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SCHEME OF EXAM ‘The Examination ia History offered a6 a subject for the General Degree Examination in Art shall const of tes paps of three hows cach selec by the candidates fom among the fotlies History 1 (HG 1) + History of Northern India t 330 ADL History (HG 2): History of Norther India from 320 to& 1100 A.D, History I (HG 3) : History of Peinsslar India up to A.D, 1700 History V (HG 4) ; History of Sei Lanka from the cist tines to". 1600 A.D, History V (HG 5) : History of Si Laaks from 1600 to 18 AD, History VI(HG 6): The Twentieth Century World History VI (HG 7) : Commonwealth History, HISTORY 1 (HG 1) : IISTORY OF NORTHERN INDIA TO BWC. Candidates should have sound kaowlodge of the poles, altura evonomie and seit story ads frm the tins oF the Inds Civilization te the vise of the Gupise sad some RaoW- ledge of the principal souees oa which thi story bused. AM ‘uti knowledge of prehistory and of gsogapisal fates {neesay Into fo the aves, Candtes are expected to study the Indus Valey Civil zation in all its aspects "The ipect of Aryan cular and the ‘onsequeat developmonts ja the polity eal and ecoaomie land social spheres should form an important part ofthis stoty The rise sad fall of empies should be studed wita particular referene fo cause an effet. Spusal atetion should be pad a to the Mauryss and the Kushans. Cand'dates are also expected to take note of the fore ‘ceria Greeks, Soke rvasions such as those of the Persians, skeet acd their effects on Indian CrEEY and cure Attention should also be pal the volt: fion of Inian thought fife, politial institutions a tecture during this period omg fenre eoialand eon0mic sche eslopment of Ar 308 ATS Shine knowdge ofthe pots, ser, Sunk ey sion it Peis Tsi 2d wih alta and see po expe, Tis sy should 0 include a knowledge of Persia and Peninsular Tndia of Nosth Tad, Select Bibliography: 4, AunovER ALL. Bastia P.Brows A. K. CoowAnaswany K. Gorataciant E, Henrasca B.D. Kosanm RC. MasunDae ‘bncments and: events im Central Asin Virao far as they affected the history Daily Life tn_Anclent India ‘Londen 1965) The Wonder thar was India (Fontana 1971) Indian Architecture, Buddhist ‘and Hinds (Bombay 1949). ory of Indien ond Inone- Sian art (London 152 arly History of the Ando Counury (Madris 1941) Inscriptions of Asoka (London 1925) The Culture ond Chizaton (of Ancient Indi (London 1968) ‘History and Culture of Indian People, Vol. 1 The Vedic Age. (Lonion 1950) Vol. Hh ‘Te Ageof Imperial Unity (oistay 1951) R.C Mauna Clasico! Accounts of Indi Caleta 1960, ALK. Naas = The Indo Greeks (Oxford 1957) K-ALNWARASTA SastR! — A Comprehensive History of: india, "Wal. Th (Caloutta 1951) K.A.NHAKANTA SAstRs History of South India, (OU. Indian Branch 1955). 8.Procor = Prehistoric India (Hormonds- ‘worth 1950, H.C Revco A Poliical History of Ancont “India (Caleta, 1923) RS, SHARIA Aspects of Political Ideas and institations in Ancient India (Dai, 1959) W.W. Tans ($0) = The Greeks in Bactria and India (Cambridge 1951). R Tunran = Asoka and the Decline of the Mawyas (Oxford 1961). , Tuarae A History of India Vol. (Hae thondsworth 1968). Sm R.E.M.Watstex — — The Indus Valley Chil (Cambridge 1953). M. Wosrenntrz History of rian Literawre Vols. It (Caleutts, 1927, 1933). HISTORY II (HG 2): HISTORY OF NORTHERN INDIA FROM 320 70 C. 1700 A.D. ‘Candidates are expected to have « sound knowledge of the police, soci, economic and cultural history of Nortera India {luring this period, and. also take special note of the poiial fund" eultural relations of Northern India vith ti Pe da slr ‘The Age of the Impecal Guptas should be studied in datail and 4“ wih reference 10 the 50 the eplaraphical sours (decay and div ategation ‘rgunsation ofthe Sens under their rule. fre expected co sty Mankiris, Later Guptas, man, the Gus tion should be Harst), Yasov ‘Special of Ske events Iading tothe di Indie, The cultural dev tain tothe history of fe the history of t ‘Vrdanas (with speval referenee (0 rina praththaras, Palas a3 S085 so the tory of Kana) oad be Paranes of Hind ral ia Northern ae aee of the, Pos-Gupia_peiod tous tought and art and aceite srces relating t9 the period, spill Mee from shuld be paid to he growth, ofthe Gupta empire, the aiministati UNF ge azoaomie and caltral develop ie ARs “poste Gupta period candidates Riaitrakss. Guar: ee mportant aspects of tis sty ‘Arab cule in In ne Mushal empire 8 ‘Msi role ia Noshera the adrinisrative 0° of che Moghal emits, Rulers and the Select Bibilgranhy: 4, ALLAN ALS, ALIEEAR /R.G.BASAK Ac Basie S.N, Dasourta D. Devanutt 1.F Pint ia, the history ofthe Dethi Sultanate and simp shoul bs covers in th study of a showXtention should be pa 0 ithe Dalhi Sultanate ead that mat a and slgious poticy of Maslin mre pact of Muslim ule in Kal antag of he Cots Sarath eondon 139 ‘svate and Government it A ie Tain (Banaras. 1955) istry of Norh Eastere nda ER p00“ Catt 194) she Wonder tat was Indi Gosdou 1959 A. History of Indien Philosophy ‘catetta 192259. ‘arse, « Pottiea! Study, (Oxford Univeraty Press 1970) Corpus Inscription Id Serer VoL Gupte Yoserin- fons, Caleutts 1888 A.B. M. Hannu ‘srmuia Kanne Srantey Lawe-Poott RC Marunoan AND AD, PusaLaex RK, Mooenst Isnwant PRASAD CRAY BLN, StetOne RS. Suan Av Lem Vastava RP TRIAS Foundation of Muslin, Rule in India (Lahore 1945) ) sthr Sowees of Viponsera Paes iar: 198 “Administration ond Social Life inden Gayenagera, 1980) (ade, ‘Soutk Indian Polly. (Madr, oct) Cd Revised sition). Tada (Ps. convite condiions in South ‘and 2) HISTORY IV (HG 4) : HISTORY OF SRI LANKA FROM. ‘THE EARLIEST TIMES TO C. 1600 A. D. Candidates should be familiar withthe main course of poli ‘al history. ‘They will lsa be examined on the pinspal cultura ‘economic and socal developmeat of the peiod. Some knowledge fof pre-Aryan setements and cultures expected. Attention should belpni tothe fllowing tops» Arjan setlemeats: the polit) unifiation of the ish; the rise and fall of the Kingdoms ‘of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa, -Dambadeniya, Yapahuwa, Kuruaegala, Gampoa, Jlfoa, and Kot; the history of Rohana and the politcal relations with South India. The cultural history of the period should form an important segment of this study “and particular attention should be paid tothe history af Buddhism, the development of art and architecture and the cultral contacts dsth the neighbouring countries ip South and South East Asia ‘The economic organization of the country with special empasis system of irrigation, ecoaomie institutions andthe exmmer- fal relitions with the ouside world should be studied. Polite 8nd socal institutions should receive fair attention, Candidates are expected to be familie with atleast the main Chronicles of the ishnd (eg the" Dipavams, Mahavamst fatd Culavamss). An awareness of the inscriptions! evidence felating to the history ofthis perio willbe an advantage. A sou knowledge of the topography of ancient and medieval Ceylon i required ‘Select iiiography: E,W. Apicana

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