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at are you doing? looking for you. 1 somplete the sentences with the correct words from the box. me behind = front’ «in in. =n to © to under a Hewaves tO _Paula.Sheis___theccildren. 2 Henuns?9____the movie theater. ¢ BobisQn__thebus.He'ate 4 Shestandsyn__an umbrellain the ain ¢ Paulastandsin figat ofthe movie theater. £ Themovieends at 5:00. ShelooksforBab nthe lobby. fh Themoviestars,butPaulaisn'tin the theater DD itch ne pictures andthe sentences rom Exercise ‘IND NUW arentttalking } 6 write present continuous Sentences with the words in parentheses, watt not rive / to work) Matsa natn et (We/play/soccer/atthenark) We ate playing soccer _af [he pat ioe matin the cafe) Che ts’ ret Ching ia i a 4. (The game/start/ now) The game ate slang 1a, the cofe 5 [They/swim /inthe poo!) They ate Swimming in the pool 6 Uoan/nathave/tunchightnow) Jean 16 having lunch Fight aw Rat cally2ucreY) ig a F0 ling “acuary 8 (You/ not nin) Jou_atent Fumiag eel Lookat the pictures. What are the people doing? What aren't they doing? Complete the two sentences for each picture with the pairs of expressions from the box. Use the present continuous. | cook eat ata restaurant {ook fora book / hold a book | end start ¥run/watcha movie eee CY 1 Theyrerunning 2 she?S_coa king Theyre not watching a movie she's not eat a trsfeutont — Tuan Cand an't talk right now. Sally obs fore) busy | BRTBFat now. cleaning con fal eksoo baht Jordan 00/0 Tato you mint | Sally Thanks. Bre ‘conversation in Exercise 1as 9 model, Sometimes more than one answer is possible. a A. Jinsun Hello? two _HisinSun fen, Can you talk now i F tinsun Oh Sotry I Cura’? tight aows Tin dat iy banc Cet ah aoe Wan QK Sure’ Falk fo you (ate sinsun Thanks Bye 8. van Hello fi wae Micha Ws Mare lo you have a minute : pan Ob Sorry I can't high now Un coding ie Gia blk back Mare OK Sure” talk to you fate — van Thanks . &R yen nd chi ‘need help in Japanest snt, musician saatne cuss and complete the chart with 7 (yes) ach peso, wnat arte doing test dy Rea rina. Tere wontyone answer = carmen staking a 88 ess = Thomas worhing these JOS + began nit leaming a language 0 10K + Danis taking language cls fora rei nin et 1 Whatscarmendeingtheseday She iS taking a_donce clase 2 Whats Thomasdoingtnese days? fle is looking fot a Yah 2 hatsMetandonainex ny? She iS _clealyag _a_wesbat te 4 Whats Danie doingthesedays? He is, sludyeg turkish — Match the questions and answers. 1 Whatclassis Debbie taking? _¢ 2 Because she's looking for ajo in Rome 2 where iskathrm going? Yes.sheis, 2 IsTonya creating a website? hy © She’ goingtoher dance class. 4 AeCindy and Mia tutoring students? 4d No,t'mnot, 5 Why is Anna studying italian? @ © She's taking a Spanish class, 6 Are youlookingforajob? 1 No, they're not, F Joon Gap wre yrestcninnsueson i thenomaonin pres ‘ What are you doing these days see 1 (what) you/ do /these days) What are you : 2 you! take anart cass) Ate you faking an art class 3. (Brad/ take the class) 3s Brad Fakity the foe 1 4 Where /you /study / French) whete are you" studying Hench 2 5 (What/youand Dave /do/thesedays) What ate you and faves ching those? Complete the conversation with the correct questions from Exercise 6 Erin Hi, Fei. What are you doing these days a fei Oh,|imstudying French | ein wl pou studyoy. Frente I Fei At the Bonjour Language School. fin Ts Btad takeing the class. ? Fei Nowhe's not. Hestakngtennis lessons Erin Teas? Thats great, Fei Helovesit.So, What ate fin. Were painting ond drawing lot! Fa Aie_you baking an att class? Erin Yes, we are! Oh,\'mlate. Bye, Fi Wand Dave? doir Fei Bye, Erin. mean, au revoir! FEY vit ereyou doing hese dys answerthe questions ith your own norman, 1 Areyou taking any sports lessons? No, I'm foking swimming lessons 2 iheeoerutindaviyngngiin The are stud yng. a he onivetily 3. IsyourEnglish teacher studying language? Yes, she is 4 Areyoustudyingforanexamthisweek? Noy I'm aot slydyng for a exam G Lipunoteelehigirayo Aloe they arent i for a Tob {Where are you eating out these days? Tm cating at my looks y for & Tob 7 Isyour brother or sister taking guitar lessons? (Vo, The “ate‘at “Hating? guilak lessons 8 What are you reading? Tm not Fading . hat’s new? Look atthe photon Exercise 2. What are the people doing? They ate eating Sushi — =e ie Read the text. Write the names. 1 Ronson: Pov! an Matty 2 Ronswie: Tylie Hey, Jeremy! How are you? What are you doing these days? I'm finally taking a computer class! I'm creating my own website, Im posting a lot of pictures and videos, too. The pictures, are of my kids, of course! Paul's ten now. He's helping me with my website! He's leaning so much about computers at school. After school, he's taking soccer lessons athe park. His coach is Mr. Gonzalez-who is also tutoring Molly in Spanish! Moly is twelve, and she's taking tennis lessons. Is your daughter playing sports? | ‘My wife and | are taking a Japanese class. Julie's also studying Spanish, and she's | looking for @ job. Are you and Beth cooking at home these days? We love your Greek | ‘aiad and chicken! Are you stil taking dance classes? Let's all go salsa dancing soon! Write soon, Ron P'S. Here's a photo for you, We're eating sushi at your favorite Japanese restaurant! FED attests ner rior 1 IsRon creating awebsiter Yes, hes, oisheingkonvithniswebsier Paul is helaing his website What spor isPaul learning? M01 150't sears WhofstitoingRonsdaugher? = Me, Cotvalec» Ee rene iMesudiogatoreoe? 054 Sludvng Sapones? IsRon's wife working? No, _isa't —Meobkiay RR

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