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PROFESSOR: MSc. Christian Puya


1. Student´s Basic Physiological Needs.

Describe the aspects to take into consideration to become a culturally responsive

2. Culturally responsive teacher Maslow and Erickson.

Analyze the students’ needs according to Maslow and Erickson theories.

3. Child Development.

Analyze the stages of child development and discuss how these aspects affects
students’ behavior in class.

4. Punishment vs Discipline.
Recognize the difference between punishment and discipline and talk about strategies
to apply in the classroom.

Student´s Basic Physiological Needs.

1. What is the significance of meeting students' basic physiological needs in the learning

A. It's a nice-to-have but not essential.

B. It creates a foundation for effective learning.

C. It only impacts physical health.

D. It is primarily the responsibility of parents.

2. How does hunger affect students' ability to learn?

A. It has no impact on learning.

B. It enhances concentration and focus.

C. It can negatively impact concentration and learning.

D. It improves memory.
3. Which physiological need is essential for maintaining physical health and cognitive

A. Regular exercise

B. Proper clothing

C. Hydration

D. Clean environment

4. What can sleep deprivation impair in students?

A. Physical health

B. Memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities

C. Social skills

D. Creativity

5. What should schools consider regarding school start times to support students' sleep

A. Start school as early as possible to maximize learning time.

B. Start school late in the afternoon.

C. Consider age-appropriate school start times to ensure sufficient sleep.

D. Start school at the same time for all grade levels.

6. How does regular physical activity benefit students?

A. It has no impact on academic performance.

B. It can improve mental well-being but not physical health.

C. It negatively affects academic performance.

D. It has positive effects on physical health and academic performance.

7. What role does a clean and safe environment play in students' well-being?
A. It doesn't have any impact on students.

B. It contributes to physical health only.

C. It contributes to physical health and a sense of well-being.

D. It only impacts academic performance.

8. Why is access to healthcare services essential for students?

A. It's not essential for students' well-being.

B. It's primarily the responsibility of parents.

C. It's important for routine check-ups and medical attention when needed.

D. It only benefits teachers.

9. What is the significance of proper clothing for students?

A. It's irrelevant to their well-being.

B. It's only necessary for special occasions.

C. It ensures their comfort and well-being in different weather conditions.

D. It's primarily the responsibility of teachers.

10. How can schools address students' needs related to food insecurity and sleep difficulties?

A. By ignoring these issues

B. By assigning extra homework

C. By creating a supportive and caring school environment

D. By providing more extracurricular activities

Culturally responsive teacher Maslow and Erickson.

11. What is the foundational principle of Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

A. Self-actualization

B. Belongingness
C. Physiological and safety needs

D. Esteem needs

12. How can culturally responsive teaching address students' physiological and safety needs?

A. By providing challenging learning opportunities

B. By fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity

C. By acknowledging and celebrating cultural identities

D. By recognizing that basic needs must be met before effective learning can occur

13. In Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development, what is the primary challenge of

A. Identity vs. Role Confusion

B. Intimacy vs. Isolation

C. Generativity vs. Stagnation

D. Integrity vs. Despair

14. How can culturally responsive teaching support adolescents in the Identity vs. Role
Confusion stage?

A. By promoting positive social interactions

B. By encouraging cultural pride and understanding

C. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration

D. By creating an environment that respects diverse cultural identities

15. What is the focus of the "Intimacy vs. Isolation" stage in Erik Erikson's theory?

A. Developing a sense of cultural identity

B. Seeking meaningful relationships and connections

C. Reflecting on life experiences

D. Contributing to the next generation

16. How can culturally responsive teaching support young adults in the "Intimacy vs. Isolation"

A. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration

B. By encouraging cultural pride and understanding

C. By empowering students to understand their cultural heritage

D. By providing challenging learning opportunities

17. Which stage in Erik Erikson's theory involves adults seeking to make a positive impact on

A. Identity vs. Role Confusion

B. Intimacy vs. Isolation

C. Generativity vs. Stagnation

D. Integrity vs. Despair

18. How can culturally responsive teaching support adults in the "Generativity vs. Stagnation"

A. By fostering a sense of community and collaboration

B. By acknowledging and celebrating cultural identities

C. By empowering students to understand the importance of their cultural heritage

D. By promoting positive social interactions

19. In Erik Erikson's theory, what is the focus of the "Integrity vs. Despair" stage in late

A. Exploring cultural identities

B. Reflecting on life experiences

C. Seeking meaningful relationships

D. Contributing to the next generation

20. How can culturally responsive teaching support students in the "Integrity vs. Despair"

A. By providing challenging learning opportunities

B. By fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity

C. By encouraging cultural pride and understanding

D. By helping students appreciate the rich tapestry of cultures and histories

Child Development.

21. What does physical development in children encompass?

A. Cognitive growth

B. Emotional changes

C. Changes in height, weight, and motor skills

D. Language acquisition

22. According to Jean Piaget, what are the stages of cognitive development in children?

A. Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational

B. Emotional, social, moral, and ethical

C. Attachment, emotional regulation, and social skills

D. Gross and fine motor skills

23. What is a crucial aspect of cognitive development in children?

A. Attachment formation

B. Emotional regulation

C. Language development

D. Motor skills development

24. What is the importance of attachment in child development?

A. It helps children develop gross motor skills.

B. It supports healthy emotional development.

C. It enhances cognitive abilities.

D. It fosters creativity.

25. Why is emotional regulation important for children?

A. It helps them excel academically.

B. It is not significant in child development.

C. It is essential for their social interactions and overall well-being.

D. It primarily affects physical growth.

26. What does social skills development in children involve?

A. Understanding right and wrong

B. Developing gross motor skills

C. Learning how to interact with others and build friendships

D. Acquiring language skills

27. How do children typically learn about the world, develop creativity, and practice social

A. Through attachment to their caregivers

B. Through language development

C. Through play

D. Through formal education

28. What factors contribute to individual differences in child development?

A. Genetics, environment, and personal experiences

B. Socioeconomic status only

C. Parenting style exclusively

D. Age and gender

29. What is the role of parents and caregivers in child development?

A. Providing formal education

B. Nurturing and providing a supportive environment

C. Encouraging healthy eating habits

D. Promoting individual differences

30. How can high-quality early childhood education programs benefit children?

A. By focusing exclusively on academic achievement

B. By fostering emotional dependence

C. By preparing children for academic success and social interactions

D. By discouraging play

Punishment vs Discipline.

31. What is the primary focus of punishment in managing behavior?

A. Teaching responsible behavior

B. Providing guidance and support

C. Imposing negative consequences

D. Promoting emotional regulation

32. Which approach aims to instill self-discipline and promote lasting behavior change?

A. Punishment

B. Discipline

C. Both punishment and discipline

D. Neither punishment nor discipline

33. What is one potential consequence of repeated punishment?

A. Building trust and respect

B. Fear, resentment, and strained relationships

C. Long-term behavior change

D. Teaching problem-solving skills

34. What does discipline emphasize in managing behavior?

A. Fostering fear and compliance

B. Teaching and guiding individuals

C. Immediate punishment

D. Escalating measures

35. Which approach often requires patience, consistency, and a commitment to teaching and

A. Punishment

B. Discipline

C. Both punishment and discipline

D. Neither punishment nor discipline

36. What is one of the shortcomings of punishment as a behavior management approach?

A. It builds trust and respect.

B. It fosters open communication.

C. It doesn't teach individuals how to behave differently.

D. It promotes self-discipline.

37. Which approach involves problem-solving discussions and reflection on behavior and its

A. Punishment

B. Discipline

C. Both punishment and discipline

D. Neither punishment nor discipline

38. What does discipline promote in individuals to help manage conflicts and make
responsible choices?

A. Fear and compliance

B. Emotional regulation, coping skills, and empathy

C. Immediate punishment

D. Desensitization to consequences

39. Which approach aims to suppress unwanted actions without providing guidance on
appropriate alternatives?

A. Punishment

B. Discipline

C. Both punishment and discipline

D. Neither punishment nor discipline

40. What is the primary goal of discipline in behavior management?

A. Immediate compliance through fear

B. Long-term behavior change through teaching and guidance

C. Escalating consequences for misbehavior

D. Desensitization to punishment


Lic. Christian Puya Quinto, Msc.

Magíster en Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros - Mención en la Enseñanza del

Diplomatura en Coaching Educativo y Docencia en Didáctica Superior
Doctorando en Educación en el Programa de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello – Caracas

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