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Using Layers of Protection

Analysis to Evaluate Fire

and Gas Systems
Paul Baybutt
Primatech Inc., Columbus, Ohio; (for correspondence)

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/prs.10504

An International society of automation (ISA) tech- them requires detailed release scenario develop-
nical report provides guidance on evaluating the ment and residual risk considerations that are
effectiveness of fire and gas systems (FGSs) in reduc- beyond simplified risk assessment tools.’’
ing risks in processes using an event tree risk model
Increasingly, LOPA is used to determine required
in preference to layers of protection analysis (LOPA)
which was viewed as too limited for application to safety integrity levels (SILs) for SIFs. It is desirable
that the same risk analysis method be used for all
FGSs. This article shows that LOPA can be used
types of SIFs, including FGSs, as this makes for more
instead of event trees to produce equivalent results
efficient studies and requires less training of person-
and that LOPA is preferred for both technical and
nel. Moreover, addressing FGSs in risk analysis stud-
practical reasons. One of the examples from the ISA
ies separately from other SIFs, as described in the ISA
technical report is analyzed using LOPA to show how
report [1], poses serious difficulties in using risk toler-
this is accomplished. Ó 2011 American Institute of
ance criteria. Furthermore, other SIFs help to protect
Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 00: 000–000,
against the same hazardous events as FGSs and it is
difficult to optimize risk reduction from FGSs sepa-
Keywords: LOPA; FGS; ISA TR84.00.07; IEC 61511;
ISA S84 rately. This article shows how these problems can be
overcome by applying LOPA to address requirements
for FGSs while obtaining equivalent results to the ISA
INTRODUCTION approach [1].
Fire and gas systems (FGSs) play an important role
in managing the risks of processes. Often they are
mandated by industry standards, government regula- LOPA METHODS
tions, and insurer requirements. The International so- LOPA is used to analyze the risks of individual
ciety of automation (ISA) has published a technical hazard scenarios, usually taken from process hazard
report providing guidance on the evaluation of FGS analysis (PHA) studies, and the effectiveness of safety
effectiveness [1]. The premise of the report is that functions [5] which are means of achieving or main-
multiple factors make it difficult to apply a perform- taining a safe state for a process with respect to a
ance-based approach to FGSs comparable to that specific hazardous event [2]. LOPA takes credit only
used for other safety instrumented functions (SIFs) in for those safety functions that are qualified as Inde-
a process [2–4]. The report states: pendent protection layers (IPLs) which are devices,
systems or actions that act to prevent a hazard sce-
‘‘As a result of these factors, it is difficult to nario from proceeding to its undesired consequence
develop a sound technical justification for allo- regardless of the initiating event, or the action or fail-
cating risk reduction to FGS functions in a sim- ure of any other safety function credited for the sce-
plified risk assessment process, such as layer of nario [5]. In traditional LOPA, IPLs are assumed to
protection analysis (LOPA). The identification of operate with 100% success or to fail completely.
FGS functions and allocation of risk reduction to However, this is not an inherent limitation of the
LOPA method. Rather it is an assumption that is made
Ó 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers for the scenarios analyzed. It is certainly possible that

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) 2011 1

scenarios involving partial failures could be studied
using LOPA.
LOPA improves upon the qualitative consequence
severity and likelihood estimates that are typically
used to provide risk estimates in PHA [6]. Either se-
verity or likelihood estimates, or both, may be
improved in various ways and consequently there are
different forms of LOPA. Generally, improvement of
the severity estimate is more involved than for the
likelihood estimate and usually involves modeling
energy or hazardous material releases which can be
complex and time consuming and is more commonly Figure 1. Conceptual event tree.
performed as part of quantitative risk analysis [7].
Consequently, qualitative estimates of scenario conse-
quence impacts typically are used. Frequency esti-
separate outcome and a distinct hazard scenario, and
mates commonly are improved by calculating sce-
since LOPA analyzes individual scenarios, there is no
nario frequencies using failure data for the elements
reason why it cannot be used to analyze the other
of the scenarios such as the initiating event frequen-
branches. Indeed, LOPA can be used to analyze any
cies and safety function failure probabilities. The cal-
or all scenarios from an event tree including
culations are simplified by restricting consideration to
both direct and indirect consequences. Usually, the
safety functions that meet certain criteria such as
branches in an event tree are binary, i.e., two out-
independence from each other and other scenario
comes are considered for each event but multiple
outcomes can be addressed without significant
This LOPA approach is sensible because uncertain-
ties in qualitative consequence estimates are likely
The frequency of an event tree outcome is calcu-
less than in qualitative frequency estimates as the
lated as the product of the initiating event frequency
possible consequences of hazard scenarios can usu-
and all succeeding event probabilities leading to that
ally be better understood and estimated than their
outcome. The frequency of all outcomes necessarily
frequencies which, for higher consequence scenarios,
must sum to the initiating event frequency. The
are typically very low numbers which are not well-
events in the tree must be independent to allow this
understood. However, more quantitative methods can
simple multiplication of probabilities. That is the prin-
certainly be used to estimate the consequence values
cipal reason that safety functions must be qualified as
that are entered into the LOPA worksheet. Frequen-
IPLs to be credited in LOPA. Dependencies between
cies for these scenarios can be determined using ei-
events in the tree invalidate this calculation except
ther standard LOPA approximations, which should
where the conditional probability of an event in
produce conservative results, or values can be
the tree is 0 (cannot happen) or 1 (guaranteed to
entered into the LOPA worksheet that have been cal-
culated separately to improve the results further. Such
enhanced LOPA methods overcome objections to sim-
pler forms of LOPA and can incorporate the conse- FGSs as Safety Functions
quence evaluation methods referenced in the ISA Safety functions such as high level shutdowns that
report [1]. activate early in a hazard scenario usually will pre-
vent adverse consequences when they operate suc-
LOPA AND EVENT TREE ANALYSIS cessfully. Safety functions that activate after process
LOPA is actually based on event tree analysis containment has been lost, and energy or hazardous
(ETA). Event trees provide a graphical depiction of materials have been released, usually act to mitigate
the possible sequence of events and their outcomes or reduce the consequence severity rather than pre-
following an initiating event, i.e., they depict hazard vent the consequence. Thus, even if FGSs operate
scenarios that can develop from an initiating event with 100% success, usually there will still be an
[7]. They address the events, such as actions of pro- adverse consequence. In conventional LOPA, it is
cess control systems, operators, and preventive safety good practice to consider not only the failure of miti-
functions, that lead up to a release of energy or haz- gation safety functions that produce worst-case con-
ardous material, and the events that follow a release, sequences, as for other safety functions, but also their
such as ignition of flammable or explosive materials, successful operation since that may still result in con-
release conditions such as wind direction, and the sequences of concern, albeit of a lesser magnitude.
operation of mitigation safety functions. A conceptual Often these are referred to as secondary consequence
event tree with three safety functions is shown in Fig- events. They represent a different branch on the event
ure 1. By convention, downward branches in the tree tree that forms the basis for LOPA (see Figure 1). LOPA
represent failures and upward branches successes. teams must decide what consequence severity to
Conventional LOPA evaluates the risk from the worst- assign to such secondary consequence events.
case consequence branch in which all safety func- Usually, it is not appropriate to assume that FGSs
tions fail which is the branch at the bottom of the operate with 100% effectiveness. Less-than-com-
tree. However, each branch in the tree represents a pletely-effective operation can be expected owing to

2 2011 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
less than 100% detection rates, delays in detection,
and less than 100% mitigation. FGS effectiveness is
defined as the ability of a FGS to perform its intended
safety actions on demand [1]. It is a function of sev-
eral parameters:

FGS effectiveness ¼ f ðdetector coverage;

FGS safety availability; mitigation effectivenessÞ

Detector coverage is the probability that FGS sen-
sors will be given the opportunity to respond to a Figure 2. FGS event tree [1].
release for each hazard scenario. It depends on de-
tector layout and voting logic and represents the like-
lihood that the detector configuration will be given
the opportunity to detect a release based on the dis- real world and different consequence outcomes could
persion pattern of the release. Thus, it is a failure in be modeled.
detection, not of the detectors. It does not include A weighted average consequence (WAC) is calcu-
the probability of successful operation of the detector lated by multiplying the likelihood of each possible
sensors. outcome from the event tree by its consequence se-
FGS safety availability is [1—the FGS probability of verity and summing the results to produce an overall
failure on demand (PFD)]. It depends on the FGS risk measure which is compared to risk tolerance cri-
sensor, logic solver and final element PFDs, voting teria [1]. However, the consequence outcomes may
architectures, and proof test intervals and represents range over, for example, fatalities to injuries for
the likelihood that a FGS will operate successfully if impacts on people, and it would be difficult to set
the detector array is given the opportunity to detect a risk tolerance criteria applicable to such a combina-
release. tion of consequence severities without the use of se-
Mitigation effectiveness is the probability that a verity equivalence factors that are not commonly
FGS will mitigate the scenario consequence. It used. Consequently, WACs can be used only for sce-
depends on the magnitude of the event being miti- narios where all the consequence severities are the
gated (larger magnitude events may overwhelm the same. Of course, this is unlikely to be the case for
mitigation measures used), limitations of the mitiga- FGSs when mitigation effectiveness is considered.
tion measures (e.g., the quench ability of deluge sys- Mitigation effectiveness is incorporated in the event
tems), and the probability that FGS mitigation will be tree model but is not discussed in the examples
activated in time to mitigate the consequence. Delays provided so there is no indication of how this
in activation will allow larger releases resulting in a issue would be addressed in the context of the risk
lower likelihood that mitigation will be effective. analysis [1].
LOPA can be used to evaluate each of the event
Event Tree Risk Analysis Versus LOPA tree hazard scenarios. The frequency contribution to
An event tree is used in the ISA report to model each consequence severity is considered individually
the effectiveness of a FGS in which detector cover- and a comparison made with risk tolerance criteria
age, safety availability and mitigation effectiveness for each consequence severity. Thus, LOPA can
are branches in the tree (Figure 2). Each of the out- model all the aspects of FGS effectiveness covered in
comes can be modeled easily using LOPA. Depend- the ISA report [1] and lends itself readily to the risk
encies may exist between some of these events, e.g., comparisons needed to judge the need for further
mitigation effectiveness and the timeliness of the risk reduction.
detection of the event which may be related to detec- The effectiveness of other safety functions and
tion coverage or FGS component failures. Such their required performance is typically evaluated
dependencies are not addressed in the event tree or using LOPA rather than event trees. The consideration
LOPA models and to the extent that they are signifi- of FGSs in the same risk model as other safety func-
cant they can invalidate results obtained using con- tions allows their combined effects on risk to be
ventional event tree and LOPA models. addressed. Also, use of risk tolerance criteria to deter-
The first upward branch in the event tree repre- mine any required risk reduction is greatly facilitated
sents the probability that the fire or gas event will be since all pertinent hazard scenarios are included in
detected, the second upward branch represents the the same LOPA risk model and tolerable risk does
probability that the FGS control loop will operate, not have to be allocated across different risk models.
and the third upward branch represents the probabil- Furthermore, there may be fire or gas scenarios that
ity that the FGS will be able to mitigate the event at are not protected by a FGS and they must also be
some level of effectiveness. The consequence out- considered in determining risk reduction require-
comes of all the failure paths except the path in ments. Allocating tolerable facility risk to hazardous
which mitigation operates (top path) is assumed to events involving only the activation of a FGS is com-
be the same. This is not necessarily the case in the plicated when they are evaluated separately from

Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00) Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs 2011 3
other fire or gas scenarios that do not activate mitigation fails with a probability, PM, leading to
the FGS. a fatality.
For most processes, there will be numerous hazard • Scenario 4: Detection coverage is successful with
scenarios that challenge a FGS. The frequency of all a probability, (1 2 PDC), the FGS operates suc-
these demands on the FGS must be determined cessfully with a probability, (1 2 PFGS), and miti-
which requires that each of the hazard scenarios that gation is successful with a probability, (1 2 PM),
creates a demand be evaluated. Typically, this is but not completely effective because it leads to an
accomplished using LOPA so it is desirable that the employee impact but less severe than a fatality.
FGS be included in the LOPA study too.
Mitigation effectiveness was effectively excluded in
the example analyses [1] as mitigation was assumed
Example of the Use of LOPA to Evaluate FGS to be completely effective. The example used the fol-
Effectiveness lowing data: PDC 5 0.063, PFGS 5 0.015, PM 5 0.
Examples of determining the effectiveness of FGSs They can also be seen in the LOPA worksheet for
are in the ISA report [1]. The risk analysis for one of Scenario 3 (Figure 3).
those examples will be reproduced here with the Each of the four branches in the event tree repre-
same data but using LOPA rather than event trees. sents a distinct hazard scenario and they have been
The example is for a fire detection and suppression modeled as such using LOPA. Detection coverage,
system in an oil and gas wellbay module. A release FGS safety availability and mitigation effectiveness
of flammable material may ignite and presents a sig- were modeled as enabler probabilities. Primatech’s
nificant hazard to platform personnel. For simplicity, software tool, LOPAWorksÒ, was used to perform the
only one hazard scenario was included in the analy- LOPA analyses. In a more realistic example, there
sis. In reality, more scenarios would need to be would be other safety functions acting as IPLs, possi-
addressed. The scenario considered involves a pin- bly including other SIFs, and more hazard scenarios.
hole leak from the wellhead resulting in a potential Their contributions to risk reduction need to be stud-
turbulent jet fire in the module. ied together and LOPA provides an easier means of
An event tree was constructed [1] that considers doing so than using event trees which can become
detection coverage, FGS safety availability and mitiga- cumbersome when many events and scenarios are
tion effectiveness (Figure 2). For detector coverage, involved owing to the graphical depictions used. Fur-
the downward branch represents failure to detect a thermore, when mitigation only lessens impacts on
fire or gas event and the upward branch represents people and different consequence severities are possi-
successful detection. For FGS safety availability, the ble, or when different consequence types are involved
downward branch represents failure of the FGS to (e.g., impacts on both people and equipment), fre-
operate and the upward branch represents successful quency contributions must be summed from all sce-
operation. The branches for mitigation effectiveness narios that contribute to each consequence type and
represent paths to different consequences that may severity and compared with applicable risk tolerance
occur depending on the effectiveness of mitigation.
criteria. This is easier to do with LOPA than event trees
In the model used [1], the downward branch repre-
(see Figure 4). The result of the LOPA study is the
sents zero mitigation effectiveness and therefore the
same as the event tree study [1]. The system exceeds
consequence severity is the same as the paths in the
the tolerable risk criterion by 20%.
event tree below it. The upward branch represents a
Scenarios involving two more initiating events
path to a lesser severity consequence which is deter-
were added to the analysis to show the effect of addi-
mined by the analysts. Various different consequence
tional scenarios. These initiating events were flange
severities may be possible according to variations in
failure and rupture of a process connection to the
the mitigation effectiveness. These can be modeled
wellhead. For these two scenarios, a SIL 1 SIF was
by adding branches to the tree for mitigation effec-
credited in addition to the FGS. Equipment damage
tiveness leading to the different consequence severi-
scenarios were also included. This resulted in a total
ties. The event tree is quantified by assigning proba-
of 24 hazard scenarios. A mitigation effectiveness of
bilities to the branches in the tree. Assuming that all
90% was assumed for people scenarios and 99% for
possible states are included at each branch, the
equipment scenarios. Risk summations that result in
branch probabilities necessarily must sum to 1. The
the hazardous event of fire in the wellbay module
event tree resulted in four branches representing dif-
were calculated and compared with applicable risk
ferent hazard scenario paths from the initiating event
tolerance criteria to determine the risk reduction
(Figure 2):
required (Figure 5). The summations include contri-
• Scenario 1: Detection coverage fails with a prob- butions from all 24 scenarios organized by conse-
ability, PDC and consequently the FGS fails with quence type and level and there are now two conse-
this probability leading to a fatality. quence levels present for each of the two conse-
• Scenario 2: Detection coverage is successful quence types used in the analysis. Hazard scenarios
with a probability, (1 2 PDC), but the FGS fails for all hazardous events in a process can be included
with its assigned PFD, PFGS, leading to a fatality. in the summations with their various combinations of
• Scenario 3: Detection coverage is successful consequence types and levels so that their contribu-
with a probability, (1 2 PDC), the FGS operates tions to the total risk can be determined and com-
successfully with a probability, (1 2 PFGS), but pared with overall facility risk tolerance criteria.

4 2011 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)
Figure 3. LOPA worksheet for Scenario 3. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

Figure 4. LOPA risk summations (EMP, employee; EQP, equipment). [Color figure can be viewed in the online
issue, which is available at]

Figure 5. LOPA risk summations for hazard scenarios by hazardous event, consequence type and consequence
level (EMP, employee; EQP, equipment). [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
CONCLUSIONS 2. ANSI/ISA—84.00.01—2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1
LOPA can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of Mod), Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Sys-
FGSs in reducing risks in processes. It produces equiva- tems for the Process Industry Sector—Part 1:
lent results to the ETA described in the ISA report [1]. Framework, Definitions, System, Hardware and
LOPA is preferred for various reasons. The effectiveness Software Requirements.
of other safety functions and their required performance 3. ANSI/ISA—84.00.01—2004 Part 2 (IEC 61511-2
is typically evaluated using LOPA rather than event trees. Mod), Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented
The consideration of FGSs in the same risk model as Systems for the Process Industry Sector—Part
other safety functions allows their combined effects on 2: Guidelines for the Application of ANSI/
risk to be addressed. Also, use of risk tolerance criteria ISA—84.00.01—2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1
to determine any required risk reduction is greatly facili- Mod).
tated since all pertinent hazard scenarios are included in 4. ANSI/ISA—84.00.01—2004 Part 3 (IEC 61511-3
the same LOPA risk model and tolerable risk does not Mod), Functional Safety: Safety Instrumented Sys-
have to be allocated across different risk models. Also, tems for the Process Industry Sector—Part 3:
hazard scenarios that do not activate FGSs may contrib- Guidance for the Determination of the Required
ute to the risk from a process and it is easier to deter- Safety Integrity Levels—Informative.
mine risk tolerability if they are addressed in the same 5. Layer of Protection Analysis: Simplified Process
risk model as FGSs. Furthermore, analysts do not have Risk Assessment, AIChE/CCPS, New York, 2001.
to learn new risk analysis methods since LOPA is an 6. Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd
established and commonly-used tool for these analyses. ed., CCPS/AIChE, New York, 2008.
There are more complex scenarios that may occur 7. Guidelines for Chemical Process Quantitative Risk
involving FGSs. For example, if a fire or gas release Analysis, 2nd ed., CCPS/AIChE, New York, 2000.
event is not initially detected by a FGS, the situation 8. R. Freeman, Using Layer of Protection Analysis to
will escalate to a larger magnitude event which may Define Safety Integrity Level Requirements, Vol.
become detectable by the FGS but at that point miti- 26, Issue 3, Process Safety Progress (2007), pp.
gation may or may not be effective. Any such scenar- 185–194.
ios that are identified can be modeled using LOPA. 9. G. Evenson, S. Befus, M. Dolfi, A. Muir, and D.
Other recent Process Safety Progress articles Pinho, LOPA as Practiced at a Global Manufactur-
address applications of LOPA [8–10]. ing API Facility, Vol. 28, Issue 4, Process Safety
LOPAWorks is a registered trademark of Primatech. Progress (2009), pp. 312–316.
10. B.K. Vaughen, J.O. Mudd, and B.E. Pierce, Using
LITERATURE CITED the ISA 84/HAZOP/LOPA Procedure to Design a
1. ISA-TR84.00.07-2010, Technical Report, Guidance Safety Instrumented System for a Fumed Silica
on the Evaluation of Fire, Combustible Gas and Burner, Vol. 30, Issue 2, Process Safety Progress
Toxic Gas System Effectiveness. (2011), pp. 132–137.

6 2011 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress (Vol.00, No.00)

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