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Marston (2011)
- Conducted a related study about the perception of students and parents involved in
primary to secondary school transition programs of different formats and complexities,
based on both Australian and international research, have been introduced in some
schools to facilitate transition.

Zellman (2012)
- conducted a study about the implementation of the K to 12 Education Reform in Qatar’s
Schools, this study is a reform of education for a new era, because it views education as
the key to the nation’s economic and social progress.

Nartates (2011)
- conducted a study about the Effects of Broken Homes among Early Teenagers to their
Academic Performance this studies cited by the researchers have also shown that the
country’s education program is equivalent to the 12-year education cycle followed abroad
except that it is being completed in only 10 years.

Green and Olson (2003)

- Reinforce this definition by saying the term functions as an “umbrella” term for activities
that have an international dimension (including study abroad, student exchanges, foreign
language studies, international studies).

Ellingboe (1998)
- conducted two major research studies on US universities as part of her master’s and
doctoral thesis. As a result of these studies, she identified key components to
implementing effective campus internationalization: leadership, faculty involvement in
international activities, an international curriculum, and availability of international study
opportunities for students, integration of international students and teachers into campus
life, and internationalized co-curricular units such as campus activities and student

This chapter shows the review of the available related literatures about
the K to 12 curriculum. This chapter will explore all the concepts connected
with the current educational curriculum of the Philippines.
The Philippines being the only country in Asia with a 10-year basic education
cycle has recently shifted to a 12-year cycle last June 2012. This curriculum
shift is called the k-12 educational policy (Cristol, 2014).
According to the Department of Education of the Republic of the
Philippines, a 12-year program is found to be the best period for learning under
basic education. It is also the recognized standard for students and
professionals globally.
This chapter is devoted to a review of relevant and current literature focusing on campus
internationalization, leadership, and leading change in a K-12 educational setting.
The emergence of internationalization in higher education is well documented (Knight, 2004,
2008; de Wit, 2002; Mestenhauser, 2000; Ellingboe, 1998).
However, the researcher for this study could not find a significant amount of research for
internationalization in a K-12 setting.
While the need for campus internationalization is accepted, there is generally little agreement
as to what this means for educators (Smith, 1994).
Terms such as international education, multicultural education, comparative education, cross-
cultural education, and global education are often used to describe the new knowledge needed for
educating students in a new global environment.
The Asia Society (2008) describes this new knowledge as international and intercultural in nature
highlighting language acquisition, capacity to understand other cultures, and demands an emphasis
on lifetime learning.
Esther & Ethel, 2012
- The K-12 education system is the public education system that most people are familiar
with today. Comprised of 13 grades, kindergarten through 12th, it refers to the public
school system in all of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and parts of
Europe as well. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact history of education, as it has been
occurring in some form for centuries in all parts of the world.
Hall ( 2001 )

- states that “Education is the thread that binds us through time to what we have learned
and what we have achieved, and provides a system for future learning and development” .
- Hall suggests that educated people are the heart of a civilized society and while
education provides a societal foundation, technology should be an engine for social
Soderqvist (2002)
- also claims internationalization is “a change process from a national higher education
institution to an international higher education institution”. This definition shows
internationalization as broader than simply teaching, learning, and developing
international competencies. Internationalization, according to the new definitions,
requires educational reform by schools to include international learning as integral to
every part of a student’s educational experience.

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