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complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1. 1 tynnusually eats, noodles. ather favorite Chinese restaurant. 2 Ican'teat dairy. Inever eat _ cheese. : 3 Cat's favorite foods frut. Heeats_apples and _banotaS every day. 4 tusvallyhave milk and uitwith my _¢@iea]__inthe morning, 5 _cooxS and_potaloes are my favorite vegetables. 6 Tanya's favorite grainis__ice ____—- She usually has it with beans. What food do you eat? Write two examples for each group or! don'teat... or_Idon't eat fruit. Example: leat. bananas and apples. —___' 1 Fruit: [Lent appies ond boannes or \dgsh ech funk 2 Vegetables: Jrent conole ond_gcistoes 01 \ don’ ext vegelsthes ———— We A eo! 2 Meat: Leah beet pod fish ot \ dno! toh men _———— 4 Dairy: (resk milk-ond cheege ot \ dnn'Leak Date ———— S Grins Veoh poeloond_nce os 1 dant ech Grains Scanned with CamScanner Theyson Poma poncount)- Are the food words count or noncount nouns? Write C (count) of H( 7 chicken 1 apple 3 mh a 5 mest .N. (ac 2 cheese NV 4 tomato C. 6 pasta_N. Complete the answers. Use some or any. Do you have any carrots? No, _I don't. have.any— Do you have any fish? Yes, | have some — 5 Yeruehous 4€——— Dowe have any apples? Does Edward have any cereal? Noe ——— Do they have any beans? Nofhqydanth hove _aoss . Yes, She hove some Does Lorena have any ‘Complete the conversation with a, an, any, or some. ‘A What do you usually have for breakfast? B lusuallyhave__some cereal. 1 A Doyouhave__ong milk with it? B Yes, do. A Anddoyoueat__any fruit? B Sometimes. lusuallyhave__¢ ome_bananacor on apple with my cereal. A Doyovest__ony__rce? B Not for breakfast. But sometimes have_Som@_—_ rice for lunch. I make it an chicken or a beef and vegetables. ° Sanaa Oh, and sometimes with a eee. rn A. Really? B Yes. It's Korean food. A. And what about dinner? What do you usually eat? B Well, ! don’t usually have ay ‘meat for dinner. | often have on pasta. B It's my favorite! Scanned with CamScanner so Pome Sy e tist. what food does she have? ner shopping ssfood ences with some and any. oi se have” wees Shopping List | o _pomatoes ,anty apples I cpt with your own information. Then write sentences with some and any. Shopping List | I don't have | Piz | pects. poste _onigsen cost obS- Seer Pee 1 \hos Sone 61 2S oes" hove any gosta 2 \as some bananas # \ deosn't have any cools. Shae gome Somedces : © \ doestt (nave ong geet — Ss Scanned with CamScanner TE complete the conversation. Use the correct forms ofthe expressions from the bo. 82 Shelby ike Chinese food! © @ @ really like like notlike not like at all hate Let's make lunch. Do you like noodles? No,1_don't like noodles + : *@ How about Mexican food? Yes, Aecily like mexican Rood. D ¢ OK. How about rice and beans? tHove rice aad bean. oF , G OK. Rice and beans. We have some fish, too. hake he chohen How aboutchicken? @ Vaden" Whe ct all bak How about beef? > 1 and iin 12984 haveice and beans with beef! @ 2 OK. Complete the conversation with your own information. Use some of tthe expressions from Exercise 1. Shelby You Shelby You Shelby You Shelby You ‘Shelby You Do you like fish? — Nes st Nike ish, Do you like pasta? Wor iden Wess How about eggs? Norldon't ke eggs Do you like Chinese food? 1 don’! : How about tlign ood? No, doth Mike ttolian Sood. Scanned with CamScanner eals ext, Then label the pictures with the correct underlined food words. pene 1 eat out with my friends. Everybody likes diferent kinds of | smesit's dificult t someti | petted seves sian food. He likes dumplings, and he really likes sushi | i fad noodles. Jake, her brother, likes pasta, She loves spaghetti ly has a hot dog or a hamburger/Louis likes tacos/but his eggs, and pancakes’ And Kristen is always on 1e? Well, | eat anything. | | lly eats | sandyusuall | rian food He usvl | favorite meal is breal | get, she only eats SOUP! fast. He loves cereal, a iveall kinds of food! nd salad “t's terrible! How about mi 53 Scanned with CamScanner “Oheyson YOR ross out the word that doesn't belong in each list. 1 On pizza: tomatoes cheese 2 cine pizza hotdogs spaenetti 3 Inasalad: carrots cheese SOP" 4 Japanesefood: tacos sushi or 5 Insoup: noodies salad chicken Correct the mistakes, 1. Brenda eats every day pizza, 2. Ahmed eats tacos once year. 7 a 3 Wedon'teatmeatotenvery. (ue don" 2 7 4 Andyeatscheesetwoamonth. —_{\ds 5 Never Lydia eats vegetables, Lydia never 6 They have dumplings four a week, They neve Circle the corect words to complete the conversation. Pat Howonce d hi? ce (Geer) Jo you eat sus Alan_ I don't eat sushi very never [ORi> How about you? Pat leat sushi@nce7 twice in a while. Kevin and | go toa Japanese restaurant twice {thredtimes a year. ‘Alan My family every {neveeats out. We cook at home every / often day. Pat Really?! don’t, cook x7 every often. Kevin cooks often y ‘twice a week, but we usually go to restaurants, Match the sentences that have similar meanings. 1 Gary eats spaghetti every Sunday. _ 2 He eats spaghetti once in a while. 2 Kyle doesn't eat spaghetti, @ ‘~b He eats spaghetti twice a week. 3 Marco eats spaghetti every Tuesday and Friday. by ~c He eats spaghetti once a week 4 Mr. Lee eats spaghetti three times a year. 1 d_Heeats spaghetti 12 times a year. 5 Victor has spaghetti once amonth._q__ \e Henever eats spaghetti. Scanned with CamScanner 6 qookat Karen's answers fo the qu. Then answer the questions How international wens diet u every d 1 Howoften does Karen eat Brazilian food? She eats Brazilian food once.a week + Howotendoessheeat Colombian food? She n@vei_eols. co\c : 4 Howoften does she eat Japanese food? ‘She cats Japenese (ood duce c week « fonotendoesshecatKoreanfood? — She eudg Korean food Awe a-month 5 How often does she eat American food? She eale Amencan (ood sevens dee ______ t howotendoesshecatliaiontood? = She eal Ughan teed_once « week —___ 7 Howotten does she eat Greek food? ‘ghe eals Gteek foed_once in-a_whil sowintemationalis your diet? Answer the quiz with your own information. ‘Thenvrite sentences with the time expressions. een al ed Mencn food 4 wnese food 2 (fase pevosen food ~ 5 -pnevereed Turkim lood ev eet Thar food 6 Enevor eed Crerch ood 5S Scanned with CamScanner | vorite food 7 Look at the photo at the end of Exercise 2. What kind of food Is tt ws eltan Coad. Read the text. Then answer the questions. 11 How often does Isabel eat at a Chinese restaurant? once wee 2. Who makes Mexican food? Teena. 3 WhatStsabel'sfavorterecipe? Veggie pi GED res ws woe cong EASY CHEF FORUM . ' What do you usually eat? How often do you eat out? What's your favorite recipe? We want to hear from you! Inmy family, we usually have a well-balanced diet. We eat vegetables, fruit, and grains F 7 every day. We eat chicken about three times a week, and we eat fish once or twice a week, gh We hardly ever have beef. We et it once in a while at restaurants, but we don't eat out ~ very often. We do have some special days, though. Once a month, we eat out with our children at our favorite Chinese restaurant. The dumplings are delicious! And my mom | GEERBEND comes over and makes Mexican food twice a month. | Here's my favorite easy recipe: sot Get some Italian bread. Put vegetables on top. use peppers, tomatoes, and onions, ‘Then add cheese, and cookit in the microwave for one minute. Delicious! Read the text again. Then write T (true), F (false), or NI (no information). 1 Isabel has two children, _NI_ 2 Isabel's family eats vegetables seven days a week. _F_ 3. Isabel's mother makes Mexican food for the family every week, ‘sabel's husband sometimes makes veggie pizza. NI Isabel's family never has beef, _ Isabel can't cook Mexican food, NI Isabel likes dumplings, F Peppers are vegetables, F exX awa Scanned with CamScanner

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