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Jaredin gazed upon the edge of creation.

The ascended Au Ra had stolen the very essence of

this realm. Holding out his palm, he absorbed what little power remained. As the energy flooded
into his body, the realm began to collapse. But something was wrong, He felt a tug at his soul. A
leak he couldn’t fix. The Au Ra weakened, he tried to fight against the collapse. He was so close
to true godhood just a bit more and he could break free of this realm. However, the very power
he stole drained from his body. The light of the source filled his vision until…

“JAREDIN” A miqo'te shook him awake. The thin tail whipping behind his friend.

The Au Ra slowly stood up, rubbing his temple.

“Jaredin, something is wrong. The realm has been overloaded with aether. The towers are

“You mean I didn’t stop it?” The Paladin asked his companion

“No, the moment you returned the very earth opened up. Huge quakes have destroyed vast
sections of the realm. Aether lines are flooding the skies and nobody can figure out what the hell
is happening !”

Jaredin started to piece it all together. With one realm gone, the others absorbed the excess
essence. Realizing his mistake, he quickly got up and ran towards the airships. The Miqo’te
scholar quickly scampered behind. As they boarded the flying machine, Cid was already there
to greet them.

“Been tracing the aether lines, I’ve triangulated the source to be deep in the Garlean empire.”
The white haired man spoke, his finger pointing onto a map.

Knowing what they had to do, they set off towards enemy territory. The engineer had already
come up with a plan of infiltration. Channeling the essence of Bismarck and Tsukuyomi, he
could temporarily cloak an escape glider. As the Au Ra and Miqo’te loaded into the prototype,
Cid prepared the distraction. Sailing lower, he drew the empire’s weapons towards him. With a
grin, he ejected the glider and barely avoided the munitions.

The Miqo’te was screaming as they rapidly approached the central tower. Flickering lines of
power rippling through the spire. The intense energies heating the metal into a soft glow. He
ignored his friend’s screams as Jaredin had one goal in mind.


The two slammed into the glass facade. Lacerating shards rained down as they rolled across
the surface. Time seemed to slow as Jaredin began running towards Fandaniel. The Ascien
channeled the fluxing aether towards the moon. The concentrated energy attempting to shatter
the bindings of Zodiark. A scream left his throat as he turned to face the champion. Yet he was
too slow. Jaredin shouldered the sorcerer with such force he fell from the rafters. With nothing to
anchor the ethereal essence, the aether lashed out. Hydaelyn attempted to intervene but could
only reinforce the paladin’s body.

Jaredin screamed in raw agony as the power flooded his body. A fire ran through his nerves as
his mortal shell attempted to contain it. Yet he didn’t give in. The Au Ra nearly bit off his own
tongue as he fought the intense pain. He wasn’t sure how long it lasted but when it was finally
over he felt…cold.

Rubbing his eyes, his vision slowly returned. The once grand tower is now smoldering
wreckage. Yet, something was off. Against the white plains of snow he couldn’t quite discern it.
Squinting, he could see the walls of the nearby fortress. The hive abuzz with sirens and
emergency lights are flooding the sky.

“What…Have…You…DONE!” Jaredin glanced and smiled.

Crawling from the wreckage was Fandaniel. His rival stood only a few cm tall. The mage held up
his arm and unleashed a stream of flames. Yet it did nothing. The magical energies barely
heated the skin as Jaredin looked down. The Ascien gave into his rage and unleashed his full
arsenal of magiks. His screams of frustration coincided with each new spell. With one last puff of
sparks, he collapsed.

“Why is it always YOU” He panted out.

Jaredin didn’t give him a chance to recover. His clawed hand lashed out and gripped the man in
a tight vice. Bringing the man to his face, he stared deep into the soul. The two had been
fighting for years, yet the champion foiled each and every plan. All he needed to do was
squeeze and it would be finished. His grip tightened and a cry left the villain’s throat. As the Au
Ra continued to increase the pressure, he could feel the bones shatter.


It was done. Jaredin opened his palm and stared at the stain. His eyes could see the essence of
the soul leave the corpse. No doubt the Ascien was searching for a new puppet, yet as it tried to
flee…it couldn’t. Jaredin swore he could see the distorted face panicking, the soul slowly
seeping into the palm of the paladin. His spirit is incorporated into Jaredin’s own, a new rush of
power filling his being. Squeezing his fist one last time, he siphoned the last bits of Fandaniel.
His mind expanded with power and new abilities.

“It’s over…It’s finally over. Now we just need to find out what the hell happened to you.” The
Miqo’te spoke as he stepped from his hiding spot.
An evil thought passed through Jaredin’s head. He didn’t want to go back, this was even better
than before. Yet could he do it? could he really finish off his loyal friend? As he processed his
thoughts…he found an alternative solution. Slowly he reached out.

“Jaredin…What are you doing?” The man slowly backed away from the bloodstained palm. He
tried to scream as a glow overwhelmed him and…
“Thank you friend. Only you will be spared” Jaredin picked up the prison. A single translucent
jewel. A pocket realm filled with any need the little Miqo’te would want. The little guy never
knowing his world was fake….

Tucking the gem away, he stood to his new size. His aura vaporized any snow that tried to touch
his body. With a sharpened vision he could see the magitek weaponry slowly approaching.
Stretching his sore muscles, he gripped his sword. It was time to demonstrate his newfound

Jaredin trudged through the snowy plains, the overflowing energy melting the ice beneath his
boots. As he approached the garlean army, a few long range shots slammed into him-the
munition barely denting his armor. He could see the squads adjust formation and prepare their
initial barrage.

As the Au Ra approached, he finally understood his true size. The Magitek walkers would
normally tower over him. Yet now, they barely reach past his ankle. He paused to process this
newfound knowledge and could help but let off a reverberating laugh. The mockery angered the
Garlean empire and they responded with their initial attack.

Jaredin could feel the aether currents shifting as the various weapons absorbed the latent
energy. The glow of spell circles illuminating squadrons, the flickering lights as aether flooded
through hydraulics. Snow paused as the condensed power overflowed into the atmosphere.
Their commanding officer fired off a flare and the first shot fired.

Mages unleashed their charging spells, billowing waves of flames, ice, and electricity shot forth.
Sickly muck and toxic gasses rolled across the landscape. Avatars of various eidolons
sacrificing themselves generating localized disasters. All of the magics intertwined with the
magitek barrage. Streams of bullets, rays of light, explosive munitions arced across the sky. The
dark of the night temporarily turned day from the overwhelming force unleashed. Only the
strongest capital cities would even have a chance at resisting the siege, all else would be
vaporized on contact. Yet Jaredin just smiled.

Tapping into his inner flame, his eyes transformed into flames. Flickering white fire coated his
body as he gathered his power. Reaching behind, he grabbed his towering shield and slammed
it in front of him. The cackling energy flooded into his metal illuminating the ornate filigree. His
muscles flexed as he dug his boots into the earth. A billowing cry left his throat as he braced for
impact, the overflowing energy tearing out of his back forming wings of brilliant light. Rippling
winds radiated from his body. The localized storm parted the cloudscape revealing an ominous
full moon.

Jaredin grunted as the barrage smashed into his shield. His body slid back slightly as he took a
knee. His wings rippled from each impact, the long strands of light traveling far beyond him.
Various magics were split smashing to his sides, the toxic vapors igniting from the holy flames,
even the bullets disintegrating to dust. For two minutes straight, the Au Ra endured. Soon the
last few sparks of magic flickered out. Jaredin peaked out and saw they were already prepping
for the next attack. He stood up and rested against the shield, his muscles sore and lungs
panting for air. Yet not a single mark was left on his body. A grin crossed his face as he
stretched his arm and slung his sword across his shoulder. The titan continued forward towards
the awaiting army.

The shock troopers charged forth, their bodies glowing from reinforcement magics. Each carried
a teleportation stone to escape when ordered. Their own purpose was to delay the now massive
Au Ra until the second barrage was ready. Jaredin watched as they charged forth, hundreds of
trained soldiers meeting him in open field combat. As the first squadron was within striking
distance, Jaredin swung his sword in a wide arc.

The legendary weapon tore through the front lines with ease. Nothing could withstand the
overwhelming force unleashed upon them. Barriers, armor, hardened muscle, all was torn
asunder. The oversized blade didn’t bisect as much as disintegrated all it touched. Bodies
exploded as they made contact with the magical metal. But it didn’t stop there. For dozens of
meters out, a searing blaze erupted from the arcing greatsword. Snow sublimated directly to
steam as it washed over the frontlines. Screams of terror filled the air as the fire ignited the
clumped up warriors. A few moments of raw agony before they collapsed into smoldering
skeletons. Those outside the fires could see the silhouettes of struggling bodies before the flesh
turned to bone. A few embers shot across the land crashing into the magical backline. They
tried their best to quench the fires, yet nothing worked. The medic quickly amputated limbs
before it spread.

In one single swipe, Jaredin eliminated over 500 Garleans. Holding his sword outwards, he
glanced up. A hot haze of fresh steam lingered in the air, bits of white fire dotted the landscape
as it consumed the flesh of his enemies. Lowering his sword, he continued forward. As he
crossed the initial line, he saw a man limping away. The samurai uses his weapon as a crutch.
His lower right leg is missing and leaving a trail of blood behind him. The Au Ra shifted his
stride and approached the fleeing man. The little samurai tried to pick up the pace as he
awkwardly stumbled across the muddied landscape. A wave of dread filled his body as he
began to panic. As he took another step, his sword got stuck in the mud. The man crashed face
first into the mud and tried to crawl away. Yet it was futile, he turned to his back and held his
hands up. A scream of terror was quickly silenced with a sickening…

Jaredin didn’t have time for mercy. The Garlean army was the source of much strife in the world
and the Au Ra was a heavy handed judge. Each swing of his sword exterminated entire
squadrons, his heavy boots transforming the snow into a crimson swamp. Even the most
focused of magics couldn’t penetrate the divine flesh. The barrage of attacks disintegrating
before their very eyes.

The Au Ra was an efficient killing machine. Each movement is calculated to cause the most
strife. Taking a long step, he would slam his boot down into the backline. Slowly, he’d drag his
foot across the battlefield leaving a streak of red in his wake. Others he would snatch up in his
gauntlet, holding them high above the landscape. His eyes would flare with power and immolate
those in his palm. The intense heat was so strong, not even bone remained. Even the simple
act of walking caused untold devastation. His toe smashing into machinery and causing it to
explode on contact. Yet, the best was that satisfying crunch as his foot fell. Even through the
metal sole, he could feel the tiny bodies popping beneath him. In only a few moments, the titan
had cut through the frontline and began exterminating the rest.

Standing straight, he sheathed his sword. The avatar of war was bloodied in the remains of his
enemies. Sweat glistened on his brow and puffs of steam radiated from his body. As the healers
frantically casted a variety of resurrection spells, Jaredin just smiled. Tracing the aether
currents, he casually intercepts the spells.

Each healer tried to cut the spell, yet Jaredin refused to let go. Holding out his palm, he slowly
concentrated their very essence into his hand. Screams of horror echoed throughout the lines
as their support began to wither away. Others tried using enchanted equipment to cut the lines
of aether, but nothing worked. Soon the first began to collapse as their energy was drained from
their bodies. As the ethereal lifeforce floated towards the sky, Jaredin shifted his focus to the
dead around him. Co-opting the resurrection spells, he began to tug at their very souls.

One by one, their consciousness was retrieved from the aether. Translucent figments of their
former selves arose from the grave. A state of bewilderment covered their faces, the ghosts
turning to their allies trying to figure out what happened. It was only a few moments of reprieve
before they felt a tug. Slowly, the spirits were lifted into the sky. Echoing cries of fear
reverberated through the army. Yet; Even as they reached out, they couldn’t escape the
overbearing pull.

Jaredin just smiled as the thousands of souls coalesced into his palm. Each one a distinct entity
only a few millimeters in size. Their combined mass illuminates his face in a ghostly glow. As the
last few smashed into his palm, The Au Ra slowly closed his hand. Rays of light peered out
from the gaps in his fingers. The light increased as he compressed the life essences of his
enemies. His free hand grabbed the wrist to quell the shaking arm. Realty seemed to crack as
the compressed spirits finally shattered. A wave of golden light radiated from his hand as he
exterminated their very essence. The raw energy flooding into his arm and further increasing
his titanic size.
The Au Ra glanced down at the remainder of the army. The various squads and mercenary
groups now the size of ants. The large magitek weapons couldn’t reach past the soles of his
boots. Jaredin flared his aura releasing a wave of death. The nearly invisible force vaporized
anything caught in its path. Not even their spirits were safe from the empowered Au Ra. With his
newfound strength, he unconsciously stole their essence to bolster his own.

That single move reduced the once strong force to nearly a quarter of its size.

“Too easy” he muttered and slammed his sword down.

Leaving his weapon behind, Jaredin continued forward. His glowing eyes tracked the
movements of the fleeing army with ease.

“RETREAT RETREAT” The general was screaming into his communication device

The seasoned warrior hadn’t felt this kind of fear in decades. Yet staring up at this new god, he
realized that all he had accomplished was for nothing. A tear fell down his face as he watched
the monster exterminate his men. Each step tearing up their homelands and leaving nothing
behind. The rookies tried to escape the looming shadows, yet it was futile. But the worst part
was the man was enjoying it. The titan was aiming for the largest clusters, he’d hovered his foot
above them for a brief moment. Just enough time for them to realize it was over. All forms of
order had broken down, morale was gone, and the survivors were just trying to escape.


Another footfall and the general was nearly knocked from his chair. His sorrowful glance
watched as the mountainous boot swiveled back and forth. The Au Ra made sure not a single
one remained. The general did his best to escape the rampaging titan, yet even on the fastest
tank…the beast slowly caught up.

A scream of otherworldly terror left his throat as the sole loomed above. He could see chunks of
metal peeling off and crashing below. Tiny red splotches dotted the cold, hard metal. He swore
that the monster was staring right at him. A set of glowing white eyes enacting judgment for all
his sins. Blood began to leak from his ears as the boot descended. The increasing air pressure
destroying his weak flesh. Instinctually he lifted his arms to try and stop the falling foot. The
dirtied sole expanded in his view, the uncaring foot approaching at a rapid pace…


The general felt his soul leave his body. His very essence reached towards the heavens, yet he
was trapped. Instead he was pulled back towards the titan. He wanted to scream, yet nothing
could be heard. Colliding with the massive Au Ra, he felt his very consciousness pulled apart.
His memories, his life, all that made him…dissolved. A sea of screaming souls, each slowly
broken down and used to fuel the ascension.
Jolts of pleasure crept up Jaredin’s spine. The orgasmic feeling of power made his dick throb
with each step. A bit of drool left his mouth as he moaned out in raw pleasure. The scaled man
quickly unhooked his codpiece, the metal protector crashing to ground below. Steamy clouds of
musk condensed around the superheated cock. Thick droplets of pre leaked from the ever
flowing dick. Tossing a gauntlet to the side, Jaredin slowly stroked his dick. The coolness of the
air only accented the sensation. He didn’t care if the world watched, in fact he wanted them to
see this. Their lives are nothing compared to him. He is the one and only god…and this world is
now his plaything.

With the last remnants crushed into a bloody paste, Jaredin needed some release. Heading
towards the military base. The massive Au Ra got onto his hands and knees. Biting his lip, he
carefully aimed the massive rod towards the densest parts. The little dot-like Garleons scurrying
like crazy. Without further warning, Jaredin thrusted his cock across the land.

His dick was a natural disaster. The massive battering ram tore through whatever structure was
in its path. The walls, houses, stalls, and civilians exploded on impact. Jaredin nearly let out a
tear as he fell to his elbows. Sweat dripped from his brow and he panted like crazy. His muscles
spasmed from the intense pleasure radiating from his nethers. One single thrust and the Au Ra
nearly came on the spot. His sensitive glans experience every pebble smashed beneath it, the
popping of bodies, the bending of metal, even the warm heat of burning rubble combined into a
feeling of raw pleasure. Jaredin soaked it all in, after some moments of savoring the feeling he
went for his next thrust.

“RUN” A man screamed as he tried to escape the devastating dick.

It was a bloodbath in the streets. Debris was flying around him as the titan fucked their base.
The streets slick with slippery precum causing many to fall. Nobody could predict where that
killer cock would be. Each thrust hitting a different section and killing any caught in the path.
Even the air itself assaulted them, the stench of masculine musk replacing the air. The
oppressive atmosphere stunning those of weak fortitude. As he continued to flee, the ground
rippled like water as the heavy sack smashed into the earth. He cursed as he fell face first into
the pre-covered streets. The sticky fluid soaks into his uniform and makes it harder to run.


He tumbled across the ground as the massive cock smashed through the area. He wasn’t sure
what god had protected him but he gave thanks to them all. The fleshy monolith was only a
dozen feet away. He slowly got up as the pillar of death pulled back once more…only a pre-filled
trench remained. A huge chunk of the housing district was gone in a few moments. Nearly half
of the crowd now a bloody smear lining the trench walls. They all stood in utter shock, pushing
back the thoughts. He screamed

The group continued forward doing their best to make progress. The speed of the thrusts began
to pick up and the moans reverberated in their ears.


The cock slammed to his right, wiping out another section of the group.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK” He pushed his legs to the aboslute limits. His body was on fire as he tried
to escape the death zone.

Only a block remained and they could escape to the snowfields. As they turned the corner, all
hope was shattered.

“no…NOOO” He screamed, their escape route was now a wall of rubble. The gates collapsed
and a massive wall of debris trapped them inside.

HE angrily pounded the wall

“IT’s not FAIR…it’s not fair…” the man collapsed to his knees

The few remaining survivors turned as they heard the killer dick once more. The group huddled
against the wall as they saw it rush directly towards them. Some closed their eyes as they
braced for death. Yet it didn’t come, in fact the cock stopped a few dozen feet away from their
location. The dick jostled up and down forming micro-tremors through the community. None
could figure out what was happening until the thick slit opened.

“NO!” was all he could scream as Jaredin shot his load.

“FUCK YES” The Au Ra screamed out as his cock unloaded

He didn’t pay much attention to where it landed, he already leveled 95% of the base from his
humping. Squeezing out the last bits, Jaredin stood up and dusted himself off. As he planned
his next route, he felt a tug on his soul. Glancing towards the sky, he realized what it was.


Even imprisoned in the moon, the primal tried to regain what was once his. Jaredin scoffed.
Channeling his newfound powers, he launched himself towards the heavens. He would end this
entity once and for all.

Jaredin landed in a plume of dust, the crater-filled surface lifeless. It only took a few steps for
him to reach the pit. Red seals circled the prison as various demons and other minions
attempted to escape. As Jaredin inspected the magiks, a squeak echoed in his ears.
“Warrior of Light! You have finally came” Glancing down he saw a platoon of rabbit-like beings.

“We have eagerly awaited your arrival for many years. Finally our pur…”

Jaredin just slid his boot along the ground, smearing the welcoming party.

“HOLY…YOU KILLED THEM” One survivor screamed, the white fur stained red with the
remains of his friends.

Feeling a bit playful, the Au Ra bent down. Taking a deep breath, he blew at the tiny rabbit
creature and sent the entity flying across the surface. He’d investigate where they came from

Standing back up, he made a fist and smashed it into the seal. The ancient magicks flared as
they tried to resist Jaredin’s power. Yet the Au Ra didn’t give in; pressing further into the barrier,
he soon felt another force. A grin crossed his face as his rival assisted in its destruction. Soon
the last seal shattered and Jaredin was flung backwards. An old fortress was reduced to rubble
as his titanic frame smashed into it.

Dusting himself off, he heard a deep laughter echo from the pit. Thick, dark waters melded into
a massive figure. As they coalesced, an odd number of wings outlined the demonic figure. The
creature was a mockery of the heavenly bodies, the rotted feathers barely covering the
indecency. He was an amalgamation of the male and female form, the shapes both breathtaking
and horrific to behold. Just observing the creature gave Jaredin a headache. Soon, the beast
took its final form. Jaredin cracked his knuckles and approached.

Channeling his powers into his first, Jaredin swung a fist at the primal. Zodiark gracefully twisted
its body, easily avoiding the attack. As the creature turned, one wing expanded and rays of
negative energy slammed into the Au Ra’s side. But Jaredin didn’t let up; using the momentum
of his body, he shifted into a low kick. A cacophony of chuckles rippled in his brain as Zodiark
quickly caught foot and tossed the paladin across the land.

Jaredin crashed into a nearby mountain, but something felt off. Glancing down, he realized that
the mountain was hollow. For a brief moment he saw the stunned faces of those rabbit folk
staring back. The thousands of little beastman were tending to various gardens and advance
magitech. Infusing his body with divine flames, he set the entire capital on fire. Stealing their
lifeforce, he stood back up. The time for playing was over.

Zodiark twisted its head in an unnatural way. The visage rapidly emotions, each one designed to
mock the paladin. Spreading its wings once more, an uncountable number of meteors appeared
behind him. A single finger pointed towards Jaredin and the bombardment began.
Jaredin had to calm his spirit as the artillery of flames approached. Bending back slightly, he
dodged the first of many. Each flex of his muscle is carefully calculated to avoid the attack. His
mind nearly blank as he allowed his instincts to take over. Sweat dripped down his face as he
slowly closed the distance between him and the primal. As he began understanding the pattern
of attacks, he began increasing his pace. A dodge turned into a tumble, a twist into a cartwheel,
even a quick shuffle brought him ever so closer to the target. All around him new craters formed,
even from the planet’s surface they watched as explosions lit up the lunar surface. Finally, he
leapt across one final attack, getting back into melee range of his enemy.

He saw the primal’s face twist into an angry grimace. Clearly the creature preferred to stay at
range. Jaredin didn’t give Zodiark a chance to respond, he twisted his leg across the ground for
a sweep. The primal floated into an elegant backflip, mid-motion it countered with a bolt of
lightning. Yet Jaredin was fast, sidestepping he launched into an uppercut only to be blocked by
a fan of wings. The powerful punch sent Zodiark stumbling back, but Jaredin didn’t give the
creature a moment of recovery.

Leaping after the creature, Jaredin grabbed the skull and slammed it into the surface. The
paladin dragged the creature across the surface before he felt something stab his wrist. Letting
go, he pulled out a feather. Blood dripped down his hand as the nerves slowly went
numb…poison. His mind crashed back to the fight when a spell circle appeared beneath him.

Jaredin shifted into backflip barely avoiding the black chains exploding outwards. Yet, the
magicks didn’t stop. The otherworldly shackles shifted and chased after him. The Au Ra was on
the backfoot as he used the gauntlets to deflect the magick. Each impact denting the enchanted
metal before dissipating back into the aether. Jaredin circled Zodiark trying to get a better angle,
the creature pointing as more circles of magic appeared around him. Bending back, he narrowly
avoided a hissing green arrow.

Suddenly, Zodiark appeared before him. Time seemed to slow as the creature held out two
palms, a glowing red orb floating between. With no way to dodge, Jaredin braced himself as the
magicks exploded. The world went white and an intense pain filled his body. However, he
refused to give up. Reaching out, he felt the body of the primal and grabbed hold.

Time returned and the two were sent flying. The intense magic tore off half his face, yet he didn’t
feel pain. He had a single purpose and nothing was going to stop him. He felt those sickle wings
embrace and the numbing feathers pierce his back. Jaredin just grunted through the torment
and pulled the creature into a crushing bearhug. After a few moments of agony, he crashed into
the ground. The two tumbled and rolled across the moon’s surface before skidding to a stop.

Jaredin landed on top of Zodiark and had the primal trapped beneath him.

“No more games” The paladin said and raised a bloody fist.
The Au Ra slammed his gauntlet down into the mockery of life. Each punch forces the creature
to shift its face once more. A black substance slowly from the shattered visage but he didn’t
relent. All he had gone through culminated in this moment. A rage filled attack made each
punch harder than the last. Even as the creature weakly clawed and scratched, he didn’t stop.
Finally, he held both fists in the sky and slammed down with one final blow.

The killer blow cracked the land itself, a massive crater formed around the two combatants as
large fissures radiated from the impact site. An audible gasp roiled across the planet’s surface
as they watched the heavenly body crack.. The surface forever changed as the black blood
filled the newly formed trench. Jaredin just sat on the defeated primal for an unknown amount of
time. All the pain gone and a sense of purposeful bliss filled his very soul. But there was one
final task at hand. Placing his hand onto Zodiark’s chest…He focused on its very essence.

A huge glow covered the two as Jaredin absorbed the primal’s power. His own injuries healing
from the transfer. As the creature lost its power, it began to shrink and change shape. Smaller
and smaller it became until it reverted back to what created it. The original Ascien. The
miniscule speck still had much power within, but Jaredin wanted to savor this. Leaning against
one of the craters. He pulled out his cock.

Ignoring the curses and screams of the defeated rival, he slowly brought the Ascien to the
cockhead. The raging monolith already leaking like crazy from the flood of power. With care, he
pressed the tiny man into his slit. The slick liquid easily lubes up the journey down his shaft.
Jaredin guided the small bulge down into his plump sack. His leg shot out as the intense
pleasure shot up his spine. The powerful creature was fighting within. Each movement and each
blast of magic only enhances the orgasmic pleasure. The Au Ra drooled a bit as he gave into
the raw instincts. Groping his sack, he savored the feeling of the creature squirming within.

“You thought you’d rule this land once more, enjoy churning into cum” Jaredin spoke and laid
back. Resting his head on his arms, he closed his eyes and let his balls finish off the beast. The
titan drifting off to a deep sleep. Tomorrow, he’d announce his newly acquired godhood.

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