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● Theme/ Name of Lesson: Life experiences

● Grade Level: 5
● Duration of the Lesson: 40 minutes
● Name of Instructor: Jason Chudobiak

Focus: Reflecting on life experiences and how they mold us.

Unit materials: Health binder

Resources for instruction: Life experiences and perspective booklet

Connection to program of studies:

Lesson Objective (SMART): Students will reflect on their past experiences and how they
change us.

Essential Question for the Lesson: What can we learn from our experiences, and how can
learn from them.

Teacher will… Students will… Time


Today we will be talking about our life experiences

and how they shaped our likes, our dislikes. How we
think about things and how we perceive the world
around us.


We all have experiences that change our lives. You

can never know when something will happen tha will
change how we think about things. It could be
something as simple as biting into an apple and it
has a bug in it. Might make you not want to eat
apples anymore. Or, you could bite into an apple
and it is the most delicious thing in the world and
how you love apples.

Sometimes, you know that there are big things

happening and you know it is going to change, like
going to a new school.

For me, I had to quit my job to go to a new school.

To go to school to become a teacher. That was a big
change for me. It changed my life. I went from a
production worker working in a factory to someone
who is now in charge of imparting knowledge to
your little minds.

(Write in book)

I have a friend who worked at the same place. She

hates that job as much as I did, but to her quitting
her job to go to school was too scary and she is still
working there. Her experiences told her that school
was not that good, and she is still at that crummy

I will give you 3-5 minutes to think about something

that has happened to you that changed how you
think and act.

Now can you think of a situation where a friend

might have a different reaction because of their own

So what can we learn from these experiences?

(discussion, new skills)

Have them read page 8 with volunteers.

Reflecting on our experiences. My experience from

the last year, was when I graduated from university.
It was a huge deal because I was working very hard
to get my degree. Because of this degree, I was
able to apply to the faculty of education, and I was
able to get in. I cried, because it is a huge deal to
get accepted. The university only accepts 16 people
from each discipline, totaling about 200 students
every year. Almost 700 students applied, so being
accepted changed my life.

I would like everyone to think of something that

happened in the last year, and write about it in this

After that, I would like you to choose two of the

questions on the list to answer on your own. (5 min)

How can we get some of these life experiences?

One way is to volunteer. Who wants to read our first

Volunteering is when you give your time to do

something for others. This is a great way that you
can use your talents and abilities to help others.
This is also a way that you can learn some new

Where could we volunteer that could use our skills,

and what would you like to learn while you are doing
it? (discuss)

Possible cutoff

Who would like to read our next piece on


Formative Assessment (What will you look for to know students are engaged and
learning? How will you know if your outcome is being met?)


This went better. I was more prepared and had a better gage of the time. This 40 minute
class was a trip to get my head wrapped around. But it was smoother. I did more reading,
and was able to tell some personal stories to keep their attention.

Second class:

I was better prepared and they were better behaved. I had set out my expectations and was
more in control of the management. I enjoyed this class better. I felt the flow was better.
There was less writing and more stories and reading in this chunk.

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