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Improving BERT Model Using Contrastive Learning for Biomedical

Relation Extraction

Peng Su† , Yifan Peng‡,1 , K. Vijay-Shanker†,1

Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Delaware

Department of Population Health Sciences, Weill Cornell Medicine
{psu, vijay},

Abstract 2013; Le-Khac et al., 2020). Therefore, contrastive

learning provides a powerful approach to learn rep-
Contrastive learning has been used to learn resentations in a self-supervised manner and has
a high-quality representation of the image in
shown great promise and achieved the state of the
arXiv:2104.13913v1 [cs.CL] 28 Apr 2021

computer vision. However, contrastive learn-

ing is not widely utilized in natural language art results in recent years (He et al., 2020; Chen
processing due to the lack of a general method et al., 2020).
of data augmentation for text data. In this Despite its advancement, contrastive learning
work, we explore the method of employing has not been well studied in biomedical natural
contrastive learning to improve the text repre- language processing (BioNLP), especially for rela-
sentation from the BERT model for relation
tion extraction (RE) tasks. One obstacle lies in the
extraction. The key knob of our framework
is a unique contrastive pre-training step tai- discrete characteristics of text data. Compared to
lored for the relation extraction tasks by seam- computer vision, it is more challenging to design a
lessly integrating linguistic knowledge into the general and efficient data augmentation method to
data augmentation. Furthermore, we inves- construct positive pairs. Instead, there have been
tigate how large-scale data constructed from significant advances in the development of pre-
the external knowledge bases can enhance the trained language models to facilitate downstream
generality of contrastive pre-training of BERT. BioNLP tasks (Devlin et al., 2019; Radford et al.,
The experimental results on three relation ex-
traction benchmark datasets demonstrate that
2019; Peng et al., 2019). Therefore, leveraging con-
our method can improve the BERT model rep- trastive learning in the large pre-trained language
resentation and achieve state-of-the-art perfor- models to learn more general representation for RE
mance. In addition, we explore the inter- tasks remains unexplored.
pretability of models by showing that BERT To bridge this gap, this paper presents an innova-
with contrastive pre-training relies more on ra- tive method of contrastive pre-training to improve
tionales for prediction. Our code and data
the language model representation for biomedical
are publicly available at: https://github.
com/udel-biotm-lab/BERT-CLRE. relation extraction. As the main difference from
the existing contrastive learning framework, we
1 Introduction augment the datasets for RE tasks by randomly
changing the words that do not affect the relation
Contrastive learning is a family of methods to learn expression. Here, we hypothesize that the short-
a discriminative model by comparing input pairs est dependency path (SDP) between two entities
(Le-Khac et al., 2020). The comparison is per- (Bunescu and Mooney, 2005) captures the required
formed between positive pairs of “similar” inputs knowledge for the relation expression. We hence
and negative pairs of “dissimilar” inputs. The pos- keep words on SDP fixed during the data augmen-
itive pairs can be generated in an automatic way tation. In addition, we utilize external knowledge
by transforming the original data to variants with- bases to construct more data to make the learned
out changing the key information (e.g., rotate an representation generalize better, which is a method
image). Contrastive learning can encode general that is frequently used in distant supervision (Mintz
properties (e.g. invariance) in the learned represen- et al., 2009; Peng et al., 2016).
tation while it is relatively hard for other represen-
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed
tation learning methods to achieve (Bengio et al.,
method, we use the transformer-based BERT model
These authors contributed equally. as a backbone (Devlin et al., 2019) and evaluate
our method on three widely studied RE tasks in (the query) should be similar to its matching key
the biomedical domain: the chemical-protein inter- (augmented sample from the same data example)
actions (ChemProt) (Krallinger et al., 2017), the and dissimilar to others. In (Chen et al., 2020),
drug-drug interactions (DDI) (Herrero-Zazo et al., the authors propose the SimCLR frame to learn
2013), and the protein-protein interactions (PPI) the representations by maximizing the agreement
(Krallinger et al., 2008). The experimental results between augmented views of the same data point.
show that our method boosts the BERT model per- The contrastive representation has all the prop-
formance and achieves state-of-the-art results on erties that a good representation should have: 1)
all three tasks. Distributed property; 2) Abstraction and invariant
Interest has also grown in designing interpretable property; 3) Disentangled representation (Bengio
BioNLP models that are both plausible (accurate) et al., 2013; Le-Khac et al., 2020). The distributed
and rely on a specific part of the input (faithful property emphasizes the expressive aspect of the
rationales) (DeYoung et al., 2020; Lei et al., 2016). representation (different data points should have
Here rationale is defined as the supporting evidence distinguishable representations). The capture of
in the inputs for the model to make correct predic- abstract concepts and the invariance to small and
tions. In this direction, we propose a new metric, local changes are concerned in the abstraction and
”prediction shift”, to measure the sensitivity degree invariant property. From the disentangled repre-
to which the small changes (out of the SDP) of sentation’s perspective, it should encode as much
the inputs will make model change its predictions. information as possible. In this work, we will show
We show that the contrastively pre-trained model contrastive learning can improve the invariant as-
is more robust than the original model, suggesting pect of the representation.
that our model is more likely to make predictions
In the natural language processing (NLP) field,
based on the rationales of the inputs.
several works have utilized the contrastive learning
In sum, the contribution of this work is four-
technique. Fang et al. (2020) propose a pre-trained
fold. (1) We propose a new method that utilizes
language representation model (CERT) using con-
contrastive learning to improve the BERT model
trastive learning at the sentence level to benefit
on biomedical relation extraction tasks. (2) We
the language understanding tasks. Klein and Nabi
utilize external knowledge to generate more data
(2020) employ contrastive self-supervised learn-
for learning more generalized text representation.
ing to solve the commonsense reasoning problem.
(3) We achieve state-of-the-art performance on
Peng et al. (2020) propose a self-supervised pre-
three benchmark datasets of relation extraction
training framework for relation extraction to ex-
tasks. (4) We propose a new metric that aims to
plore the encoded information for the textual con-
reveal the rationales that the model uses for pre-
text and entity type. Compared with the previous
dicting relations. The code and the new rationale
works, we employ different data augmentation tech-
test datasets are available at https://github.
niques and utilize data from external knowledge
bases in contrastive learning to improve the model
for relation extraction tasks.
2 Related Work
Relation extraction is usually seen as a classifi-
The history of contrastive representation learning cation problem when the entity mentions are given
can be traced back to (Hadsell et al., 2006), in in the text. Many different methods have been
which the authors explore the method of repre- proposed to solve the relation extraction problem
sentation learning that similar inputs are mapped (Culotta and Sorensen, 2004; Sierra et al., 2008;
to nearby points in the representation space. Re- Sahu and Anand, 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Su et al.,
cently, with the development of data augmentation 2019). However, the language model methods re-
techniques, deep neural network architectures, con- define this field with their superior performance
trastive learning regains attention and achieves su- (Dai and Le, 2015; Peters et al., 2018; Devlin
perior performance on visual representation learn- et al., 2019; Radford et al., 2019; Su and Vijay-
ing (He et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2020). In (He et al., Shanker, 2020). Among all the language models,
2020), the Momentum Contrast (MoCo) framework BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) –a language represen-
is designed to learn representation using the mech- tation model based on bidirectional Transformer
anism of dictionary look-up: an encoded example (Vaswani et al., 2017), attracts lots of attention in
encode the two inputs, which consists of a neural
network encoder f (Section 3.1.2) and a projection
head g (Section 3.1.3). From the first augmented
view v 0 , we output a representation h0 , f (v 0 )
and a projection z 0 , g(h0 ). From the second
augmented view v 00 , we output h00 , f (v 00 ) and
another projection z 00 , g(h00 ).
The contrastive learning method learns the rep-
resentation by comparing different samples in the
training data (Section 3.1.4). The comparison is
performed between both similar inputs and dissim-
ilar inputs, and the similar inputs are positive pairs
Figure 1: The framework of contrastive learning. For and the dissimilar inputs are negative pairs. Dur-
the data augmentation of relation extraction, we ran- ing the training, the representations are learned by
domly replace some words that are not affecting the leading the positive pairs to have similar represen-
relation expression (wi → wi in the left sample, wj → tations and making negative pairs have dissimilar
wj in the right sample). representations. In applications, the positive pairs
are usually from the augmented data of the same
different fields. Several BERT models have been sample, and the negative pairs are generated by
adapted for biomedical domain: BioBERT (Lee selecting augmented data from different samples.
et al., 2020), SciBERT (Beltagy et al., 2019), Blue- At the end of training, we only keep the encoder
BERT (Peng et al., 2019) and PubMedBERT (Gu f as in (Chen et al., 2020). For any text input x,
et al., 2021). BioBERT, SciBERT and BlueBERT h = f (x) will be the representation of x from
are pre-trained based on the general-domain BERT contrastive learning.
using different pre-training data. In contrast, Pub- 3.1.1 Data augmentation for relation
MedBERT (Gu et al., 2021) is pre-trained from extraction
scratch using PubMed abstracts.
The data augmentation module is a key component
In recent years, there is increasing interest in de-
of contrastive learning, which needs to randomly
signing more interpretable NLP models that reveal
generate two correlated views for the original data
the logic behind model predictions. In (DeYoung
point. At the same time, the generated data should
et al., 2020), multiple datasets of rationales (from
be different from each other to make them dis-
human experts) are collected to facilitate the re-
tinguishable (from the model’s perspective), but
search on interpretable models in NLP. In (Lei et al.,
should not be significantly different to change the
2016), the authors propose an encoder-generator
structure and semantics of the original data. It is
framework to automatically generate candidate ra-
especially difficult to augment the text data of re-
tionales to justify the predictions of neural network
lation extraction. In this work, we only focus on
binary relations. Given < s, e1 , e2 , r >, where e1
3 Methodology and e2 are two entity mentions in the sentence s
with the relation type r, we keep e1 and e2 in the
3.1 The framework of contrastive learning sentence and retain the relation expression between
Our goal is to learn a text representation by max- e1 and e2 in the augmented views.
imizing agreement between inputs from positive Specifically, we propose a data augmentation
pairs via a contrastive loss in the latent space and method utilizing the shortest dependency path
the learned representation can then be used for (SDP) between the two entities in the text. We
relation extraction. Figure 1 shows our frame- hypothesize that the shortest dependency path cap-
work of contrastive learning. Given a sentence tures the required information to assert the rela-
s = w1 , ...wn , we first produce two augmented tionship of the two entities (Bunescu and Mooney,
views (a positive pair) v 0 = w1 , ..., wi0 , ...wn and 2005). Therefore we fix the shortest dependency
v 00 = w1 ..., wj0 , ...wn (i 6= j) from s by applying path, and randomly change the other tokens in
text augmentation technique (Section 3.1.1). the text to generate the augmented data. This
Our framework then uses one neural network to idea is inspired by (Wei and Zou, 2019), which
Original We further show that @PROTEIN$ directly interacts with @PROTEIN$ and Rpn4.
After SR We further show that @PROTEIN$ straight interacts with @PROTEIN$ and Rpn4.
After RS Further we show that @PROTEIN$ directly interacts with @PROTEIN$ and Rpn4.
After RD We further show that @PROTEIN$ interacts with @PROTEIN$ and Rpn4.

Table 1: Examples after the three operations for data augmentation. The shortest dependency path between two
proteins is "@PROTEIN$ interacts @PROTEIN$", which is marked with underline in the examples. The changed
words are also marked with bold font.

employed easy data augmentation techniques to Following the same idea, a multi-layer perceptron
improve model performance on text classification (MLP) will be applied to the model output h. For-
tasks. mally,
As the preliminary study, we experiment with z = g(h) = W 2 φ(W 1 h)
three techniques to randomly replace the tokens
to generate the augmented data and choose the and φ is the ReLU activation function, W 1 and
best one for our contrastive learning method: 1) W 2 are the weights of the perceptron in the hidden
Synonym replacement (SR), 2) Random swap (RS), layers.
and 3) Random deletion (RD).
Table 1 gives some samples after applying the 3.1.4 Contrastive loss
three operations on a sentence from the PPI task. Contrastive learning is designed to make similar
For the synonym replacement, we randomly re- representations be learned for the augmented sam-
place n words with their synonyms. To acquire ples (positive pairs) from the same data point. We
the synonym of a word, we utilize the WordNet follow the work of (Chen et al., 2020) to design
database (Miller, 1995) to extract a list of syn- the loss function (Algorithm 1). During contrastive
onyms and randomly choose one from the list. For learning, the contrastive loss is calculated based
the random swap, we swap the positions of two on the augmented batch derived from the original
words and repeat this operation n times. For the batch. Given N sentences in a batch, we first em-
random deletion, we delete some words with the ploy the data augmentation technique to acquire
probability p. The probability p is set to 0.1 in our two views for each sentence in the batch. There-
experiments and the parameter n for SR and RS fore, we have 2N views from the batch. Given one
is calculated by p × l, where l is the length of the positive pair (two views from the same sentence),
sentence. we treat the other 2(N − 1) within the batch as
To examine which operation performs better for negative examples. Similar to (Chen et al., 2020),
relation extraction tasks, we train three BERT mod- the loss for a positive pair is defined as:
els using the three types of augmented data (com-
bined with the original training data). Table 4 exp(sim(z 0 , z 00 )/τ )
l(z 0 , z 00 ) = −log P2N
shows that the synonym replacement (SR) opera-
k=1 1[zk 6=z0 ] exp(sim(z 0 , zk )/τ )
tion achieves the best performance on all three tasks
and we will employ this operation in our data aug-
where sim(·, ·) is the cosine similarity function,
mentation module in our contrastive learning exper-
1[zk 6=z0 ] is the indicator function and τ is the tem-
iments (We will further discuss it in Section 5.2).
perature parameter. The final loss L is computed
3.1.2 The neural network encoder across all positive pairs, both (z 0 , z 00 ) and (z 00 , z 0 ),
In this work, we employ the BERT model (Devlin in a batch.
et al., 2019) as our encoder for the text data and the For computation convenience, we arrange the
classification token ([CLS]) output in the last layer (2k − 1)-th example and the 2k-th example in the
will be the representation of the input. batch are generated from the same sentence, a.k.a.,
(2k − 1, 2k) is a positive pair. Please see Algorithm
3.1.3 Projection head 1 for calculating the contrastive loss in one batch.
As demonstrated in (Chen et al., 2020), adding a Then we can update the parameters of the BERT
nonlinear projection head on the model output will model and projection head g to minimize the loss
improve the representation quality during training. L.
Algorithm 1: Contrastive loss in a batch Task Train Dev Test EK
Input: encoder f (BERT), project head g, ChemProt 18,035 11,268 15,745 35,500
data augmentation module, data batch DDI 22,233 5,559 5,716 67,959
{sk }N k=1 ; PPI∗ 5,251 - 583 97,853
for k=1,...,N do
v 0 , v 00 = data_augment(sk ); Table 2: Statistics of datasets used for contrastive pre-
z2k−1 = g(f (v 0 )); training and fine-tuning. EK: datasets generated by ex-
z2k = g(f (v 00 )); ternal knowledge bases; *: since there is no standard
end split of training and test set for the PPI dataset (AIMed),
L=P we use 10-fold cross-validation and here we show num-
1 N ber of the training and test in each fold.
2N k=1 [l(z2k−1 , z2k ) + l(z2k , z2k−1 )]

mentioned in the text. For these purposes, we uti-

lize external databases for the relations to acquire
extra instances for contrastive learning.
Formally, assuming a curated database for re-
lation r contains all the relevant entities and text,
we consider every combination of the entity pairs
in one sentence and use them as examples for
this relation. For instance, there are three pro-
Figure 2: The pipeline of BERT model training with
teins in the sentence s: "Thus NIPP1 works as a
contrastive pre-training.
molecular sensor for PP1 to recognize phosphory-
lated Sap155." We will generate three examples for
3.2 Training procedure PPI task from this sentence: <s,NIPP1,PP1,PPI>,
Figure 2 shows the training procedure of our frame- <s,NIPP1,Sap155,PPI> and <s,PP1,Sap155,PPI>.
work. It consists of three stages. First, we pre- We use the IntAct database (Orchard et al., 2014)
train the BERT model on a large amount of unla- as the interacting protein pairs database for the
beled data from a specific domain(e.g., biomedi- PPI task. Similarly, DrugBank (Wishart et al.,
cal domain). Second, we conduct contrastive pre- 2008) and BioGRID (Stark et al., 2006) are uti-
training on task-specific data as a continual pre- lized for DDI and ChemProt, respectively. In the
training step after the domain pre-training of BERT column "EK" of Table 2, we show the statistics of
model. In this way, we retain the learned knowl- datasets for each task generated by external knowl-
edge from general pre-training, and add the new edge bases. We can see that the datasets from the
features from contrastive learning. Finally, we fine- external database are much larger than that of the
tune the model on the RE tasks to further gain task- human-labeled datasets.
specific knowledge through supervised training on
4 Experiments
the labeled datasets.
The domain pre-training stage follows that of the As discussed before, we will utilize the BERT
BERT using the masked language model and next model as the encoder for the inputs. In particu-
sentence prediction technique (Devlin et al., 2019). lar, we will employ two BERT models pre-trained
In our experiments, we use two pre-trained versions for the biomedical domain in our experiments:
for the biomedical domain: BioBERT (Lee et al., BioBERT (Lee et al., 2020) and PubMedBERT
2020) and PubMedBERT (Gu et al., 2021). (Gu et al., 2021).

3.3 A knowledge-based method to enrich 4.1 Datasets and evaluation metrics

training dataset for contrastive learning We will evaluate our method on three benchmark
Contrastive pre-training requires a large-scale datasets. The statistics of these datasets is shown in
dataset to generalize the representation. Also, our Table 2. For ChemProt and DDI tasks, we employ
data augmentation for contrastive learning needs the corpora in (Krallinger et al., 2017) and (Herrero-
SDP between two given entities, so we need to Zazo et al., 2013) respectively, and we use the same
construct the augmented dataset with the entities split of training, development and test sets with the
ChemProt DDI PPI
BioBERT 74.3 76.3 75.3 79.9 78.1 79.0 79.0 83.3 81.0
BioBERT+CL 77.0 74.7 75.8 82.6 77.4 79.9 79.8 83.1 81.3
BioBERT+CLEK 76.6 76.0 76.3 82.9 78.4 80.6 81.1 83.2 82.1
PubMedBERT 78.8 75.9 77.3 82.6 81.9 82.3 80.1 84.3 82.1
PubMedBERT+CL 79.6 76.2 77.8 83.3 81.5 82.4 79.4 85.6 82.4
PubMedBERT+CLEK 80.6 76.9 78.7 83.3 82.4 82.9 79.9 85.7 82.7

Table 3: BERT model performance on ChemProt, DDI and PPI tasks. BioBERT/PubMedBERT: original BERT
model; BioBERT/PubMedBERT+CL: BioBERT/PubMedBERT with contrastive pre-training on the training set of
human-labeled dataset; BioBERT/PubMedBERT+CLEK: BioBERT/PubMedBERT with contrastive pre-training
on the data from the external knowledge base.

PubMedBERT model (Gu et al., 2021) during the During the fine-tuning of PubMedBERT models,
model evaluation. We utilize the AIMed corpus the learning rate of 2e-5, batch size of 8, training
(Bunescu et al., 2005) for the PPI task, and we will epoch of 10 and max sequence length of 256 are
employ 10-fold cross-validation on it since there is utilized.
no standard split of training and test. In the contrastive pre-training step of the BERT
PPI is a binary classification problem, and we models, we use the same learning rate with the
will use the standard precision (P), recall (R) and fine-tuning, and the training epoch is selected from
F1-score (F) to measure the model performance. [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] based on the performance on the
However, the ChemProt and DDI tasks are multi- development set. If there is no development set
class classification problems. The ChemProt cor- (e.g., PPI task), we will use 6 as the default training
pus is labeled with five positive classes and the neg- epoch. Since contrastive learning benefits more
ative class: CPR:3, CPR:4, CPR:5, CPR:6, CPR:9 from larger batch (Chen et al., 2020), we utilize the
and negative. Similar to the DDI corpus, there are batch size of 256 and 128 for BioBERT and Pub-
four positive labels and one negative label: AD- MedBERT respectively. In addition, the tempera-
VICE, EFFECT, INT, MECHANISM and negative. ture parameter τ is set to 0.1 during the training.
The models for ChemProt and DDI will be evalu-
ated utilizing micro precision, recall and F1 score 5 Results and discussion
on the non-negative classes.
5.1 BERT model performance with
4.2 Data pre-processing contrastive pre-training
One instance of relation extraction task contains Table 3 demonstrates the experimental results us-
two parts: the text and the entity mentions. In ing the BERT models with contrastive pre-training
order to make the BERT model identify the posi- and external datasets. The first row is the BioBERT
tions of the entities, we replace the relevant entity model performance without applying contrastive
names with predefined tags by following the stan- learning. The following two rows demonstrate the
dard pre-processing step for relation extraction (De- results after adding the contrastive pre-training step
vlin et al., 2019). Specifically, all the protein names in BioBERT. The "BioBERT+CL" stands for the
are replaced with @PROTEIN$, drug names with BioBERT model with contrastive pre-training on
@DRUG$, and chemical names with @CHEMI- the training set of the human-labeled dataset, while
CAL$. In Table 1, we show a pre-processed exam- "BioBERT+CLEK" is for the BioBERT model with
ple of the PPI task. contrastive pre-training on the data from the exter-
nal knowledge base. Similarly, we give the Pub-
4.3 Training setup MedBERT model performance of our method in
For the fine-tuning of the BioBERT models, we the last three rows of Table 3.
use the learning rate of 2e-5, batch size of 16, train- We can see that the contrastive per-training im-
ing epoch of 10, and max sequence length of 128. proves the model performance in both cases. How-
Training data ChemProt DDI PPI Input sentence Prediction
(1) Instead, radiolabeled @CHEMICAL$ result- CPR:9
Original 75.3 79.0 81.0 ing from @PROTEIN$ hydrolysis were ob-
+RS 75.6 78.4 75.4 served.
+RD 75.4 79.8 81.2 (2) Or else, radiolabeled @CHEMICAL$ result- False
ing from @PROTEIN$ hydrolysis were ob-
+SR 76.0 80.1 81.9 served.
(1) These results indicate that membrane @PRO- CPR:3
Table 4: BioBERT model performance (F1 score) us- TEIN$ levels in N-38 neurons are dynamically
ing different types of augmented data. RS: random autoregulated by @CHEMICAL$.
swap; RD: random deletion; SR: synonym replace- (2) These results indicate that membrane @PRO- False
ment. TEIN$ levels in N-38 nerve cell are dynami-
cally autoregulated by @CHEMICAL$.

Table 5: Examples of prediction shift. (1): Original

ever, contrastive pre-training on human-labeled sentence; (2): Augmented sentence.
dataset only improves the model with a small mar-
gin. We hypothesize that the limited improvement
Task Model Prediction
might be due to the poor generalization on small
training set. Therefore, we include more data (EK
data) in contrastive learning to enhance the model BioBERT 246
generalizability. The data generated from the ex- BioBERT+CLEK 191 (22% ↓)
ternal knowledge base are much more than the PubMedBERT 248
training data of the human-labeled dataset (col- PubMedBERT+CLEK 189 (24% ↓)
umn "EK" and "train" in Table 2). As shown in the BioBERT 111
third and sixth row in Table 3, contrastive learning BioBERT+CLEK 89 (20% ↓)
with more external data can further boost the model DDI
PubMedBERT 90
performance. Compared with the BERT models PubMedBERT+CLEK 75 (17% ↓)
without contrastive pre-training, we observe an av-
eraged F1 score improvement (on the two BERT BioBERT 51
models) of 1.2%, 1.2%, and 0.85% on ChemProt, BioBERT+CLEK 33 (35%↓)
DDI, and PPI datasets, respectively. PubMedBERT 49
PubMedBERT+CLEK 34 (31%↓)
Since PubMedBERT is the state-of-the-art
(SOTA) model on these three tasks, we further im- Table 6: Count of prediction shift on the "augmented"
prove its performance by adding contrastive pre- test set. *: The sum of counts on the 10 folds.
training. Thus, we achieve state-of-the-art perfor-
mance on all three datasets.
5.3 Measurement of rationale faithfulness

5.2 Comparison of data augmentation As discussed previously, we hypothesize the words

techniques on the shortest dependency path (SDP) as the ra-
tionales in the input. Therefore, the model should
Table 4 shows the BERT model performance af- make its predictions based on them. If the model
ter including three types of augmented data. We predictions are all made based on a specific part
can see that the synonym replacement (SR) op- of the input, we can define this specific part of the
eration yields the best results on all three tasks. input to be the completely faithful rationales. In
Therefore we use it as our default operation to gen- practice, the rationales are more faithful means they
erate augmented data in all our contrastive learning are more influential on the model predictions.
experiments. We also notice that the augmented In this work, we define a new metric to mea-
data from the random swap (RS) operation hurt sure the faithfulness of the rationales: "prediction
the model performance on the DDI and PPI tasks, shift". If the model predicts one test example (non-
which indicates that this operation might change negative) with label Lt , but changes its prediction
the relation expression in the sentence. Thus it is on its neighbor (the augmented data point) with
necessary to verify the effectiveness of the opera- another label Lt , we will say a "prediction shift"
tions before applying them on contrastive learning. happens (In Table 5, we give two examples of pre-
diction shift on PubMedBERT model). Fewer "pre- Acknowledgment
diction shift" indicates the information outside of
Yifan Peng’s research was supported by National
SDP influences the prediction less, which means
Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health
the rationales are more faithful.
(NIH) under award number R00LM013001. Peng
To generate a similar set (with test set) for the Su’s graduate studies were supported by a supple-
measurement of "prediction shift", we apply the ment of NIH grant U01GM125267.
same synonym replacement (SR) technique on the
original test data. Since we retain the words that
are on the shortest dependency path between the References
two entities, the generated data should express the Iz Beltagy, Kyle Lo, and Arman Cohan. 2019. SciB-
same relation with the original ones. The trained ERT: a pretrained language model for scientific text.
model should predict them with the same labels if arXiv:1903.10676 [cs].
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and in that case, we say the rationales are faithful. 2013. Representation learning: a review and new
perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analy-
We compare the number of "prediction shift" sis and Machine Intelligence, pages 1798–1828.
on two types of BERT model: the original BERT
Razvan Bunescu, Ruifang Ge, Rohit J. Kate, Ed-
and the BERT model with contrastive pre-training.
ward M. Marcotte, Raymond J. Mooney, Arun K.
Table 6 illustrates that the BERT models with con- Ramani, and Yuk Wah Wong. 2005. Comparative
trastive pre-training dramatically reduce the num- experiments on learning information extractors for
ber of "prediction shift". Those results indicate that proteins and their interactions. Artificial intelligence
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