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Food and Beverage Management Exam #2

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1. Analyzing the competition's prices to determine the Comparative

selection of appetizers, entrees, and desserts is
known as the BLANK approach to menu pricing.

2. Which is the difference between the sales price and Contribution mar-
the cost of an item? gin

3. Which is not a consideration in menu planning? Capabilities of the


4. Which menu provides samples of the chef's best dish- Degustation


5. Which menu separates similar entrees: beef in one Dinner-house

section, seafood in another?

6. Which is the reason why salads have become the Wide variety of
preferred "starter" in an increasing number of restau- salad items and in-
rants? expensive and al-
ways fresh

7. A(n) BLANK menu offers a complete meal including Table d'hote

soup or appetizer, salad and vegetable for a fixed

8. According to the text, which should be front and cen- Menu

ter in the restaurant business?

9. Customers are more concerned about a food's Fat

BLANK content than about cholesterol and sodium.

10. Raw bars or restaurants do not serve food above 116 de-
grees fahrenheit

11. Generally, in a table-service restaurant, there should 8

be at least Blank entrees.

12. A BLANK is a nonprofit institution that is able to pro- Co-op

vide restaurant food and supplies at lower cost than
the profit-oriented purveyors.
Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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13. With a new process called BLANK, fish are immersed Flash freezing
in a liquid chemical that gets them to 265 degrees
Fahrenheit so fast that water molecules do not crys-

14. The government agency responsible for grading food USDA

products is the BLANK.

15. The amount of food to be ordered and stocked can be Past records
built into the purchasing system based on BLANK.

16. The points that indicate more food should be ordered Reorder points
are called BLANK.

17. Written standards for food that are based on forecast Food specifica-
of sales are called BLANK. tions

18. In the usual restaurant, who decides on product spec- The manager, in
ification and selects purveyors? consultation with
the chef

19. The reasonable amount of food to have on hand is Par stock

known as BLANK.

20. The BLANK grade applies to highly specialized pro- U.S. Fancy
duce, a very small percentage of the total crop. This
grade is rarely used on most commodities because it
is too costly to pack.

21. Quality standards of canned fruits and vegetables are Food and Drug Ad-
administered by the ministration

22. The grade of produce that is inferior to the U.S. No. 1 U.S. Commercial
but superior to the U.S. No. 2 is called

23. The BLANK grade of meat is similar to select, but is Standard

less juicy and tender.

24. Du jour
Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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A(n) BLANK menu lists the food items served only on
a particular day.

25. Consistency in food preparation is achieved by standardizing

recipes and

26. About BLANK appetizers are adequate for the majori- 6 to 8

ty of restaurants.

27. To ensure menu ingredients are available, fresh, and All of the above
priced right restaurant operators should

28. The two basic components of value creation are increasing value
perceptions and
lowers prices

29. Factors that go into building perceived price-value portion size, choic-
include es, service consis-
tency, comfort lev-

30. Two of the main menu pricing strategies include using a com-
parative approach
and/or price and
multiply by the ra-
tio necessary to
achieve food-cost

31. Prime cost is the cost of food and labor

32. If the opening food costs are $66,666 and total sales 33%
are $200,000 the food cost percentage is

33. Prime costs should be close to BLANK of sales. 55 to 60%

34. $9.95

Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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If a restaurant offers a steak on the menu that costs $5
and sells for $14.95, the contribution margin is BLANK
for every steak sold.

35. Several cities have now banned BLANK, which are a Trans fatty acids
type of fat.

36. BLANK is a management application that takes a de- Menu engineering

terministic approach in evaluating decisions regard-
ing current and future menu pricing, design, and con-

37. Baked goat cheese frequently shows up on menus Sauvignon blanc

in salads, on designer pizza, or incorporated into a
baked melange, and the accompanying wine served
is a

38. The cost of ingredients must equal the predetermined


39. What is the wine of choice to match pasta primavera Chianti

made with smoked tomatoes?

40. Vegetarian restaurants: do not serve meat

41. With grilled salmon, nowadays, the wine of choice Pinot noir
seems to be a

42. Vegan restaurants: do not serve dairy

or meat

43. The BLANK process enables chefs to safely (and ef- Cook-chill
ficiently) prepare large amounts of food for long-term
storage in a refrigerated environment.

44. Low-temperature dishwashing machines operate with 100 degrees

water temperatures as low as BLANK. Germicidal Fahrenheit
chemicals, rather than heat, are used to kill the germs.

Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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45. Kitchen floors are usually covered with which of the Tile or sealed con-
following? crete

46. Infrared wavelengths used for cooking are only microns

BLANK in length

47. The area set aside for open kitchens cost about 25%
BLANK more than in a standard kitchen

48. A(n) BLANK takes in outside dry air and pass it evaporative cooler
through loosely woven pads

49. In purchasing a griddle, Avery recommends buying 350 to 400 de-

only those that preheat to BLANK in 7 to 12 minutes grees fahrenheit

50. Food is prepared, individually vacuum packed, refrig- Sous vide

erated for future use. This is known as the BLANK

51. Which person said, "The benefits of having an open Roland Passot
kitchen are that it brings energy to the dining rooms,
creates a show for the guest-- like watching a perfor-
mance, and it gives the customer a sense of being on
the 'inside'-- similar to a reality TV show"?

52. Which is both an advantage and disadvantage of a its speed for small
microwave oven? quantity cooking

53. A 100-seat restaurant with a bar would need an ice 400

machine capable of producing BLANK pounds of ice
per day.

54. According to the text, the BLANK determines the Menu


55. W/o the use of a germicide, the rinse water must be 180 degrees

56. A forced-air convection oven is similar to a(n) BLANK Conventional oven

except that a fan or rotor, usually located in the back,
Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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makes for rapid circulation of the air and quicker heat-
ing of the food.

57. The overall objective of restaurant layout planning it a and c


58. The workhouse of the kitchen equipment is the range top stove

59. The area set aside for open kitchens costs about 25%
BLANK more than a standard kitchen.

60. Because some restaurants go out of business, used almost always

equipment is BLANK available from restaurant deal-

61. It should be remembered that hot tables are not cook- 140 degrees
ing appliances, foods held above BLANK are still fahrenheit

62. Low temperature ovens permit low temperature roast- reduce shrinkage
ing and baking are widely used in restaurants because of meat and hold
they meat so that it can
be served to order
from oven

63. BLANK can act as cooking pots; when filled with Deep-fat fryers
water, they can be used for quick-cooking vegeta-
bles, cooking hams or frankfurters, reheating foods,
hard-boiling eggs, cooking macaroni or spaghetti, or
holding canned or containerized foods.

64. The BLANK is simply a tank holding heated water in Bain marie
which hot foods in pots or crocks are placed to keep
food warm (above 140 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid
further cooking).

65. The BLANK, whose surface has sections separately sectionalized grid-
controlled for temperature, can cook different foods dle
at different temperatures at the same time

Food and Beverage Management Exam #2
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66. As additional items are placed in the oven, heating or 75%
cooking time may increase BLANK or more per item.

67. The BLANK grade of meat is popular in supermarkets. Select

68. In BLANK buying, management agrees to supply Co-op buying

products at cost plus enough of a markup to cover the

69. The grade BLANK of meat is similar to prime, although Choice

the animal has been grain fed for 150 days, for medium
120 days, and low for 90 days.

70. Meat buyers should use the BLANK numbering sys- Institutional Meat
tem for meat items. Purchase Specifi-


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