A Bow-Tie Model For Analyzing Explosion and Fire Accidents Induced by Unloading Operation in Petrochemical Enterprises

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A Bow-tie Model for Analyzing Explosion and Fire

Accidents Induced by Unloading Operation in

Petrochemical Enterprises
Mengmeng Chen a,b and Kai Wanga,b,c
Beijing Key Laboratory for Precise Mining of Intergrown Energy and Resources, China University of Mining and Technology
(Beijing), Beijing, 10083, China
School of Resource & Safety Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing), Beijing, 10083, China
Hebei State Key Laboratory of Mine Disaster Prevention, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Beijing, 101601, China
Published online 00 Month 2018 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/prs.11990

Explosion and fire accidents happen frequently in petro- economic losses of 15 billion dollars ($) [3]. A set of explosion
chemical enterprises. For improving risk management, Bow- and fire accidents of China and corresponding casualties are
tie method is applied to analyze causes, consequences, and listed in Table 1. That implies petrochemical enterprises are
control methods of such disasters. Based on fault tree analysis, extensively influenced by explosion and fire accidents world-
42 combination scenarios of primary events leading to explo- wide. There are so many causes of such accidents that it is
sion and fire accident are achieved. Important order of pri- impossible to completely avoid explosion and fire accidents in
mary events is determined. Event tree is developed where four petrochemical enterprises. However, numerous researches
consequences, with different occurrence probability and loss have been carried out in order to reduce the frequency and
degree, are obtained considering of success or failure of emer- associated damage. There are three broad approaches, widely
gency evacuation and automatic fire extinguishing system. used in risk assessment and accident analysis involved in pet-
Structure of Bow-tie model is established where three accident rochemical enterprises, including event tree analysis (ETA),
sources, including limit concentration of liquefied petroleum fault tree analysis (FTA) and bow-tie model (BT).
gas, equipment fault or operation error and fire source, are ETA connects an abnormal event to all its potential conse-
taken into account. After identification of accident causes quences. Safety barriers are installed between the initial and
and consequences, precautionary and loss-reducing measures end states of the event. According to the state of various safety
are proposed. The model was applied to analyze explosion systems (success or failure), specific consequence resulted
and fire accident occurring in Jinyu group of China, demon- from the abnormal event can be determined [4]. Event tree
strating poor connection between the pipe and oil tank truck have been extensively used for risk evaluation of nuclear plant
and non-explosion-proof equipment resulted in the accident. and that of offshore drilling system [5,6]. Occurring probability
The delayed emergency excavation and failure of automatic of the unwanted event can be deduced from FTA, which is a
fire extinguishing system led to fully developed fire and heavy graphic model using logic gates (and/or) to analyze develop-
casualties. To reduce such disasters, controlling suggestions in ing process of the critical (top) event. The logical gate is
terms of educational training, intelligent monitoring, equip- installed between different bottom events, including equip-
ment management, and safety management were provided ment failures, human errors, and natural factors. Specific com-
for Jinyu group. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers bination scenario of the bottom events results in occurrence of
Process Saf Prog 2018 the top event [7,8]. With FTA method, Zhang [9] improved the
Keywords: bow-tie model; explosion and fire accident; analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which is used for assessing
unloading operation; petrochemical enterprises the risk of fire and explosion accidents.
In order to analyze both causes and consequences of the
INTRODUCTION accident simultaneously, BT method was put forward by
Explosion and fire accidents occur frequently in petrochem- combing ETA and FTA. That means BT consists of a fault tree
ical enterprises, resulting in heavy casualties and considerable and an event tree, which are connected to each other via the
economic losses. For instance, the explosion of Tianjin port in critical event. Yuan [10,11] assessed the risk of dust explosions
China brought about economic losses of 6.866 billion yuan (¥) based on BT diagram. Moore [12] proposed a robust security
directly in 2016 [1]; an explosion off the coast of Brazil led to risk assessment (SRA) methodology for the petroleum and pet-
nine deaths in 2015 [2]; the explosion happening in an oil rochemical industries and the key elements of SRA process
refinery of England caused 15 deaths, 180 injuries and were examined. Bilal et al. [13] developed a new method for
the evaluation of risks of fire and explosion of pipelines based
on Bayesian network and BT diagram. Using computational
fluid dynamics codes, an integrated approach for fire and
© 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers explosion consequence modeling in oil and gas processing

Process Safety Progress Month 2018 1

Table 1. Accident statistics of chemical enterprises with over 10 deaths between 2000 and 2017 in China.

Time Name Cause Deaths

February 19, 2000 219 blast of Sanli industrial company in Fire of combustible gas in a Cable trench 15
Shandong province
July 2, 2000 72 oil tank blast of Hongrun petrochemical Improper operation 10
company in Weifang city of China
July 28, 2006 728 chlorination tower blast of Fuyuan Material decomposition Explosion 22
chemical company Linhai branch in Jiangsu
August 7, 2006 87 blast of Yikun chemical company in Tianjin Reactor explosion 10
August 26, 2008 826 blast of Guangwei chemical company in Explosion mixed gas in oil Tank overflows 21
Hechi city of China
November 19, 2011 1119 deflagration of Xintai united chemical Improper operation 15
company in Shandong province
February 28, 2012 228 blast of chemical company in Zhao Leakage of thermal oil at the Bottom of the 29
country, Shang province reactor
November 22, 2013 1122 Donghuang pipeline leakage and blast Pipe rupture 62
of Sinopec in Qingdao of China
July 31, 2014 731 pipe rupture and blast of Huayun storage Pipe rupture 30
company in Gaoxiong of Tanwan
August 31, 2015 831 blast of Binyuan chemical company in Improper operation 13
Dongying city of China
August 12, 2015 2015Tianjin Port fire and explosion Hazardous chemical leaks 165
June 5, 2017 65 fire and explosion of Jinyu petrochemical Hose leakage at the connection 10
company in Linyi of China
Note: The data are from work safety websites of China, including Tangshan Administration of Work Safety, Zhejiang Administra-
tion of Work Safety, Fuzhou Administration of Work Safety and Shangdong Province Administration of Work Safety.

facilities was developed, which can be used in minimizing the

Safety barriers
adverse impacts of such accidents [14]. Due to the feature of Pre-accident Post-accident
the components, BT is limited to static safety analysis and the precautions controls
conditional dependency is not taken into account. This draw-

back was recently addressed by Kalantarnia et al. [15,16] and

Khakzad et al. [17–19] by incorporating Bayesian network.

Then the modified BT approach was used for dynamic safety CRITICAL
risk analysis of offshore drilling, well integrity operations, and
dust explosion scenarios [20–22]. Numerous researches indi-
cate Bayesian updating is effective in characterizing evolving
feature of the failure probability of safety systems within event Fault tree Event tree
tree [15,23]. Through mapping BT into bayesian networks
(BN) event dependency regarding primary events and safety Figure 1. Generic example of BT model.
barriers can be taken into consideration [24]. Thus, BT technol-
ogy is extended to be utilized in dynamic safety analysis asso-
ciated with explosion and fire accidents. involved in BT diagram is not taken into account. Herein, the
Unsafe behaviors of operators and unsafe conditions of equip- BT method is utilized in the context of static risk analysis.
ment can easily lead to leakage of liquid gas during unloading
operations of petrochemical enterprises, resulting in explosion BOW-TIE THEORY
and fire accident and economic losses. Zhou et al. [25] analyzed BT diagram combined a fault tree on the left with an event
Tianjin Port 8.12 fire and explosion accident induced by the leak- tree on the right [17,27,28]. Two trees are closely related
age. Causes and responsibility of the accident as well as corre- through a critical event as shown in Figure 1. The diagram is
sponding suggestions were unfolded. After accurate analysis mainly composed of hazard sources potentially leading to the
conducted on 435 explosion and fire accidents of oil depots in critical event, safety precautions corresponding to different
China, Zhou [26] concluded that the unloading area is the most hazard sources, critical event of the accident generally defined
dangerous area, and the equipment and facilities of the oil tank as losses of containment and physical integrity of industrial
are the elements most vulnerable to external influences. systems, control measures in respect to the critical event, and
In the present study, a BT model is established to analyze various hazard consequences including casualties, economic
the causes of explosion and fire accident in the unloading losses and environmental damage. In the BT diagram, safety
operations. The model is further applied to analyzing the precautions included in the fault tree and control measures
explosion and fire accident occurring in Jinyu group of China. involved in the event tree are classified as safety barriers with
The main aim of this study is to reveal causes of the accident different safety functions. The safety barriers are physical and
and to give effective suggestions to corresponding petrochemi- engineered systems or personnel actions in line with specific
cal enterprises for controlling such accidents. Dynamic evolu- procedures and regulations. The barrier determines the way to
tion of the probability of primary events and safety barriers implement safety functions. As the safety barrier has been

2 Month 2018 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress
installed, the safety functions served by the barrier should be different conditions causing the top risk event as shown in
figured out. Instead of physical systems, the safety functions Figure 3. The intermediate events, denoted by Ei in Figure 3,
are technical or organizational actions. are middle nodes connecting basic events (Xi) and top event.
With BT diagram, centered on a critical event, all causes Besides, the conditional event (a) should also be matched to
and consequences of an accident can be identified. In addi- trigger the risk event.
tion, the diagram is adaptable to different accident scenarios In this study, explosion and fire of oil tank truck occurring
threatening the industrial safety. In the diagram, occurring fre- during unloading operation are taken as the risk event. Condi-
quency of initial accident causes and success or failure proba- tional event is the concentration of oil vapour in the air. The
bility of installed safety barriers can be given. Then, the concentration has to reach the explosion limit to result in a risk
frequency of mediate critical event and accident consequences event. There are eight intermediate events existing in the fault
at the last level of the BT can be analyzed quantitatively. Oth- tree, including leakage of liquid gas, fire source, equipment
erwise, qualitative analysis can also be performed with respect failure, operational error, open fire, electric spark, static elec-
to various industrial accidents using the diagram. Due to the tric spark, static electric spark generated by equipment. At the
multi-functional and user-friendly features, BT concept finds its last level of the tree, 14 basic events are taken into consider-
popularity in various industrial fields, particularly in petro- ation, that is, connection fault (X1), pipeline damage (X2),
chemical enterprises [29–34] where the diagram is commonly relief valve failure (or shutdown) (X3), tank is not tightly sealed
used to analyze occurring probability and risk extent of explo- (X4), operating procedure error(X5), operating tool error (X6),
sion and fire accidents. After potential dangers, associating smoking(X7), fire in danger zone (X8), non-explosion-proof
causes and consequences have been identified, vulnerable equipment (X9), explosion-proof electrical fault (X10), static
points of risk management, and organizational control can be spark of clothes (X11), lightning strike (X12), electrostatic
clearly unfolded by taking into account functions of associated accumulation(X13), and poor grounding (X14). Different events
safety barriers. Then, physical measures of risk management are linked by logic gates. At the “and” gate, all events down-
and loss reduction can be enhanced and improved. So that stream have to be matched to trigger upstream event. At the
enterprise management level can be greatly promoted for “or” gate, any event downstream is sufficient to generate the
ensuring industrial safety in production. upstream event.

According to the logic relationship between different events
in the fault tree, structural function relating top event with
Workflows of Unloading Operation intermediate and basic events can be expressed as:
Unloading workflows of petrochemical enterprises are pre- T=aE1E2=a(E3+E4) (E5+E6+E7+X12) =a(X1+X2+X3+X4+X5+X6)
sented in Figure 2. A warning board should be placed in the (X7+X8+X9+X10+X13X14+X11+X12)
unloading area before oil tank truck has entered in for unload- Based on the structural function, 42 minimum cut sets
ing operations. As the truck stopped, a gimbal joint between can be derived. They are {aX1X7},{aX1X8},{aX1X9},{aX1X10},
the truck and oil tanker is installed and the oil valve is acti- {aX1X13X14},{aX1X11},{aX1X12},{aX2X7},{aX2X8},{aX2X9},{aX2X10},
vated. Then, inside pressure of the truck is increased with the {aX2X13X14},{aX2X11},{aX2X12},{aX3X7},{aX3X8},{aX3X9},{aX3X10},
unloading compressor. As the pressure of the truck exceeds {aX3X13X14},{aX3X11},{aX3X12},{aX4X7},{aX4X8},{aX4X9},{aX4X10},
that of the tank, the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is trans- {aX4X13X14},{aX4X11},{aX4X12},{aX5X7},{aX5X8},{aX5X9},{aX5X10},
ported into the tank. The oil valve must be inactivated after {aX5X13X14},{aX5X11},{aX5X12},{aX6X7},{aX6X8},{aX6X9},{aX6X10},
the LPG has been unloaded completely. {aX6X13X14},{aX6X11},{aX6X12}. Each cut set can guarantee
During the unloading process, it is necessary to ensure that occurrence of the risk event.
the unloading pipeline is connected correctly. The grounding Structural importance coefficient of each basic event is
system must be remained in good situation. The oil trucks, yielded by
unloading pipes and oil valves have to be inspected carefully
for preventing leakage. Besides, the unloading tools should be X 1
used in strict accordance with the instructions to avoid fric- IΦðiÞ ¼ nj −1 ð1Þ
tional sparks. Any external fire source should be prohibited xi ϵKj 2

from occurring in the unloading area. Otherwise, explosion

and fire accident can be easily triggered in such area. Where, I;(i)is structural importance of ith basic event; Kj is
jth minimum cut set; nj is number of basic events included in
minimum cut set Kj; Xi is ith basic event.
Accident Cause Identification Using Eq. 1, the following results can be achieved.
Fault Tree for Explosion and Fire Accidents Iϕ(1) =Iϕ(2) =Iϕ(3) =Iϕ(4) =Iϕ(5) = Iϕ(6) = 6/23-1+1/24-1 = 13/8
In order to identify the main causes of explosion and fire Iϕ(7) =Iϕ(8) =Iϕ(9) =Iϕ(10) =Iϕ(11) =Iϕ(12) = 6/23-1 = 12/8
accident, fault tree analysis is first carried out. There are four Iϕ(13) =Iϕ(14) = 6/24-1= 6/8
important components composing a fault tree, including the Similarly, structural importance of the conditional event is
risk event, conditional event, intermediate event, and basic calculated by
event. In order to establish the fault tree for explosion and fire Iϕ(a) = 36/23-1+6/24-1 = 78/8
accident induced by unloading operation, these four elements Therefore, the order of structural importance coefficient of
should be identified, respectively. The fault tree usually starts the conditional event and 14 basic events in the fault tree is
with the top event, denoted by T, and works backward to given as: Iϕ(a)>Iϕ(1) = Iϕ(2) = Iϕ(3) = Iϕ(4) = Iϕ(5) = Iϕ(6)>Iϕ(7) =
Iϕ(8) = Iϕ(9) = Iϕ(10) = Iϕ(11) = Iϕ(12)>Iϕ(13) = Iϕ(14).
Gas-phase pipeline
Sensitivity Analysis of the Fault Tree
Oil tank Oil tank truck There are four minimal path sets of the fault tree
Liquid-phase pipeline presented in Figure 3, including {a}, {X1X2X3X4X5X6},
{X7X8X9X10X13X11X12} and {X7X8X9X10X14X11X12}. That means
Figure 2. Unloading workflows. the sensitivity of top event to X1–X6; X7–X12 or X13–X14 is
equal. Therefore, evolution of the top event occurrence

Process Safety Progress Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2018 3
Explosion and fire of oil tank
truck during unloading operation

Oil vapour concentration reaches
explosion limit (a)

Liquid gas leak (E1) Fire source (E2)

or or

Equipment failure (E3) Operation error (E4) Open fire (E5) Electric spark (E6) Static spark (E7)
or or or or or

Lightning strike
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 Static electric X11
spark generated
Operating procedure error

Operating tool error

Explosion-proof device damaged

(or shutdown)
Relief valve failure

Non-explosion-proof equipment
Seal bad
Pipeline damaged

Fire work

Clothes static spark

Connection fault

by equipment(E8)

X13 X14


Grounding bad
Figure 3. A fault tree for explosion and fire accidents induced during unloading operation.

probability with a, X1, X7, and X13 is studied and presented in x 10

x 10
x 10
Figure 4. It turns out occurrence probability of top event is lin-
early related to all primary events involving in the fault tree. 3.2
3.15 3.15
3.2 7
Note for each straight line, possibility of other events is main-
3.14 3.14
tained (0.02) while only that of the basic event on the horizon- 6
Probability of top event

Probability of top event

Probability of top event

tal axis is changing. Based on such assumption, occurrence 3.13 3.13
3 0.0543 3
probability of top event can be calculated by Eq. (2). Figure 4 5
demonstrates increasing rate of top event probability with
growth of conditional event probability is much greater than X1
that with basic events. Besides, rising rate of top event proba- 2.8 2.8
bility with increasing possibility of X1 and X7 is significantly 3
larger than that with X13. Discrepancy of straight lines relating event
top event probability to X1 and X7 is slight. But fractionated 2.6 2.6 2
gain of these two lines indicates the slope of the former is
larger than that of the latter. Thus, it can be concluded, accord- 1
0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
ing to Figure 4, the sequence of the sensitivity regarding condi- Probability of primary event
tional and basic events are a > X1–X6 > X7–X12 > X13–X14. The Figure 4. Evolution of top event probability with primary
sequence is consistent with that deduced from structural events. [Color figure can be viewed at
analysis. wileyonlinelibrary.com]
Q ¼ ΣΦðX Þ qixi ð1−qi Þ1− Xi ð2Þ
i¼1 important condition for the explosion and fire accident. So that
main function of the precautions installed on this branch is to
where Q is occurrence rate of top event, Φ(X) is state value constrain the oil vapour concentration under the critical limit.
(0 or 1) associated with the top event, Xi is state value (0 or 1) There are three and four aspects involving in the direct and
of basic events, qi means happening probability of basic events. indirect precautions, respectively. In term of the direct cate-
gory, the in-situ staff should do well in the following three
aspects: (1) eliminate the oil and gas accumulation by ventila-
Safety Precautions in the Fault Tree tion; (2) install monitoring and alarming equipment; (3) reduce
According to the results of structural and sensitivity ana- cross-operation. As to the indirect situation, the precautions
lyses, different safety precautions are taken into account, include ventilation management system, and standard of moni-
which are classified into two categories, namely, direct (I) and toring and alarming system as well as cross-operation regula-
indirect (II) precautions, to prevent the hazards. The direct are tions. Such systems aim to ensure effectiveness of the direct
related to in situ staff and equipment directly while the indirect measures.
are proposed at the management level. Conditional event is followed by equipment failure or oper-
Based on structural and sensitivity analyzes, importance of ation error. To lower happening probability of such events,
the conditional event stands at the first order, which means oil direct precautions are given as: (1) maintain the equipment
vapour concentration reaching the explosion limit is the most regularly; (2) check the equipment carefully before unloading

4 Month 2018 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress
operation; (3) train and examine associated staff regularly; (4) Accident Consequence Identification
use tools correctly. Indirect measures should also be estab- Construction of the Event Tree
lished corresponding to X1–X6, such as development of main- The event tree is utilized to analyze accident consequences
taining and checking systems for equipment, pre-job training after the top event in the fault tree has been triggered. The crit-
system and operation error-handling procedures. ical event is followed by a series of control measures used to
Fire sources provided by different basic events also exert control or stop the evolution of a branch in the event tree.
great influences on explosion and fire accidents. In order to Depending on the confidence of the safety barriers, accidents
prevent occurrence of fire within unloading area, different consequences with various damage degrees are resulted in. As
safety measures should be implemented corresponding to explosion and fire accidents of petrochemical enterprises, the
branches associated with fire. The direct measures including accident consequence is closely related to emergency evacua-
five parts:(1) set no smoking sign; (2) select explosion-proof tion measures and automatic fire extinguishing system. Herein,
equipment; (3) exclude chemical fiber work clothes; (4) install these two safety barriers are taken into account in the current
lightning protections; (5) strengthen daily inspection. Besides, study. As shown in Figure 5, the safety barriers introduce a
management system should also be developed, such as man- type of or gate in the event tree. According to the effective-
agement of warning sign, danger equipment, labour suit etc. ness, response time, and confidence level of safety barriers,
(as shown in Figure 6). Note, thunderstruck may lead to fire four kinds of accident consequences are taken into consider-
but the probability is low, so that it is not taken into account in ation. That means the event tree is divided into four branches
the BT diagram established in Figure 6. at the last level, including fully developed fire-heavy casualty,
fully developed fire-slight casualty, local fire- heavy casualty,
and local fire- slight casualty.
Success Local fire
-slight casualty

Success Automatic fire Control Measures in the Event Tree

system In the event tree, two safety barriers, namely, emergency
Failure Fully developed fire
evacuation and automatic fire extinguishing system are taken
-slight casualty into account. There are many influences of the success or fail-
Explosion and fire
of oil tank during Emergency ure of these two safety functions. Emergency evacuation is
unloading operation mainly influenced by safety behaviors of unloading operators.
Success Local fire
-heavy casualty Unsafe behaviors are resulted from the lack of safety knowl-
edge. Many operators cannot distinguish or understand emer-
Automatic fire
Failure extinguishing gency evacuation signal. They are unfamiliar with emergency
system escapes as well as physical and chemical properties of LPG.
Failure Fully developed fire Some staff even cannot find installing place of the self-rescuer
-heavy casualty or do not know how to use the self-rescuer. Such lack of safe
Figure 5. An event tree for explosion and fire induced during knowledge leads to many unsafe evacuation behaviors, includ-
unloading operation. ing panic running, creeping forward, retrograde moving,
waiting, and looking. These unsafe behaviors are resulted from
low safety awareness of unloading operators and managers of

1.Eliminate the oil and gas 1.Ventilation management system in

accumulation by ventilation; the unloading area;
2.Install monitoring and alarming 2.Standard of monitoring and
equipment; alarming system;
3.Cross-operation. 3.Cross-operation regulations. 1.Understand the evacuation signs;
2.Familiar with the escape routes; CONSEQUENCES
3.Master the oil properties;
I II 4.Familiar with the storage location of escape
Oil vapour concentration equipment;
reaches explosion limit 5.Use escape equipment properly. Success Local fire
-slight casualty
1.Maintain the equipment regularly;
2.Check the equipment carefully before operation; Success Automatic fire
3.Train and test operators regularly; extinguishing
4.Use tools correctly.
Failure Fully developed fire
I Explosion and fire -slight casualty
Equipment f ailure or of oil tank truck Emergency
error operation during unloading evacuation
operation Success Local fire
1.Equipment maintaining system; -heavy casualty
2.Equipment checking system;
3.Pre-job training and examination management system; Automatic fire
4.Operation error-handling procedures. extinguishing

Fire sources Failure Fully developed fire

-heavy casualty
1.Management of warning sign;
1.Set no smoking sign; 1.Adequate designer knowledge;
2.Equipment selection and quality
2.Select explosion-proof equipment; management system; 2.Strict design review;
3.Exclude chemical fiber work 3.Labour suit regulations; 3.Ensure equipment quality;
clothes; 4.Natural disasters prevention measures; 4.Daily equipment inspection and
4.Install lightning protections; 5.Key areas inspection system; maintenance.
5.Strengthen daily inspection. 6.In-situ supervision and management

Figure 6. BT diagram for explosion and fire accidents in unloading area.

Process Safety Progress Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2018 5
the enterprise. Safety training is neglected and the security BT Model for Explosion and Fire Accidents
checking work tends to be useless. Through combing fault tree and event tree presented in Fig-
In order to improve efficiency of the emergency evacua- ures 3 and 5, BT diagram for explosion and fire accidents in
tion, safety of the petrochemical enterprise should be unloading areas is achieved as shown in Figure 6. There are
improved in the following ways. Emergency evacuation signal three kinds of direct accident causes, namely, oil vapour con-
should be placed at the conspicuous locations. Both location centration reaches explosion limit, fault or error operation of
and meaning of the signal should be taught to the staff. Safety the equipment and fire sources. In this BT model, safety pre-
training should be organized regularly. Simple and efficient cautions are classified into two categories (I and II). Type I
knowledge should be involved in the training content. It is bet- composes safety barriers preventing the critical event directly.
ter to impart safe knowledge through concrete accident cases. Type II means organizational barriers, which can reduce fre-
Besides, detailed exercise plan of emergency evacuation quency of the critical event indirectly. The risk event leads to
should be developed and put into practice, making the staff four kinds of consequences with different damage extent
keep rational and calm when encountering the explosion and depending on success or failure of control measures. Emphasis
fire accidents in reality. should be put on failure branches in order to reduce damage
Success or failure of automatic fire extinguishing system is extent of severe consequences. In the BT diagram presented
vulnerable to self-stability of the system. Both pre-existing in Figure 6, five causes of the failure of emergency evacuation
system fault and the damage induced by explosions may lead are distinguished and four reasons for failure of fire-fighting
to failure of the system response. System damage is mainly system are distinguished. Control measures in respect to these
resulted from insufficient safe distance between fire-fighting influences leading to failure of safety barriers are correspond-
equipment and explosive oil tank truck. The safe distance is ingly proposed in this study.
initially designed by designers and the insufficiency implies
the initial designers are unqualified. System fault is attributed PRACTICAL APPLICATION
to unqualified quality of fire-fighting equipment. Besides, the
fault also is potentially resulted in by careless equipment Background of Jinyu 6.5 Explosion and Fire Accident
maintenance. Because of the inadequate safety knowledge, In this section, the established model is used for analyzing
low safety awareness and bad safety habits, some the explosion and fire accident occurring in Jinyu Petrochemi-
equipment-checking staff cannot find and fix equipment fault cal Co., of China. The plant of Jinyu petrochemical company
in time. in Linyi, Shandong province is about 400 meters long and
For preventing such problems, the enterprise should pur- 222 meters wide. There are nine horizontal oil tanks with the
chase qualified fire extinguishing equipment. Pre-job training size of 200 m3 (storing propane, isobutane and pentane oil).
for equipment inspection and maintenance staff should be The number of spherical tanks with the volume of 1000, 2000,
demanded. After that, running stability of the equipment and and 3000 m3, used to store LPG, are six, respectively. Eighteen
working capability of the staff can be guaranteed. horizontal tanks, storing pentane oil, have the capacity of

Figure 7. Plant layout and contrast before and after the explosion. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

1) Completed the handover of work. Liquefied gas begined to leak and vaporized Explosion occured after a spark appeared on
2) Continued the unloading work. rapidly. the north side of the loading and unloading area.

Jun. 5 Jun. 5
0:57:20~0:59:09 0:59:11~01:01:19 Time
Jun. 4 Jun. 5 Jun. 5
23:00~23:50 0:59:10 01:01:20

1) A liquefied gas truck entered the No.11 unloading 1) One person ducked in the cab.
position in the loading and unloading area. 2) One person knelt to crawl.
2) The driver carried out the unloading process 3) Four people were blind to rescue after one person
connection and unloading operation, and started the poisoned.
compressor to increase the truck¡s̄ pressure. 4) Some people were at a loss and some people
3) A worker inspected the truck and placed the taper in watched around.
front of the car.
4) More than 10 trucks intensive cross-work in the field.

Figure 8. Timeline of the key events leading to the explosion fire disaster.

6 Month 2018 Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Process Safety Progress
150 m3. Another six tanks with the storage of 2000 m3 is used method, the diagram for the explosion and fire accident in
for storing isooctane. Besides, four tanks storing sulfuric acid is Jinyu group is achieved and presented in Figure 9.
5000 m3 in volume [35]. These tanks are installed on the west According to the BT diagram presented in Figure 6, there
side of the unloading area as shown in Figure 7a. are four direct (I1–I4) and four indirect (II1–II4) influences in
Propagation flow of the explosion and fire accident is terms of equipment failure and error operation. In the explo-
shown in Figure 8. One LPG truck occurred explosion and fire sion and fire accident of Jinyu group, leakage of LPG arose
phenomenon at around 1 AM on June 5, 2017. According to from unsealed connection at the gimbal joint. That means the
the surveillance video [35], evolving process of the accident is connection has not been carefully checked before unloading
described as follows. The truck stopped in 11th unloading operation. Failure of this direct safety precaution (I2) indicates
garage at 00:57:20. Then, the external pipe was linked to the equipment checking system (II2) and pre-job training system
truck and the pressure inside the truck was increased by a (II3) are not well-established in Jinyu group. As a result, error
compressor. With ongoing of the unloading operation, the handling measures (II4) cannot be implemented in time after
gimbal joint between the pipe and truck broke up, resulting in the leakage has been realized by the staff. The lack of pre-job
severe LPG leakage and rapid vapour diffusion. Explosive mix- training results in inadequate knowledge of the staff engaging
ture was thus formed and reached the explosion limit quickly. in the unloading works. Besides, emergency management
One hundred and thirty seconds later, explosion and fire acci- capacity of the staff is not well-developed. Because of the lack
dent was triggered at the unloading truck. The fire spread of associated knowledge and capability, leakage of LPG has
quickly, leading to subsequent explosions of 15 trucks in the not been stopped timely.
unloading area, and one horizontal oil tank with capacity of The leaked LPG was not discharged from unloading area
200 m3, two cylindrical tanks with volume of 2000 m3 and six continuously, leading to quick increase of the LPG concentra-
spherical tanks with volume of 1000 m3 in the tank area on the tion in the air. That means capacity of the ventilation system
west of the unloading area, as shown in Figure 7b. The explo- (I2) installed in the unloading area is too small to promise the
sion and fire accident leaded to 10 deaths, 9 injuries, direct safety of working environment, and the management of the
loss of 44.68 million RMB and serious environmental damage ventilation system (II2) is poor. At the same time, the staff did
around the industrial site. not receive any alarming signal (I3) during rising process of
the LPG concentration, indicating standards of monitoring and
alarming system put forward by the government for petro-
chemical enterprises was not fulfilled in Jinyu group.
Accident Analysis As the LPG concentration reaches the limit value, explosion
BT model developed in this study is applied to analyze was triggered by electric spark provided by non-explosion-
Jinyu 6.5 explosion and fire accident. The seal of gimbal joint proof equipment (I2). That means the management systems
between the pipe and oil tank truck was poor, leading to the regarding equipment purchase (II2) and in-situ supervision
leakage of LPG at the joint. As the leaking phenomenon (II6) are not well-developed.
occurred, explosion and fire accident did not happen within After the explosion and fire accident has occurred, the staff
130 seconds. During this process, unloading operation was not in unloading area failed to evacuate in time due to lack of
stopped and the joint seal was not strengthened by unloading emergency escape capability. Such incapability is attributed to
staff in time. Continuous leakage increased the concentration the lack of emergency evacuation drill and the staff unfamiliar-
of petroleum gas in the air, which reached the explosion limit ity with properties of LPG. The former leads to incomprehen-
rapidly. Fire source of the first explosion is the electric spark sion about the evacuation route, and the latter results in bad
triggered by non-explosion-proof electrical apparatus in the escaping behavior of the staff. Daily inspection and mainte-
duty room [36]. That means the explosion and fire accident nance of automatic fire extinguishing equipment has not been
was resulted from unsealed connection and non-explosion- strictly carried out, so that the equipment cannot function
proof equipment {aX1X9}. Before and after occurrence of the effectively in the emergency. In addition, inadequate design of
first explosion, self-saving consciousness and escape capability the distance between unloading and tank areas aggravated the
of associated staff were so poor that the best escaping time spread of local explosion and fire. Failed evacuation and func-
was not fully utilized. Most of unloading staff failed to evacuate tionless equipment extinguishing system lead to fully devel-
from the explosion site in time due to the lack of the knowl- oped fire and heavy casualties in explosion and fire accident
edge about physical properties of LPG and ignorance about of Jinyu group.
the leakage. In the subsequent explosions, mass fire was
induced, and the fire hydrants installed in the unloading area
were damaged heavily. Explosion blasts carried fire sources to
oil tank area due to limited distance between the unloading Suggestions for Accident Control
and tank areas, causing large explosions and serious damage According to BT analysis, suggestions for accident control
in the tank area. According to accident analysis using BT are given as the followings.

Leakage of gimbal
joint between the
pipe and truck

Oil vapor reaches Jinyu 6.5 Emergency Failure Automatic fire Failure Fully developed fire
explosion and evacuation extinguishing
explosion limit fire accident -heavy casualty

equipment produce
electric spark in duty

Figure 9. BT of Jinyu 6.5 explosion and fire accident.

Process Safety Progress Published on behalf of the AIChE DOI 10.1002/prs Month 2018 7
1. Educational training. Systematic pre-job training is impera- patterns of the basic events leading to occurrence of the
tive in petrochemical enterprise. For successfully imparting accident were achieved. Importance degree of primary
prerequisite professional skills to the staff, theoretical edu- events was identified and safety precautions were estab-
cation, in-situ and practical operation should be included in lished correspondingly according to structural and sensitiv-
the training process. In addition, broadcast of previous acci- ity analyses.
dent cases and installation of safety bulletin board can be 2. There are two categories of safety barriers being introduced
applied to popularize safety regulation-related knowledge. into the event tree, which are emergency evacuation and
Thus, it can be enforced that associated staff get the skills of automatic fire extinguishing system. According to the effec-
finding and addressing potential dangers as well as emer- tiveness, response time and confidence level of the safety
gency evacuation after losing control of the accident. measures, the event tree was divided into four branches at
2. Intelligent monitoring. The concentration of LPG in the air the last level, including fully developed fire-heavy casualty,
should be monitored in real-time. The monitoring equip- fully developed fire-slight casualty, local fire- heavy casualty
ment should be related to alarming and automatic cutting- and local fire- slight casualty.
off devices installed on the unloading line. These devices 3. With the developed BT model, Jinyu 6.5 explosion and fire
are activated once the concentration of LPG reaches per- accident was analyzed. Poor connection between the pipe
missible maximum value. At the same time, ventilation and oil tank truck and non-explosion-proof equipment
installation in unloading area should be strengthened. {aX1X9} resulted in the accident. The delayed emergency
3. Equipment management. Associated equipment should be excavation and failure of automatic fire extinguishing sys-
examined carefully before unloading operation. Ignition tem leaded to fully developed fire and heavy casualty. Sug-
energy necessitated for the mixture of LPG and air is 0.2 mJ. gestions for accident prevention, composed of educational
The magnitude is so small that the energy limit is easily sat- training, intelligent monitoring, equipment, and safety man-
isfied by electric spark. Thus, all electrical apparatus in the agements, were given after BT analysis.
unloading area should be explosion proof.
4. Safety management. Workflow discipline of unloading ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
operation should be completed. The regulation must be fol- The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the State
lowed strictly during unloading operation. Unloading emer- Key Research Development Program of China (2016YFC0801402).
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should be carried out regularly considering accident charac- LITERATURE CITED
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