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 Giftia Jasmine Shofiyya

 Aarin Indrayana
 Salsha Pranti Wulandari
 M. Rozan Dwi Putra
 Revandi Trio Rahardjo
 Adinda Putri Veronika
Tedak Siten
1. The Definition of Tedak Siten
Tedhak siten is a Ritual of Stepping Foot on Earth for children when a child first
learns to set foot on the ground. Tedhak comes from Javanese which means stepping
on it, and Siten means land. Tedhak Siten’s tradition is generally carried out when the
child enters the age of seven or eight months. Tedhak Siten’s tradition is done as a
tribute to the earth, where children learn to set foot.
The implementation of the Tedhak Siten procession began in the morning by
preparing a variety of foods, namely seven-color jadah and cone with whole chicken.
Then, the child is guided to do the procession by stepping foot on a seven-color pot
and the procession going up the stairs. The ladder provided is made from arjuna sugar
cane. The meaning is that children have characteristics like Arjuna (puppet figures
who are responsible and tough) Then, the child is locked in a chicken cage. and then,
the child will be asked to choose three objects that have been provided. The items
provided include jewelry, stationery, cotton, mirrors, books, and so on. Children are
asked to take three objects without the help of others. Three objects chosen by the
child will describe the child’s future. Next is the spread of yellow rice mixed with
money to the people watching. This is so the child has a generous nature. The last
procession is to release the chicken.
2. The History of Tedak Siten
The emergence of the tedak siten tradition can be traced to the past, where Hindu-
Buddhist religion played an important role in the development of Javanese culture. At
that time, this tradition was closely related to Hindu-Buddhist teachings and involved
special rituals that were considered important in the birth ceremony and early life of a
In Hindu-Buddhist religion, tedak siten has the meaning of purification or
cleansing from all bad influences that can affect the development and life of children.
This ceremony involves various rituals, such as giving names to children, chanting
sacred mantras, and giving various kinds of food, drinks, and other symbolic objects.
Over time, Islam entered Java and became the dominant religion in the region.
However, the tedak siten tradition is still maintained by the Javanese people, although
with some adjustments in accordance with Islamic teachings. In the Islamic context,
tedak siten is considered as a form of gratitude to Allah for the birth of a child and as
a form of early introduction to Islam for the child.
3. The materials
The equipment or “uba rampe” needed in Tedak siten ceremony includes the
a) Tumpeng rice
b) Jenang (porridge) red and white
c) Jenang boro-boro
d) Full market snacks
e) Jadah seven colours
f) Setaman flower
g) Stairs made of sugarcane
h) The cage of the chicken is decorated with yellow coconut leaves and colorful
i) Sand in a container
j) Yellow rice and some notes/coins
k) Jewelry items, including necklaces, bracelets, safety pins
l) Useful items, such as books and stationery
4. The meaning of Tedak Siten’s Symbol
Tedhak Siten is a series of traditional processions of the life cycle traditions of the
Javanese people which are rarely carried out. Tedhak Siten comes from the word
Tedhak which means to step down (to set foot on) and Siten or Siti which means land,
so Tedhak Siten is a tradition of setting or setting foot on the ground for a child.
Welcoming the child, Tedak Sinten is a ceremony that celebrates the birth of a child or
marks their early years. It serves as a way to officially welcome the child into the
family and the community.
5. Stages
a) The first stage: the child will be trained to walk forward by stepping on seven
colored glutinous rice porridge. Each color represents the parents hope for the
success of their child to passing through the phases of life with God's help.
b) The second stage: the child is led up a ladder made of cane. According to the
Javanese people, the meaning of the sugar cane plant is that children have
heart stability in their lives.
c) The third stage: after going down the stairs, the child is led to a pile of sand
and allowed to scrape the sand with his feet. So children are expected to be
able to earn a living to meet their needs in the future.
d) Fourth stage: the child is put in a decorated chicken cage. In the cage there are
several objects, such as books, cell phones, balls, rackets, etc. This means that
when a child chooses an item, the item will describe the child's future life.
e) The fifth stage: spreading the uratik-udhik or coins mixed with various kinds
of flowers. This symbolizes the hope that the child will have a generous
nature, like to give alms, and have a smooth sustenance.
f) Sixth stage: the child's body is washed with the flower setaman. This is so that
children have a good way of life and can make their families proud in the
g) Seventh stage: children are given nice and clean clothes and then dressed. This
is so that the child has a good way of life and can maintain the good name of
his family in the future.
6. The meaning of each jenangs colours and purpose of tedak siten
Jenang/jadah with seven colors as a symbol of the 7 month old child decipting the
elements of life in the world that will be passed and the child will face many choices
and be able to go through obstacles in life. Each of the 7 colors contained the meaning
symbolizes its own meaning, among other,
a) Red : Symbolizing passion and courage,
b) White : Symbolizing the basic character of holiness,
c) Black : Symbolizing majesty and immortality
d) Yellow : Symbolizes the hope of achieving goals and shining,
e) Blue : Syimbolizing identify
f) Orange : Symbolizes the sun
g) Purple : Symbolizing nobility

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