Question Tags

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Ouestion tags (do you? isn't it? etc.

Str-rd1, 1|1ę5. exanrples:
you haven't seęn
Kate today, have you7

Have you? ancl rvasn't it? al:e questir,ltt /ags (= mirli-questitllls that rł,e oftelr pllt o11 the errd of
l], a selltellcc itl spoken E,nglish). In cltlestiorr tags] we tlse a|1 iltrxiliary verb (lrave/r.vas/rvill etc.),
We use do/does/did for thc presellt arlc,l past slnrple (sce Urlit .5J ):
i] 'J(irrerl plal,s the piano, clocsrr't she?' '\Vell, 1,es, l)ut n()t r,ery,ul,ell.'
! 'Yclu didn't locl< the drlor, did 1.ou?' 'No, I forgclt.'

... anc1 a Po.sitiue c-]Llesti.]n tag a{tcr a

t t e gatit, e selltcllce:

1losititle setlteltće + lrcgatire tag tte gLlttL]e scllte 11ć.e + posltllle tdg
I(ilte rvill bc hcrc srlotr, rł,<rn't she? Kate rvon't be latc. will she?
There lvas a lot of traffic, rvasrr't there? Thev clon't ]jke us, do thcy?
N,Iichael should pass tlre eram, sl'ouldn't he ? Yclu lravcn't !]ot a car. have yotl?

Notice of ves and no in ansl,r,er trl a negetlve se]ltence:

tl-rc rr-rearling
(= Yes, I arn going out)
f] You're not going out tociav, arc you? JYes,
I Xo. 1= No, I an not going otrt)

The rrrear-rillg tlf a cluestiorl tag depencls on horv \-c]ll sav it. If ,voul voice goes doun, vol] afe not
reallv asking a question;1Iou al:e only inviti1-1g the listener to źlgree rvith you:
D 'It's a nice clar,, ih3łi' 'Yes, bcautiful.'
n 'Tirn doesrl't look rvcll today, doł\Ę1' 'No, he looks vel:r, tired.'
n She's vel,}, fttnn\.. She's got a great sense of lrrlrrrour. haih,lq rĘ?
But if tlre vtlice g<les tĘl, it ts a real cluestiorr:
f] 'Yotl lraven't seell Lisa tocla1., lrave }rń?' 'No, I'rn airaicl T ltaven't.'
(= I{ar.c you b,v c]ratlce sccrr Lisa tcldav?)

+ |ltl5j|jl,ę tag to ask for things or infornliltiol1, ol] to asl<

Yort can lrsc a rzegallt,c sL,tltcltL,€
somebody to do scltlletlline. The voice gocs llp at tlrc errc] of tile ti-rg in sentenccs like these :

L-l 'Yrlu havetl't got i1 pe1l, have }ń?' 'Ycs, here,vrlrt are.'
n 'Yclli c<lllldn't do rne :r far,<lul, could yfu?' 'It clepencls r,vłr:rt it is,'
D 'You don't kllolv rr,ilere Karell is, clo yo{i?' 'Sorr1,, 1hal,e rro idea.'

lffi After Let's ,.. the questiorl tag is shall rve:

D Let's go for a lval]<. slrall l*? (tlre voice goes lzp)

After Don't ,.. . tl-ie questioll tag is will t,ou:


lr tr Don't be late, lv'ill ,vou? (the voice goes doun)
Aftet I'rrr ... . the llegative qtlestiotr rag is arerr't I? (= 2n1 I not?):
i!: il I'rn right, afen't I?' 'Yes, you are.'

.,p,hc fherle/rln/nln eln \ + Ilnif Ę'l

Exercises §;nilr 52
52,1 ,iag
PLrt a ciiłtsii0.1 orl ihć e nd of tliest se nte ncts,
1 I(ate worr't be late, .. tv[{, ;h,e.,. ... ... ? No, she's never l:rre.
) You're tirec1, ,,,,,,ilfglillŁ_ gp,L,.i..,. ; Yes, a little.
_) Ytlu've got a cilmef a, .,,.,,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,,..,,...,.. . . .? Yes, I'r,e gof rw() ecttlall1,.
1 Yortlveretl'tlisrerrir'g, . ... ? Yes, l was!
5 Slre c]oesrr't ktlovv AIln, . . . ... i Nt,, (l' ll)ct,
1|1ę, \,c llc\
6 .|ilck's on holiday, .. .. .? Yes, he's in Portugal.
7 l(ate's :lpplied for thc job, .. . . . ? Ycr, lrrtr slle rroll'r g..t it.
8 Yolt can speak Cierr-r-ran, ,,.,.,,..... -...... ..... ? \ts, but llot \refy tltlently.
9 I-ie rł,on't rrrind if I use lris pllotle, . .? No, clf coLlrse łre l,vtlrr't.
10 Tlrere are a lot of pe clple here, ,,.,,.,,....,,.,.. . ... .. .? Yes, nore tlran l expectecl.
11 Let's gll tlutt toniglrt, ..... l Yes, thirt rvoirld be great.
1ż T'lris isrr't very irrrrrcsri.g, .,.,,,,, .. ... . ? No, tlot very,
13 l'tl tocl ttllplrictrt, .,,,,,,, .... .? Yes, yoll are sometitnes.
14 You ll,olrlcln't tell anyolle) ..,..,.,,,,,,.,-.,..,..,.,... . . .. . ? \o, oi L,()tlr5e l)ot.
], HeIelr 1-ras livecj here;r lclng time. ,,,,,.,,.,,-...,, ,......, ... . ? Yes, 20 years.
16 I shor-ridrl't iral,e lost tlly tenlper, . .. ? No, blrt tlever rnincl.
I7 He'c] never met hef before, .. . . . . . .' N,l, rv:t, tllc tjI,:r tilllc.
18 Don't drop thirt Vase, ...... ? No, clcllr't w()rry.
52.2 Read tht situatiotł and ivrite a sentetrce witll a qutstirrn tag. itt each situation yotł źllćasking
your fritncl to agret witli yoLl.
1 Yclrr look oLrt of the rvin.]orł,. Tlrc sl.y is blue and tlre surr is slrinii.g. What c1o ycltt slry to yoLlr
friencl? (rrice clay) lt'2 a- nqę _drg, 177|Y.*.?.
YtllI're rvith a frier-rc] orrtsiclc il restaLlralrt. Yotl're lookilrg i,rt tlre prices, r,r,liich are very higl-r.

Y<lLrancl a colleagr-rc have jttst finishecl a training c()tlrse. Ylu real11,enjoyed ir. \i7liat clo yorr
say to your colleagtre? (grear) T'he cotlrse
4 Your friencl's hair is tlruclr shorter tlrarl rvlielr you last met. \X/hat do ytllr say to lrer/hinl?
(lrave / your hair / cLrt) YoLr
-i Yotl :rnd a friel-rd are listening to il womatl singing, You like her voice very much. Whirt clcl ytll_1

6 Yotl are trvilrg clll a jacket in a shop. Ytlu look ilr tlre lrrirror and yorr clon't like whait y()Ll see.
\rVh:rt do yoll say to your frierrd? (not / look l very goocl)

7 Yotr ancl a frierrcl are r,valking ovef ;1 srrlilil wotlclen briclge. Thc bl,icige is vcry olcl arrd sclIne
parts are llrokerr. What do volL s;ry? (rłot / l,ery safe)

52,3 ln these situatioirs you are asking for informatiorr, asking peop|e to do things etc.
1 You need a perr. Perhaps Jarrc ł-ras got one" Asl< lrer.
.. J41_19,..99t
] goilrg
Joe is Just g( or_rt. You tl,ant hinr to get solne stamps, .Ą,sk lrirrr.
|oe, yrlu
Yott're looking for Diane. I)erhaps l(ate l<rl<xvs w.lrere she is. Ask her:.
Kate, you
4 Ylu tleed a bicycle ptlll1p. Perhaps Heler. has got one" Ask her.
"l, "
5 Anrr lras a car atrcl you lleed a lift to the staltirln. Perhirps she'll take yoLr. Ask her,.
6 Ylu're lcloking for 1,9tr11 keys. Perhaps lłobert has seen thenr. Ask hinl.

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