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Q1: The ASC and DESC keywords can be used in the same statement?

a None

b True

c None

d None

e None

f False

Q2: Choose the correct usage of ‘cd’ to move into the parent directory.?

a cd ..

b cd..

c None of the above

d cd

e cd .

f cd/

Q3: How to delete an image from the local storage system??

a None

b None

c $ docker rmin <imageid>

d $ docker rmi <image-id>

e $ docker --rmi <image-id>

f None

Q4: Where is Linux user list stored??

a By running the command show users

b /etc/users

c None of the above.

d /usr/local/users

e None

f None

Q5: How do you write "Hello World" in an alert box??

a msgBox("Hello World");

b alert("Hello World");

c msg("Hello World");

d None

e None

f alertBox("Hello World");

Q6: When you need to obtain the ASCII value of a character which of the following function
you'll need to use in PHP??

a None

b None

c .asc( );

d ord( );

e chr( );

f val( );

Q7: What is the default priority of the swap partition?

a 10

b There are no priorities for swap

c -1


e 100


Q8: How much character are allowed to create a database name??

a 70

b None

c 40

d 75

e None

f 64

Q9: What does the /etc/hosts file contains??

a Hostnames of all devices on the network segment

b IP addresses to hostnames mappings

c CPU and memory info

d None

e None

f The IP address of the default gateway

Q10: How can the result set of Mysql be handled in PHP??

a None

b None

c None

d The result set can be handled using mysqli_fetch_array, mysqli_fetch_assoc,

mysqli_fetch_object or mysqli_fetch_row.
e The result set can be handled using mysqli_get_array

f None

Q11: All HTML Tags must be enclosed In??

a None

b ? And !

c None

d < And >

e # And #

f { And }

Q12: Which command will duplicate each line in a file??

a cat 'p' < filename

b sed 'd' < filename

c sed 'p' < filename

d cp 'd' < filename

e cp 'p' < filename

f cat 'd' < filename

Q13: Which of the following provides content type of the uploaded file in PHP??

a $_FILES['file']['type']

b None

c $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']

d None

e $_FILES['file']['name']

f $_FILES['file']['size']

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