

150. With which of the following should a prospectus be- Create a general
gin? description of the
foodservice oper-

151. Which of the following is true about a sound foodser- Every conceivable
vice operation plan? detail about the
intended physi-
cal and opera-
tional characteris-
tics of the food-
service operation
should be in-
cluded, including
staffing needs

152. Which of the following refers to the procedure under- Feasibility study
taken to determine the resources required to make a
foodservice operation a reality?

153. At what stage is a feasibility study undertaken? Prior to develop-

ing a prospectus
and after develop-
ing a prospectus

154. Which of the following is a purpose of a feasibility Objectively evalu-

study? ate the strengths
and weaknesses
of the proposed
business as well
as opportunities
and threats in its
marketplace, de-
termine the re-
sources required
to make the food-
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service operation
a reality and calcu-
late the prospects
of financial suc-

155. Which of the following refers to the function of SWOT Objectively evalu-
analysis? ate the strengths
and weaknesses
of the proposed
business as well
as the opportuni-
ties and threats in
its marketplace

156. What is the next decision or set of decisions taken Determine the
after a feasibility study demonstrates that a proposed timeline for the ac-
foodservice operation is financially viable and a de- tual construction
tailed prospectus is complete? or remodeling that
is needed to cre-
ate the new opera-

157. Who determines, in most cases, the timeline for the The project man-
actual construction or remodeling that is needed to ager
create a new operation?

158. Which of the following is a major component of a Timing and tasks


159. Which of the following is the biggest concern of food- Snaitation

service operations in terms of guest safety?

160. In the planning phase, food sanitation and safety can The layout and se-
best be addressed through which of the following? lection of kitchen

161. Which of the following acts was created to ensure The 1970 occupa-
safe and healthful working conditions by setting and tional safety and
enforcing standards? health act (OSHA)
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162. Which of the following is the cause of most OSHA Poor design
violations in the foodservice industry today?

163. Which of the following is very important in ensuring Efficient workflow

higher productivity in a foodservice operation? and efficient traffic

164. Which of the following is aimed at making business The americans

more accessible? with disabilities act
(ADA) and the
internal revenue

165. Which of the following is the first step in the design Allocate space to
and layout process of the foodservice operation? functional areas

166. Which of the following is more difficult to manage?? The length of time
over which the
foodservice entity
will operate

167. With which of the following does dining room design Allocate space per
begin? seat

168. Which of the following should a foodservice opera- Choices in table

tor think about along with variations in seat space configuration and
requirements? choices in seat

169. Which of the following refers to tables for two people? Two tops, deuces

170. Which of the following is the standard square footage 10-15

per seat for QSR?

171. Which of the following is the standard square footage 12-18

per seat for fast casual?

172. Which of the following is the standard square footage 8-11

per seat for schools?
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173. Which of the following refers to a drawing or a com- Rendering

puter generated illustration of what a foodservice
operation will look like once it is built or remodeled?

174. What is the traditional rule of thumb in designing Allocate 30 per-

rooms in a foodservice operation? cent of a food-
service operations
space to the din-
ing room, leav-
ing the remain-
ing space to pro-
duction, a greeting
area, restrooms
and so on

175. What percentage of space that was traditionally used 25-40 percent
for dining rooms do most modern designers now
devote to the production area?

176. Which refers to equipment produced in large quanti- Stock equipment

ties in standard configurations?

177. Which of the following should a foodservice operator Reflect on real

consider in the equipment selection phase? needs and be
cautious about

178. Which of the following serving equipment can be Plastic flatware

found in a fast casual concept?>

179. On which of the following does serving equipment The concept of the
selection depend? restaurant and the
dining room de-

180. Which of the following refers to the document that Equipment speci-
compiles all of the pertinent information related to a fication sheet
particular piece of equipment?

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Which of the following is a way by which a foodser- Reduce the size
vice operator can reduce energy? of the kitchen, in-
tegrate high-effi-
ciency production
equipment and
use better insula-

182. Which of the following refers to the use of live organ- Bioconversion
isms to reduce food waste?

183. According to the partnership for food and safety Laws and regula-
education (PFSE), which of the following is NOT tions in the indus-
one of the factors that makes controlling food-borne try are constantly
pathogens challenging? changing

184. What is the common term for foodborne illness? Food poisoning

185. Which of the following has recently been added to the Drug-resistant mi-
list of causes of foodborne illness? croorganisms

186. Which of the following is NOT studied by the scientific Marketing of food
discipline that occupies food safety?

187. In which of the following places do plants and ani- The gastro-intesti-
mals (including us) host many bacteria? nal tract and bodi-
ly fluids

188. What is the whole purpose of handling food? To control

the growth of

189. What is the purpose of handling food in regards to To dramatically re-

cooking>? duce the inci-
dence of bacte-
ria and other po-
tentially danger-
ous pathogens

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Which of the following is the cause of the major forms Improper food
of foodborne illness? hasndling

191. Which of the following is a place where staphylococ- On humans (skin,

cus aureus, a type of bacteria, is found? infected cuts, pim-
ples, noses and

192. Which of the following is the key to prevention of Understand the

foodborne illness? conditions under
which bacteria,
viruses or para-
sites thrive and
multiply and mod-
ify the foodservice
preparation envi-
ronment to elimi-
nate those condi-

193. The acidity of a substance is measured by its pH, 0-14

the numerical value of which falls within which of the
following ranges?

194. Which of the following represents the temperature Between 41 and

range in which foodborne pathogens thrive? 135 degrees F

195. Which of the following is NOT a goal of food net? Educate children
in schools about
foodborne illness

196. What are physical hazards in food? Mercury in fish,

pesticides and for-
eign objects

197. What is the purposeful adulteration or poisoning of Bioterrorism

food in order to cause widespread illness or death,
presumably in service of a political or social cause?>

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What is the name of the book every manufacturer Material safety
must provide about a product? data sheets

199. During a recall, what should all foodservice organiza- Return then sus-
tions that have purchased a suspect product do? pect product for
credit to their sup-

200. Which of the following has websites with up-to-date USDA & FDA
recall information?

201. Which of the following should every recall include? The producers
name, lot num-
bers or locations
of infected ani-
mals and informa-
tion about what
should be done
with the product
and the nature of
the problem

202. Which of the following is the most common cause of Falls

foodservice injury?

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