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“The burglar´s breakfast” -planner

Grade: 3rd form

Student Outcomes

The student will:

• Read on sight high frequency words.

• Use phonological knowledge to understand, predict and check unfamiliar words meanings.
• Blend phonemes for reading.
• Retelling stories ordering events (First/Then/After that/Finally)
• Describe story settings.
• Relate stories based on their own experiences.
• Express ideas and feelings.
• Identify, classify or name food, clothes, objects in the house, animals, etc.
• Solve story problems.
• Count up to 1,000
• Write to the dictation with words, images, parodies and /or mimics.
• Self-assessment and peer/group checking.
• Evaluate situations, select problem solving strategies, draw logical conclusions, develop and describe solutions
• Understand and apply numerical operations and their relationship to one another.
• Identify and name body parts and living and non-living things.
• Recognize and appreciate the five senses (touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing)
• Be able to talk about anger and conflict management.
Language Arts Skills and Procedures
● Asking and answering questions.
● Eliciting previews vocabulary known.
Reader: ● Predicting outcomes.
“ The burglar´s breakfast” ● Describing objects, personalities, places and feelings.
● Retelling stories orally, written and /or with drawings.
● High frequency words ● Ordering events using story language (oral and written).
(I,said,here,there,etc). ● Expressing own ideas.
● Diagraphs. : ew;a-e;i-e;ou;ee;ey:oo;o- ● Reading on sight high frequency words.
e;ea;ow;OW;etc. ● Blending phonemes.
● Use of ● Working out unfamiliar words.
Simple present. ● Giving reasons: written and oral.
Simple past. ● Recognizing settings in a story.
Present continuous. ● Daily dictations.
● Story settings. ● Picture dictation.
● Vocabulary: food; parts of the house; things in the ● Miming dictations.
house and jobs. ● Finger dictations.
● Vocabulary from starters (see link below) ● Parody dictations
● Starters vocabulary pics ● Guessing words in context.
● Writing lists.
● Writing short summaries, using “First, Then, After that and Finally”
● Comparing and contrasting.
● Adjectives to express feelings and to describe people, things and
● Retelling events in the beginning, middle and end of a given story.
● Applying correct use of tenses according to the situation.
Math Contents Skills and Procedures

● Reading and writing two- , three- and four digit numbers in figures and
words; describing and extending number sequences.
● Word count to 1,000. ● Counting up to 1,000 objects by grouping them and counting in
hundreds,tens, fives or twos; explaining what each digit in a four-digit
number represents; partition four-digit numbers in different ways.
● Story problems (very simple) ● Writing numbers to the dictation.
● Playing Maths games in stations around the class.
● Compare expressions using spoken words and the symbols =, ≠, <,
and >.
● Identifying question(s) asked and any other questions that need to be
● Numbers dictations. answered in order to find a solution.
● Identifying the given information that can be used to find a solution.
● Selecting from a variety of problem-solving strategies and using one or
more strategies to arrive at a solution.
● Representing a problem situation using any combination of words,
numbers, pictures, physical objects, or symbols.

Science Contents Skills and Procedures

● Living and Non- living things: ● Differentiating and name living and non-living things

● Our body ● Practicing vocabulary related to body parts and the five senses
(through games online and in class).

● Our senses
Social Studies Contents Skills and Procedures

● Discussing conflicts in heterogeneous groups of people.

● Conflict and anger management ● Peer and group debates about certain topics.

Resources Needed

● Teacher´s laptop. ● Reader ● Games

● Class Tv set ● Internet websites ● Class mini library

Mini lessons for small groups or unique students

✔ Lowered or higher-levelled activities for some students according to students' needs.

Evaluation, Self- assessment

● Written and oral tests ● Grading papers

● Daily watching of the students’ performance ● Peer work
● Displays ● Peer correction

starters vocabulary pics

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