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Read the sentences choose the correct form of the adjective.

1. Mercury is closer than / the closest planet to the Sun.

2. The Earth is larger than / the largest Mars.

3. Uranus is colder than / the coldest planet in the Solar System.

4. Neptune is farther than / the farthest planet from the Sun.

5. Venus is hotter than / the hottest the planet Uranus.

6. The Moon is smaller than / the smallest Earth.

7. Is Venus more beautiful than / the most beautiful Mercury?

8. Saturn is farther than / the farthest Mars to the Sun.

9. Mercury is smaller than / the smallest planet in the Solar System.

10. I think Jupiter is more interesting than / the most interesting

planet in the Solar System.

11. Neptune has longer than / the longest orbit in the Solar System.

12. Saturn has more / the most moons than the Earth.

13. Venus is brighter than / the brightest planet.

14. Jupiter is heavier than / the heaviest planet in the Solar System.
Write sentences about these animals. Use the comparative form.

Butterflies / beautiful / worms

_______Butterflies are more beautiful than worms________________________

1. Cats / clever / birds


2. Lions / strong / monkeys


3. Bats / interesting / insects


4. Ponies / nice / crocodiles


Complete with the Superlative form.

1. Mary is ____the youngest___________ (young) of all the students in the classroom.

2. My cat is ________________________ (good) pet in our house!
3. Whales are ________________________ (big) animals in the sea.
4. I don’t like lizards. They’re ________________________ (ugly) animals on planet!
5. This is ________________________ (exciting) film i have ever seen.
6. My neighbour’s cat is _______________________ (bad) cat in our neighbourhood!
7. Crocodiles are ___________________________ (scary) animals in the world.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which animal is the ______ one?

a) tallest b) taller 4. Insects are ______ things in the world!
a) more horrible b) the most
2. Elephants are ______ than leopards. horrible
a) largest b) larger
5. I like monkeys. They are _____
3. Do you think zoos are ______ animals in the zoo.
interesting than amusement parks? a) the funniest b) funnier than
a) more b) the most

Complete the sentences with the Superlative or the Comparative form.

1. We went to ___________________________ (cheap) hotel in the city.

2. The United States are very large but Canada is ___________________________ (large).
3. I prefer this chair to the other one. It is ___________________________ (comfortable).
4. I had a terrible day. It was ___________________________ (bad) day of my life.
5. What´s ___________________________ (long) river in the world?
6. Tom was sad yesterday but he is ___________________________ (happy) today.

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