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Lab Quiz: Reproductive Behavior

1. Give an insight from the video that was posted earlier. (5pts)

In the video, he explained the difference between gender and sexuality, as

well as the biological perspective about it, and the spectrum going on in sex. It says
that sex is a complex biological trait, and the traditional binary understanding of male
and female doesn't fully capture the diversity and complexity of human biology.
Rather, it is more realistic to see sex as a spectrum that includes with a variety of
biological, chromosomal, hormonal, and anatomical variations. This is why
understanding sex as a spectrum acknowledges the diversity in human biology and
helps to correct and respect the experiences of individuals with non-binary or intersex

2. Provides an overview of the different meanings of the terms: (20pts)

2.1 sex and gender;

Sex refers to the physical and physiological characteristics that

distinguish male and female bodies. This includes the biological sex,
chromosome sex, anatomical sex, and hormonal sex. On the other hand
gender refers to social and cultural attributes and understandings of men and
women and their roles. In other words, gender is a more complex and
multifaceted concept that goes beyond a simple binary

2.2 examines gender roles,

The examination of gender roles involves looking at how society

defines and enforces certain behaviors, responsibilities, and expectations
based on the perceived gender of individuals. A thorough examination of how
gender-related societal expectations impact people, relationships, and larger
social institutions is central to the study of sex and gender. Promoting
diversity, debunking myths, and advancing a more varied and fair conception
of gender roles all depend on this analysis.

2.3 gender identity and gender-role stereotypes, and

Gender identity is a deeply personal and internal sense of one's own

gender, such as an innate sense of self, or self-identification. While gender-
role stereotypes are societal expectations and norms associated with
behaviors, roles, and attributes based on perceived gender. Furthermore,
gender-role stereotypes are societal expectations regarding how individuals,
based on their perceived gender, should behave, look, or fulfill certain roles.

2.4 sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation refers to an individual's enduring pattern of

emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to people of the opposite sex, the
same sex, or both sexes. And it is frequently grouped along a spectrum and is
a basic component of human identity. It is very important for us to understand
and respect diverse sexual orientations, for promoting inclusivity, tolerance,
and equal rights for individuals of all orientations

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