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Food and Beverage Operations

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1. Which qualities Professional pride Dedication Skill

are required to
become a profes-
sional chef?

2. What type of haz- Physical hazard

ard is pieces of
broken glass are
found in a con-
tainer of salad

3. How can you de- You ultimately cannot tell if food is contaminated, it may not
tect if food is have visible mold, "off" odors, bitter taste, for this reason
contaminated? you should label and date all food products, in addition
you should also serve hot foods hot and cold foods cold
and always pay close attention to the temperature danger

4. What is one Washing the items with an approved detergent

method to san-
itize food ser-
vice dishes and

5. In which circum- After smoking After clearing a table of dirty dishes After
stances should handling raw foods
food handlers
wash their

6. What is the 40° F-140° F

range of the tem-
perature danger

7. What is HAACP Maintaining sanitary conditions

a system for?
Hazard Analysis

Food and Beverage Operations
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Critical Control

8. What is salmo- Infection

nella? Salmonel-
la is an

9. What should you Contact a licensed pest control operator

do immediately
when an infes-
tation of cock-
roaches occurs?

10. What type of Static menu

menu do most
fast food restau-
rants use?

11. What type of A la carte menu

menu lists each
food and bev-
erage item with
their prices?

12. What factor does Ingredient costs

the total recipe
cost include?

13. What type of Tasting menu

menu consists of
small portions in
four, five or more
courses for a
fixed price?

14. Which of the fol- Language

lowing is the
most important
element of menu
Food and Beverage Operations
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15. What is the cor- By serving By weight By volume

rect way to ex-
press a recipe's

16. If a case con- $2.40

taining 12 cans
of whole peeled
tomatoes costs
$28.80, what is
the unit cost?

17. What does the Contact surfaces are nontoxic Easily cleaned Rounded
NSF designa- and smooth corners and edges
tion on cookware

18. Which metal is Copper

the best conduc-
tor of heat?

19. What is the Mandoline

manually operat-
ed slicer made
of stainless steel
with adjustable
slicing blades?

20. What tasks can a Making soup and stock Steam table Sautéing and pan-fry-
tilting skillet be ing
used for?

21. What is anoth- Salamander

er name for the
broiler used to
top-brown foods
or finish off dish-

Food and Beverage Operations
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22. Which of the fol- Coarse whetstone
lowing do you be-
gin with to sharp-
en your knife?

23. Which is the best Wood

cutting surface?

24. What is the cor- 20 degrees

rect angle to hold
your knife blade
while sharpening

25. The following is Using force

not an example
of good knife

26. What cutting Chop

technique do you
use when uni-
formity of size
and shape do not

27. What is the bun- Bouquet garni

dle of herbs
and aromatics
used for flavor-
ing soups or
stews called?

28. What is the Wet rub

combination of
herbs and spices
ground together
and mixed with

Food and Beverage Operations
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29. What is the best Measuring spoons
tool for measur-
ing small quan-
tities of ingredi-

30. What should you Refrigerate them for 30 minutes

do to ensure that
the breading ad-
heres to food
items after cook-

31. How can Soften firm foods Remove undesirable flavors Set colors
par-cooking as-
sist in food

32. What temper- 34° F-40° F

atures should
most fresh veg-
etables be stored

33. How can you pre- By cooking them as quickly as possible By cooking them in
serve the nutri- a small amount of liquid By serving them with their cooking
tional qualities of liquid

34. What is the dif- The cooking time

ference between
blanching and


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