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Broken Toys

Lisa hated wearing a suit and tie. She hated how tight the tie made her throat. She hated how
her legs were hot and stuffy in the slacks. She hated how the jacket made her shoulders feel squeezed.
She hated how the clothes covered up her muscles.

But some of the other women at the halfway house said to wear a suit and tie, and since this
interview was the only thing that could keep her out of prison, she borrowed something from the
house’s donations bin.

Lisa looked up. She decided she hated the overhead, fluorescent lights too. Almost as much as
she hated the suit and tie. She hated how the lights made her amber eyes tingle and her golden fur
stand on edge. Lisa lifted a finger and tugged anxiously at the tie, loosening it just slightly so she could
easier breath.

“Five minutes late,” she muttered, looking at her watch. “When I had a meeting, I was always on

Lisa looked around the room. It was a typical office, with a chair for a guest she was presently
sitting in, a needlessly large desk in the center of the room, and a big, gaudy armchair on the other side
of the desk. She decided she hated both chairs, and the desk. But she especially hated the overhead
lights. Almost as much as she hated the tie.

With a grunt, Lisa stood up and walked to the mirror on the wall opposite the chair she was
sitting on. She straightened out a few wrinkles on her blazer and re-tightened her tie until the pressure
was almost painful against her throat. She moved her fingers to her cheeks and straightened the ruffled

Lisa was tall, and well-muscled, her powerful physique evident even beneath the layers of formal
clothing. As a lioness, she had a mouthful of long, sharp teeth she showed off by pulling her lips back
with her fingers. Those weren’t her only weapons though. Giggling to herself, she lifted her arms
perpendicular to her body and flexed her biceps. Her ears twitched at the sound of fabric starting to rip
under the bulging force, so she quickly lowered her arms and relaxed her muscles. Bending over, and
lifting her tail to maintain her balance, she pulled the left leg of her pants up, just slightly, to reveal the
ankle monitor.

More than the fluorescent lights, the suit, the desk, the chair, or her tie, she hated the ankle

Lisa’s ears twitched at the sound of a door opening.

“Sorry for the wait. We’re running a bit late and-”

The hyena man lifted his eyes from his clipboard, and was greeted by the presented sight of
lioness rump, tail lifted high, so nothing was there to obstruct the curvature of the well-muscled butt
cheeks. He stared for just a moment, before lifting his clipboard in front of his face, a physical barrier to
shield his eyes. Lisa stood straight, smoothed her blazer, and turned. The hyena cautiously lowered his
clipboard. “I’m sorry, ma’am. For the wait.” He lifted a hand and moved the glasses resting on his crown
to his snout to cover his eyes.
The hyena man walked around the desk and attempted to pull the large, gaudy armchair back.
He failed miserably. He looked to Lisa nervously, then gripped the chair’s back and yanked with all his
might. His little body flexed and bulged and struggled. Inch by inch, the chair started to move, but finally
deciding it wasn’t worth the effort, the hyena instead scrambled over the chair’s arm and plopped down
onto the center seat. Lisa covered her mouth and flexed her lips, struggling to suppress a giggle.

The hyena man was short, and looked almost childlike when seated in the armchair that was
clearly meant for a megafauna. He was skinny and scrawny, almost to the point of malnourishment, with
his oversized suit hanging loosely on boney shoulders, his face gaunt and withered, his entire body
shaking for reasons Lisa was not sure of. His eyes were obstructed by a pair of glasses that were
comically thick, like someone had taped a pair of soda bottles together. The black tie around his neck
was loosened and the top button of the shirt was undone, exposing just a hint of his chest fur. Lisa
moved a finger up to her own tie, but thought better than loosening it, and instead moved her hand
down to her thigh.

“Uhm… my name is Hump,” the hyena said.

“Hump?” Lisa asked.

“Oh, well, my name is Humphrey Heihei, but everyone calls me Hump. You can call me Hump! If
you want to. Or you can just call me Humphrey. Or Heihei. Uhm… Ms…” He flipped through the
assortment of papers on his clipboard. “Uhm… Ms. Leander?”

“You can call me Lisa,” the lioness said.

“Uhm… yes… It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Lisa. I… uhm… sorry for keeping you waiting. Mr.
Ernst is…” The hyena let out a noise that made Lisa’s ears twitch. It was almost a laugh, but lacked any
mirth, and was instead some sort of sound that was forced out of Humphrey’s throat, out his lips, and
into the air. “M-Mr. Ernst is just a little, uhm… Behind on paperwork. In his… other office. Yep. Uhm… he’s
definitely not slumped over at the Watering Hole. That’s the bar on the corner. He’s not there though, so
no need to go check.” Again, that laugh. That strange, forced sound that made Lisa’s ears twitch. “I mean,
he is an elephant, so none of us could move him if he was stone drunk at the bar. Not that he is. Cause
he’s not. He’s in his other office. Yep! Yep, yep, yep!”

“Right,” Lisa said, nodding slowly.

“So, Ms. Lisa, when can you start?” the hyena asked.

Lisa looked around the office. “You mean, just like that? I’m here for an interview. Shouldn’t you,
like, interview me?”

“Oh! Right. Yes,” the hyena said, and gave a big, dumb smile that made Lisa want to cringe. “Tell
me a little about yourself!”

I’m a fucking supervillain, and if not for this fucking ankle monitor suppressing my power, I would
shrink you to a few inches tall and eat you alive, you derpy faced, inbred, mangy moron, Lisa mused.

“I’m a hard worker,” she said politely.

“And what do you think you can bring to this business?”

This is a fucking a “Willy’s Warehouse.” I’m looking for a job as a cashier so I don’t violate my
parole, you piece of spotted shit, she thought.

“Plenty,” Lisa said with a forced smile.

“Wonderful! Oh, uhm, I have to ask, any problems with the law?”

Take your pick, mutt. Grand larceny, attempted murder, kidnapping, assault, jaywalking. I’m the
type of woman your mommy warned you about, assuming she could stand to look at you for more than a
few seconds at a time.

“Yes. But… uhm…” Lisa crunched forward and gripped the legging of her pantleg. “Well, as long
as I am wearing this, there isn’t a whole lot I can do. And, uhm, I’m not on anything. I mean, I can piss in
a cup if, you know, that’s like your policy.”

Lisa looked into the brown eyes of the hyena. She sighed. “Look, I served my time and I’m out on
parole, and I need this job to stay on parole. Even if it’s just mopping floors and cleaning toilets, I need a
paystub by the end of the week. Every supermarket, loading dock and fast food joint has turned me
away. I’ll do anything, OK?”

Lisa wanted to vomit at what she said next, but with a low sigh, she gave a pitiful, “Please.”

“Like I said,” the hyena said with a big, derpy, stupid grin. “When can you start?”


Lisa rapped her knuckles against the door that had MANAGER plastered across the glass.

“Mr. Ernst? I need you to sign my time sheets.”

In the week she had been working at Willy’s Warehouse, Lisa had not seen the mysterious Mr.
Ernst even once. She had met Barry, who worked behind the butcher’s counter, and Samuel who mostly
unloaded trucks in the back. There was Roseanne, who stocked the lower shelves, and Tony who stocked
the high shelves. Ashley, Babette, and Charolette all worked the registers. And of course, there was
Humphrey, who seemed to pop up wherever he was needed, whenever he was needed, as if he was
some sort of omniscient magician. He didn’t seem to have a designated job, so much as every job. But
she had never seen Mr. Ernst.

“Mr. Ernst, I really need this sheet signed for tomorrow. I really, REALLY do.” She pounded a large
fist upon the wood once again, causing it to shake on its hinges. “Mr. Ernst!”

The door opened, only a crack, and Humphrey’s face appeared. As short as he was, he was first
eye level with Lisa’s lower cleavage, but quickly lifted his gaze up to her eyes.

“Oh, hello Ms. Lisa,” he said quickly. “I’m afraid Mr. Ernst is-”

Lisa put her hand on the door and pushed. Even without her powers, her strength was more
than enough to knock the hyena back and onto his rump. He landed with a hard oomph on the ground.
Lisa pushed the door open fully and carefully walked around Humphrey, and stomped up to the desk
where the elephantine body was lounging.
Mr. Ernst must have been nine feet tall when standing, and even sitting, he was still slightly taller
than Lisa. He was lounging in the armchair, that, while far too large for Humphrey, actually seemed too
small for him, with his rolls of fat spilling over every side. He was wearing black slacks and a white shirt
with red suspenders, the white of the shirt stained with green slime and stale beer. He smelled atrocious.

“Mr… Mr. Ernst, I really need you to sign my time sheet. I have to meet my parole officer
tomorrow morning and the halfway house closes at 10:30.” She slammed her paper onto the desk.

The elephant lifted his head, blinked lazily, then allowed his whole body to slump and droop.
“Mr. Ernst!” Lisa screamed.

“I got it,” Humphrey said, coming to stand beside her.

“Look, I need it signed by the manager of the store, not some glorified stockboy.”

“Mr. Ernst hasn’t signed anything in over a decade,” Humphrey said, sighing as he pinched the
edge of the paper and pulled it over the desk so it was in front of him. He took a pen out of his pocket
and scribbled a signature. “I guarantee, if he did, they would think it’s a forgery. Everyone thinks this is
how he signs his name.”

With a low sigh, Humphrey picked up the paper and handed it to Lisa, who awkwardly took it.
She skimmed her eyes over the paper. She looked to Humphrey. “Uhm… th-thanks.”

“No problem. You can get back to the halfway house alright?” he asked. “Do you want me to call
you a cab?”

Lisa shrugged. “I don’t have any money to pay.”

Humphrey reached into his pocket and fished out a few dollar bills of various denominations.
“Think of this as an advance,” he said, passing it over. “Remember, the store is closed tomorrow but I’ll
be here if you want to stop by and pick up your paycheck. And, well, if you wanted to stay and help me
with the weekly deep clean, I wouldn’t say no! Hehe.”

“Right.” Lisa took the money nervously. She thumbed through the bills. $78 in total. “Again,

“Good work this week, Ms. Lisa. See you tomorrow. Or Monday. Whichever comes first!”

“Yeah,” Lisa said, looking down at the money, then to the hyena, who had a big, derpy, dumb
smile. She sighed, turned, and walked out the door.

Humphrey’s ears twitched at the sound of light, feline footsteps stomping through the grocery
store. He looked to the security monitors, and watched as Lisa left through the Employee Exit. To his side,
Mr. Ernst let out a pained groan and began to stir in his big armchair. Humphrey walked to him and
stroked the thick, grey cheek on his face with the back of his hand. “Mr. Ernst,” Humphrey whispered,
taking hold of his glasses with his opposite hand. “Emile Ernst, look into my eyes.”


Lisa banged her hand slowly on the big glass doors of Willy’s Warehouse. She looked around. The
parking lot was empty: a huge savannah of blacktop, separating the grocery store’s front facade from the
main street. On the main street, parked at the side, was a red and blue police SUV. It had been following
her from the train station to here. Lisa turned, and knocked harder on the glass door.

“Hump?” she called out. “Humphrey? Anyone?”

Lisa looked over her shoulder again. The driver’s door of the SUV opened, and out stepped a
rhino, his hulking build apparent even from the distance of the massive parking lot. From around the
SUV, came a camel, him too dressed in a blue pressed uniform. The pair spoke, using words that Lisa
couldn’t hear and hand gestures she couldn’t read. They looked to her, and began to walk. Lisa pounded
on the door. “Anyone!” she shouted again. “Of fucking course, I’ll get arrested trying to do the right
fucking thing.”

On the other side of the glass, Barry appeared. He unlocked the door and slid it open, letting Lisa
slip inside. Lisa looked back, over her shoulder and through the transparent door. The rhino and the
camel stopped in their tracks. As Barry slid the door shut and locked it, the two officers turned and
returned to the SUV.

“Hey, Lisa,” Barry said with a big, friendly smile. Barry was a grizzly bear, only slightly taller than
Lisa, and though wider than the lioness, while she was toned and muscled, he was stout and a little
chubby. “Nice of you to come in,” he said. He took a step past Lisa and walked into the main area of the
warehouse store. “So, I’m in the butcher shop. I mean, I clean it every night, but today I do the deep
clean. Lots of chemicals involved. And Sammy is in the loading area, taking inventory. Its boring, but I’m
sure he’d appreciate an extra set of hands. Looks like you’re no stranger to heavy lifting.”

“What about the hyena?” Lisa asked.

“Hump? Probably the Manager’s Office doing the paperwork.”

The grizzly bear walked off. Lisa sighed, and headed for the office.

She knocked on the door.

“Come in!” said a chipper voice. Lisa turned the knob and pressed her shoulder into the door.
The door swung open.

Humphrey looked to Lisa, through the big, thick, soda bottle glasses. “Oh, hey Lisa.”

Humphrey was wearing a pair of flipflops, gym shorts, and a tank top. At his ankles was a bucket,
and in his hands was a mop. Lisa’s nose wrinkled at the strong smell of bleach and other cleaners. Even
with the office’s windows open and several fans blowing, the odor was overwhelming.

“Did the meeting with your parole officer go alright?” he asked with that big, derpy smile.

“How do you know I met with my parole officer?” Lisa asked.

“You told me yesterday, remember? You had me sign that sheet. Well, Mr. Ernst signed the
sheet. Hehe.”

Lisa shook her head. “That’s right.”

“Are you here for your paycheck?” Humphrey asked. “You can cash it at the instore bank. That
way you don’t have to pay a service fee.”
Humphrey walked to that massive desk at the far side of the room. With both hands, he pulled
and tugged, finally succeeding in opening the drawer. Wearing such little clothing, Lisa could not believe
just how small and scrawny he was. He was so boney, like a skinsuit stitched onto a skeleton, but its
creator had forgotten to add fat or muscle to the shape. The thickest and biggest thing on his entire body
were those hilarious glasses.

Lisa took a step closer and skimmed along body. For the first time, she noticed the odd blemish
of fur that meant old scars that could never quite fade. His arms were absolutely covered in them, and
by the cut of his tank top, she could see more on his chest. She looked higher, and noticed the large hole
in his right ear.

At last, finding the paychecks, Humphrey thumbed through them, until finding the one he

“Lisa Leander! Great work this week, Ms. Lisa.”

“Thanks,” she said, taking the paycheck. She held it up to her eyes. $550. Six days of work, eight
hours a day, for $550s. She smiled. “You know, this is the first time in a long time I actually earned my
money. I mean, when I pulled a heist or a job, I worked my tail off but this is… this is different.”

She looked to Humphrey. He was smiling. He gave a weak, oddly cute laugh. He shook his head.
Those bottle thick glasses slipped off his snout and tumbled through the air.

Lisa squatted down and caught the glasses by the temple. Lisa giggled. “Huh, still got those cat
reflexes.” She stood up and looked to the hyena, who now had both hands covering his eyes.

Humphrey lowered his hands and looked directly at Lisa. “Stop.”


Lisa blinked. She looked around. A cabinet. A minifridge. A counter. A microwave directly in front
of her, with the clock slowly ticking down.

Tick, tick, tick.

Behind her, at one of the employee lounge’s tables, sat Barry, Samuel, and Roseanne. Barry was,
unsurprisingly, doing all the talking.

“Alright, alright, alright,” he chuckled. “One wish. You get one wish. Cost doesn’t matter. Size
doesn’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. But you only get one wish. What do you wish for?”

“A million wishes?” Roseanne asked, more interested in her soup than the question.

“That’s cheating,” Barry said sharply.

Samuel sighed, big and heavy, as horses tended to do. “I’d wish for all the money in the world.”

“That would fuck up the economy. I mean, the world’s entire economy. All those stacks of bills
would be less useful than toilet paper.”

“Why do we still let you sit with us?” Roseanne asked.

Samuel covered his mouth as a few chuckles escaped his lips. Roseanne gave a big smile. Barry
huffed, annoyed, but began to laugh himself. From across the room, Lisa looked them over. A show of
camaraderie. A sign of-

The microwave dinged. Lisa tried to remember what she had loaded it with. She opened the
door and took out her cup of ramen. She didn’t remember putting it in the microwave, but no one else in
the lounge made a move for it. She took up the warm bowl in her hands.

“Hey, new girl!” Samuel shouted. “One wish. Cost, size, and reality don’t matter. What do you
wish for?”

Lisa looked to the trio: a bear, a stallion, and a rabbit. Each opposite to each other, yet sitting so
happily around the table, talking and laughing and sharing their lunch. She approached, slow and careful,
though her pace quickened when Samuel pulled the fourth chair out and presented it to her. She
awkwardly sat down.

“One wish,” Samuel said again.

“Time travel,” Lisa finally said. “Go back in time and warn my younger self of all the dumb shit I
am destined to do, and tell her to do something different. At the very least, tell her to learn how to swim.
I still can’t even go to the beach without getting anxious.”

“You know, if you went back in time and changed something, you would erase the reason you
went back in time in the first place,” Barry said. “Classic time travel paradox.”

Lisa sighed, and sat back. She was regretting not eating cold ramen in the loading dock instead of
coming in here. When had she come in here, anyway? Why was she here?

The door to the employee’s lounge opened. Humphrey came in, and made a beeline for the
communal refrigerator. He took out a bottle of water and turned on his heels, heading out, when Samuel
spoke out: “Hey, Hump! One wish. What do you wish for?”

Humphrey stopped in his exodus and looked over his shoulder, at the quartet. He walked over,
though stopped with a healthy distance between him and the table. Lisa had a suspicion, even if there
was a chair empty, he wouldn’t take it.

“W-what?” he asked, voice quivering.

“Cost, size, and reality don’t matter. You just get one wish. What do you wish for?”

Humphrey opened his mouth to say something, but no sound came out from between his lips.
Lisa noticed how his shoulders began to heave, as if he was having trouble breathing. She leaned forward
in her chair, just in case she had to catch his little body to keep him from falling. He opened his mouth
again, and this time, there was the sound of air escaping his lungs, but no words.

“A Squadron Supreme action figure,” he finally said. “The Captain, specifically.”

“Hump,” Samuel said. “What?”

“When I was a cub, one Christmas, all I wanted was an action figure of the Captain from the
Squadron Supreme comics. I loved that comic when I was a growing up. My mom actually bought it for
me that year, the action figure. But, my sister got jealous and broke it, and my mom wouldn’t buy me
another one since she said I’d just get it broken again. I’d wish to have that figure back.”

“You could have anything in the entire universe,” Samuel started, “and you’d want some doll
from some old comic?”

Humphrey shrugged his thin, boney fingers. Lisa cringed at the forced smile the hyena gave to
the quartet. She looked around, unsure if she was seeing something, but the other three at the table all
looked quite uncomfortable. Lisa opened her mouth to say something, but Humphrey had already
turned and left the room.


Lisa spent the day helping around warehouse: helping Samuel take inventory, helping Barry clean
the butcher shop. In the afternoon, Roseanne stopped in, and Lisa had an odd amount of fun helping the
little rabbit stock the shelves and rotate the inventory.

At 6 o’clock in the evening, they all gathered outside of the warehouse, waiting for Humphrey to
set the alarms and lock the doors. “Thank you all for the help,” the hyena said with a forced smile. He
had changed back into his usual attire of slacks and a buttoned shirt, leaving the tank top and shorts in
one of the drawers of that huge desk. “See you all tomorrow, hehe.” He turned on his heels and started
to walk. Lisa felt an odd urge to follow him.

“Hey, Ms. Kitty!” Barry said. She looked over her shoulder, then back to the hyena, whose body
was growing smaller and smaller with each step he took. “We usually hit the bar after a long day of
volunteer work. You wanna come?”

“No, thank you,” she said, and started after Humphrey.

It wasn’t exactly hard to catch up to the hyena. Not only were her legs longer than his, her stride
was focused and determined, while Humphrey moved with no great hurry. He didn’t rush to cross the
streets he had to, he didn’t try to slip past lumbering elephants or hippos that impeded his path. He just
followed after them quietly. Lisa actually grew quite bored following him, and began to regret not going
with the others to the bar. Even if her parole barred her from drinking, it would be nice to spend some
time with some friends.

“Hey, Giggles!” shouted a goat sitting on the stoop of boarding house in the center of the street.
He pushed himself off his seat, squatted, and made a mighty leap from the top of the stairs and onto the
sidewalk, directly into Humphrey’s path. He was quickly flanked by two more goats. From a block away,
Lisa watched as Humphrey’s already small physique somehow shrunk and folded even tighter. “Come on,
Giggles! You wanna walk on my block, you gotta pay my toll!”

“Right Billy,” Humprey said, taking out a crisp $20 and offering it with a shaking hand.

“Little light there, Giggles.”

“Th-the toll is… the toll is twenty,” Humprey said, head hanging low and shoulders slumping
almost to his hips.
“Tell you what, another $20, or give me those ugly fucking glasses of yours. What, you think
you’re some kinda intellectual? You’re a fucking dick girl. Fucking dress like it.”

“Yeah Billy,” Humphrey said, taking out his money wad and pulling another bill. Before he could
put his money away, the goat had plucked a third bill out of the roll.

“And that’s for making me wait. Next time I tell you what the toll is, pay the fucking toll and don’t
waste my fucking time, dick girl.”

“Yes Billy. Sorry Billy.”

Lisa hadn’t realized, but she had closed the distance between her and the hyena, and she was
now only ten or so steps away. Despite approaching from upwind, Humphrey seemed none the wiser to
her presence. With his path clear, he merely scampered past the goats and hurried down the street.

“Hey there, pretty lady,” the lead goat said, turning to the approaching Lisa. “I’m betting I can
make you roar.”

A cross punch took care of the goat on the right. A backhand knocked down the goat on the left.
As for leader, Lisa took him by the horns and lifted him until they were eye level. “Humphrey Heihei is
under my protection,” she growled, and lifted the goat higher so he would have an unobstructed view of
her glistening teeth.

“OK,” she heard him meagerly respond. Lisa turned and tossed the goat’s body into a pile of
trash bags. Letting out a loud snort, Lisa scanned the street, and just spotted Humphrey as he
approached a house at the end of the block. Moving at a brisk walk, the lioness closed the distance just
as the hyena walked up the steps of the house’s porch. She stood at the steps as the hyena struggled to
undo all the locks. A lock at the top of the doorframe, three more bolt locks on the sides, and finally one
in the knob. Five different keys in total, all on a ring connected by a chain to his belt. Before he could
manage this strenuous task, he lifted his head and sniffed the air. He looked over his shoulder to Lisa.

“Oh, uhm… hi,” he said with such a gentle voice, it almost didn’t reach Lisa’s ears. He tried to pull
his lips back into a smile, but a high pitched giggle began to spill out of his lips. Finally fitting the last key
into the knob, he turned it, and shoved his shoulder into the door. He stumbled through the threshold,
tripping over his own feet and falling onto the ground.

Lisa leapt up the three stairs and onto the porch. Humphrey pushed himself up to all fours, and
quickly grabbed his fallen glasses from the ground. He put them on as Lisa took him by the arm and
shoulder and helped him to stand.

“N-no need to worry about me, hehe,” Humphrey said, using his free hand to adjust his glasses.
“Nothing to worry about.” He pulled his arm out of Lisa’s grip and closed the front door. He quickly set
the five locks in place, along with a latch and even lowered a metal bar. Lisa looked around.

She was in the foyer now, though to her left she could see the wide open living room, and to her
right was a stairwell that lead to upstairs.

“Make yourself comfortable,” Humphrey said, walking past her. Without anything else to do, she
followed him into the living room and took a seat on the sofa. From there, she watched as Humphrey
went about checking that each window was locked. He left the room, going into the kitchen, and though
Lisa could not see him, her ears twitched at the noises of him testing those windows as well. He at last
came back through the foyer and into the living room.

“Sorry. This isn’t the best neighborhood. Don’t know why anyone would want to break into here
though. Not like I have anything to steal, hehe.”

“Yeah, the halfway house isn’t exactly the Ritz.”

“At least you get to share it with people! Have you been making friends?”

The hyena sat down on the couch, beside Lisa. Lisa looked at him. She just couldn’t get over how
small and skinny he was. With his derpy grin, spotted face, and with those oversized glasses, he looked
like a clown.

“I mean, everyone at the warehouse likes you,” Humphrey went on. “I’m happy I hired you. I
mean, Mr. Ernst hired you. You’re a really good worker, though.”

“You seem pretty popular,” Lisa said.

To that, Humphrey laughed that nervous laugh. “Eh, I’m just the guy who signs the paychecks. I
mean, Mr. Ernst signs the paychecks, I just sometimes help hold his hand steady when he shakes too
bad, hehe.” He looked around the room. Lisa could practically smell the reek of anxiety seeping out of

“Humphrey, I’m serious. You shouldn’t sel-”

“Oh, forgive me! Do you want some tea? Or… water? I’m sorry I don’t have anything else to offer
you, hehe. It’s ironic, I work at a warehouse store but I never have any groceries. Let me get you

Humphrey stood and began to walk. Lisa reached out and took him by the right wrist. She
attempted a gentle pull, but not realizing her strength compared to the scrawny hyena…

Her ears twitched at a sound, almost like breaking a twig under water. She felt a shudder run
through Humphrey’s arm, and watched his eyes bulge, his body contort and tense. She released his wrist
immediately, but could only watch, helpless, as he tripped over his own feet and landed hard on his

“Humphrey, I’m so sorry,” Lisa said, standing up. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I ju-”

Humphrey pulled his glasses away with his free hand and looked into Lisa’s amber eyes. “Stop!”
he screamed.

Lisa froze where she stood. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to scoop up the little
hyena and comfort him, but she found every muscle in her body locked into place. She couldn’t even
move her head on her neck to check if someone was holding her still. Humphrey took several deep
breaths while pushing his hand against his dislocated shoulder. Tears were streaming down his face and
his voice was almost only a low, whining whimper. “Come here,” he finally said through panting breaths.
“Pick me up. Please. Please, please, please.”
With mechanical movements, Lisa stomped over to Humphrey and squatted down. He moved
his gaze away as she presented her crotch to his line of sight. Lisa planted her feet firmly, and with only a
minor grunt of effort, she gathered the hyena into her arms. He reached up with his hand and touched
her chin. He moved her gaze so their eyes could meet.

“T-take me into the kitchen, please. Sit me on the counter.”

Lisa moved her head forward. She carried him through the foyer and into the kitchen that was to
the right of the front door. Lisa set him carefully down on the kitchen counter. With his still functioning
hand, he opened one of the drawers and fished about until finding a wooden spoon. Humphrey opened
his mouth wide and bit down upon the handle.

“Hehehe,” Humphrey giggled despite his mouthful. He put his free hand on his shoulder.
“Hehehehe,” Humphrey laughed.

Lisa wanted nothing more than to look away as Humphrey jerked his dislocated shoulder
forward and up. Her ears twitched at the sound of the grotesque pop and slurp of bones grinding against
bones and flesh slapping against more flesh. Humphrey let out a pained breath and spat the wooden
spoon onto the floor.

“Oh,” Humphrey said, looking up at Lisa. “You can speak.”

“Humphrey, I am so sorry,” Lisa said.

“It’s OK. It has never been as bad as that first time my mom did it. She never wanted to take me
to the hospital, either, so I learned a lot about anatomy. Hehe.” He lifted his hand and flexed his fingers.
Tears were spilling down his face. “Y-you can move, too.”

Lisa sat down beside Humphrey, the counter barely large enough to compensate her rump and
wide hips. Humphrey attempted to stand and walk away, but Lisa put an arm around his shoulder and
pulled him into her side. She felt his little body begin shudder, though relax when her warmth enveloped
him. “You have powers?” she asked.

Instantly, he was back to shivering. “I’d hehe… I’d call it a curse actually.” He took a deep breath
through his nose and exhaled out of his mouth. “When I make eye contact, and I say something, people
just do it. Doesn’t matter what I say, or if I mean it or not. I didn’t mean to talk to you like that, but I-I
was so scared I just…”

“The glasses suppress it?” Lisa asked.

“I guess,” he said. “I just know, when I wear them, people don’t do whatever I say.”

“They forced this on me,” Lisa said, tugging her pantleg until her ankle, and the monitor tightly
wrapped around it, was exposed.

Humphrey laughed. It was natural this time, not that forced, almost painful sound that usually
escaped his lips. “I wish I had one of those. The glasses give me such a headache. But sometimes at the
warehouse, all I want to do is tell some of the customers to go fuck themselves. I don’t want to imagine
how that would end. So, I just always wear them.”
It was Lisa’s turn to laugh. She felt Humphrey wiggle and squirm out of her grip, and his little
body plop onto the ground. He turned to face her. He looked at her, squinting, for the first time without
those thick glasses obscuring his sight. His eyes opened to twice their size.

“You’re the Diminisher,” he said.

“You know me?”

“Yeah! I-I… uhm… I mean… I followed all of your big battles! Especially whenever you fought the
Huntress. That pretentious bitch. I-I hehehe I was hoping you would put her in her place. You came so
close so many times. I-is it true you ate her once?”

Lisa smiled. “Just once. She got out, though.”

Like a school boy, Humphrey let out a rather little giggle. “Th-that’s so cool!”

“You know, most people would be creeped out at the thought of me eating someone else, whole
and alive. Especially eating a hero.”

“Those heroes never bothered helping me! I was on my knees, every night, begging for some
hero, and they never came. The cops never bothered when I called. My teachers never bothered
because they were busy screwing each other in the supply closet. The banks and the docks and the
warehouses have to be protected at all costs, but when my sister puts her eyes on me and she-”

His voice caught in his throat. In his eyes, Lisa could see the utter fury, like she had never known
before. She lifted her hands, slow and careful, and scratched behind his ear. Somehow, that snapped him
out of whatever rage he had.

“I-I wouldn’t shed too many tears if you put them in their place, if you showed them what it’s
like to be scared.” Humphrey occupied a few seconds with playing with his fingers, nervously tugging the
digits or cracking his knuckles. “A-and I can think of worse ways to go. You know, uhm… this is kinda
embarrassing but, uhm… well, you were kinda my first crush. I-I always like… hehe, I always liked
watching you on the news. I thought you were so beautiful. So… so strong. So powerful. So confident.
Everything I knew I could never be, no matter what.”

Lisa placed her fingers under his chin and gently moved his snout up, while leaning down, until
they were almost nose to nose. “You know, without those soda bottles on your face, you’re actually
kinda cute.”

“And y-you’re really beautiful,” Humphrey said. Lisa’s ears twitched at the sound of his pounding
heart. She leaned in, slowly, until she felt the touch of his lips against hers. She moved her hands up his
back, sliding her nails under his shirt. Against the padding of her fingers, she felt the blemished fur of his
many, many scars. She felt his hands move up her ribs. His finger cupped her ample breasts and gave
them a squeeze, but then a sudden push against her boobs.

“No,” Humphrey said, turning his head so their lips could not touch. Lisa continued kissing, now
exploring the fur on his cheek and neck, but the hyena’s pushes were insistent. “No, you… you saw my

“Yeah, and?”
“And…” Humphrey sighed. “I don’t know how my powers work. I don’t know if you’re still under
the thrall.”

“I’m not,” Lisa chuckled.

“I-I just don’t want to, alright?” Humphrey sighed. Lisa backed away. “Uhm… My bedroom is
upstairs. First room on your left. The bathroom is up there too. I’ll sleep on the couch. If anyone at the
halfway house gives you any trouble tomorrow, I’ll… uhm… talk to them.”

Head hung low, Humphrey left the kitchen, through the foyer, so Lisa guessed he was going to
the living room. Indeed, when he returned, he was back to wearing those ridiculous glasses. “Don’t
leave. This neighborhood is bad in the daylight, but gets worse in the dark. I have no doubt the
Diminisher could flatten this place, but Lisa… Just stay here, please. Hehehe. D-don’t make me take my
glasses off.”


“So the grifter says, ‘What did you expect? I’m a lion!’ Get it?”

Lisa blinked. She looked down, and saw she was holding a bottle of Tylenol in either hand.
Directly in front of her, a shelf, only halfway stocked with items. To her left was Tony, laughing loudly as
he placed another bottle of Extra Strength Tylenol in its designated place.

“Get it? Cause, he was a grifter, but also a lion. A lying? Cause they sound alike?” Tony laughed
again, long and loud, and even smacked his knee as he bent over. It was such a loud, rich, happy noise,
so unlike that sound that Humphrey made.

“Yeah, I get it,” Lisa said, squatting down and picking up the last bottle of Tylenol from the box
between her feet.

Tony gave a final snort as he picked up the empty box. Putting his hands on the sides, he pushed
his hands together, compressing the box flat. “So, how you liking it here, anyway?” he asked.

Lisa looked to him. Tony was a tall, muscular, and handsome tiger. He had a big personality and
was always quick with a joke. Had something gone different for him: if he had been born with special
gifts or experimented on as a child, and been blessed with unique powers, he would have been equally
comfortable as a story’s hero or villain.

“Jobs a job,” Lisa muttered. She extended a nail on her right index finger, and used it to cut the
tape that sealed a new box. This box was filled with Children’s Chewies Vitamins. Pushing the box along
with her foot, she reached the Children’s section of Aisle 12.

“I’m betting your jobs used to be a bit more fun, huh?” Tony asked with a toothy grin. Lisa looked
to him. “Oh, relax. We all know you’re on parole. And no, Hump didn’t say a thing. Just, you know, how
you act. How you carry yourself. Hey, we all ended up here for a reason.”

Lisa squatted and gathered an armful of Children’s Chewies bottles. With her free hand, she
moved the bottles already there to the front of the shelf, then began putting the fresh bottles in the

“What do you mean?”

“I spent ten years behind bars for armed robbery. Roseanne spent five if you can believe it.
Samuel spent twenty before getting hired here, then a drunken bar fight ended with a guy dead, and he
spent another two years in jail before he got rehired. Even Mr. Emry has half a dozen DUIs under his
extra-long belt.

“I think its some kinda government subsidiary. Keep us from going back to crime. All I’m saying
is, we’ve all been where you’ve been.”

Lisa finished stocking the shelf. She picked up the box and flattened it between her hands. “What
about the hyena?” she asked.

To that, Tony laughed. “Hump? I don’t think that kid has ever jaywalked in his life. Best any of us
can tell, every night he goes home, and every morning he comes here. Hey, do you think you can check
out Aisle 8? Kinda squicks me out, you know?”

Lisa rolled her golden eyes, but walked four rows over and turned a sharp right. She was greeted
by feminine cleaning products, tampons, pads, and Humphrey, who had an open box at his feet and was
loading up shelves. She strolled down the aisle and came beside him. “Glad to see someone here has
balls,” she joked.

From his squat, Humphrey looked up at her, then silently resumed stocking the shelves.

Lisa squatted down beside him, and began to perform her duty. “Thank you for letting me stay
with you last night. Honestly, it was the best I’ve slept in years. I hope you didn’t mind that I locked the
bedroom door. And, the den mother of the halfway house didn’t even notice I was gone. As long as she
gets her government subsidiary, I doubt she would care if I ever go back.”

“Yeah,” Humphrey said in a low voice. He sighed, finishing up with his duty and stood. Before
standing, Lisa placed her hand on Humphrey’s shoulder.

“You’re wearing your glasses again,” she whispered. A gentle tug was all it took was to turn
Humphrey around. Placing her other hand on his back, she pulled him into a kiss. Beneath her hands,
she felt Humphrey’s body tense, then practically melt between her fingers. His hands rose up, and gently
stroked over her chest. He really did love her boobs. He gave them any number of affectionate squeezes
and kneads.

Behind them, there was a whistle, and both looked down the aisle to see Barry with his fingers
still in his mouth, and Tony, trying and failing to suppress his laughter.

“Get back to work!” Humphrey shouted. Lisa listened to their heavy footsteps, as well Tony’s
raucous chuckle that echoed through the walls of the warehouse. She stood up straight and turned to
Humphrey. It was almost noon, and with that, came the Lunch Rush, when people in a hurry scampered
in to buy things up, knowing they would be too tired to come after the work day proper. Roseanne would
need help on the register. Lisa took a step, only to feel a gentle tug and tight pressure on her tail. She
looked over her shoulder to see Humphrey holding the tip of her fifth appendage.

“I hehe. I know a place that’s on my way home. Maybe I can treat you to some dinner?”

Lisa wondered if this could be called a date. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been
on one of those. Probably in high school. Back then, she preferred the jock types. Broad shoulders.
Powerful thighs. Strong jaws. Big hands. Everything Humphrey was not.

To read the menu, he had lifted his glasses, but he never raised his head without first lowering
them back down. Now the thick lenses were getting foggy from the heat of the boiling water at his
snout. Rather than something as bland as tea, Lisa had opted for coffee with plenty of milk.

“Did you ever think to use your powers,” Lisa said in a low voice, “to be someone more?”

Humphrey shrugged. “Its not really that type of power. I mean, you can get as big as a
skyscraper. You can lift an armored car over your head and bend steel. You can shrink people down into a
speck. What can I do?”

“You never thought to, say, go into a bank and ask the teller to fill up a duffle bag?”

Humphrey shook his head. “I-I would hate to think of what happened to the teller I controlled
for that. What if she got fired cause of me? Th-the closest has been… S-sometimes I go to underground
poker games. Real rough types. Criminals. I tell them to put everything in the pot, then fold. S-so I get
the whole thing. I-I feel a bit less guilty about doing that.”

“Never saw a cute girl at the bar and asked her to come home with you?”


Lisa had to giggle at the look of sheer horror on the hyena’s oddly adorable face.

“I’ve tried to get Mr. Ernst to enter a rehab program, but the effects only last a few hours if I’m
not present, so he always signs himself out after a few days. And there was this one time, a customer
was just screaming and shrieking at Samuel, enough I thought he was going to cry. I told her to leave.
Don’t know what happened to her. But there was one time I used the power, and a lot of people got
hurt, and after that I try to be really careful. I guess I’m not brave like you are.”

Lisa opened her mouth to say something, but instead took a sip of her coffee.

During their time in the coffee shop, the sun had set, and the nightly chill had rolled into the city.
Lisa wasn’t too bothered by it, but she found Humphrey clinging to her arm as they walked. She allowed
it, even crossing her other arm over her chest and gently ruffling his hair.

“Well, well, well,” said Billy the goat, stepping off his stoop and settling on the sidewalk. Two
more goats followed suit, settling beside their leader. From out of the boarding house, came still more of
the horned thugs, these men brandishing baseball bats and glass bottles. One of the three tossed a
baseball bat to Billy, who caught it by the middle. “You two an item now?”

“Billy, look I’ll pay the toll, OK?” Humphrey said, taking a step in front of Lisa. Lisa looked down at
the little hyena, and rolled her eyes. “I-I got eighty bucks in my pocket, OK? It’s all yours. For me and Lisa
to pass, OK?”

“Lisa? You’re on a first name basis with her, dick girl? Is she a cunt boy?” Billy took Humprey by
the collar and pulled him close. Lisa took a step forward, but one of the goats put his baseball bat in
front of her. She turned to him. He was about a head shorter. Lisa had no doubt she could snap him in
half like a wet twig. She imagined she could take this entire group of eight goats out with minimal effort,
but she looked to Humphrey, dangling a few inches off the ground because of Billy’s tight grip on his

“Didn’t I tell you to dress like the dick girl you are?” Billy asked, winding back for a swing with his
baseball bat.

Humphrey took hold of his glasses and pulled them away from his face, meeting Billy’s glare.

“Put me down,” Humphrey said calmly.

“Boss?” one of the goats asked as Billy lowered Humphrey back to the ground.

“Walk,” Humphrey said, keeping eye contact. “Walk until your feet bleed, and keep walking.”

The goat took a step forward. Humphrey moved to his side, allowing Billy to move forward.

“Boss?” said one of the goats again, stepping in front of the lead goat. Billy didn’t push him aside
or shove him out of the way, he just kept walking, even as the other goat pushed against him with all his
might. “Boss!”

“What the hell did you do, you little twerp?” another of the goats demanded, grabbing hold of
Humphrey’s sleeve. Lisa took him by the collar and tossed him into a wall. Taking Humphrey by the arm,
she began to walk along, towards his house at the end of the corner.

Humphrey fit all the keys into the locks and opened the door, and ushered Lisa inside. After
stepping inside himself, he closed the door and put all the locks back into place. “Th-the windows are
shatter proof glass with metal frames keeping them in place,” he said quickly. “And this door should be
able to stop a pissed off elephant. The back door can only be opened from the inside. A-and I have
cameras all around the house. Monitors are in the basement. They won’t be able to get in here.” He
lowered the bar across the front door, a last line of defense against any angry goats who might come

Lisa noticed the shift in his body, how his legs gave out beneath him, how he was falling. She was
quick to catch him and hoist him into her arms.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, that felt so good,” he said, stretching out and relaxing. Lisa
smiled as she brought him into the living room. She sat on the couch, and set the little hyena in her lap.
He opened his eyes, and looked into her amber gaze. She lifted his head slightly, and lowered her lips
until they touched.

She could feel his body tense and relax in a smooth rhythm. She felt his gentle hands caress her
back and sides. He tilted his head back, out of the kissing embrace, only to move his snout to her neck
and gently nuzzle the golden fur. She growled gently at the feel of a few bites, not out of pain, but
because it kind of tickled. She lifted her neck, showing off the front of her throat and letting his teeth
and tongue explore.

“Oh! I have a surprise for you,” Humphrey said. “Will you meet me in the bedroom upstairs?”

Lisa spread her arms and allowed the little hyena to twist around in her lap. He leapt to the
ground and scampered off. Shrugging, Lisa stood from the couch. She checked the front door, that each
and every lock was in place. Approaching one of the windows, she first rapped her knuckles against it,
then cocked her fist back and punched with all her might. She quickly pulled her fist away and shook the
tingle out of her knuckles. “I’ll be damned,” she muttered. “Bet this place could handle a kick if I got big.”

She laughed to herself as she headed up the stairs and to the bedroom. Sitting on the bed, she
untied her shoes and slipped them off her feet. Her socks followed, and with them off her, she wiggled
her toes. She slid her hands to her pants and ran her nail over the hem at her crotch.

The bedroom door opened, and Humphrey came walking in. He came to stand in front of the
lounging lioness.

“So, I… uhm… I went to the courthouse the other day, and might have used my powers for a less
than legitimate reason. I asked one of the officers to give me the key to your ankle bracelet, and then
told him to forget he ever did that. So, hehe…” He held up a small keycard on a lanyard. “Tada!”

Lisa leaned forward in her seat. “Why would you get that?” she asked.

“Well, I figured, at the very least, you could take it off when you’re in here. So, you can be more
comfortable.” Humphrey kneeled down at Lisa’s feet and carefully rolled the legging of her pants up,
exposing her ankle and the monitor tightly wrapped around the joint. She giggled at the feel of his nails
gently touching her padding. Her ears twitched at the sound of a click.

Lisa wiggled her toes and rolled her foot on the ankle. She suddenly felt much lighter and more
comfortable. She looked down her leg, and spotted her now bare ankle, and Humphrey holding the
monitor in one hand. He gave a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness that worked.”

Lisa grinned wide as she leaned forward, and moved her hand over his shoulder. “Let’s see if I
got my powers back.”

Humphrey closed his eyes.

“Seriously?” Lisa asked. “Aren’t you scared? Not going to look me in the eye and tell me to stop?
Or did you not realize you never put back on your glasses.”

“I trust you, Lisa,” he said. Without opening his eyes, he placed his hand on her fingers and
lowered the digits until they were on his shoulder.

Lisa couldn’t help but smile as she watched Humphrey’s body begin to shrink, smaller and
smaller. Leaning forward, she placed her other hand on Humphrey’s rump and, when he was small
enough, she scooped him up. She moved her right hand away, allowing him to sit in her left palm. She
took a breath through her nostrils and slowed the shrinking. She didn’t want him to become too small,
so stopped when he was about the size of an action figure. She brought little Humphrey up to her snout
and let out a moist, warm exhale that roused Humprey.

“Oh, wow. So, this is how all those heroes must have felt when you looked down at them?”

“I’m starting to suspect why you really took the ankle monitor off,” she whispered, her voice
laced with a hint of laughter.

“I-I would be lying if hehehe, if I didn’t love watching the news when you got big hehe.”
Lisa slipped off the bed and squatted down. Placing her hand flat against the floor, she tilted it
until Humphrey was able to slid off the padding. He landed on the wood, on his hands and knees, but
quickly stood up. Lisa placed her hands on her hips as she rose to full height, and looked down, past her
ample cleavage and to the tiny body. She tilted her head to the side, and a wide grin spread across her

Lisa lifted a foot and curled her toes. She moved her foot until it was in front of Humphrey, and
she gently nudged him. He stumbled back at the force, and afraid of falling, reached forward and
wrapped his arms around her biggest toe. Giggling to herself, Lisa lifted her foot slightly higher off the
ground. She moved her foot out, then lowered it, letting Humphrey climb off. Lisa sat down on the bed
and rested her elbows on her knees. “Take your clothes off, or I’ll squash ya.”

“Yes ma’am,” Humphrey said quickly. He started by unbuttoning his shirt, but when that proved
too taxing, he ripped it off his torso and tossed the scraps aside. He didn’t bother trying to untie his
shoes, but fell to his rump and kicked them off, followed by wiggling and squirming out of his pants. His
underwear was last, with it ripped away and tossed aside.

Lisa bent forward and reached down. Humphrey had just rolled onto all fours, when Lisa pinched
his tail between her index finger and thumb, being mindful to keep her nails sheathed lest she
accidentally cut off the appendage. She brought Humphrey higher and higher, before dropping him into
the palm of her other hand. Standing, and turning, she set Humphrey down on the bed.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Humphrey asked with those cute, huge eyes.

“Now it’s my turn to get comfy.”

Rather than tearing out of her clothing, Lisa moved slowly and sensually. She bent forward as
she unbuttoned her shirt, soon giving Humphrey a direct view of her cleavage, her large and heavy
breasts creating an inviting canyon of blonde fur. Undoing the shirt enough, Lisa pulled it over her head
and stood. She reached behind her, undoing the bra that held her hefty D-cups at bay, and allowed it to
drop to her toes.

“I’ve caught you looking more than once at these,” Lisa whispered, cupping her boobs and
allowing the orbs to press out from between her fingers. “Or are you still fixated on this?” Lisa stood and
turned around. She bent far forward, and lifted her tail high. “This is how we met, right?”

Lisa’s ears twitched at the sound of that nervous laughter. She unbuttoned her pants and began
to move them, as well as her panties, over her muscled glutes and along her thick thighs. The laughter
grew higher and faster in pace, enough Lisa began to worry Humphrey might start to hyperventilate.
With her pants and panties bundled at her feet, she kicked them away. Hands on her hips, she turned.

There was not a single part of the lioness Humphrey didn’t find beautiful. Her thick, powerful
legs. Her tight, though roomy, vaginal slit between those gorgeous thighs. Her abdominals, each
perfectly sculpted and shaped. The biceps and arms that were as thick as most people’s legs. And of
course, the breasts that, now shrunken as he was, were the size of a small house to his leering eyes. Lisa
moved slowly towards him. Bending down, she used two fingers to scoot him along the mattress’ sheets,
until he was roughly in the center. Lisa swung one of her thick, muscular legs up and let it rest on the
bed. Pushing off her grounded foot, she sprang onto the bed, and landed.
The addition of her weight caused the mattress to sink towards her. Humphrey was sent
tumbling and rolling between Lisa’s thighs until he crashed up against her womanhood. He groaned
gently, gripping the wet vaginal lips and pulling himself upright, and sliding his body so his shoulder was
starting to penetrate inside of her.

Lisa’s breath hiked. She felt the invading weight sneak away.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Humphrey said quickly. Lisa leaned forward and looked down, past her
breasts and toned stomach and to the little brown body between her thick thighs. She might have
shrunk him a bit too much, as his pointed ears didn’t even clear her leg. “I’ve never hehe with anyone, so
I don’t totally know what to do.”

“It’s OK,” Lisa whispered. She carefully scooped the little body up and reclined back. Moving her
hand over her left boob, the enormous sphere, crowned with a pinkish nipple, making his mouth go dry.
“Honestly, it’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone either.”

She turned her hand, allowing the little body to tumble and fall over the squishy padding of her
palm, until he was in the open air. His fall only lasted for a heartbeat, and he slammed against a surface
of unbelievable squish, warmth, and comfort. Putting his hands beneath him and pushing up, he realized
he was now mounted on the lioness’ left boob.

Not a laugh, but a loud gasp escaped Humphrey’s lips as he unknowingly massaged and kneaded
the enormous curvature beneath him, eliciting several amused and pleased giggles from the rumbling

“Are you sure you’re new to this? You’re pretty good,” Lisa giggled.

Sliding backwards, Humphrey moved along the underside of the curvature until his feet could
rest on Lisa’s ribs. Holding tight to the breast with both arms, he first nuzzled the golden fur, then lifted
his head and gave the nipple’s head a careful lick. “Mmm, bite me,” Lisa giggled. Without hesitance,
Humphrey obeyed, opening his mouth as wide as he could and chomping down on the erect teat.

Along with the flavor of her fur, sweat and flesh, he suddenly tasted blood. Humphrey was quite
frightened he had actually hurt the giant lion, but he felt pressure on the back of his head. He swiveled
his eyes up, and spotted Lisa’s head tilted back, a wide grin worn on her feline features.

Humphrey moved his left foot forward, until his toes were touching the base of the curvature of
her breast. Still nibbling on her teat, he swayed his eyes up to her face, and seeing her still blissful, he
moved his groin up against the melding sphere. An explosion of pleasure rushed through him. Lisa was
so warm, and this particular part of her was delightfully yielding to his penis’ insistent thrusts. Her fur
tickled his sensitive, virgin erection, causing a certain tingle in the pit of his stomach he had never felt

“Mmm, yeah,” Lisa said. Humphrey unclamped his jaws from her teat and looked over his
shoulder, just in time to see her enormous palm rushing towards him. He barely had time for a nervous
laugh before he was enveloped by the lioness’ warm fur and flesh: the boob at his front and the palm of
her hand at his back, the two working together to smother and envelop him.

Never in his life had Humphrey known such a wonderful world as this. There was no light, and
sounds were limited to the noises of Lisa’s gargantuan body, and the scents were only hers. His penis was
so perfectly pressed into that wonderous orb, smothered by the few areas of her body that had any fat
or mush. He snapped his jaws blindly. Upon finding the erect teat, he clamped down, harder than he
intended, but the urge to taste her flesh was too great.

“OK, I’m ready,” he heard Lisa say, as she moved her hand away from his back, only to pinch his
tail like before. When he was hoisted into the air, he clawed and scratched, confused. Lisa didn’t notice,
or didn’t care, as she sat up and brought him between her muscled thighs.

The fingers that had pinched his tail released him, and instead moved to the womanhood
between Lisa’s legs. Touching her fingertips to her fleshy wings, she parted the vagina, exposing
Humphrey to the vast, fleshy tunnel.

He took a nervous step over the mattress and towards the tunnel. He tumbled, landing headfirst
inside of the wide, fleshy channel. The scent of woman overwhelmed his first breath. It was alluring,
welcoming, and by instinct alone, he put both his hands against the meaty ground and threw himself
deeper inside.

With only his legs sticking out of the fleshy tunnel, Humphrey kicked and squirmed, trying to
crawl deeper, but the walls around him were tightly gripping him. His relief came when he felt a pair of
Lisa’s fingers on his backside. They gently cupped his rear and stuffed him forcefully inside her, until only
his little feet were left outside. Lisa groaned as she pulled her fingers away from her hungry tunnel, but
quickly moved her nails back to the feet. Lisa took a deep breath, and stuffed the hyena entirely inside of

Lisa’s breath caught in her throat. Her body began to shake and shudder without a hint of
control. Humphrey was doing a wonderful job of stroking her inner walls, massaging and scratching at
her fleshy tunnel. She sat up slightly, applying pressure against her crotch and squeezing the squirming
body tighter. Humphrey was a fighter, and his struggles inside made her tingle in places she had missed
for so long. She placed her hand against her crotch, but rather than stuff her fingers inside her, she
merely cupped her groin and let Humphrey do his work.

The full body massage, provided by Lisa’s womanhood, was like nothing Humphrey had ever
experienced. Every inch of his body was pressed and squeezed by the lioness’ overwhelming strength,
but he enjoyed the release. He allowed her muscles to tug and pull him, deeper and deeper inside her.
Juice oozed out of her vaginal tunnel’s walls, soaking his spotted fur and filling his nose with lustful
aromas he hoped he would always remember. Somewhere in that dark, humid tunnel, Humphrey
gripped his penis and gave it a tight squeeze.

Humphrey’s ears twitched at a sound, like a dam breaking and the water, now free, flowed
forward. His nose began to twitch as the aroma of woman increased tenfold. With a desperate suck of
hot air, he closed his eyes and allowed the gush of lady cum to hit him.

Lisa’s body was at a standstill. She wanted nothing more than to have a heavy release, but the
squirming, wiggling body inside her was not something she wanted to lose. She kept her hand cupped
against her female curvature, holding back the tide of her lust, but when she felt Humphrey slam against
her palm, she quickly moved her hand away. She spread her legs as wide as she could, allowing her lust
and partner to spill out of her. Her nose twitched at the odor of her own lust.

“Hump?” she asked, breathless. “Are you OK?”

After several moments, she heard a weak, “Yes!”

Laying on her back, Lisa didn’t know if she had the strength to sit up. She settled instead for
blindly groping between her legs until she found the wiggly, sopping wet body of hyena. She clumsily
pressed him between her fingertips and her thigh. She knew she was being a bit rough, but Humphrey
didn’t complain, and soon enough he was between her index finger and thumb. She brought him up to
her face.

“Th-that was incredible,” Humphrey gasped, tiny chest heaving.

“You won’t be the first hyena I’ve eaten,” Lisa said, licking her lips.

“Hehe, what?”

Lisa opened her mouth wide and half-dropped, half-tossed her newest prey onto her tongue.
The flavor of her own lust and the fear the little hyena released were both delicious. Lisa giggled to
herself, starting to swish and slosh Humphrey between her cheeks, always being mindful he wouldn’t be
cut on her teeth. Through the layers of her flesh and fur, she could hear his panicked screams and shouts
gradually change to panicked laughter, and finally settling on howls of pleasure as he took hold of her
tongue and began to grind his penis into the taste buds.

Curious, Lisa sat up slightly and tilted her head up, so her snout was pointing to the ceiling. She
lifted her tongue slightly, and began to feel Humphrey slide deeper into her cavernous mouth. She
swiveled her ears, waiting, expecting some final pleas for mercy, but they never came. Humphrey was
sliding along, towards the bottomless abyss of her throat.

Lisa lifted her hand to her mouth and opened her jaws wide. Rolling out her tongue, she allowed
the body to tumble and flip along until his sopping wet mass splashed into her palm. There he lay, on his
back, tiny chest heaving so cutely.

“Not at all afraid I’d eat you?” Lisa asked with a predatory grin on her lips.

“No,” he said, looking up at her.

“What if I were to shrink until you were a little speck? You’d live the rest of your life in the cracks
of my palm?”

“You wouldn’t,” Humphrey said softly.

Lisa sighed. “You win this round, Hump,” she muttered, reclining back on the bed and setting
Humphrey down on her tight tummy. She felt her little friend brace himself against her boob. Lifting her
head, she spotted his little head between her breasts.

“So, I’m guessing I’m going to have to put back on the ankle bracelet tomorrow, right?” she

“If you leave the house, yeah. B-but when you’re here, you can keep it off. Y-you can do anything
you want.”
Lisa stroked down Humphrey’s back. He pushed her finger away and, catlike, padded and curled,
but finally found himself comfortable enough to lay down. Lisa tilted her head back. “For now, I just want
to be here with you.”

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