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Disusun guna memenuhi tugas

Mata Kuliah : Basic Acadmic English
Dosen : R. R. Mardiana Yulianti

Disusun Oleh :
1. Kyanza Rakeyan Kalang Sunda 221010501568
2. Robbi Falah Hakiki 221010506038
3. Muhammad Rifki Juliansyah 221010501571
4. Fatikah Agustin 221010504361
5. Bakhrunni Nur Fatimah 221010501541
6. Nadira Nuraini 221010501487
7. Marsyanda Nuruzzahra 221010501518


Jl. Surya Kencana No.1, Pamulang Barat., Kec. Pamulang,

Alhamdulillah, we praise and thank God for the presence of Allah Ta'ala. for the abundance
of His grace and grace so that we can complete the English paper: THE PAST
PARTICIPATE ". We hope that this paper can add knowledge and experience to readers.
Likewise, for the abundance of health and opportunities that Allah SWT has bestowed upon
us so that we can compile this paper through several sources, namely through library research
and through internet media.
On this occasion, we would like to thank all those who have given us enthusiasm and
motivation in the preparation of this paper. To our parents who have contributed a lot to us,
lecturer Mrs R. R. Mardiana Yulianti, and also to our friends in arms who have helped us in
various ways. We hope that the information and material contained in this paper can be useful
for readers. Nothing is perfect in this world, except Allah SWT. God the Most Perfect,
therefore we ask for constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of our next
Thus, we made this paper, if there are errors in writing, or there are discrepancies in the
material that we raise in this paper, we apologize. The writing team accepts criticism and
suggestions as widely as possible from readers so that they can make a better paper on the
next opportunity.

Pamulang, November 14th 2022

Writer Team

THE PAST PARTICIPLE..................................................................................................................1
USES OF PAST PARTICIPLE......................................................................................................1
ABOUT PARTIC.................................................................................................................................3

Beside having to know the present participle, in English we have to know about the past
participle. The past participle is a verb that usually ends in -ed or -d for regular verb, and the changes
in Irregular verbs can very. In general we can say that participle as a form of the third verb. Similar to
the present participle, the past participle can also stand as a verb or as an adjective.
The following is an illustration of changing the form of the regular verb.

Base Form Past Simple Past Principle

post posted Posted
upload uploaded Uploaded
download downloaded downloaded

The following is an illustration of changing the form of the irregular verb.

Base form Past simple Past principle

he Was/were Been
choose chose chosen
freeze froze frozen


A. As Adjective
The past participle can be uses as an adjective to describe the state of a noun in sentence
Omicron is a hydrated virus.
Facebook has hidden features for toddler.
The word ‘hydrate’ and ‘hidden’ are past participle as adjective that
Describe noun ‘virus’ and ‘features’.

B. Participle Phrases
The past participle also often appears in participle phrases. They will stand as adjectives.
Quarantined for 8 days, Rachelvennya fled to Bali.
Finally inaugurated, the president announced PPKM level 3.
The participle phrase ‘Quarantined for 8 days’ describes ‘Rachelvennya’, and ‘finally inaugurated’
describe ‘the president’.

C. Perfect Verbs Tenses
The past participle can also be modified to make the sentence and perfect tense form.
Thereare 6 perfect verb tense that use past participle as a modification of sentence.
1. Present Perfect Tense
The police have arrested a suspected drug abuser in the Kemang area.
2. Past Perfect Tense
The police had already arrested a suspected drug abuser in the Kemang area.
3. Future Perfect Tense
The police will have arrested a suspected drug abuser in the Kemang area by the
time President arrive.
4. Present Perfect Continuous
The police will have been arresting a suspected drug abuser in the Kemang area
since the President started announcing new case.
5. Past Perfect Continous Tense
The police had been arresting a suspected drug abuserin the kemang area for 3
years before the president announce the new case.
6. Future Perfect Continous
The police will have been arresting a suspected drug abuser in the kemang area for 3
years by the time the president announce the new case

D. Passive Sentences
Example :
- This house is painted blue. (Rumah ini dicat biru)
- The glass is broken into pieces. (Kaca itu pecah berkeping-keping)
- All flights were canceled because of fog. (Semua penerbangan dibatalkan karena kabut)

E. After Verb of Perception

Example :
- She noticed the door knocked very hard. (Dia melihat pintu digedor dengan keras)
- We watched the room cleaned. (Kita melihat ruangan dibersihkan)
- I saw my wallet taken by him. (Saya melihat dompet saya diambil dia)

About Participles

There are two types of participles:

A. The Past Participle
(Past participles usually end with "-ed," "-d," "-t," "-en," or "-n.")
B. The Present Participle
(All present participles end with "-ing.")
Participles are non-finite verbs. (A non-finite verb is a verb that, by itself, does not show tense. This
means if you look at just a participle, you cannot tell if you're dealing with the past tense, present
tense, or future tense.)

If you're learning or teaching English, then it is essential to have a good understanding of participles
(past participles and present participles) because adjectives and verb tenses are fundamental building
blocks when learning a language any language.

Conclusion : The past participle is a verb that usually ends in -ed or -d for regular verb, and the
changes in Irregular verbs can very. In general we can say that participle as a form of the third verb.
Similar to the present participle, the past participle can also stand as a verb or as an adjective.

Suggestion : If you want to use a past participate verb, used as a verb form in tenses like
perfect tenses and passive voice


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